yeah I filled it out with as much honesty as I could give, the good and the bad. The only thing I am really worried about is my credit, its not horrible, but its not the greatest and I have a few dings against me, and I made a point to note those and explain that I am attempting to do something about them. So fingers crossed
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It's not.” ― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax
Veritas says, "Sorry for breaking your system Macavity."
Veritas says, "My boss fights crash Macavity's computer now."
SeirSeein' All the ThingsGetting high off your emotion
yeah I filled it out with as much honesty as I could give, the good and the bad. The only thing I am really worried about is my credit, its not horrible, but its not the greatest and I have a few dings against me, and I made a point to note those and explain that I am attempting to do something about them. So fingers crossed
Would be very surprised if you got rejected then. People usually get rejected on financial things if they're like... hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt and not doing anything about it. I really doubt they'll care about your credit PROVIDED you're not racking up huge amounts of debt without doing anything about it. Demonstrating that you are taking the steps to take care of your debt, however, will get you a clearance.
Most people have minor dings against their credit, granted. No one who works for the gov't is a saint. So, they won't hold that against you.
yeah I filled it out with as much honesty as I could give, the good and the bad. The only thing I am really worried about is my credit, its not horrible, but its not the greatest and I have a few dings against me, and I made a point to note those and explain that I am attempting to do something about them. So fingers crossed
Would be very surprised if you got rejected then. People usually get rejected on financial things if they're like... hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt and not doing anything about it. I really doubt they'll care about your credit PROVIDED you're not racking up huge amounts of debt without doing anything about it. Demonstrating that you are taking the steps to take care of your debt, however, will get you a clearance.
Most people have minor dings against their credit, granted. No one who works for the gov't is a saint. So, they won't hold that against you.
I sure hope not...I am still going to be freaking out while they look into my past life! Though I did get a chuckle when I signed the release for for medical information to contact my medical provide to check my mental health. The last time I seen a doctor was a good 8 years ago, and currently do not have a PCP at all. So that part will be interesting
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It's not.” ― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax
Veritas says, "Sorry for breaking your system Macavity."
Veritas says, "My boss fights crash Macavity's computer now."
yeah I filled it out with as much honesty as I could give, the good and the bad. The only thing I am really worried about is my credit, its not horrible, but its not the greatest and I have a few dings against me, and I made a point to note those and explain that I am attempting to do something about them. So fingers crossed
Would be very surprised if you got rejected then. People usually get rejected on financial things if they're like... hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt and not doing anything about it. I really doubt they'll care about your credit PROVIDED you're not racking up huge amounts of debt without doing anything about it. Demonstrating that you are taking the steps to take care of your debt, however, will get you a clearance.
Most people have minor dings against their credit, granted. No one who works for the gov't is a saint. So, they won't hold that against you.
I sure hope not...I am still going to be freaking out while they look into my past life! Though I did get a chuckle when I signed the release for for medical information to contact my medical provide to check my mental health. The last time I seen a doctor was a good 8 years ago, and currently do not have a PCP at all. So that part will be interesting
As long as you don't have a history of mental health problems it shouldn't be an issue. If you're a diagnosed schizophrenic who hasn't seen a psychiatrist in 8 years... good luck?
But Seir is 100% correct. The absolute vast majority of people are going to get turned down for a clearance due to financial issues. If you have debt, you're more likely to do naughty things to compromise national security for money because, well, you need the money. Or a foreign interest group of bad people might blackmail you due to debt or hold your family hostage or whatever. But seeing as how you're going to work in the VA, I reaaallllly don't think it is going to be a problem unless you have a history of violent mental illness.
RAGE at offices not opening until 0900. Seriously? Because the world apparently doesn't start functioning until 0900. Please. Since I have to wait up for 3 additional hours to call anyone to do anything, I end up screwing up my sleep schedule, which is bad news bears. It is absolutely unicorning ridiculous.
Even within my own company the HR weenies don't open until 0900. Really? They're all salaried - make them work more than their precious 8 hour day. Apparently since they don't generate any revenue they don't have to work nearly as many hours as everyone else.
Driving ten hours to go skiing in Vermont before the holidays only to get hit with an ice storm that cut out one day of skiing, and then sprain my knee an hour into the second. Upon visiting the doctor this morning, I also learned that I need an MRI because there is a good chance I tore my ACL too. I'll be doped up on pain meds for a bit longer, I guess.
That sucks, @Sarita - hope you get to feeling better soon, and that your ACL isn't torn. That's a rough injury. Dad used to play baseball in the minor league until he blew out his ACL.
