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  • Sugar lumps, I missed you!

  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    edited April 2014
    Oops, wrong thread.
  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    Wb dude, wb. Life hasn't been the same in Spines without deadly Cannan around :D
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    <3 Syssin Keggers.  Love all of ya that turned up!
  • That was great
  • Hey I didn't turn up because semi-afk. But was there in spirit :3 that was fun/funny.

    And thanks to the other side being a good sport (or at least I hope it didn't make anyone mad OOCly) :)
  • First off, I love how my first post on these forums is in LOVE.

    Second, I love the Wheel of Fates because wow is this a way to start a character. Yesterday
    "The massive wheel comes to a stop with a sickly flash of green light. It shudders for a moment
    before rewarding you with an Artifact Vial."

    And today:
    "The massive wheel comes to a stop with a sickly flash of green light. It shudders for a moment
    before rewarding you with an Artifact Tattoo Token."
  • BenedictoBenedicto Tentacles Errywhere!
    I love that the company I work has just been round and given every single one of the employees an Easter egg. I also love that they allowed us all to attend scheduled fitness sessions (DURING WORK HOURS!) so that everyone can improve their health but also to encourage people in the charity work they do during the year by doing sponsored activities (they raised over £50, 000 last year for a couple of local charities.)
  • Going on my vacation anyway, despite the hellacious last few weeks that ate up a ton of time, the deathplague flu, and my child racking up a $700 phone bill because I made the mistake of waiting three weeks to turn on stalker-mom app Family Base. 

    I get an extra paycheck next week -and- my ex started paying child support just in time to balance out the cost. My awesome supervisor arranged it so I could take unpaid time and juggled it so I am not even at a warning despite having missed a full week of work being ill. And informed me that I'm the most interesting employee she's ever had, apparently due to my weird assortment of jobs and hobbies. 

    So. Tomorrow, I go away for 4 days of nerdy heaven that is Norwescon. 
  • AshmerAshmer Barefoot Adventurer Life

    Building this system. Seriously, it's super fulfilling watching the whole project come together.

    the way she tells me I'm hers and she is mine

    open hand or closed fist would be fine

    blood as rare and sweet as cherry wine

  • TozToz
    edited April 2014
    Iosyne said:

    Last, but certainly not least, we are bringing a Fishing system to Aetolia, which has been a secret project of mine for some time now. We're not going to reveal a lot of details just yet, but I can assure you of its total awesomeness (being a Fisher in nearly every MMO or IRE game where it was available, myself). What you do need to know is that it will be a skill, it will involve strategy in terms of types of bait, rods, and location, and there will be over 100 different types of fish available to be caught on initial release, with many of them being difficult / rare catches. It will work aside a new Faction of Kelki fishermen in Mournhold, who will give additional quests and give out rewards for aspiring anglers. Whether you seek to relax oceanside and fish up a few shrimp, or go full throttle by seeking out legendary kraken and shark catches, it should be an entertaining hobby for many Aetolians.

    Help I'm trapped in the quote box. Also I might have sort of peed a little. I am excited like a wee puppy.

    Arbre-Today at 7:27 PM

    You're a vindictive lil unicorn

    Lartus-Today at 7:16 PM

    oh wait, toz is famous

    Karhast-Today at 7:01 PM

    You're a singularity of fucking awfulness Toz
    Didi's voice resonates across the land, "Yay tox."


    Block Toz

    limToday at 10:38 PM

    you disgust me
    (Web): Bryn says, "Toz is why we can't have nice things."

  • This goddamn awful Gary Busey ad for Amazon Fire TV. I have no interest in the box, but everytime Busey shows up I start laughing because all I can imagine is Rivas.
  • BenedictoBenedicto Tentacles Errywhere!
    I love @Ezalor's new signature.
  • HavenHaven World Burner Flight School
    Let's see how long I can keep this!

