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  • Got everything finalized with my union rep yesterday. I am now enrolled in the Pipefitter's apprenticeship program, with a year's credit and letter of direct entry. As of right now, I am capable of starting work as a B Tradesman at 13.something an hour (most start as Welder's helper at 10 even p/h), and starting August 1st, my Apprenticeship goes into effect, so I'll be making 14.95 p/h.

    Starting towards August and September, a local power plant will be going down for a bit, so I'll have three to four months (hopefully) of solid work, 6 and 7 days a week with 10 to 12 hours a day.

    Things are looking good.
  • SetneSetne The Grand Tyrant
    You shouldn't have. /fan self

    Ingram said:
    "Oh my arms are suddenly lubed"
  • Setne said:

    You shouldn't have. /fan self

    Sorry, not for you. Remember @Toz did give me @Moirean.


  • It's beautiful.
  • SolariaSolaria Charlotte, NC
    I love that my husband has started to hate my car so much (has gradually increasing mechanical issues) that, finally, we found one to replace it last night. I get to pick up my new ride this afternoon!

  • KaleighKaleigh The Inn
    Quiet day at work then all of a sudden we hear my boss yelling from his office. Someone goes to check and he's sitting there yelling at the computer screen, watching the soccer game.
  • edited June 2014
    Particularly rough day at work that resulted in me developing an ulcer and my peeling hands to come back. The bright side? Now I'm off, I'm relaxing with a 6 pack of Miller High Life, some potted meat sandwiches, and with the knowledge that only one more day and I have two weeks off.


    Edit: Also, per Events post 168 " and the wood shuddered with its passage."
    I laughed harder than I should have.
  • StathanStathan Hot springs
    I've got a love mixed with a bit of agony.

    Recently got insurance so I'm getting quite a few issues I've been having over the years taken care of. As a result I'm realizing a few things about Stat's RP that just...I almost don't want to log in anymore at this point. Because I have a ball where I am but I know that his RP is going to have him moving on before to long.

    Separating real life from the game is easy enough, typically I can talk to just about anyone OOC that I don't really care for or get along with IC. The problem is when your character has your character traits, because they make a good outlet, and you realize that you yourself can't continue to play the role you have been. Zealotry, undeath, neutral, drunkard, jester. All roles that each of us play at different times, and in getting things fixed for me I've come to realize that it's about time for Stathan to progress as well and it saddens the hell out of me. I love the Sentaari and I love Enorian and that's never going to change. I've dropped out of a few clans because I can't handle the distractions or the random whatevers that happen. I love the chance that I got to join them in the first place.

    I love Aetolia for all that it is, and at the same time, it's my ultimate rage. You can make real friends through your characters interactions, and you can destroy those friendships just as easy by refusing to bend in your RP. Has happened to me quite a few times over my many years of playing. Always try and start a new character and make fresh start but the same thing generally happens. I fall in love with my character, I fall in love with my guild and I play my character to the best of my abilities. Then things just fall through. I love @Haven more than anyone else for his ability to continue to log in when most of his RP is vitriol and pure venom being spit at him. I couldn't do it.
  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    happy for you @haven!!!!! now I can feel guilt free for destorying your character!!!! :D. seriously happy, gg
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    I love drunk Jensen. He's like the happiest guy ever who just loves everything. I always giggle to see what he's done while tipsy.
  • I got to see a shooting star tonight. Also some baby foxes.
  • SerriceSerrice the Black Fox
    What. Where. Pictures. /me makes grabby hands.
  • Serrice said:

    What. Where. Pictures. /me makes grabby hands.

    It was 11pm, so. :( I heard something at work in our backyard, opened the door and flicked the flashlight on. BABBY FOXES LOOKIN' AT ME.
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    Serrice said:

    What. Where. Pictures. /me makes grabby hands.

    You forgot where you left your kids?
  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
  • I love how @Jensen posted 'tequila' in both the rage and love threads.
  • AuresaeAuresae Minneapolis
    You've clearly never drank tequila before.
  • imageimage "Little pig, little pig, let me in, let me in. You look tasty and smell like bacon." *LICKLICKLICK*
  • SerriceSerrice the Black Fox
    Too cute for words.
  • SetneSetne The Grand Tyrant
    I just realized that Faye from Questionable Content and @Haern have a lot in common.

    Ingram said:
    "Oh my arms are suddenly lubed"
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    Azdun got deleted. Moghedu is closed. Mhojave is overrun with Teshan reavers. Admin are playing the long-game here to fix the economy by slowly chipping away at the vast ink empires. Down with dirt-cheap rocks!
  • Setne said:

    I just realized that Faye from Questionable Content and @Haern have a lot in common.

    I don't read Questionable Content and I am eyeballin' you. Hard.

  • IngramIngram Alaska
    Omei said:

    If you haven't seen the movie "Snowpiercer" just get out of my face.

    Having just watched this, I concur.

    Nnnghyeah it's good.
  • I love blue cheese. FITE ME IRL
  • Haern said:

    I love blue cheese. FITE ME IRL

    Aldi sells a blue brie that is DIVINE
  • IngramIngram Alaska
    Haern said:

    I love blue cheese. FITE ME IRL


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