Arbre-Today at 7:27 PM
You're a vindictive lil unicorn ---------------------------
Lartus-Today at 7:16 PM
oh wait, toz is famous
Karhast-Today at 7:01 PM
You're a singularity of fucking awfulness Toz
--------------------------- Didi's voice resonates across the land, "Yay tox."
Ictinus — 11/01/2021
Block Toz
lim — Today at 10:38 PM
you disgust me
(Web): Bryn says, "Toz is why we can't have nice things."
Patients that are scheduled at one time and show up over a half hour late, just when I'm about to go to lunch. Not even just one patient but TWO of them. So much for eating today...
Remember folks, if you're not going to show up on time, at least call to see what the office's situation like or if you can reschedule. For the love of god, don't just show up and cry farce. If you're the type of person that does that than SHAME! >:[
Someone powerful says, "We're going to have to delete you."
PhoeneciaThe Merchant of EsterportSomewhere in Attica
So, I've been going to the gym for a few months now in an effort to lose weight, and I go three or four times a week. Today, I go in and start doing exercises with my personal trainer like I usually do. And then something happens while lifting weights, and I end up pinching a nerve in my back. I can barely move without being in excruciating pain, which is weird because I've done this exercise many times before with the same amount of weight.
I've had my first few days off from work in a while now, and this is my last. Well. My nights have been get progressively shorter and more difficult. I tossed and turned all night and finally gave up on sleeping, like I did yesterday morning, and the morning before that. It hurt yesterday morning to get out of bed, but it hurt even more to stay in bed, and its the same way, except 3xs worse today. Yesterday it was all of my back, today its my shoulders, and a headache because of it.
What I got I wouldn't even call sleep, and I suspect my neck will soon lock up, but I can't rub the knots out in my shoulders because it causes them to become SWOLLEN AND THEN WORSE. I'm.. sleep deprived, hurting, and its making me into a very angry person on what would otherwise be a fun day. To make things worse, I have no ibuprofen left because I go through bottles of it as is.
Muttermutter. Working an eleven hour shift without breaks on new year's eve. Perhaps I might still make it home in time for new year's!
[Skip if you are used to Happy Ferrik! ] In other news. Why is it always when 'stuff happens' I suddenly have a great number of people needing me for something or other. For advice, or help or fixing something. Yet when I actually have time for this and am in a good mood -no one- talks to me. Screw you. Okay back to happy Ferrik face!
So, I've been going to the gym for a few months now in an effort to lose weight, and I go three or four times a week. Today, I go in and start doing exercises with my personal trainer like I usually do. And then something happens while lifting weights, and I end up pinching a nerve in my back. I can barely move without being in excruciating pain, which is weird because I've done this exercise many times before with the same amount of weight.
I did that once from dead lifting, avoid sneezing and good luck!
Nope. Spent mine at a wedding (seriously, who plans their wedding on New Year's Eve??) and every time we tried to leave (to go meet up with friends, who were waiting on us, for midnight) we got guilted into sticking around for "just one more thing". The toasts (cheap, flat champagne). The cake (dry and pretty terrible, despite being shaped like a gold NES Legend of Zelda cartridge). The first dances (those always mean more to the dancers than the audience, y'know?).
In the end we got delayed so long I had to cancel on my friends, which made me feel lousy. It was a terrible end to 2013...though to be fair, 2013 was a pretty terrible year all around.
I also rage that, of all the pictures taken that night, there are none of me in my suit. I looked AMAZING wearing that thing for the first time, and it was absolutely wasted on such a crap evening.
So, it's cold, the wind is blowing at gusts up to thirty miles an hour, and a steady very fine snow is falling. These are conditions perfect for white outs, drifting, disappearing roads, and terror.
I went sliding around a corner in a small town, and I fishtailed 4 times across the centerline later on in my drive of horrors. I wasn't speeding. In fact I got passed three times by vehicles with all wheel drive. My twenty minute drive took an hour and it's just getting worse out. The joy.
Today. I got about half of what I wanted to get done done; thankfully, it was the important half.
[spoiler]I've never ridden a city bus before. I've spent several days studying the bus company's website on how to read the schedule, how to ride the bus, which bus is mine, where it stops, and so on. So after mocking IRC about how effing cold it is outside here (43F/6C), I got up and decided to try it, going to campus to find my classes. The bus stops outside my apartment complex, which is one of the few good things about today. I studied the campus map, made notes about where the classrooms are, and set out. I forgot to bring my thicker hoodie from my parents' house, though, so I had to wear my regular one with a windbreaker on top. Not only uncomfortable, but fugly.
