Artifact ideas



  • Mumbling head:
    Thin strands of jet-black hair atop the leathery scalp of this shrunken head have been
    pulled up into a narrow braid, standing upright like a stalk of corn. The bulging lips
    have been sewn together with red twine, stuck in a permanent grimace, though the edge has grown frayed around one corner, allowing the lips to part ever so slightly.
    It is an Ankyrean artifact, enchanted with the following powers:

    Instead of sneezing when someone says your name, it mumbles the sentence, only 100% displaying your name as it appears in the line. Ex: 'Toz is writing an artifact idea' turns into 'Toz .. .r.ti.g an ar.f..t .d.a'

    Arbre-Today at 7:27 PM

    You're a vindictive lil unicorn

    Lartus-Today at 7:16 PM

    oh wait, toz is famous

    Karhast-Today at 7:01 PM

    You're a singularity of fucking awfulness Toz
    Didi's voice resonates across the land, "Yay tox."


    Block Toz

    limToday at 10:38 PM

    you disgust me
    (Web): Bryn says, "Toz is why we can't have nice things."

  • NalorNalor UK
    edited September 2014
    Crystal of rebirth, MAKE it so it doesnt kill you when you crack it. Its pointless and kind of dumb. :D Thanks!

    Its not like the polymath kills you each time you reincarnate.. and 100 credits and a death.. is like a kick in the .. beep ...


    Make an artifact to JUST reset your enhancements, so you dont have to reincarnate EVERY time
    Mudlet Bashing System for sale. Message if interested
  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    Individual city based arti shops that sell unique themed flavor and minor buff arties only to citizens. Put one in Delos for neutrals
  • EleanorEleanor FOR SCIENCE
    Ways You Know You Have Too Many Artis...

    Can we get a way to sort or filter ARTIFACT LIST?

  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    Jensen said:

    Individual city based arti shops that sell unique themed flavor and minor buff arties only to citizens. Put one in Delos for neutrals

    Well, we can (and have done, already!) do that sort of thing with mob-shops. Check out the Ironmaw shop. They aren't artifacts, though, which would be pretty cool. Stuff like a reusuable snowball or an artifact tankard for Spireans or a mini clockwork beacon for Enorian you could put on the ground to give a room a little message about a light being shined. Etc.
  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    I use the ironmaw shop regularly
  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    Idea by Lucus: a ferry pass that lets you go to (maybe just one island per pass, synchronize them?) an island/on the ferry without having to pay each time.
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    You mean a translocator?
  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    edited October 2014
    All of these new doohickies. I'll pass that on to Lucus - thanks Moi!

    Edit: Though as a regular artifact, I think, rather than a relic you have to assemble through special promos.
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    It's REALLY useful. Highly recommend!
  • Also, based purely on cost-effectiveness (though this should not be a deterrent from said ferry ticket artifact being made and/or purchased) each ferry ride is what, 200 gold? (I only remember 150 gold to Ulangi, but not much reason to go there now except to vacation to a barren wasteland). Say it costs 100 credits, valuing each credit at 4200 gold for round-numbers, you need to ride the ferry 2100 times for it to be a sound investment. That's over 5 ferry trips a day, every day, for a year. The average length of a ferry trip is over 60 seconds each way (Disclaimer: This is not scientific, it just feels "like a really long time" and is probably around 60 seconds), so that's 70 hours of ferry rides. I suspect I could make 420k/100 credits in 70 hours.

    Additionally, the relic pieces themselves do not decay, so stock up for the translocator and assemble them 1 at a time when they decay. They last a ridiculously awesome length of time, mine still has 2 months left on it and I rarely use it.

    tl;dr - It makes more sense to get translocators. But, different boats for different folks!
  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    Idea was more of a convenience thing that wasn't so dependent on pieces and chests, now that there's an island with actual purpose to go to multiple times a day (Tcanna). Especially as Tcanna has no gold drops.
  • edited October 2014
    Warhounds artifacts!

    (insert witty name here)
    When held in your presence, all warhounds in your entourage (that are yours) will gain experience rather than just your active hound. With the Courser ability this would give you a maximum of 3 hounds at a time, and leveling is already pretty quick, so it wouldn't be too big of a deal.

    (insert witty name #2 here)
    Gives you unlimited number of customization attempts for hounds. Maybe usable like once every week, or something like that? Carnifex have the potential to have up to 20 hounds, something no other class gets to (enjoy?) deal with. That's a looooot of credits to be dishing out if you want customizations, not even counting the chances of you trashing a hound to breed a new one.

    Feelings, sensations that you thought were dead. No squealin' remember, that it's all in your head.
  • I had a few ideas I thought I would throw out there. By no means are these intended to be run of the mill artifacts, some should be unique or limited in availability. 

    shadow armor - made from living shadows, can have its armor class changed once per Aetolian month (leather to scale mail, etc) to adapt to its owners needs. Stats are pretty standard for their type, no need for super stats. Gives wearer ability to CONJURE DARKFLOOD once every five minutes, and had level 1 regeneration in darkflooded rooms, as well as an increased dodge chance, like a flat 2%.

    armor padding - this temporary enhancement made to regular armor slightly extends the life of the armor and grants an additional 10% damage reduction to successfully diverted blows. Doesn't have to be an artifact, maybe a relic? 

    (insert cool name for free monthly promo gift for doing something for 21 days) - activatable once per Aetolian year for a 24 hour boost to exp (5 or 10%, decays while logged out) 

    a shield pendant - grants a defense akin to starburst except your defenses persist through a death. Cool down of a RL day. Because redeffing sucks. 

    I'll need to get my notepad because I wrote down a bunch during a meeting... Boring meetings zzzzz.. 

