I bought an over priced bike from my work practice place at the end of June/beginning of July. Didn't mind the price at the time, since I really needed a new bike and handed them my old one to get the price down just a little. Had to take it back after a few weeks, since the handlebar was really loud. They fixed it and all was well, or so I thought. Now the handlebar is loose and I almost crashed because I couldn't stop or steer. Gonna have a talk with them -again- today and see if they can take the damned thing back and give me my Money, so I can buy a bus card. Keeping my fingers crossed that they will.
Stab's mom put down her four month old puppy after he started killing chickens and growled at her once while she was putting him away. To put this into prospective he never bit anyone and was very loving. He was just cuddling up to me last night while I was watching TV. Instead of working with the dog or allowing Stabs and I to take him to the shelter or to ask Lorrie (her friend with plenty of space who suggested taking the dog before) her first instinct is to put the dog down. We talked about it in the hypothetical sense last night and I told her that I'd be willing to take him to Murray (a neighboring town) and she basically said that 'we're not going through all that trouble'. I said, 'Yeah, you're not but I'll take him.' She didn't respond last night so I thought the issue was dropped. When I woke up this morning the dog was out of his cage so I assumed he was out back in the yard. Stabs called me today and told me his mom took him to the vet before we got up. Really disgusts me.
"To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman
I sobbed buckets when my sister had to surrender her Labs... And then cried myself to sleep for weeks later that month after we found out the shelter put down all the dogs to stop a canine distemper outbreak.
I don't understand how someone can choose that even when you offered to relieve her of the "problem" with no extra burden on her...
Yeah. Stabs is really torn up too and we decided to speed up the move out process. We're hoping to be out by this weekend. I don't think I want to spend any more time around her tbh She keeps trying to justify it to me which boggles my mind.
"To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman
My mom runs a kennel and dog grooming salon, and I can't tell you the number of times we've taken in animals because callous, cruel or just irresponsible owners decided the creature was too much effort/didn't turn out like the brochure. Sadly, this happens more than it should, with special breeds being popularized through movies (sup dalmations) and pop culture (anything miniature).
The part about this story that makes me really sad is that it's implied that the vet actually put the dog down. THAT is the worst part, as that vet deals with animals on a much larger scale. A decent vet should at least make an effort to find an alternative home - a healthy puppy without behavioral problems would have no issue finding a new home. Many vets DO search for alternative homes (ie through shelters, local charities, personal contacts, eg my mom would sometimes get calls from the vets to temporarily take in animals) and some will even refuse to euthanize if there is no problem with the animal.
If you can stand more potential pain, I'd say give the vet a call to verify that the dog was actually put down. From what I've been reading about this woman (and I obviously don't know the full situation), it sounds like there might be some glossing over of details.
I have a rage now about work. My boss decided to take off the first two weeks of the fall semester. The. First. Two. Weeks. Due to her ambitions, our department gobbled up Accommodative Services. The lady who worked that side of our department finally got fed-up with Boss Lady and quit, a week and a half before Boss Lady's vacation, via a sticky note resignation on her desk and the keys sitting on top of it.
What does that mean for us, you might ask? We had little over a week to learn all new processes to cover Boss Lady's vacation time,we've had to split shift to cover 8am to 8pm, and on top of that, we have backlash from the instructors for processes that Boss Lady made, showed to us, approved of, and then left. We have Accommodations students who need to get their accommodations set up so they can do their college course work right (and it's apparently a federal law to have it within the first week of courses).
We're only allowed to print out paperwork for these students if they've already have had paperwork AND nothing has changed. If they want to make changes, we have to make them an appointment. This has been going on since last Wednesday. I find out today that it's illegal to say that any accommodations made after the first week of class would be honored by the instructor by an instructor. Good to know, good to know.
On top of THAT, in order to do some of the stuff we need to do, we have to have access to their schedules or they have to tell us their schedules. Fat chance they actually tell us their schedules, which mean option one is the option we use. Guess who can't see instructors assigned to courses that they're in due to access restrictions in Banner? This girl.
The thing that is upsetting instructors, deans, chairs, and students across the board is that Boss Lady decided before she left that the process for getting a peer note taker is going to change. The instructor is supposed to ask the class for a person to take notes for the whole class. The note taker gives the instructor a copy at the end of class, and keeps the carbon copy (we equip them with special paper). The student who had that accommodation gets the notes from the instructor at the end of class to preserve the Accommodations student's privacy. Well wording has gotten to everyone. Apparently 'whole class' means 'every student in the class' and not, in fact, 'Every class session we meet for, for the entire semester.' So some have refused to do it, some have went to Boss Lady's boss to complain, and some have students requesting notes from the note taker after class.
One of the note takers wanted us to make copies for them, and apparently one of my coworkers denied them and made them go pay to make copies in the hall of our building (10 cents a copy for students). The instructor was pissed.
We're not trained nor are we certified to be doing what we're doing and trying to handle right now. We can answer questions only so far, and then we have to say they have to wait for Boss Lady to come back (Sept. 4th). I am terrified that I'm saying the wrong thing, or doing the wrong things, and I am only following the processes that she left for us to follow.
You can't -explore- when sleeping. You can't figure out what things do. Or color. Or chase butterflies. Or hug your parents. Or climb on top of kitchen cabinets and terrify your parents at 5 am.
I had two non-sleepers, one that would love to do nothing more than sleep forever.
My old rig was doing that same thing. I found it to be a weak power supply, even though the problem didn't start until a couple months after I got the computer.
I have a brand new power supply. I actually had issues with a power supply before, on a different tower. I upgraded this one when another part when out, so it has a new motherboard and power supply and upgraded case plus super crazy fans.
