Ankyrean Anguish - Aetolia-based RAGE



  • I just hate that it's such an easy way to grief. It isn't like extermination, where if you ignore it it goes away. One player can troll an entire order for days and days if they want, with no real repercussion. Logs don't show defilement until it's too late. As long as I don't -finish- one, it's up to you to scan shrinesight. Which I do relatively often, but still.

    I hate that we as a playerbase put up with massive amounts of pure, trolling grief, especially from certain groups of people. I am looking at you, 50% of the Indorani guild. You know damned well you make a hobby out of taking the fun out of this game for other players, all the while grinning and high fiving each other like a group of adolescent bullies. I would say grow up, but my understanding is that you've played this game long enough to be adults by now. I would call it pathetic, but no. It isn't. A homeless puppy is pathetic. A child with a broken toy is pathetic.

    No, what you are is a joke.
  • SerriceSerrice the Black Fox
    Your rage only makes their victory ever the more sweeter.

    Mmmm, tears.
  • Snix.

    Their grief doesn't really effect me, so it's more that I'm speaking for the players who don't care to speak up for themselves. :)
  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    I find it's easier to figure out what they care about and then hurt it, also a lot more fun that way.
  • SerriceSerrice the Black Fox
    edited July 2014
    Well, the problem with trolls is that there's nothing they care about. They don't care about your validation, or your approval, or usually, any material element of the game. They care about provoking an emotional response, whether judgement (@Rashar) or angry/frustration/rage (@Fanico). Usually the things that they might plausibly care about are OOC things that you can't really reasonably touch from an IC standpoint.

    It's really one of the flaws about caring about things.
  • AarbrokAarbrok Breaking things...For Science San Diego, CA
    When I am frustrated I make things...

    I have made a habit of designing mobs...and rooms for Spinesreach.

    You can ask @Moirean‌ im always saying, HEY, LISTEN...OVER HERE...HEY! a good Navi.
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    People bitching at me about other people in the city being rude/mean/whatever. Conversely, other people in the city being aggressive and hostile to citymates. I don't play this game to babysit and I don't serve as a CL to wade through drama - don't whine for your CL to fix every damn thing, don't troll, don't push people just to make them upset, and really think through the effects of doing stuff like overly hostile RP before you do it. Some audiences might roll with it and find it engaging, but others might just feel attacked.

    I also just woke up and everything hurts.

  • SolariaSolaria Charlotte, NC
    Moirean said:

    People bitching at me about other people in the city being rude/mean/whatever. Conversely, other people in the city being aggressive and hostile to citymates. I don't play this game to babysit and I don't serve as a CL to wade through drama - don't whine for your CL to fix every damn thing, don't troll, don't push people just to make them upset, and really think through the effects of doing stuff like overly hostile RP before you do it. Some audiences might roll with it and find it engaging, but others might just feel attacked.

    I also just woke up and everything hurts.


    Go back to bed. It's so not worth it. Hate that crap so hard.

  • AarbrokAarbrok Breaking things...For Science San Diego, CA
    Eeep...I wasn't upset about anything Moimoi. I was just showing off shiny things D:
  • SaritaSarita Empress of Bahir'an The Pillars of the Earth
    More of an anguish than a rage, but little things like this:

    You call upon your mental prowess, hurling a snow wight to the ground with psychic force and battering it to shreds.
    The final blow proves too much for a snow wight, who expires, pitifully.
    Experience Gained: 2 (Bashing) [total: 2570775]
    Snow wight essence tumbles out of the corpse of a snow wight.
    Having slain a snow wight, you retrieve the corpse.
    H:5452 M:5390 B:100% [e-]
    take essence
    You must regain balance first.
    H:5452 M:5390 B:100% [e-]
    A sudden gale catches you hard in the gut, knocking you unconscious. When you awaken, you have returned from whence you came, no longer within the swell.

    If we can get corpses off balance, why not the things that fall out too?
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    @aarbrok - not you, goof
  • Sarita said:

    More of an anguish than a rage, but little things like this:

    You call upon your mental prowess, hurling a snow wight to the ground with psychic force and battering it to shreds.
    The final blow proves too much for a snow wight, who expires, pitifully.
    Experience Gained: 2 (Bashing) [total: 2570775]
    Snow wight essence tumbles out of the corpse of a snow wight.
    Having slain a snow wight, you retrieve the corpse.
    H:5452 M:5390 B:100% [e-]
    take essence
    You must regain balance first.
    H:5452 M:5390 B:100% [e-]
    A sudden gale catches you hard in the gut, knocking you unconscious. When you awaken, you have returned from whence you came, no longer within the swell.

    If we can get corpses off balance, why not the things that fall out too?

    Because there is an artifact for that.

  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    you mean Xavin's yardsale collecting magnet?
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    That's what you get for using the newfangled new skills display.
  • EleanorEleanor FOR SCIENCE
    Belatedly re: milkshakes. Crafters believe that shaking milk and calling it that is too modern, but calling it "icemilk" is okay.

  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    Eleanor said:

    Belatedly re: milkshakes. Crafters believe that shaking milk and calling it that is too modern, but calling it "icemilk" is okay.

    Lol wtf is the difference.
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • EleanorEleanor FOR SCIENCE
    I dunno, I don't mind the enforced oldtimey/semifantasy words most of the time. It adds a bit of flavour to the setting.

  • It's a little silly, but I agree with Eleanor - I like that in our world, we sometimes have unique names (kawhe, icemilk) for real-world objects. Aetolia can always stand to be more Aetolian!

    i am rapture coder
  • StathanStathan Hot springs
    Haven said:

    The type of players that cannot separate IC (fantasy) from OOC (reality) and vice versa annoy me.

