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  • @Dristin Not sure with babies, but with horses, it involves hours of walking your horse when they want to lay down and roll ( and kill themselves ) and it sucks. Crying baby must make it worse. You are a saint - I freaking love kids, but am terrified of babies and won't have them because they scare me.

    I hate that the family that owns my work sucks. The parents are great - however the two very gorgeous sons are hard to deal with. The one rocks - he's weird and great to gawk at all day. But the other one spent all day telling me I'm literally 'a fat idiot,' and that I should skip the spinach and fruit salad that was the only thing I got to eat today. Self asteem = -100.

    I miss my friends, being happy, my family, my mom, I miss all the things, someone pull out the tiny violin and play me a sad song.
  • TragerTrager Raiding your underwear drawer.
    You want us to come beat him up, @Asaraii?
    Indoran'i is back baby. It's go-... Oh.

  • Already offered, @trager. :(

    @Dristin when my daughter was a baby, my ex and I used to have to take turns driving around town at night while the other slept in the car. Carseat was like the only way she would sleep for a good month or two.

    Miserable. :(
  • TeaniTeani Shadow Mistress Sweden
    @Dristin: Heat and vibrations usually help. Wrap up in a warm blanket and let him rest on top of the laundry machine or dryer.

  • @Trager I'd love to see him get beat up, just have to do it in August so I can still rake in the dough til I leave.
  • Been trying to find the complete light novel series of Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero... and I can't fucking find it anywhere! I mean, I found a site that has most of the chapters of the novel, but not the 100% novel. WTF! I just wanna read a fucking novel to an anime that I found incredibly interesting! The fuck do I have to do.... attempt to find the series written in japanese and still be unable to read it due to not being able to read japanese! Sometimes, I fucking hate good animes! :angry:
    (Oasis): Benedicto says, "There was like 0.5 seconds between "Oh hey, they're in area. That was quick." and "OMFG THEY'RE IN THE AREA STAHP STAHP!""

  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    Comcast. :(
  • DraimanDraiman Dr. Drai
    Here lately I've been bamboozled by why my internet was sucking because my step sister quit streaming so much stuff. At first I thought it was the ISP, but it's been like this for almost 2 weeks. Today I walked by her laptop in the living room and saw the most horrifying thing ever. Upon her screen was the Bittorrent window, and it was at this time I knew I was fk'd. Since no one else was in the room I decided to scroll through and see what was so god damned important she couldn't wait until everyone was asleep to download things (like any other decent human being would do who shared internet). At least 4 animes, the p90x workout video? (I laughed way too hard at that one), a couple of kpop albums and a bunch of other shit written in what I'm assuming is Korean. And to top it off? She's seeding. Everything. Everything she has ever downloaded. There's a lot of it too.
    "You ever been divided by zero?" Nia asks you with a squint.

  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    Draiman said:

    Here lately I've been bamboozled by why my internet was sucking because my step sister quit streaming so much stuff. At first I thought it was the ISP, but it's been like this for almost 2 weeks. Today I walked by her laptop in the living room and saw the most horrifying thing ever. Upon her screen was the Bittorrent window, and it was at this time I knew I was fk'd. Since no one else was in the room I decided to scroll through and see what was so god damned important she couldn't wait until everyone was asleep to download things (like any other decent human being would do who shared internet). At least 4 animes, the p90x workout video? (I laughed way too hard at that one), a couple of kpop albums and a bunch of other shit written in what I'm assuming is Korean. And to top it off? She's seeding. Everything. Everything she has ever downloaded. There's a lot of it too.

    Time to accidentally knock her laptop off the table, bro.
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • TeaniTeani Shadow Mistress Sweden
    Argh!! So annoyed with some of my extended family right now. Long rage incoming...

    Grandmother died a few weeks back, which was anticipated, but very quick in the end. Dividing her things was an easy process, no arguments, very civil. Whatever was left unwanted would be donated to charity or, if charity didn't want it, taken to the dump. After everyone had picked up their own things (which in some cases took its sweet time), there's basically been no help from my uncles to sort through the rest.

    One of my uncles' ex wife (also a good friend of my grandmother's) has been there almost daily for two weeks, to pack, sort and take care of lots of things like clothing and the more intimate things a son might feel less comfortable taking care of. My sister has been by to help pack and sort through things quite often. I've been there as much as I've can, packing, sorting, helping to transport things to the dump, lifting heavy and mowing the lawn just to ease my dad's stress level. Oh, and ONE of my cousins has been there to help pack things ONCE.

    To add to this, my dad lives in my grandma's house. It's going to be sold off, which means he needs to find a new place of his own and move out. While mouring the loss of his mother, and seeing to everything else.

    My uncles? Aside from picking up their own things, they've not done shit. One of my uncles was supposed to house the gathering after the funeral, but when he and his wife heard that we were going to be 10 more than the extended family (loads of people, right?), bringing the total to 30 people, they suddenly decided they couldn't take care of it anymore. He came by and dropped the entire thing of finding an alternative in my dad's lap, saying he had no time to stick around cause he had to go home to feed his dog. The 10 extra people? My grandmother's still living very old friends, their two very good neighbors and my daughters father and that family (who were very close to my grandmother as well). Oh dear, no! We can't let the friend of at least 60 years, who sat AT HER DEATHBED attend the gathering. It will be too much!

    Some friends to my cousin was interested in some of the retro furniture and were meant to call my dad to come pick them up. No call came and when my dad got in touch with his brother, he asked him (not too nicely) set a boot to his son's ass to get him moving or at least call and tell my dad if the deal was off. My uncle's reaction?

    "Oh, but you know he's a sensitive guy and he's so sad now, because he's lost his grandmother."

    WFT?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!! As if we're not all sad and upset because we lost this wonderful woman! And you're saying this to the son, who has lost his mother whom he has lived with and had as a constant companion for the last 12 years? You don't think HE's upset and sad? HE also has to pack HIS OWN things, which you don't have to worry about, you fucking insensitive idiot, who instead of helping out with packing grandma's things during the weekends, go out to your summer house for some time to relax.

    Oh, and to add to it, my grandmother on my mother's side is also pissing me off with her attitude towards my mother.

    Sorry for long rage... It's just, some people don't think about anyone but themselves.

  • Drunk psycho mom went 4 months not talking to me, but we have been semi-ok on texting every few days the last month and a half. AND BAM. Last night, we're texting about tornado watches in PA, then 'I ruined her life from second she got pregnant to when cps took me out of her house because it was my fault when I was 13, now it's ruined forever.'

    I told her she should of used a condom, this time.

    We've had this issue every few months when she gets the right combo of drugs and booze in her, for the last 15 years. Maybe we'll go 6 months of no talking this time. No ragrets. Not even one letter.

    (In the meantime I'll still pay her cell phone bill.)
  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    @Asaraii - You're a better person than I am, Asaboo.
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • @Ishin <3 thanks. It's like that strange loyalty because she's my mother/only parent. That I feel like a total douche because I can't create a healthy relationship with her. That she has nobody/is lonely. Two of her brothers have killed themselves, and I feel like I'm going to wake up and she'll be the next to do it sometimes. Or she'll live to be 150 and stay this way FOR THE NEXT 90 YEARS.
  • I can't focus on Reading random forum threads if @Aishia's written anything in them, because her dog and ghost sig is distracting me. (And yes, this is secretly a love)
  • HadrakHadrak Dorohedoro
    RIP Christopher Lee. You'll be missed.

  • Had a comfortable 10 horses at the barn. Then last week while bar hopping we meet this redneck guy (super nice guy, like, nicest goofiest guy ever, don't get me wrong, I am a redneck too I just don't sunburn as bad), who knows a barn that got bought by new people and their horses are practically being starved nao, and they need to move them ASAP.


    So we're like no my little pony is going to starve under our watch, and set up the time for them to move last night, OF COURSE DURING HURRICANE/TORNADO MUSTANG. So 5 horses get brought into our barn and there's like 10 people there and then the hurricane stops, then wind roars like a dragon from GoT and somehow I see wind blowing sideways so hard I can't see anything else but white and tree branches flying sideways and into the barn, and I thought I was going to die for 25 seconds and I sprinted to the house to hug my puppy in the basement and then it stopped and went back to flooding and raining, and I lived.

    But. Holy crap. It wasn't even like a real huge tornado, but I had to deep pool dive to get allllllllll the pool stuff and 6 heavy chairs from the bottom of the pool, and fix electric fence at midnight, and I also had to break @Rashar 's poor soulless heart and tell him MUSTANGS ARE NOT JUST BOYS THEY ARE GIRLS TOO.

  • SaritaSarita Empress of Bahir'an The Pillars of the Earth
    Windows 8.1. I don't know what it did to my screen resolution, but half of the things look horrible, while others are ok, and I don't know how to fix it. It's ugly.
  • AishiaAishia Queen Bee
    I don't know if this will help but I've been using http://www.classicshell.net/ since I got windows 8 and it more or less makes all your interface and interaction with your settings and stuff look like earlier versions of windows.
  • SaritaSarita Empress of Bahir'an The Pillars of the Earth
    I'll take a look. Thanks!
  • The task bar is a bit larger than it was on windows 7, but I'm pretty sure you can configure that in some of the menus. Just make sure you're all up to date with your updates and you'll be able to upgrade to 10 come the 29th of July. All told, it's supposed to be a better experience.
  • MarienaMariena By a lake.
    So, it's been uber stormy for the past ... 2 weeks? I broke my nose my sophomore year of high school and rebroke it recently. The bridge of my nose swells when rain is going to happen. I'm not real good a snow predictions but I'm 85-95% accurate on rain predictions. Why rage?

    Fuck man. My face has been throbbing for TWO weeks now. It might not always rain, but whatever pressure fronts are going on is causing everything to swell. To a point where the roof of my mouth, my teeth, my cheeks, nose, up my nose and to my forehead all just HURTS.

    It's not constant pain too. It ebbs and flows and sometimes it makes me whimper as it stabs my cranium. I am not full of snot, yet I feel like I constantly have to blow my nose, like it would relieve the pressure. Only everything is agitated and if I try to relieve pressure that way TOO much, I get blood.

    Tl;DR: Mari's prior accident causes mostly accurate weather predictions by way of face pain. Weather has been shit recently.

  • AarbrokAarbrok Breaking things...For Science San Diego, CA
    Internet has been out for four hours....
    Eff Comcast.
  • edited June 2015
    Aarbrok said:

    Internet has been out for four hours....
    Eff Comcast.

    Our internet has been so bad I can't watch Netflix and cam on Skype at the same time. Zarni and I have the highest internet speed you can get through Comcast. We've had people out multiple times. Wtf.

    (Spinesreach): Xiuhcoatl says, "Oh man, grab the children-corn. This is gonna be good."
  • AarbrokAarbrok Breaking things...For Science San Diego, CA
    Eydis said:

    Aarbrok said:

    Internet has been out for four hours....
    Eff Comcast.

    Our internet has been so bad I can't watch Netflix and cam on Skype at the same time. Zarni and I have the highest internet speed you can get through Comcast. We've had people out multiple times. Wtf.
    Yeah this is an ongoing problem here as well, I have however been able to get credits for inconvenience a few times on my bill but at times I dont know if that is a reasonable compromise when it pretty much shuts down the whole house to analog mode.

  • DraimanDraiman Dr. Drai
    This entire part of the state was just flooded. I had to make a 4 1/2 - 5 hour long circle drive to get home. It took me 30 minutes to get to work this morning.
    "You ever been divided by zero?" Nia asks you with a squint.

  • ErzsebetErzsebet Altaholic
    Urrrrf. My birth control is up again, and it seems to be manifesting in me being absolutely exhausted. I went to bed at 10:30 on Tuesday (my day off) and woke up at 8:30 without outside interference yesterday and was all like, I'm gonna craft stuff, and find RP and do things and eat breakfast. I ate breakfast. And then at like 10:00 I passed out on the couch cuddled up with the cat. Woke up an hour later and relocated to the bedroom, almost too tired to move. Slept until 2:00. Was still tired. Took some B12, B6, and Niacin on top of my normal vitamins and went grocery shopping with my boyfriend, ate dinner, watched Titan AE and Anastasia and then a shower and bed at 10:00. Woke up again this morning around 8:30, and I'm -still- completely exausted.

    It's extremely frustrating. I feel like my brain is lurking in a cloud. So tired but I have no right to be, 14 hours yesterday plus 10.5 hours today. At this rate, I'm probably going to take another nap before I have to head to work because I'm still exhausted, even though I didn't do anything yesterday. For that matter, the only thing I do on a normal day is walk to buses on the way to/from work maybe run if I'm about to miss the bus. And it's not more than 3 miles total, so it's barely worth mentioning.
  • This event going on is like the coolest I have seen and I'm more interested in it than pretty much anything else that's happened on a global level in Aetolia - and it's all happened during my 3 days of transit, 2 days of sleep-whacky schedule, and then heading into the first leave I've taken to go home to visit my family in two years.


    I rly wanna play 2, guys.
  • AarbrokAarbrok Breaking things...For Science San Diego, CA
    I will call Ati "Feller" on your behalf @Rashar
    I sorry D:
  • Hey I said shipfeller in a shout. :(
  • RiluoRiluo The Doctor
    Yeah it sounds great. Pity it is happening at 7am on a weekday :(

    Abhorash says, "Ve'kahi has proved that even bastards can earn their place."

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