I think it's prrrobably overheating anyway. It's been stupidly hot and it probably could use a good cleaning out, so I'mma go get a can of air and spray the crap out of it. And hope that fixes it. Cuz I can't afford to replace bad parts right now.
Good luck with that. I've always sworn by using a vacuum instead of spray, but that's for laptops not a tower - they actually make a grounded, mobo-safe vacuum you can use, but it's expensive. Make sure you're blowing the stuff OUT of the case, not into other stuff.
Arbre-Today at 7:27 PM
You're a vindictive lil unicorn ---------------------------
Lartus-Today at 7:16 PM
oh wait, toz is famous
Karhast-Today at 7:01 PM
You're a singularity of fucking awfulness Toz
--------------------------- Didi's voice resonates across the land, "Yay tox."
Ictinus — 11/01/2021
Block Toz
lim — Today at 10:38 PM
you disgust me
(Web): Bryn says, "Toz is why we can't have nice things."
Yar. My old apartment was the dustiest place on the face of the planet so I've gotten pretty handy with a can of air. My deceased mister was wheelchair bound, and the only way in the apartment for him was through what became essentially a mud bog. Dirt. Everywhere.
I just rage. At fucking everything. I can no longer find words to describe my rage, or even identify with what I rage at. I'm a giant fucking ball of rage.
"You ever been divided by zero?" Nia asks you with a squint.
I lived with my sister for awhile, and my finances got all sorts of f'ed up because she couldn't be relied upon to pay her half of any expenses, or keep a job, blah blah blah.
HOWEVER! I turned it all around after a few years of fumbling and managed to get back on my feet and darn well got my unicorns together for several years. I even have kinda great credit!
So, instead of barely scraping by every month, I had FUN money. I didn't really need to be overly careful, because I always came out ahead. But now boyfriend lives close and what do I do? Keep not being careful, insisting we go out to eat all the time, cause I don't feel like cooking and go to movies, blah blah blah.
BAM. Overdraw my account over the long weekend. Go to pay for my lunch and my card is declined.
So not only do I not get lunch today, I have no money until Thursday :-(
Oh, and did I mention that my router randomly stopped working Sunday night? *siiiigh*
I hate Time Warner Cable. So much. Been having latency and disconnect issues, yet again, for the last week and a half. Been having issues with them since we moved into this house back in March. Today? One of their servers is blocking IRE games. Not the forums, apparently, but the games themselves. Second ticket in a week that's been escalated and have a tech coming out tomorrow. Looks like, for now, I get to play via phone. Huzzah.
Being woken up at 5 in the morning to a massive thunderstorm, which in turn alerted me to the gun fight taking place a few houses away. Followed by the shooter making his escape through the narrow pathway alongside my house next to my open bedroom window. Followed by half a dozen angry young men with guns chasing him through said narrow pathway next to my open window.
All of which happened after a very depressing dream involving my deceased partner who died almost a year ago.
Being woken up at 5 in the morning to a massive thunderstorm, which in turn alerted me to the gun fight taking place a few houses away. Followed by the shooter making his escape through the narrow pathway alongside my house next to my open bedroom window. Followed by half a dozen angry young men with guns chasing him through said narrow pathway next to my open window.
All of which happened after a very depressing dream involving my deceased partner who died almost a year ago.
This morning can go eat a unicorn.
time to move? I would run like hell to my parents house and stay there till I was able to find a new place!!
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It's not.” ― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax
Veritas says, "Sorry for breaking your system Macavity."
Veritas says, "My boss fights crash Macavity's computer now."
Naw. I grew up in an area worse than the one I'm in now. For the most part, this area is not super terrible, but that is not at all pleasant to wake up to.
Surprise fire alarm tests. The alarm in my office is on the wall next to my desk. It's incredibly loud and it went on for half an hour before it turned off. I went outside and called the property manager and she had no idea what was going on. She ended up saying that she's pretty sure it's just a test. They tested the alarms in the building two weeks ago. The light is still blinking which is distracting. But at least I can actually hear the people on the phone now.
I love the Hardin County Fair. Fair time is actually one of my favorite times of year.
I have realized something very important however. After a certain age, fair rides are terrifying murder beasts hell bent on knocking your spine clear out of alignment. My poor back. I can't currently feel my right hand and my shoulder is all wrong (This is 'normal' for me, I'm not stroking out or having a heart attack. Just nerve damage from a fubarred spine).
Pro tip: Fair rides are always terrifying murder beasts, it's just that when you're fifteen you don't realise what a health and safety nightmare they are.
Hope you get better soon.
So we can declare more holy wars on you!
Abhorash says, "Ve'kahi has proved that even bastards can earn their place."
"To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman
@Valenae: That is just horrible... I hope I don't step on any toes when asking:
[spoiler]How the *censor* does that brain work? Does she even have a heart or know what compassion is?[/spoiler]
"To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman
I had two non-sleepers, one that would love to do nothing more than sleep forever.
I thought I had found the problem, and nothing was happening for a few weeks, but now it's acting up again. -.-
I think it's prrrobably overheating anyway. It's been stupidly hot and it probably could use a good cleaning out, so I'mma go get a can of air and spray the crap out of it. And hope that fixes it. Cuz I can't afford to replace bad parts right now.
All of which happened after a very depressing dream involving my deceased partner who died almost a year ago.
This morning can go eat a unicorn.
Nothing is going to get better. It's not.”
― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax
I have realized something very important however. After a certain age, fair rides are terrifying murder beasts hell bent on knocking your spine clear out of alignment. My poor back. I can't currently feel my right hand and my shoulder is all wrong (This is 'normal' for me, I'm not stroking out or having a heart attack. Just nerve damage from a fubarred spine).
No more rides!