  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    I really think the above needs a caveat. I see a lot of behavior in Aetolia that is technically "ok" because it's in character but it (by intention or otherwise) definitely affects the gameplay of others. People can and will do "IC" things that players have OOC reactions to. For example, in my worse days I would do stuff like randomly contest leaders, kill citymates, pit events, deposit 30k gold in single gold deposits, criticize other people, etc, and, yeah, sure I could probably find IC excuses for this sort of behavior - but just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. We don't play our characters in a vacuum, and maybe it's sacrificing the RP or whatever, but I really would prefer if more people stopped and thought about what impact their RP/characterizations will have on other people. Odds are, there's gonna be a way to get across your character's attitude/stance/etc that doesn't also make the players of other characters feel uncomfortable/targetted/attacked/etc.

    For example, Llok and I turned on Daskalos so much one city meeting that he actually quit Enorian because he, the player, was like unicorns this. Everything we did was technically IC but boy was that lame of us to push and harass that much, and I absolutely don't blame him for reacting as he did - he wasn't suddenly unable to divide IC/OOC. He was simply a player of a game reacting to stuff being made painfully un-fun and I think he was perfectly justified in his response. He wasn't doing bad roleplay and I get a bit frustrated sometimes that a lot of really rude/antagonistic stuff is tolerated under the guise of it "being RP". At the end of the day we're players in a game and that game should be fun.
  • StathanStathan Hot springs
    @Moirean I quite agree. It should be fun, and when it stops being fun you try and find ways to make it fun, when you move off on another RP arc and people take it personally and give you crap over it, it is no longer fun. When people preach one thing and act another way, it's no longer fun. When you have to forcibly tell someone that if they got a problem with your RP to stop talking to you because they want to harass you, the player, over it, it's no longer fun.

    Can't have it both ways. You can't expect people to care about how others receive RP when they get treated like emotional dumps when someone has an issue with their RP and then presume to tell them how they are playing without knowing whats going on or why.

    And I'm going to stop. I'm going to stick to my rage at people who can't separate the two. If you can make it work, good for you. Have fun.
  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    Is that why he joined us in Duiran for a stint?
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    I dunno. Maybe? This was back when Ashtan existed, i think he went there.
  • HavenHaven World Burner Flight School
    edited July 2014
    @Moirean: That's not an IC/OOC separation issue at all though. In your example, that's just Daskalos's player not enjoying the current roleplay and thus exercising his right to drop it to pursue another. It might suck that he felt the need to leave the city in order to escape the roleplay but... shit happens and you gotta do what you gotta do. That's a perfectly valid and reasonable response.

    What wouldn't be reasonable would be if because of the roleplay he was like, "Moirean's and Llok's players must not like me, the player, because of how they roleplayed around my character. Their players suck balls." That'd be him taking the storyline (a fantasy) and applying it to reality, making them one and the same when they aren't.

    [spoiler]It'd be like if Jamie Foxx playing Django decided that he didn't like where the story was going anymore and dropped the script for another or changed where it was going. That's okay. What wouldn't be okay is if Jamie Foxx began saying Leonardo DiCaprio was racist and loathes him because of how Django (a run-away slave) and Calvin Candie (a ruthless and brutal slave owner) reacted to one another in the story.

    The people that believe just because we're friends OOC means that we must be friends ICly or that if my character does something negative towards them then that means I, as a player, have a problem with them OOC or the people that try to change an IC relationship into an OOC one or the many other examples. These are the sorts of people and behaviors that annoy me. [/spoiler]
    ¤ Si vis pacem, para bellum. ¤
    Someone powerful says, "We're going to have to delete you."
  • The flip side of that is that there are people who -do- RP being twerps because of OOC dislikes or grievances. I can think of one player in particular who was notorious for it, going so far as to immediately log an alt with more arties or a better class if he didnt like the way something went down, and then picking fights or just being an ass in general.

    Or, you know. The 18 year old character you've never met who already knows everything about everything, and also for some reason has managed to develop a blatant and outspoken dislike or even hatred for your character.

    But yeah. Those are usually the exception, thankfully.
  • StathanStathan Hot springs
    That's not OK either Rash. People that do that are looking for a way around ignore, typically, and are doing it to specifically get under someones skin. It's childish and insulting to everyones intelligence. The issue being now you can get the Arti that changes your age, so.....technically they could pull that "I've been around since" crap and get away with it.
  • I think it's more likely just someone making a new character and going into it with all their previous inclinations. Ignore - dodging is another issue, but I dunno about all that. I don't use the ignore command. Or issue, unless I break something. :)
  • DaskalosDaskalos Credit Whore Extraordinare Rolling amongst piles of credits.
    edited July 2014
    Jensen said:

    Is that why he joined us in Duiran for a stint?

    More or less. At the time, some of the same group of people who were trolling me IG were also doing it on the forums and via AIM. I just had enough and my decision to leave Enorian was very much an OOC one of 'ok, I've had enough, they win'.

    I joined Ashtan, became an Archon, and then they started talking like they wanted me to be Overlord... and, well, THAT mess I wasn't stepping into. Ashtan had some good people but the majority of the city was full of derp. So I quit Ashtan, joined Duiran but everyone pretty much viewed Dask with distrust (@Elwyn was really the only person to step out and be friendly to Dask) and so eventually I took Dask 'home' and back to Enorian. By this time, most of the people who had been causing me issues the rest of the city had run off and so I returned to a better situation.

    Hope nobody takes that as an attack, but since it was brought up and it concerned me I thought I'd throw in my POV.



    Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis           Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
    "If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."

  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    Sometimes I feel like I must be naive because I can oocly get along with so many people.
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