
  • KaleighKaleigh The Inn
    @Oleis‌ Aloe vera is my best friend lately. But being at work is kind of hard.
    Itch attacks!!
  • PiperPiper Master Crumbs
    I currently have the most glamorous heat rash covering my neck, face, chest and all that. I have a date tonight. I really wanted to wear you, pretty dress I never get to wear...
  • HavenHaven World Burner Flight School
    Piper said:
    I currently have the most glamorous heat rash covering my neck, face, chest and all that. I have a date tonight. I really wanted to wear you, pretty dress I never get to wear...
    I'm sure you'll look good anyway.
    ¤ Si vis pacem, para bellum. ¤
    Someone powerful says, "We're going to have to delete you."
  • Tell you what. You put it on and snap a little picture, send it over to me and I'll tell you yay or nay.

    *waits patiently*
  • I'll do you one better: I don't even need you to put on a dress.



    (The Front Line): Daskalos says, "<-- artifacts."

  • DemarcusDemarcus Black Flagon Inn
    Ishin said:

    @Demarcus - I feel your rage about PTSD bro. I've had it for uh...actually coming up close on 10 years now. Oh, Iraq and Fallujah. It's a real mother. It changed me, a lot, and it's been a hell of a struggle trying to control it. I've had some success, though some things just seem to be outside of my ability to 'fix' on my own. Just don't get to feeling hopeless about it, my man. Addressing some of the issues that come from it isn't hopeless.

    If you ever need someone to talk to, just hit me up.

    I, myself, rage at job searching. Good grief it's hard to find a job these days :/

    @Ishin I appreciate it man. I feel like kind of a dope because I'm sure that my experience is absolute peanuts compared to yours, but there is the common theme I guess. Things, in general, have been getting better and I'm really happy to say that outside of work things are going pretty well. A lot fewer issues, though sleep has become a bit of a problem again. Work is horrible though. A few nights ago I had to go and check something out and my mind was playing tricks on me and I was having a really hard time keeping it together. Immediately afterwards I ended up just driving and by the time I realized what was going on I was in the next town 20 miles away. My guys gave me huge amounts of unicorns at lunch asking me what the speed limit was and where I was off to in such a hurry. I just ignored them and I think they realized that wasn't the time or place for joking. I felt a little bad afterwards, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

    Working alone at night is a really, really bad idea but these idiots don't care.

    My rage -- I want to get out of the office, but there is a guy from HQ here doing an audit and he will likely want to go watch me do work that I haven't done in over two months. I'm out of energy water enhancers and I prefer to shop at Target, but it closes at 10:00 pm. If this guy doesn't leave soon I probably won't get to go and I don't look forward to resigning myself to Walmart at midnight. Lotta creepers.
  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    @Demarcus - PTSD is PTSD. It doesn't matter if you have it from shooting someone in the face, or if you have it because someone forced you to do something you didn't want to, if you get my drift. I have a friend who had it from a shark-attack. It still gives you nightmares, it still causes anxiety, and you can still react to things excessively poorly in the midst of an episode of PTSD. A lot of people think it's just some shit where we're pretending, and while I'm sure there ARE some people who pretend to have it(just like people pretend to be shits and sit on welfare for their whole life while driving Caddies), there are also those who legitly have it.

    I'll give you a few examples. I don't like sleeping at night. I sleep better during the day. A -lot- better. This is almost 10 years after I came home. My girlfriend says I scream a lot less in my sleep these days, which is probably due to her being a champ and taking good care of me. She can also attest to the fact that if we're here and I hear a fucked up noise, I -have- to go and check every room in our entire fucking building, or else I'll fritz out and be a wreck. It's just not something my mind can tolerate not doing. Anyone who's known me online or in person can tell you that I can also be exceptionally aggressive and defensive.

    Don't put your own self down by trying to say it isn't 'as bad' as mine. You still have it, and your symptoms can still be similar. They suck to live with. I used to go to a weekly group therapy meeting at the VA in Richmond for a long time. It really helped me a lot, even though I rarely spoke or commented. The Doc running it would actually ask me my opinion more than I volunteered it on my own, which was kinda cool. I might suggest something like that, maybe even talking to a doctor about your symptoms and asking what you can do to help manage them on your own. I'm not the kind of guy who prefers pills to self-effort, but sometimes they can be necessary in order to help get you to a point where you can take the reins yourself.
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • I think it's important to note that there's a difference between PTSD and a normal human reaction to terrible stimuli.

