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Ankyrean Anguish - Aetolia-based RAGE



  • edited May 2013
    People who charge into fight you, and then just leave the room to heal like every 15 seconds. I understand they're not winning the fight and are having a problem. However, if they're not willing to actually stand and fight there's no point in them CONSTANTLY fighting you over and over again. It's to the point with some people that I'm surprised that I HIT them. Not because I'm afflicted, but because they're in the room. Then they get the nerve to yell at me for going to my city, because they took away the entire point of fighting. The act of gaining advantages over the other person. If all they're going to do is leave the room and wait till 2 brands wear off to fight me again, what's the point in the first place? I'm not raging that people run, but the constantly attacking you again like they actually want to fight when all they're doing is wasting your time. Can we get the sect arena back up to stop this stuff from happening? 
  • SeirSeir Seein' All the Things Getting high off your emotion
    edited May 2013
    Because of Retardation.

    Given that you outright refused to walk into my room and fight me because of Darts, it's just slightly hypocritical of you to call out others for the same thing.

    Edit: And as far as I know, other people have complained about you doing the very same thing. Pot, kettle. You get the point.
  • LinLin Blackbird The Moonglade
    edited May 2013
    I think it's pretty silly that two skill(/set)s are so frightening that it will keep people from fighting the person using them. Rather than the usual argument that's undoubtedly going to ensue about how they're not all that bad and how to manage them, doesn't anyone think it would be more useful to think up other tools the classes could use?
  • Attractionformula.com

    ^My rage. Their ad comes onto my Pandora like...every other time, and maybe his voice is the One Simple Trick To Make Any Woman Love You/whatever, but it makes me personally want to start swinging at kittens with a burning wiffle bat. Hnngh.

    Arbre-Today at 7:27 PM

    You're a vindictive lil unicorn

    Lartus-Today at 7:16 PM

    oh wait, toz is famous

    Karhast-Today at 7:01 PM

    You're a singularity of fucking awfulness Toz
    Didi's voice resonates across the land, "Yay tox."


    Block Toz

    limToday at 10:38 PM

    you disgust me
    (Web): Bryn says, "Toz is why we can't have nice things."

  • TeaniTeani Shadow Mistress Sweden
    Poor kittens, they haven't done anything wrong. Can't we use him as a target instead? <.<

  • IllikaalIllikaal Pray Area
    edited May 2013

    Kaeus said:
    Having the Sect of Blades serve no purpose because you CANT GAIN POINTS
    I usually just message Razmael when that happens, and he gets it sorted out for me.

    Also, the Sect arena is STILL broken ;_;. 

    @Xiuhcoatl You really don't expect someone to stand in the room with you when you're literally doing nothing but spamming transfix, voidgaze, and drop singularities, do you? That's just as dumb as letting an Indorani throw death at you and saying "Whelp. Better not run." May as well buy a toilet, and not unicorns in it. 
    "And finally, swear to Me: You will give your life to Dendara for you are Tiarna an-Kiar."
  • DaskalosDaskalos Credit Whore Extraordinare Rolling amongst piles of credits.
    edited May 2013

    @Xiuhcoatl - I never willingly left the retardation once (why would I, I was kicking your ass!). However, vibe affliction rate outpaces the curing rate when you're in retardation, and shyness just isn't high enough on my priority list and I was fearing out. You then tried to creeps + retard one room outside of Spinesreach. Yea, no. Last time we fought, you lost. You were losing this fight and used your creeps running me out as a reason to bail.

    Also, brands DO last entirely too long considering in retard they're guaranteed after a time. It's not skill that lets you land brands. We should do what Achaea did with retardation vibe - when it's active, it slowly destroys all the other vibes in the location.



    Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis           Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
    "If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."

  • Re. retardation destroying vibes: At one time it did do this. However, when retardation was nerfed to its current incarnation alongside aeon they did away with that, iirc.

  • SeirSeir Seein' All the Things Getting high off your emotion
    We should just do what Imperian is doing with aeon/retardation... delete it entirely. It's either incredibly useless or incredibly cheesy.
  • ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    And lure. Don't forget lure. Hnngh.

    Arbre-Today at 7:27 PM

    You're a vindictive lil unicorn

    Lartus-Today at 7:16 PM

    oh wait, toz is famous

    Karhast-Today at 7:01 PM

    You're a singularity of fucking awfulness Toz
    Didi's voice resonates across the land, "Yay tox."


    Block Toz

    limToday at 10:38 PM

    you disgust me
    (Web): Bryn says, "Toz is why we can't have nice things."

  • AngweAngwe I'm the dog that ate yr birthday cake Bedford, VA
    Aeon is cool, IMO. Completely avoidable. Retardation WOULD be avoidable if Sciomancers (and every other Shadow class but Syssin) weren't completely immovable.
  • SeirSeir Seein' All the Things Getting high off your emotion
    It's not that Aeon isn't avoidable. It definitely is.

    It's just a dumb mechanic that should go away forever because it either sucks horribly or is ridiculously cheesy.
  • DaskalosDaskalos Credit Whore Extraordinare Rolling amongst piles of credits.

