Add more stuff to 'audit'. I would like to know things like exact critical chance and experience gain (I haven't really found a reliable way of finding out exact numbers for these).
GMSG and CMSG for guild and city leadership. Lets you send a message to all active members of the org. And before you say script it - I tried! Mass messaging is limited to only 10 people.
At this time, there exists no reason to allow any Ministries but Ambassador and Trade to withdraw money.
Let us citywithdraw from Culture. This seems an unnecessary hindrance for culture peoples and makes giving them an easy budget for contests and events a headache in shifting funds.
Any chance we can get shop taxes given some flexibility? This would make chancellor a more proactive ministry and let cities promote their economy as a way to increase income.
- CITY SHOP TAX FLAT # - shops pay a flat % of their value each year (or a flat number, since setting a price and then adjusting that to % seems overly complicated).
- CITY SHOP TAX INCOME # - shops pay their taxes through a % of each purchase. The tricky part with this would be that a ton of stuff only costs 1 gold (slices, herbs) and you'd lose income via herbalists, so we'd either just need to give them a free pass for herb sales or have some kind of coded shop tracking done where every 100 gold the shop brings in add # gold to be paid to the running tax total.
- CITY SHOP TAX SPLIT # # - splits between a flat rate (eg 2500 gold) and a % of sales. This would let the more proactive ministers find the best numbers to charge taxes at to allow for slow sales years while still ensuring cities get profit.
DaskalosCredit Whore ExtraordinareRolling amongst piles of credits.
Citys already get a portion of sales as a no-tax-to-the-owner tax via the Commerce tree.
Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24 "If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."
Orly? That's nifty - any way to track that? It show up in revlog? I haven't seen anything in revlog that jumped out making me think "Oh, I wonder what that is" but I haven't really been looking for it either.
Aetolia needs more gold sinks and things to spend coin on. Something to combat gold interest in bank accounts because I look at these auctions and weep.
¤ Si vis pacem, para bellum. ¤
Someone powerful says, "We're going to have to delete you."
DaskalosCredit Whore ExtraordinareRolling amongst piles of credits.
But Haven, you've already mastered the games best goldsink...
The formalized forms of gambling in Aetolia are lotteries, blackjack and roulette. See HELP BLACKJACK, HELP ROULETTE, and HELP LOTTERIES. You can also flip coins (FLIPCOIN) or roll a pair of dice (assuming you have one) (ROLLDICE) to assist you in any other gambling games that you wish to play with your friends.
Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24 "If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."
A forged weapon or artifact that's throwable, envenomable, and uses equilibrium instead of balance. Maybe a shuriken or a lightning bolt, just you know putting it out there. Tired of these 2.2 balance daggers. Much rather a 2.2 equilibrium one.
DaskalosCredit Whore ExtraordinareRolling amongst piles of credits.
Uh, no. Physical Weapons are balance, magic attacks are eq. I already think it's borderline bad that you can throw weapons now with returning to bypass rebounding in the same room.
Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24 "If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."
You cock back your arm and throw a deceptively harrowing rapier at yourself. Health Lost: 150, cutting. Balance Used: 1.94 seconds The rapier swiftly returns to your hand. Equilibrium Used: 1.13 seconds
so as wise, the EQ time will be lower.. and the balance time might be a little more.. so you dont notice a big difference... the EQ time on returning isn't THAT Impressive but its enough to stop Vamps from using it with double whispers...
Sorry I'm autistic so it's a bit hard to say an idea. I just want the balance usage of throwing to be reversed, not even balance to be lowered. Just reversed. As wise with a crown, I'd be ok throwing a venom at 2.2/2.3 IE the current throwing balance time on a dagger, except for it to be equilibrium. In order to balance this 1 ish second of balance would be required. Normally think it's kinda implied given by exact numbers, but of course it's not easily interpreted that the number I'm giving are hard values, not soft ones. Then that returning would be flipped is of course a lot harder to understand, because for me it's implied that I want both switched.
DaskalosCredit Whore ExtraordinareRolling amongst piles of credits.
So you want a completely superficial change just because you don't like it being balance? That seems like... a terrible waste of time.
Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24 "If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."
Sorry I'm autistic so it's a bit hard to say an idea. I just want the balance usage of throwing to be reversed, not even balance to be lowered. Just reversed. As wise with a crown, I'd be ok throwing a venom at 2.2/2.3 IE the current throwing balance time on a dagger, except for it to be equilibrium. In order to balance this 1 ish second of balance would be required. Normally think it's kinda implied given by exact numbers, but of course it's not easily interpreted that the number I'm giving are hard values, not soft ones. Then that returning would be flipped is of course a lot harder to understand, because for me it's implied that I want both switched.
BUT You know how silly that sounds.. IF Aetolia did a EQ weapon you wouldn't be able to throw it since Throwing now takes up both balance and eq time...
Since teradrim can no longer harvest rocks/crush rocks for inks and its all down to the racial skill.. Can the racial skill change from 2/3 inks per rock to something like 4/5 .. Since inks are needed throughout reanimation plus tattoos...
Could we take a page out of the Dominion's book and not let people gain vote weight by just idling for a few days straight prior to elections? That'd be cool.
Since teradrim can no longer harvest rocks/crush rocks for inks and its all down to the racial skill.. Can the racial skill change from 2/3 inks per rock to something like 4/5 .. Since inks are needed throughout reanimation plus tattoos...
Eh, inks already sell for like 2 gold as is. They are really cheap and only worth harvesting for convenience already. Making them yield more per crush will only make their price plummet more.
Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
"If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."
I'm pretty sure that power got replaced by a shop inventory expansion. To my knowledge, it was never imlemented before it was replaced.
e: As far as Moi's idea goes, it would be rather nifty.
But Haven, you've already mastered the games best goldsink...
The formalized forms of gambling in Aetolia are lotteries, blackjack and
flip coins (FLIPCOIN) or roll a pair of dice (assuming you have one)
(ROLLDICE) to assist you in any other gambling games that you wish to play
with your friends.
Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
"If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."
Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
"If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."
You cock back your arm and throw a deceptively harrowing rapier at yourself.
Health Lost: 150, cutting.
Balance Used: 1.94 seconds
The rapier swiftly returns to your hand.
Equilibrium Used: 1.13 seconds
so as wise, the EQ time will be lower.. and the balance time might be a little more.. so you dont notice a big difference... the EQ time on returning isn't THAT Impressive but its enough to stop Vamps from using it with double whispers...
Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
"If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."