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  • It's really fucking rare that I have a bad day, let alone three in a row, but this just puts the god damn icing on the cake. After all the shit I have put up with in the last three days, I lock up the shop to go home and my truck won't start. Shoot me please.
  • MarienaMariena By a lake.
    So guys, a while back in February, I posted pictures of my wrist that has treetle on it, where some buggy or another had decided I was a snack and then I reacted poorly to that buggy, and it went septic up my arm.

    Since then, I have had a -multitude- of hive-like things sprout up. They are large, hot to touch, puffy, itchy and a bit painful. A few on my leg. A few on my arm, a few on the other leg. Each time I went to a doctor, each time I was told: Cellulitus here's some antibiotics, go away.

    So, it finally happened that one sprouted on my right upper arm on Thursday WHILE I WAS ON ANTIBIOTICS FOR THE ONE ON MY LEG. Clearly, all is still not right, so off to my doctor I go before work today.

    I am running a low grade fever, strep test turned positive, lymph nodes swollen everywhere, and this fucking itchy thing.

    So doc and I are trying something new before she carts me off to an infectious disease specialist. Harsher round of antibiotics, claritin until further notice, Zantac because I don't know why, steroid cream for the site. If it doesn't get better by Monday I'm to report back, and I'm to report back in Two mondays, either way.

    TL;DR: Mari wishes all bugs would die after being bitten by one and being sick ever since.

  • Hope it gets better @Mariena, stuff like that is never fun! :(
  • OleisOleis Producer Emeritus Administrator, Immortal
    I just almost died in Xenia, OH. It's a sign. 
    You say to Slyphe, "You're so freaking smart."
    "^," Slyphe agrees with you.
  • Signs of hard drive failure popping up on a HDD that's just shy of three months old. Guess that's what I get for going with the cheaper option. Lesigh. At least newegg is running a sale on HDD's right now.
  • HAHA IT FAILED. No data recovery for me, I guess. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
  • Obyn said:

    HAHA IT FAILED. No data recovery for me, I guess. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

    Depends how it failed, If it's not clicking and showing up in windows (and not an SSD, or RAID 0 volume) you can likely get data through a data recovery tool. I have had experience with EaseUS data recovery and have used it a few times when I was doing that sort of recovery. It's not a fast process, but assuming it's just logical failures, and not physical failures, you may have some success.

    http://www.easeus.com/datarecoverywizard/free-data-recovery-software.htm is the link to the modern version of the utility I used.

  • @Mael I was getting relocated sectors at a pretty alarming rate, so I'm pretty certain that it was a physical failure. I'll take that for a spin after the new drive gets in, though. Certainly couldn't hurt.
  • It really brings my piss to a boil how every android phone seems to eventually get a micro usb port that fails or needs cleaned in some way. About to throw my phone because the damned thing won't charge. Rargghasdlkfhasdfhlajksdf
    "Hell hath no hold on a warrior’s mind, see how the snow has made each of us blind. Vibrant colors spray from new dead, staining the earth such a beautiful red."
  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    Fuck ticks fucking fuck ass fuck ticks they fucking suck and should fucking die in a fucking fire
  • Falling out with people from Aetolia. Working 6 days a week on top of a full course load leaves me with next to no time to play, and I get that it's a community that encourages interaction by, y'know, playing, but still a bummer. I miss you guys and my friends I used to talk to almost daily :(
    Feelings, sensations that you thought were dead. No squealin' remember, that it's all in your head.
  • @Aldric come back, bb.

    I hate experiencing a @Draiman meltdown, and losing like probably an hour or two worth of work for no good reason, and wanting to slam my laptop shut and go to the bar.

    Then I recovered, and realized how foolish it would of been to show up late after telling my friends I wasn't going, by saying, "I lost 2 hours worth of nerd crap I need another 130 proof bourbon drank asap." Bad friend status, and lush status.
  • Hey double post. Hate that I miss @Rashar's stupid face every night while he's off being a super hero. THAT STUPID FACE I JUST WANT TO STRUGGLE SNUGGLE MORE. And I hate that my puppy bites my nose really hard when I try to snuggle her. It's kinda rude and unnecessary to bite me hard enough to draw blood when I'm just trying to Elmira her up. :(
  • Waking up this morning to a call from my bank's fraud detection department because some jerkface tried to make a purchase in a Toledo, OH Target with MY debit card number. Having my debit card cancelled and waiting a week for a new one makes me anxious, since I have to go through and cancel auto-payments and check receipts for what might be trying to clear, though the alternative would obviously be worse.

    Anyway, I'm so mad that someone skimmed my card and jackin' up my bill paying routines and stuff. Not like I've got a ton of money so it's kind of a double slap, you know?
    (Web): You say, "I know there's something I'm forgetting.."
    (Web): Sevaan says, "You forgot to border the letter with macaroni art?"
  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    I had to replace my card today - bank didn't even call me to tell me about the fraud detection, I only found out calling in asking why I couldn't buy milk. Someone tried to buy $200ish hardware in mexico!
  • DraimanDraiman Dr. Drai
    I hate how the effects of Benadryl for me are very short lived due to passing out from drowsiness after I take some.

    On the plus side the 10 minutes I can breathe before I'm put into a drug induced coma is like heaven.
    "You ever been divided by zero?" Nia asks you with a squint.

  • There are a couple of non-drowsy antihistamines you can take, man. And they're once a day vs multiple doses.
  • ErzsebetErzsebet Altaholic
    I use loratadine. Benadryl knocks me the fuck down too. At best I'm half a sleep and stumbling around. Loratadine though, works pretty well. Can breathe and be reasonably coherent. It's what they use in Claritin and the not-name-brand equivlents, the latter of which work just as well IMO for less money.
  • edited April 2015
    Echoing the loratadine there. That's my usual go-to, but if you're taking that it's typically better to do it daily. If you're taking it daily for any decent chunk of time, you may want to do a few weeks on, then switch over to something else for a few weeks, so on and so forth.

    Also worth looking at is cetirizine, which is the main ingredient in Zyrtec. Same gist as above.

    If, on the other hand, you're just dealing with something that's a bit more on and off, ask at the pharmacy counter for something with pseudoephedrine in it. That's all the stuff with a D (haw haw) like Claritin-D, Zyrtec-D, etc. Depending on state laws you'll probably need a driver's license to get it, but it tends to work a lot better if you're looking for a short term fix.

    EDIT: ...Sorry. 6 years working in a pharmacy puts me in tangent mode.

    EDIT EDIT: Look for those main ingredients when you're shopping (loratadine, cetirizine) instead of going for the name brand. Not only is the generic usually cheaper, but it's typically the same exact thing, but with way better prices when you get bottles of 50/100.
    Feelings, sensations that you thought were dead. No squealin' remember, that it's all in your head.
  • SaritaSarita Empress of Bahir'an The Pillars of the Earth
    Pseudoephedrine is regulated at the federal level in the US, so it shouldn't matter which state you're in. I also used to work in a pharmacy, and there's an electronic database that monitors how much you buy in a 30 day period, and won't let you buy more than the legal limit.

    Back on topic, pseudoephedrine on its own is just a decongestant. I second the recommendation to get the generic stuff other stuff. A lot of times it will even say directly on the box "compare to the active ingredient in Claritin!" or something, and stores normally have them right next to each other on the shelf.
  • So apparently, there's a router extender thingie and something to do with my IP that makes it so I can't connect my computer to the Internet in my hut. My iPad gets it, and my computer sees the connection and it looks strong but when I try to connect it doesn't actually connect. It just says limited. :(

    Can one of you real nerds help a dumb nug out? :(
  • HadrakHadrak Dorohedoro
    I wish I could fathom the sheer gall of my coworker's need to habitually call-in.

  • DraimanDraiman Dr. Drai
    edited April 2015
    People who write the paychecks at work fucked -everything- up. I got like 1/10th of what I shoulda been paid and the other guys on my crew got $44 and $2 respectively. I don't even know how this is possible but ok.

    My 666th post was bitching about work. Obviously the word "work" is English for "Hell".
    "You ever been divided by zero?" Nia asks you with a squint.

  • HadrakHadrak Dorohedoro
    Hell is the reprieve from the bullshit of work.

  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    where does the requirement for pizza come in when drunk+1200am=pizza. Its a demon... covered in pesto and bufff chic
  • AarbrokAarbrok Breaking things...For Science San Diego, CA
    Alcohol stimulates the hypothalamus, a part of the brain that regulates things such as body temperature, circadian rhythms, and most importantly for this case: HUNGER. This triggering of the hypothalamus causes us to feel hungry at a time when we may not normally feel hungry - and in particular, for unhealthy foods!

    That being said the more logical answer is found in alcohol's effect on our blood sugar . Because your body recognizes alcohol as a poison, many bodily mechanisms are triggered to excrete it. The effort our body is making ceases its ability to maintain healthy glucose levels. The drop in blood pressure also results in a sudden and strong carb craving - which would explain why we not only get hungry when we drink, but why we crave those unhealthy, carb-abundant foods.
  • Brought credits for relic pieces. Six of the eight pieces where phials of steam. When I rerolled these phials six out of six of them turned into credits. What shitty luck.

  • SerriceSerrice the Black Fox
    @Aarbrok Carne asada friiiiiiiiies
  • Been spending a total of 9 months so far at my work practice, working my tail off. I managed to nag my way back twice to the same spot, because I love it there and I know they want me there. Was told this week that 'Wow, since you came back this time, you've really worked hard and you do an amazing job! I mean, you were good before, but even better now. However, we won't be able to hire you, or anyone, this year. Sorry 'bout that.' I still have two months left in that spot, and however much I love that Place, and the people there, it sortof just took my motivation away.


  • AarbrokAarbrok Breaking things...For Science San Diego, CA
    @Serrice i hate you so much right now... I miss those! So good, but oh so bad
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