    Person comes to me begging for credits OOC'ly out of the blue, and I basically told them no and haven't had much conversation with them since beause, quite frankly, it annoyed me. Said person then explodes on me today, telling me that I don't deserve to be treated as an equal because I dare to have credits and send this game money. I tell person I haven't liked them ever since they begged me for credits and this is what I get:

    <edited> tells you, "** You were a douche to me from day one, after that there was only one use for you, to possibly get something out of, cause it was obvious friendship or partnership wasn't an option."


    Wow. Just wow. Go unicorn yourself, dude.



    Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis           Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
    "If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."

  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    That sounds sucky, Dask. Btw, can I have some credits?
  • DaskalosDaskalos Credit Whore Extraordinare Rolling amongst piles of credits.



    Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis           Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
    "If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."

  • Why are we mooching off of a guy who's wearing a barrel, exactly?

    Arbre-Today at 7:27 PM

    You're a vindictive lil unicorn

    Lartus-Today at 7:16 PM

    oh wait, toz is famous

    Karhast-Today at 7:01 PM

    You're a singularity of fucking awfulness Toz
    Didi's voice resonates across the land, "Yay tox."


    Block Toz

    limToday at 10:38 PM

    you disgust me
    (Web): Bryn says, "Toz is why we can't have nice things."

  • It's a -really- nice barrel.

    Besides, you don't have a barrel. He's got one more barrel than you do.



    (The Front Line): Daskalos says, "<-- artifacts."

  • SeirSeir Seein' All the Things Getting high off your emotion
    I have six barrels right now.
  • I don't often post rages for in-game occurrences but you know that artifacts are out of hand when this happens:

    H:5626 M:5450 E:24900 W:24832 B:100% XP:85% [cspdb -b lr]-++++-
    Conner moves in towards you in a grabbing posture.
    Conner lifts you triumphantly into the air, then yanks you down into his raised knee with back breaking force.
    Health Lost: 6544, blunt.
    With a sickening crunch, a bolt of pure agony erupts from your back.  Your head lolls to one side and you lose all the feeling in your legs.  As you crumple to the ground you realise that the throw did, indeed, snap your spine like a dry twig.
    You have been slain by Conner.
    Experience Lost: 15000 [total: 2955213]
    A stack of 2 bloodroot leaves falls out of your inventory.
    A stack of 2 pieces of kelp falls out of your inventory.
    A stack of 2 hawthorn berries falls out of your inventory.
    Some bayberry bark falls out of your inventory.
    A stack of 2 goldenseal roots falls out of your inventory.
    A stack of 2 pieces of irid moss falls out of your inventory.
    Some bayberry bark falls out of your inventory.

    This is my hp: 
    Saarlamen (male Yeleni)
    You have achieved level 100 (Yeleni Lord)
    You are 84% of the way to the next level.
    Health: 6006/6006  Mana: 5720/5720
    Endurance: 24900/24900  Willpower: 24900/24900

    I had warmth and I do have my leather on after switching classes.You can see from deafness that I do not have sensitivity. In fact, we had just entered the room and I was hangman/swipe/swiped. Artifacts have always been pay to win in IRE with the caveat that you can still beat people who have them, but that is going a bit far.
  • ArbreArbre Arbrelina Jolie Braavos
    BBT is an instakill if you get it three times in a certain time period.  You could have had 2904850298345 health and still would have died.
  • edited May 2013
    Arbre, did you bother reading it?

    Edit: Allow me to be more constructive and point out this part of the post:

     In fact, we had just entered the room and I was hangman/swipe/swiped
  • pretty sure I hit you with sensitivity directly before that
  • IllikaalIllikaal Pray Area
    edited May 2013
    Arbre said:
    BBT is an instakill if you get it three times in a certain time period.  You could have had 2904850298345 health and still would have died.
    I can't believe....you just said that to him. 

    @Sion You apparently don't know how to read, either. 
    "And finally, swear to Me: You will give your life to Dendara for you are Tiarna an-Kiar."
  • can you not edit posts? D:

    lycanthrope sensitivity goes through deafness
  • Illidan said:
    I can't believe....you just said that to him. 

    @Sion You apparently don't know how to read, either. 
    you apparently don't know how skills work!
  • IllikaalIllikaal Pray Area
    Sion said:
    you apparently don't know how skills work!

    Apparently, you don't know how to read. 
    "And finally, swear to Me: You will give your life to Dendara for you are Tiarna an-Kiar."
  • Hey. How about we all stop being jerks and either correct people -politely-, or log off and be jerks to real people who can actually slap you in response?



    (The Front Line): Daskalos says, "<-- artifacts."

  • ArbreArbre Arbrelina Jolie Braavos
    Whoa, I misread a post, try to be helpful, and incite the beginnings of vitrol.  Let's play nice, yeh?
  • Illidan said:

    Apparently, you don't know how to read. 
    homie doesn't put relevant part of log in actual log, I make guess cause I was using sensi throughout fight
    show proof after saying I can't read when there wasn't anything to read
    is apparently proof I can't read
    k bro, you got me good
This discussion has been closed.