  • I had a few ideas I thought I would throw out there. By no means are these intended to be run of the mill artifacts, some should be unique or limited in availability. 

    shadow armor - made from living shadows, can have its armor class changed once per Aetolian month (leather to scale mail, etc) to adapt to its owners needs. Stats are pretty standard for their type, no need for super stats. Gives wearer ability to CONJURE DARKFLOOD once every five minutes, and had level 1 regeneration in darkflooded rooms, as well as an increased dodge chance, like a flat 2%.

    armor padding - this temporary enhancement made to regular armor slightly extends the life of the armor and grants an additional 10% damage reduction to successfully diverted blows. Doesn't have to be an artifact, maybe a relic? 

    (insert cool name for free monthly promo gift for doing something for 21 days) - activatable once per Aetolian year for a 24 hour boost to exp (5 or 10%, decays while logged out) 

    a shield pendant - grants a defense akin to starburst except your defenses persist through a death. Cool down of a RL day. Because redeffing sucks. 

    I'll need to get my notepad because I wrote down a bunch during a meeting... Boring meetings zzzzz.. 

    I like the xp buff, but I'm not fond of the time at how often you can activate it. I'd love to hear more of your ideas though Aliss. :D
    (Oasis): Benedicto says, "There was like 0.5 seconds between "Oh hey, they're in area. That was quick." and "OMFG THEY'RE IN THE AREA STAHP STAHP!""

  • edited November 2014
    Thanks @Zsadist‌, I try and keep balance in mind even though I may have a distorted and incomplete view of it, hence giving you basically a substantial experience boost, say 10%, for a while day let's you concentrate efforts and make you more productive once in awhile, like twice a month, RL month that is. 

    Endless quiver - firing arrows from this non decay quiver does not deplete arrows from its stores! Add an arrow, color it  poison it, and make Ishin a pincushion! Probs does not work for meteor arrows, unless it was a unique auction item! 

    a sword of ice and fire and poison and... - Doesn't have to be a sword, but can be TURNED once an Aetolian day to change its damage type from magic to cutting to fire to cold to poison... Not sure if this is even mechanically beneficial but it could have some neat roleplay value! 

    endless rope - grants the holder
     accessto the BIND ability in subterfuge. I think it is it, where you tie up someone who is prone. Cooldown of five minutes. If you have the skill, you don't need other rope in your inventory! Ever! 

    A set of gorgon eyes - get a lethal stare with these fancy eyeballs! GAZEing at an enemy will sun them for 0.1 to 0.25 seconds. I have no idea if this is impactful, or negligible, or whatever, but who doesn't want to literally have stunningly beautiful eyes!?!? Forgot to add, has a Cooldown to make it not stupidly spammable.

  • How about having a list, like ARTIFACT LIST, that only shows your artifact powers (ie ARTIPOWERS)?

    As it is, alot of consolidate our powers onto 1-4 items and tend to forget what we have.
    (Oasis): Benedicto says, "There was like 0.5 seconds between "Oh hey, they're in area. That was quick." and "OMFG THEY'RE IN THE AREA STAHP STAHP!""

  • I believe ARTIFACT LIST FULL will break apart all of the powers that are on each item.
    Feelings, sensations that you thought were dead. No squealin' remember, that it's all in your head.
  • AishiaAishia Queen Bee
    GENEROUS_SPIRIT : Double the reset time on an artifact.
  • I'd buy that, @aishia. For sure.
  • RiluoRiluo The Doctor
    I would love that as I have some rp/hunting items I love to share with novices.

    Abhorash says, "Ve'kahi has proved that even bastards can earn their place."

  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    Artifact sharing is a poor business model if your business is selling credits. It's an unfortunate bit of life
  • AishiaAishia Queen Bee
    People do it anyways, and it's hard to really say it prevents others from buying their own. (Getting a taste might actually make you want them more) At least this way you're monetizing the sharing by giving those who value sharing a buy-in to optimize it.
  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    Having one reset every hour on the hour is I bet as far as they're willing to go. When they realized weapon runes were being lent out til weapon decay they fixed it that day.
  • AishiaAishia Queen Bee
  • I can't exactly speak for Razmael or Oleis on this, but I will say that there is a very, very drastic difference between lending out an artifact for an hour or two and lending out an artifact for 2+ months.
  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    Aware, just using it as a data point since it was fixed within a few hours of realizing that we were making guild weapons. I'd love to be able to share arties or have them useable between my own characters with a super long cool down or something. I have a house on one of my older characters that I flat out dont play, and I'm trying to pick up one of my alts and would love to have jensen's stuff. I just recognize that wont happen.
  • Its all a snowball, man. I got some wings and an amulet of protection in a chest and turned into an arti whore because of it. People borrow things and go omg wat this? Must buy, and start saving up instead of whatever. Maybe it helps them reach endgame faster and then all they really need is arties.

    Hard to say poor business, because companies do referrals and loans and 10 day free trial periods all the time. People aren't always around, willing, or able to loan things out. I'm definitely not a business major though. I think double the time ( which still isn't a -long- time) wouldn't be bad. I would also pay for an upgrade to my pigeon.

    Rocket propelled pigeon, capable of mailing things from haven.
  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    I got outta that mentality, I'm only doing membership with the no brained being my only exception. I learned my lesson with the last few promos that this game is no longer worth that much of my money. Everyone else can speak for themselves because we each have our own idea of value.

    TL;DR no more credit purchases for me and membership might be over
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    Do weapons really reset now? I was absolutely going to buy like 1500 or so credits to get a rune for the guild, but I'm rethinking it, hearing that.
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