    <font size="2" face="Courier New, FixedSys, Lucida Console, Courier New, Courier"><font color="#0">
    </font><font color="#C0C0C0">You may smoke another herb.
    </font><font color="#FFFFFF">Nazetu is afflicted with: 
    </font><font color="#A2F200">[95]</font><font color="#8A00D8"> [85]</font><font color="#00FFFF"> E100</font><font color="#FF7070"> W44</font><font color="#1E1E1E"> B100</font><font color="#5A8054"> S100</font><font color="#374454"> Dev90</font><font color="#7C0053"> Spark79</font><font color="#02D700"> <<XP 99%>></font><font color="#FFFFFF"> [csdb eb]</font><font color="#FF7777"> 57:34.174</font><font color="#FFFFFF"> -
    </font><font color="#C0C0C0">Kerryn pumps out at a </font><font color="#F08080">Nazetu</font><font color="#C0C0C0"> provost with a powerful side kick.
    She connects to the torso!
    Kerryn launches a powerful uppercut at a </font><font color="#F08080">Nazetu</font><font color="#C0C0C0"> provost.
    She connects to the head!
    Kerryn has scored an ANNIHILATING CRITICAL hit!!!
    </font><font color="#FF0000"><span style="color: #FF0000; background: #FFFFFF">You have reached the illustrious level of 100.
    </span></font><font color="#696969">::[ </font><font color="#F4A460">Lilith</font><font color="#696969"> ]::   <<> </font><font color="#C0C0C0">You have gained </font><font color="#008000">2629</font><font color="#C0C0C0"> (</font><font color="#FFFF80">0</font><font color="#C0C0C0">%) experience. (</font><font color="#FFD700">Bashing</font><font color="#C0C0C0">) Repeat </font><font color="#FF0000">125523.01</font><font color="#C0C0C0"> more times for next level.</font><font color="#696969"> <>>
    </font><font color="#C0C0C0">Having slain a </font><font color="#F08080">Nazetu</font><font color="#C0C0C0"> provost, Kerryn retrieves the corpse.
    </font><font color="#FFFFFF">Nazetu is afflicted with: 
    </font><font color="#A2F200">[95]</font><font color="#8A00D8"> [85]</font><font color="#02FCFC"> E99</font><font color="#FF6D6D"> W43</font><font color="#201E20"> B99</font><font color="#5A8054"> S100</font><font color="#374454"> Dev90</font><font color="#7C0053"> Spark79</font><font color="#FFD700"> <<XP 0%>></font><font color="#FFFFFF"> [csdb eb]</font><font color="#FF7777"> 57:34.882</font><font color="#FFFFFF"> -
    </font><font color="#C0C0C0">You can find no such target as '</font><font color="#F08080">nazetu</font><font color="#C0C0C0">'.
    </font><font color="#FFFFFF">Nazetu is afflicted with: 
    </font><font color="#A2F200">[95]</font><font color="#8A00D8"> [85]</font><font color="#02FCFC"> E99</font><font color="#FF6D6D"> W43</font><font color="#201E20"> B99</font><font color="#5A8054"> S100</font><font color="#374454"> Dev90</font><font color="#7C0053"> Spark79</font><font color="#FFD700"> <<XP 0%>></font><font color="#FFFFFF"> [csdb eb]</font><font color="#FF7777"> 57:34.928</font><font color="#FFFFFF"> -
    ¤ Si vis pacem, para bellum. ¤
    Someone powerful says, "We're going to have to delete you."
  • BenedictoBenedicto Tentacles Errywhere!
  • HavenHaven World Burner Flight School
    Benedicto said:
    What have you done?!
    ¤ Si vis pacem, para bellum. ¤
    Someone powerful says, "We're going to have to delete you."
  • Haern said:
    This goddamn awful Gary Busey ad for Amazon Fire TV. I have no interest in the box, but everytime Busey shows up I start laughing because all I can imagine is Rivas.



    (The Front Line): Daskalos says, "<-- artifacts."

  • Oh dear god, not this again. I'm STILL recovering from the last one.

  • DaskalosDaskalos Credit Whore Extraordinare Rolling amongst piles of credits.
    But Slyphe, Gary Busey LOVES the water.image



    Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis           Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
    "If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."

  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    @Iosyne - please tell me Aetolia's fishing will be a little better than MKO's fishing. That game is fun sometimes, but oh my GOD the fishing is SO BORING.
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • SetneSetne The Grand Tyrant
    edited April 2014
    Earning the First Anniversary badge on 4/18/14 at 4:18 am.

    Edit: The Lego Marvel game. Omg so good and I've barely scratched the surface.

    Ingram said:
    "Oh my arms are suddenly lubed"
  • I really love that the little bit of time I get to be on Aetolia, I'm spending it with great friends.
  • SaritaSarita Empress of Bahir'an The Pillars of the Earth
    edited April 2014
    Since there aren't love buttons on changelogs, I'll just say here that I'm really happy they made the suggested changes and added even more things to make it even easier.

    Edit: The changes to the shop directories.
  • IosyneIosyne the Lair
    Ishin said:
    @Iosyne - please tell me Aetolia's fishing will be a little better than MKO's fishing. That game is fun sometimes, but oh my GOD the fishing is SO BORING.
    @Ishin - Our planned implementation will give fishers a few levels of complexity; it will be a combination of different locations, bait/lure preferences, and rods that will need to be figured out in order to find a specific type of fish. The actual act of hooking and reeling a fish in will be a small mini-game of sorts where you battle against the fish.
  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    Can there be spear fishing? 
  • Watching Kamas react to Firefly for the first time.

    Norwescon taking care of my badges even though my registration got horribly borked.

    New board games to play.

  • Iosyne said:
    Ishin said:
    @Iosyne - please tell me Aetolia's fishing will be a little better than MKO's fishing. That game is fun sometimes, but oh my GOD the fishing is SO BORING.
    @Ishin - Our planned implementation will give fishers a few levels of complexity; it will be a combination of different locations, bait/lure preferences, and rods that will need to be figured out in order to find a specific type of fish. The actual act of hooking and reeling a fish in will be a small mini-game of sorts where you battle against the fish.
    imageimage "Little pig, little pig, let me in, let me in. You look tasty and smell like bacon." *LICKLICKLICK*
  • DaskalosDaskalos Credit Whore Extraordinare Rolling amongst piles of credits.
    edited April 2014

    @Razmael is an amazing producer, and does a lot of really awesome things (such as helping me when I think I've found a bug, but in fact, I just figured out a way to make the game fire 900+ GMCP messages at me and crash my client). Seriously, much love for the overgrown, suicidal, grove-annihilating Razmael.  Even if I think this board exists in his house




    Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis           Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
    "If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."

  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    Randomly found this in my inventory:

    This giftbag is rectangular in shape, every side of which has been decorated with a hideous, stretch-distorted face. The features of the faces themselves have been blackened, the skin surprisingly holding the shape of the giftbag well. It is warm to the touch and crafted so that ethereal spiderweb strings, reinforced with a thin, black cord strung about the top of the giftbag serves as drawstrings, allowing the items within the bag to be hidden from view.
    It has 4 months of usefulness left.
    It weighs about 22 pound(s).
    It bears the distinctive mark of a young Tsol'aa girl.
    A giftbag of distorted faces is holding:
    "candy218576"             a large chocolate eyeball
    It is holding 1 objects.

    I don't know if it's sweet, cute or oh god someone is going to murder me in my sleep.
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