I found my first class pretty swiftly. It went downhill from there. I walked in circles on campus for an hour before I gave up and prayed my phone would give me walking directions. Oh, look, the building is RIGHT BESIDE THE STADIUM. You know, the one you passed three times going, "There's the stadium, I'm too far north." So I walk a complete circle around the building because god knows you can't put the room numbers in any kind of consecutive order. Okay, second classroom found. It's an auditorium... great. Will I be able to find this building again come Tuesday? I have my doubts. Class number three I just flat out used my phone and went pretty directly there. I can't manage to find out the EXACT times of my classes (it's a weird table thing) so I don't know when the second class ends and the third starts. They're a 15 minute walk apart on a good day. Class number three's building is literally in the very northeast corner of campus. My bus drops me off in the very south center of campus. The campus is not small.
So by now I'm ready to kill for a mocha, so I decide to see if my phone can find me a nearby Starbucks. It can, AND it's on my way back to my bus (though, truthfully, just about everything is at this point). A long walk later, I discover not only is there NOT a Starbucks there, but that building number DOESN'T EVEN EXIST. At this point I know I'm wearing blisters in my feet and I'm limping (thanks, rheumatoid arthritis at 28) and OH SHIT THAT'S ARCHER ROAD. I'm NOT EVEN ON CAMPUS ANYMORE. Thanks to UF and Shands Hospital being all connected, it's hard to tell where one ends and the next begins. I completely missed my bus stop (not like I have ANY clue where I am or where it is anymore) and am on the Shands Hospital property. It's multiple buildings and my phone is so dying that it's turned off internet capabilities.
So I start walking in the vague direction of where I need to go and, after passing two bus stops for bus 8, I give up and decide to take it and just see where the hell it takes me. I then finally figure out how to turn off the battery saving features on my phone and make the internet work again to discover that I'm right around the corner from a bus 13 bus stop. Naturally, I had to run to make it.
I finally get home and find out that I don't have the time to go turn in my immunization paperwork so who knows if they'll let me start classes on Monday. I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to get Ansnom a bus pass because he's always at work when the bus station is open and it has to have a picture (I'm gonna try BRINGING a picture of him, if I can find one where he's not smooching me, and see if they'll take that). I managed to get my Enbrel ordered for delivery tomorrow; almost had to wait until Tuesday, which would have put me late in taking it. I'm too exhausted to even think now. [/spoiler]
We all know I'm depressedbre. I don't know why my alarm either hasn't been going off, or just hasn't woken me up, but I get this wonderful sleep until noon, making me only three hours late taking one of my medications. That minor delay is enough to make it take me ten minutes to get out of bed and to the bathroom to take it, because the world hurts too bad. You know, rage that this disease even EXISTS. It doesn't make any unicornsing sense.
Having taken a relatively large dose of pain killers right before something that's turning into a larger event than I thought. I managed an emote or two at the beginning, but now I'm struggling just to follow along. Stupid knee.
OMG....I am so OVER this cold and the snow!!! and i start my new job on tuesday and looks like I might need a sled and dogs just to get there!! and this is Chicago! grrr
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It's not.” ― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax
Veritas says, "Sorry for breaking your system Macavity."
Veritas says, "My boss fights crash Macavity's computer now."
I hate that the one IRE mud I actively want to play I really can't, due to various factors I can't control right now, and the ones I am playing have become so bleh that I don't want to play them, but being settled in makes me less able to fully walk away.
My roommate, despite my protests, has moved her special friend into our apartment.
She insists he's clean, will help with groceries and will contribute - three things that do not hold true to her, exactly, so I'm not sure how I'm supposed to expect them of an alcoholic who falls off the wagon with such regularity, you could almost set your watch by it.
I am trying to get in touch with my landlord to see if there's anything that can be done. I don't need someone raising my ultility bill, eating my groceries and lounging about around my stuff while I'm not here.
Edit - based on a couple of texts, it appears that the landlady will be on my side, if push comes to shove.
Proudly fighting against Greytolia since the [approximately] 3/1/2010 at 18:00.
Nothing is going to get better. It's not.”
― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax
Nothing is going to get better. It's not.”
― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax
As long as you don't have a history of mental health problems it shouldn't be an issue. If you're a diagnosed schizophrenic who hasn't seen a psychiatrist in 8 years... good luck?
But Seir is 100% correct. The absolute vast majority of people are going to get turned down for a clearance due to financial issues. If you have debt, you're more likely to do naughty things to compromise national security for money because, well, you need the money. Or a foreign interest group of bad people might blackmail you due to debt or hold your family hostage or whatever. But seeing as how you're going to work in the VA, I reaaallllly don't think it is going to be a problem unless you have a history of violent mental illness.