    All too often, PTSD comes equipped with a lot of negative stigma, and it's mostly because of false or vague diagnosis. The slew of people that realized in the mid-2000s they could pretty much claim it for everything, up to and including a desk drawer falling on their toes in a triple-perimeter base with the population of many U.S. cities (and far more security) weren't a big help, either.

    Everyone is built differently, and everyone has different reactions. I'd be wary of worrying over your symptoms or even labeling them as PTSD off of one doctor's report. That implies there is something ill with you, or something that needs treated.
  • PiperPiper Master Crumbs
    I rage that aetolia peeps don't let me properly grump and cheer me up way too much too fast. Nit enough proper angst. (<3somuch)
  • DemarcusDemarcus Black Flagon Inn
    Rashar said:

    I think it's important to note that there's a difference between PTSD and a normal human reaction to terrible stimuli.

    All too often, PTSD comes equipped with a lot of negative stigma, and it's mostly because of false or vague diagnosis. The slew of people that realized in the mid-2000s they could pretty much claim it for everything, up to and including a desk drawer falling on their toes in a triple-perimeter base with the population of many U.S. cities (and far more security) weren't a big help, either.

    Everyone is built differently, and everyone has different reactions. I'd be wary of worrying over your symptoms or even labeling them as PTSD off of one doctor's report. That implies there is something ill with you, or something that needs treated.

    @Rashar Not going to worry over symptoms, but I'll call it what it is. I wish it were a desk drawer falling on my toes, since I wear steel-toed boots, but alas. I'm not sure what you're aiming at with the comment on something being ill with someone or something that needs to be treated, but without my PDoc and TDoc, I would probably still be a proverbial train wreck.

    @Ishin My work doesn't allow for my to go to group therapy, they barely make it feasible to go to my regular appointments as it is. Most of the time I feel like most everybody simply doesn't get it, and I don't expect them to. It is what it is.
  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    @Demarcus Not sure what's up with that, man. When I worked at the jail, they gave me like a full 2 weeks to get my initial appointments and shit out of the way, and I wasn't working regularly for about a month all said. They were pretty helpful with that. I don't know if you're a veteran or what(going to guess no, due to the way you speak and stuff), but it's pretty asshole of them to not be willing to give you off for doctor appointments.
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • Get contracted out to a new place and a new work supervisor and ERHMEHGERD this guy is just ridiculously hot. I mean just stupidly, jaw-droppingly, eye gougingly chiseled. Take Daweson's casting call selection and thin his face a little and with better cheekbones and a slightly bigger chin dimple. Why is this a rant? It's distracting!

  • AuresaeAuresae Minneapolis
    One of my teachers not getting in line with the stuff the Disability Resource Center requires. I'm having to have one of the DRC reps intervene because I don't know what to do.
  • MarienaMariena By a lake.
    @Auresae - You are doing exactly what you are supposed to do (I work in the Testing Center and Accommodation Services). Your professor, by law, has to accommodate you with the accommodations you were provided via the ADA and your initial Intake appointment with the DRC. If he is not accommodating you, then they have to, by law, step in and make him understand what his role is in your education.

    So don't fret lady, you're taking the right course of action.

  • Or else we can get together and give them a tune-up.

    *taps baseball bat into his opposite hand*
  • AishiaAishia Queen Bee
    Also @Auresae you're pretty much just great.
  • AarbrokAarbrok Breaking things...For Science San Diego, CA
    Incompetent Managers....

    How come I am the new one, and I have my unicorns together more than some of these people who are supposed to be pacesetters.

    FML, so much irritation with laziness.
  • StathanStathan Hot springs
    Aarbrok said:

    Incompetent Managers....

    How come I am the new one, and I have my unicorns together more than some of these people who are supposed to be pacesetters.

    FML, so much irritation with laziness.

    What I read there is that you're going to be getting another promotion soon, and you'll be firing some annoying lazy people who don't do their job.
  • MarienaMariena By a lake.
    I left the phone on my top of my car. There it stayed for an impressively long amount of time, but alas, gravity took it flying at 55 into a water filled ditch. I found the back cover and the sillcone case. I have been informed that this was probably a stupid thing to do on a large road. Mom's right.

    I do not have a phone now.

  • StathanStathan Hot springs
    Mariena said:

    I left the phone on my top of my car. There it stayed for an impressively long amount of time, but alas, gravity took it flying at 55 into a water filled ditch. I found the back cover and the sillcone case. I have been informed that this was probably a stupid thing to do on a large road. Mom's right.

    I do not have a phone now.

    No telemarketers calling during dinner. I count that as a win. Though I am sorry to hear you're phone died. Hopefully phone insurance/plan what have you can replace it?
  • VolkaVolka Lurking behind the beakers....
    Some one thought it would be a good idea to give the supervisor access to the associate sign in log doc on the company computer. The same supervisor that didn't know about the find/replace box. The same one that thinks it's better to put a laptop in direct sunlight from dawn to dusk, just so we don't have to move it. Ever. Needless to say, it's going to get broken from having to pass a 10 pound file box over it twice a day, but what the unicorns ever. Consequently, the associates signin is ...well, Unicornsed. what was three pages, neat and orderly, is suddenly four, with half of one employee class on the page it's supposed to be, and the other half on the temp class page. And our lines for signing that we took possession of the log? On a completely separate page. I...may get in trouble, but I'm not techno-illiterate. Infact, I took college classes for this unicorns. I'm probably not supposed to access this doc, but it's not passworded, and it's sitting right there on the recent files list... 25 minutes later, I not only have the mispellings and the people she -didn't- take off the list that should have been taken off, but I've also got it back to 3 pages, tabbed properly, pagebreaks where they belong, etc. I've saved it under the updated date, and I'm hoping I don't lose my job, but really, I had it up to my eyeballs with her inept inability to do her bloody job. Also, I'm working a 12 hour shift today, because she insited on going to her ...boyfriends? (I don't know what to call him, she's a homewrecker) doctors appt because otherwise "He won't tell the doc what he should" and she has to be there cause "he won't do what he's supposed to ayway". Instead of swapping shifts like she should have, and filling in for the lady that took a day off yesterday, and having that lady cover her today, which would have cost the company 0 overtime, (and still allowed them to make 40 hours) she made the 'new' guy (who'd be lucky to tell the differences between his unicorn and a hole in the ground with a map a flashlight and a sherpa) , me, and the lady that only works out here one day a week, work 12 hour shifts t cover those two days, because she wanted to go to her son's for the 4th, and because she's the super, she gets to have a life, where we dont. Not to mention that she yelled at me yesterday ad told me to get a new phone carrier because I didnt get a text message from her. (most of them I have blocked with an app on my phone, because she likes to call me at 1 in the afternoon when she knows I'm sleeping, but this time I really just did't get it.) What super sucks is iff I complain, I'm likely to get transfered off the site (which I would LOVE) but the likelyhood of geting 40 a week at my current pay rate is neext to none, and they're talking about raising my rent, so I can't afford to take a pay cut. tl;dr: I hate my boss. I hate her with the fury of a thousand suns.
  • PhoeneciaPhoenecia The Merchant of Esterport Somewhere in Attica
    Been sick for the past week, and I've been fatigued a lot to the point of nearly passing out if I move around too much. It's also been getting harder and harder to breathe with the heat and humidity from all the rain we've been getting lately. I won't be able to see a doctor until Friday, and between then and now, I'm working two full days. On top of being sick, I'm in desperate need of an MRI for my knee and my back - both of which have been bugging me for a while now, and I have no idea wtf is wrong with them - but I won't likely be able to get that done for at least another week. Odds are if I don't get any better within the next few days and breathing is still difficult, I'll probably be needing x-rays on my lungs too.
  • TragerTrager Raiding your underwear drawer.
    Rashar said:

    I think it's important to note that there's a difference between PTSD and a normal human reaction to terrible stimuli.

    All too often, PTSD comes equipped with a lot of negative stigma, and it's mostly because of false or vague diagnosis. The slew of people that realized in the mid-2000s they could pretty much claim it for everything, up to and including a desk drawer falling on their toes in a triple-perimeter base with the population of many U.S. cities (and far more security) weren't a big help, either.

    Everyone is built differently, and everyone has different reactions. I'd be wary of worrying over your symptoms or even labeling them as PTSD off of one doctor's report. That implies there is something ill with you, or something that needs treated.

    ^^^^ - This.

    In the service, it was a ridiculously huge stigma to even be seen anywhere near a mental health facility on post. The idea that you aren't this perfect, hardcore, rugged ass soldier just didn't compute, and truthfully, most of the feelings of apphrension or shame were inevitably nothing more then my own shortcomings, moreso then anyone else's.

    @Demarcus - Just get help, plain and simple. I waited years before even walking into the VA, and over that time period I did a very large amount of stupid, irresponsible, reckless things that, God, I wish I could take back. I think addressing the problem is the best solution, hands down. Kudos for you if you're already on that path. It beats the alternative, IE: Sitting at home in your room for nine months straight and doing nothing but playing Aetolia and sleeping because anything out in the real world is instantly unfamiliar and therefore you feel it a threat to your safety.
    Indoran'i is back baby. It's go-... Oh.

  • MarienaMariena By a lake.
    Part two of Who-the-Hell-did-I-piss-off-to-deserve-this-Karma:

    I was driving into town to look for new cell phones, because I got the one that flew off my car's roof on Ebay, thusly no insurance on it. I was just accelerating out of town when I hear this sound like a firework or a shotgun.

    Sudden pain across my left shoulder and right boob, the smell of sulfur fills my car and my nose is bleeding kind of profusely. I look around, in a panic. What the fuck just happened to me?

    Both my windows were down, did a firework or a bullet whizz through? What the fuck what the fuck, damn it my tit hurts, argh my nose is bleeding. Why is that light on?!

    Ahh. The light. The light is the key, children. The 'airbag deployed' light is on my dashboard, as if I just gotten into a wreck. I know for a fact that I did NOT get into a wreck. Then I notice the sulfur smell is coming from my left, where my seatbelt is no longer retracting.

    AHA, I think, aha. So, after going to the local post office that was less than a road away (our family friend works there, her name is Kia, she is the best post mistress) and getting kleenex and having a moment to stop shaking, I drive home.

    I am buying a phone on now. I don't want to go outside anymore. It's scary as fuck out there.

  • AishiaAishia Queen Bee
    edited July 2014
    Man airbag deploying is bad. Even just stuffing them back into place (When that's possible) Is p expensive. In a lot of accidents especially with older cars airbags deploying alone is enough for your insurance company to want to total it. At least you're ok though! Eek.
  • Living back at home with my parents has its ups and downs. I rage at the slowest internet ever, making it hard to stay connected to anything, let alone Aetolia.
  • ErzsebetErzsebet Altaholic
    Phoenecia said:

    Been sick for the past week, and I've been fatigued a lot to the point of nearly passing out if I move around too much. It's also been getting harder and harder to breathe with the heat and humidity from all the rain we've been getting lately.

    This sounds a lot like the 'probably bronchitis' I had before. Lots and lots of fluids. I was subsisting mostly on mucinex. Feel better soon. :(
  • AuresaeAuresae Minneapolis
    I fell going to class. Like hard core. I yelled out some choice words as my knee twisted inward and I rolled to the opposite side to take the pressure off of it. I ended up on my back with my knees in the air moaning and NO ONE ASKED IF I WAS OKAY. A guy on a bicycle rode right past me and didn't stop. I managed to limp to the food area and talk to my mom and my hip and knee kept getting worse and worse until I could barely breathe. So I had to call 911 to come get me, which was humiliating. Took hours in the ER (naturally) for them to say nothing is broken, you're just sprained. God I hurt so much. At least they gave me a little bit of morphine. I wouldn't have survived without it. I don't think I've ever been in that much pain.
  • Those bastards. I hate it when people just ignore what's going on around them because they 'don't want to get involved'.

    I'm sorry no one even so much as stopped to ask if you needed help!
  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    @Auresae - people are assholes, gf. I would recommend ibuprofen I think it is to help with the swelling. You might want to alternate ice and heat too, to help stimulate bloodflow and keep the swelling down as well.
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
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