The Aetolian Confessionals



  • AishiaAishia Queen Bee
    I used to do the same thing, but it was when I hung out with Arbre and crew a lot more. I think it sort of rubbed off.
  • Chakrasul was intended to be played as a Divine who could care less about the consequences of Her actions. I enjoy the fact that She had a hand in shaping a piece of ancient history/Aetolian lore.

    When I tell players that I am always watching, I really do mean it.

    I enjoy being mostly hands-off where my Order is concerned.

    I dislike OOC familiarity because I feel it would bleed into the game and influence the player's character perception of Chakrasul. This is why I never reply to OOC messages, unless it is admin-related.

    I would like to usurp Severn as the ultimate villain but on the same vein, I believe that would never happen, so I settle for being an antagonizer.

  • I almost never read anyone's descriptions, ever. Not because I'm not interested, I am just bad at remembering to do so and get more excited about the interactions with the people.

    I am terrible at RP but wish I was better at it. I don't like to make long, wordy emotes. I do a poor job of adhering to the unspoken 1 emote back-and-forth rule. You are much more likely to get three one-two sentence emotes fired off really quickly from me than a 5 sentence paragraph. I know this probably pisses people off but it's just how my mind works. I also love canned emotes. There's a lot of situations where they are very appropriate and I just don't feel like writing out an emote to smile derpily when I could just derpsmile.

    Sometimes I take IC things quite personally OOCly. Usually it's when I can't figure out why a person is acting the way they are. As an example: My character has been really friendly with another character, we are getting along great! The next day they are suddenly mean without explanation. There might be some IC reason for it but I'm probably not going to ask, I'll just stop interacting until they show up and are nice again. I guess I can rationalize some sort of RP justification for it. Maybe Amberlea just doesn't deal with conflict very well.

    My public and private interactions can be really inconsistent. I'll be really chipper on CT "Hello everyone!" even if my character is sad or angry and frowning/thinkmoting bad thoughts.

    I tip the roulette/blackjack NPCs. It makes no sense. They never interact with me and the gold just poofs. I've done it on all my characters in all the games I've ever played. It's a weird compulsion.

    I feel guilty that people don't get the reactions they want out of my characters. It's not that I'm unflappable, I'm just hard to flap in certain ways.

    I always want my characters to be special to a divine but freeze up when they speak to me. In a blind panic I usually eek out thank you and then go hide.
  • edited February 2014
    Arbre said:
    Aryanne said:
    • Thanks to Arb's system/my own obsessive effort, I have about 115+ words color-coded when I'm on my main computer. This helps me read descriptions INCREDIBLY fast(er) because I can just skip over to a colored word and know where to look to for various body parts/eye color/hair color/etc.
      • (It also means my goldfish memory is easily reminded by just glancing back and seeing some green-colored word near a face word and I can remember that "yes, the eyes were green, not the tail/ears/fingers/scales/feathers/hair/horns/whatever else is in your epic endgame description that I'm thinking of)
    • It also makes a lot of rooms really pretty when there's a lot of color-words used in the description
    Life in Aryanne's world.

    There are actually more now. Since the dyekits came out, I went on a color spree. :D



    Why won't spoilers work right?! D:

  • Chakrasul said:
     I dislike OOC familiarity because I feel it would bleed into the game and influence the player's character perception of Chakrasul. This is why I never reply to OOC messages, unless it is admin-related.
    Some of your previous players didn't even reply to OOC messages if they were admin related. You're slipping. :P

    My confession: Every time I see Chakrasul I get a serious dominatrix vibe from her. I don't know why. I guess it's not really a bad thing, but it's an image I have a really hard time shaking. I don't know if it's something I picked up because of the way her original player played the character or what.

    My second confession: I don't interact with gods in Aetolia very much because Severn's original player threatened to have me banned for roleplay, and I'm terrified of losing my investment in my character.
  • Veovis said:
    My second confession: I don't interact with gods in Aetolia very much because Severn's original player threatened to have me banned for roleplay, and I'm terrified of losing my investment in my character.
    Unless your roleplay was to routinely rob guild banks or repeatedly kill a character or something, I seriously doubt this would ever happen again. Threats like that were a product of a completely different administration.

    (What the hell quote boxes.)

    i am rapture coder
  • Omei said:
    Veovis said:
    My second confession: I don't interact with gods in Aetolia very much because Severn's original player threatened to have me banned for roleplay, and I'm terrified of losing my investment in my character.
    Unless your roleplay was to routinely rob guild banks or repeatedly kill a character or something, I seriously doubt this would ever happen again. Threats like that were a product of a completely different administration.

    (What the hell quote boxes.)

    Between getting stuck in quote boxes and double quote-boxing, this software drives me batty. No. Veovis was discovered as Abhorash's plant in Bloodloch after the coup. Realizing that he couldn't do what Abhorash wanted, he threw most of the senior Bouchard and Bahir'an involved in the coup out of Bloodloch (as an eye for an eye thing), and took some gold from a ministry account (which in his mind belonged to Abhorash anyway) and gave it to the resistance. Didn't think that was a shrubbable offense, but I learnt otherwise. :)

  • It is almost impossible for me to RP one-liners... two-liners... or even three. No matter how hard I try, it is very rare (unless I'm exhausted or seriously not into whatever's going on) that I don't RP in paragraphs. I thrive on the little details and including the senses wherever possible. I -love- adding scents, sounds, distractions, etc. I get really excited when I run into other players that do the same because it gives me more to respond to and feels more like a whole picture than just some focal point within it.

    Katszia is the first character I've had that isn't really afraid of Gods. Divine/mortal RP has always been one of my very favorite aspects of IRE games, and all of my characters have had a healthy dose of respectful fear for the Gods. I think Katszia has a few screws loose in that regard. Like, she knows they're stronger than she is and that a whim could kill her (and have), but it just doesn't quite hit that self-preservation or awe button? It's weird!

    I get super paranoid/nervous in big groups RPing, mostly because trying to make the $ symbols work to direct emotes at people fail so often with me and it's embarrassing when that happens! So for the most part Katszia stands back in crowds and says and does very little. Part of that is her liking to be the silent observer in those cases, and part of it is me freaking out a little as the player.

    My OCD trips when I accidentally start emotes with the ( to omit the name to start, and then I forget to add the ) to close it off and I instantly have this need to want to re-emote it correctly... but almost never do because I don't want to spam whoever I'm RPing with.

    I RP by myself A LOT. It's not unheard of for me to have Kat in her haven and to just start... RPing about whatever, anything from little personal prayers to one God or another, or simple things like reading in the library or watching the fish in her pond or whatever else comes up. It's great character development, and sometimes company shows up, which is always fun too!

    I envy people who have awesome backgrounds for their characters. I used to have in-depth stories for all my characters I'd make, but any more I forget the details more often than not so I mostly gave up on that.
  • EmelleEmelle Dreamshaper Tecpatl's Cradle
    Katszia said:
    My OCD trips when I accidentally start emotes with the ( to omit the name to start, and then I forget to add the ) to close it off and I instantly have this need to want to re-emote it correctly... but almost never do because I don't want to spam whoever I'm RPing with.

    I actually love it when people reformat syntax-botched emotes.
  • edited February 2014
    @katszia Now I know the truth behind those one line emotes you were giving me. Duly noted, my lady.

    Also, double agree to the big group RP, and on your OCD comment.. I am the opposite. I don't think it is possible for me to not fix it and resubmit it an instant later. Probably spammy, but I might actually explode if I don't. The only time I let it go is if I'm RPing from my phone, because it takes me ten minutes to type the emote in the first place. And I use an iPhone, so I can only see like the last five words typed anyway.

  • Pft. @Rashar did I ever give you one-liners? Don't make me fret! I've liked RPing with you. Usually if I -do- toss out one liners, they're in groups of at least 3 or more and are sandwiched in between bigger emotes anyway!

    Good to know though. Guess people may not be as abject to emotes being fixed as I thought. :D
  • *I hate when I make spelling mistakes in audible speech that are homophones, because I feel it's awkward/weird to correct it ICly, because there's no auditory difference. But it makes me feel like my RP partners will think I'm an idiot if I just leave it, all the same, so if I don't just toss them an OOC tell or something, I'll often make sure to repeat the word in however I'm phrasing what I say next but correctly. >.>

    *So. I mudsex. Not a whole lot, but whatever. It's a thing that happens. When I do, though, I purposefully try to avoid the words that I'm aware of that ping omni, not because I'm overly worried about the gods watching my (typically untargetted) mudsex, but because I'd think that would be -hella- annoying. Being a god and doing god things/work/RP and then all of a sudden wall-of-sext emote that you only got 'cause it has the word 'rhythm' or something in it. Invariably, though, it makes me cringe, because I go out of my way to avoid it, and then the person I'm RPing with, turns right around and hits like six or seven gods in the same emote. >.>
  • Erzsebet said:
    *I hate when I make spelling mistakes in audible speech that are homophones, because I feel it's awkward/weird to correct it ICly, because there's no auditory difference. But it makes me feel like my RP partners will think I'm an idiot if I just leave it, all the same, so if I don't just toss them an OOC tell or something, I'll often make sure to repeat the word in however I'm phrasing what I say next but correctly. >.>

    *So. I mudsex. Not a whole lot, but whatever. It's a thing that happens. When I do, though, I purposefully try to avoid the words that I'm aware of that ping omni, not because I'm overly worried about the gods watching my (typically untargetted) mudsex, but because I'd think that would be -hella- annoying. Being a god and doing god things/work/RP and then all of a sudden wall-of-sext emote that you only got 'cause it has the word 'rhythm' or something in it. Invariably, though, it makes me cringe, because I go out of my way to avoid it, and then the person I'm RPing with, turns right around and hits like six or seven gods in the same emote. >.>
    Well, that explains what Chakrasul is always watching....
  • Wait what? Rhythm is out?

    Oh damn.
  • *I have been known to misspell it on purpose just so I can use the word without pinging omni with it.
  • Just ping it. Every single one of them. We can give them scoring signs.

  • ErzsebetErzsebet Altaholic
    edited February 2014
    Snrk. I'm just trying to be as not-annoying as possible. I can just picture Haern or someone doing awesome god RP, and then suddenly, BAM, wall-o-sext non-targetted sexmote. >.> Though I totally accidentally pinged like, at least six gods in a single tell the other day.

    *Man. 246 years old, in the guild that ENTIRE time, minus the eighteen startup years, so 228 years of being a guilded Bloodborn, including a ridiculous amount of that time as a Consul/HoN/GM and she's only JUST gotten to hear the guild's creation story. Because it's not documented anywhere and only like. Veovis, Seric and Irawn know it. You can -bet- she's going to write all this down and put it into a book, so it's known by future members of the guild. >.>

    ETA: @Brae Your card-holding people have a really high estimation of people in Aetolia's ability to mudsex. Just saying.

  • Hey. Hey @Erzsebet. You should show them my skillz from the emote I sent you on skype. I'd post it, but that's tooting my own horn, and I don't think that quite qualifies!

    Arbre-Today at 7:27 PM

    You're a vindictive lil unicorn

    Lartus-Today at 7:16 PM

    oh wait, toz is famous

    Karhast-Today at 7:01 PM

    You're a singularity of fucking awfulness Toz
    Didi's voice resonates across the land, "Yay tox."


    Block Toz

    limToday at 10:38 PM

    you disgust me
    (Web): Bryn says, "Toz is why we can't have nice things."

  • ErzsebetErzsebet Altaholic
    edited February 2014
    Pof Toz: [12:09:26 AM] emote rhythmatically artifices your knowledge and cruelly fires your unbound underhalls with his sovereign artistry. SlypheChakrasulIosyneSevernMaghakAuresaeDamarielDharHaernOmeiIvoln.

    *My confession is that this isn't even the strangest conversation I've had with him.
  • Erzsebet said:

     Because it's not documented anywhere and only like. Veovis, Seric and Irawn know it. You can -bet- she's going to write all this down and put it into a book, so it's known by future members of the guild. >.>

    I had a statistics final when the reveal event was happening, so I don't remember exactly how the guild was discovered, just the generalities. I didn't actually get to have Veovis join until an RL day or two later if I remember correctly. That's why he was so hazy about the very, very beginning. When my old computer died I lost all the logs I had of the events from various people, too. 

  • AngweAngwe I'm the dog that ate yr birthday cake Bedford, VA
    ...I forget Who it was, but Someone told me that most Divine pare their Omni down to the point only names and a few odd things will ping it for that very purpose. To avoid things like, 'oh gods' spamming them.

    And lo, I have been reckless.
  • OleisOleis Producer Emeritus Administrator, Immortal
    I got mudsex on 'report' and 'liaison' once each. No joke :(
    You say to Slyphe, "You're so freaking smart."
    "^," Slyphe agrees with you.
  • AishiaAishia Queen Bee
    "I'm afraid I'm going to have to report you for smuggling an illegal package."
  • SaritaSarita Empress of Bahir'an The Pillars of the Earth
    I can see where liaison might come into a mudsex emote. The report one might have been a bit more creative.
  • Afterwards. "Holy unicorns, I am going to have to put in a liaision report to nerf you after that...??"

  • "My cloaca doth hunger to liaison with your own. It shall be magnificent and glorious, ending with a booming report."

    Sorry about that Oleis. It's how Ferrik gets the ladies y'know.

    Artifice Disclaimer: This never happened.
  • Confession: I can't seem to help but let me RL emotions bleed into Elwyn's RP. It is really hard, especially when I get depressed RL and it tends to make me argumentative IG and I do stupid stuff and has ruined some IG relationships Elly used to have. On a good note: I do try to not login and do much when I get into a depression mode.

    Another one is I get horribly emotional if emotional stuff is going on IG. I heard other say it too but if it's sad or heartbreaking RL going on, I am crying my eyes out as I type and the RP goes on. I get so emotionally involved in anything I am interested in, this game, books, movies, tv shows ect.
  • I sit around and imagine my characters giving me/other people life advice. And sometimes imagine them having conversations with other Aetolian charactesrs, or even with each other. The latter is weird since, even though they'll never meet (or get to fight each other), I kind of have a rough idea how they'd interact around the others.

    Arbre-Today at 7:27 PM

    You're a vindictive lil unicorn

    Lartus-Today at 7:16 PM

    oh wait, toz is famous

    Karhast-Today at 7:01 PM

    You're a singularity of fucking awfulness Toz
    Didi's voice resonates across the land, "Yay tox."


    Block Toz

    limToday at 10:38 PM

    you disgust me
    (Web): Bryn says, "Toz is why we can't have nice things."

  • I spend 8 hours a day doing this at work.
    "You ever been divided by zero?" Nia asks you with a squint.

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