Nothing is going to get better. It's not.”
― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax
Even within my own company the HR weenies don't open until 0900. Really? They're all salaried - make them work more than their precious 8 hour day. Apparently since they don't generate any revenue they don't have to work nearly as many hours as everyone else.
Patients that are scheduled at one time and show up over a half hour late, just when I'm about to go to lunch. Not even just one patient but TWO of them. So much for eating today...
Remember folks, if you're not going to show up on time, at least call to see what the office's situation like or if you can reschedule. For the love of god, don't just show up and cry farce. If you're the type of person that does that than SHAME! >:[
[Skip if you are used to Happy Ferrik!
In other news. Why is it always when 'stuff happens' I suddenly have a great number of people needing me for something or other. For advice, or help or fixing something. Yet when I actually have time for this and am in a good mood -no one- talks to me. Screw you. Okay back to happy Ferrik face!
[Have a nice day. Carry on!]
In the end we got delayed so long I had to cancel on my friends, which made me feel lousy. It was a terrible end to 2013...though to be fair, 2013 was a pretty terrible year all around.
I also rage that, of all the pictures taken that night, there are none of me in my suit. I looked AMAZING wearing that thing for the first time, and it was absolutely wasted on such a crap evening.
(The Front Line): Daskalos says, "<-- artifacts."
[spoiler]I've never ridden a city bus before. I've spent several days studying the bus company's website on how to read the schedule, how to ride the bus, which bus is mine, where it stops, and so on. So after mocking IRC about how effing cold it is outside here (43F/6C), I got up and decided to try it, going to campus to find my classes. The bus stops outside my apartment complex, which is one of the few good things about today. I studied the campus map, made notes about where the classrooms are, and set out. I forgot to bring my thicker hoodie from my parents' house, though, so I had to wear my regular one with a windbreaker on top. Not only uncomfortable, but fugly.
I found my first class pretty swiftly. It went downhill from there. I walked in circles on campus for an hour before I gave up and prayed my phone would give me walking directions. Oh, look, the building is RIGHT BESIDE THE STADIUM. You know, the one you passed three times going, "There's the stadium, I'm too far north." So I walk a complete circle around the building because god knows you can't put the room numbers in any kind of consecutive order. Okay, second classroom found. It's an auditorium... great. Will I be able to find this building again come Tuesday? I have my doubts. Class number three I just flat out used my phone and went pretty directly there. I can't manage to find out the EXACT times of my classes (it's a weird table thing) so I don't know when the second class ends and the third starts. They're a 15 minute walk apart on a good day. Class number three's building is literally in the very northeast corner of campus. My bus drops me off in the very south center of campus. The campus is not small.
So by now I'm ready to kill for a mocha, so I decide to see if my phone can find me a nearby Starbucks. It can, AND it's on my way back to my bus (though, truthfully, just about everything is at this point). A long walk later, I discover not only is there NOT a Starbucks there, but that building number DOESN'T EVEN EXIST. At this point I know I'm wearing blisters in my feet and I'm limping (thanks, rheumatoid arthritis at 28) and OH SHIT THAT'S ARCHER ROAD. I'm NOT EVEN ON CAMPUS ANYMORE. Thanks to UF and Shands Hospital being all connected, it's hard to tell where one ends and the next begins. I completely missed my bus stop (not like I have ANY clue where I am or where it is anymore) and am on the Shands Hospital property. It's multiple buildings and my phone is so dying that it's turned off internet capabilities.
So I start walking in the vague direction of where I need to go and, after passing two bus stops for bus 8, I give up and decide to take it and just see where the hell it takes me. I then finally figure out how to turn off the battery saving features on my phone and make the internet work again to discover that I'm right around the corner from a bus 13 bus stop. Naturally, I had to run to make it.
I finally get home and find out that I don't have the time to go turn in my immunization paperwork so who knows if they'll let me start classes on Monday. I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to get Ansnom a bus pass because he's always at work when the bus station is open and it has to have a picture (I'm gonna try BRINGING a picture of him, if I can find one where he's not smooching me, and see if they'll take that). I managed to get my Enbrel ordered for delivery tomorrow; almost had to wait until Tuesday, which would have put me late in taking it. I'm too exhausted to even think now.
We all know I'm depressedbre. I don't know why my alarm either hasn't been going off, or just hasn't woken me up, but I get this wonderful sleep until noon, making me only three hours late taking one of my medications. That minor delay is enough to make it take me ten minutes to get out of bed and to the bathroom to take it, because the world hurts too bad. You know, rage that this disease even EXISTS. It doesn't make any unicornsing sense.
Nothing is going to get better. It's not.”
― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax