Naw, bloodlust is an okay reason for the first kill. You generally get one eye closed for the first kill, whatever the reason.Seurimas said:Lim said:Yeah, you're probably right that it is a fine reason on its own. It's when it's paired with the general 'no issue over one death/PK attempt' guideline that it becomes a bit more questionable. So the formula would be to 1. start a fight (whether justified or not, it's still acceptable because of the general guideline), and then 2. bring in friends on the retaliation. It's a recipe for PK farming/the appearance of PK farming, which I think is the recurring theme here. So it's in that context that the bringing in of allies becomes a bit more eh.I would add to a point Elene mentioned though - I personally do find the "They are my allies", or "My org are allies to their cause", or "my friends that got assaulted I must revenge." reasons are really weak sauce to justify PK.I don't know the specifics here, but I firmly believe "because they're my allies" is a fine RP to defend someone, and that the rules allow this behavior. RP isn't transactional between two people. Communities exist, and protecting your own is natural. This isn't a lesser, though, and you should be ready to be involved, because you open yourself up to retaliation.Conversely, the same does not hold as strongly (possibly at all, by the rules) for offensive acts. If you're not involved in an ally's conflict, you don't get a free pass just because you're buddies.
Well, I'd say retaliation is offensive. Unless your buddy is being actively attacked right now by an aggressor, you're not defending, and you need something better than friendship for jumping into the fray. If someone balks at that restriction, they should remember the "bad guys" need better reasons than blood lust for murdering you, too.
If we want to foster the type of environment that Elene and others have been bringing up lately regarding OOC feelings being hurt, and lots of player smearing. I think I can reliably say which side will break first.I definitely agree Shadow has its problems. It will be interesting to see how this plays out!
You are creating subjective rules that fit only your position.I'm not, though, and your stated opinion is very different from what is happening in game. Please see below.
In reality, it is no different from the very opinion you have what I would be doing, it is not that I am doing these things but instead representing an example similarly posed.
This is some very weird Aetolian whataboutism, when I think about it. We're always going back to "this is just sore losers and sore winners and tether tribalism". I don't think this is an issue of tribalism. I think this is an unwillingness to accept in character consequences for in character roleplay decisions. You keep pointing everything back towards tribalism or side-picking - which, to me, reveals an assumption of bad faith. That's not something I am equipped to fix and nor is it my responsibility to. I have a game to play, after all.
When we are winning, we are right, and when we are losing it is wrong. At the end of the day neither party is correct. There is no amount of justification or rules lawyering that will make it acceptable. It is purely going to take based on the state of things, one side finally having enough that they throw a big enough fit for any appropriate feedback.
If we want to foster the type of environment that Elene and others have been bringing up lately regarding OOC feelings being hurt, and lots of player smearing. I think I can reliably say which side will break first. So, really as I see it, lets see what happens, I have been on good behavior as of late, and I'm not going to gather the masses to jump people for things like putting up shrines. (not like any of the defenders are even in the orders of the Gods for the shrines anyways) However, I know myself and others could certainly devolve our standards a bit to see what comes of it.This sort of posturing is more deserving of the label of 'tether tribalism', dude.
Listen man, I get what you're saying. It reads as if you have a very RPI outlook on the game, and I think various attributes of those kind of MUDs are unique and should be better incorporated into the Roleplay-Enforced game we play now.I don't think the rules you are alluding to actually exist.
But the game does not change simply because you want it to. The rules - the written in stone rules - do not alter because you feel like they should. If the game is to change, then bring up the possibility of that change, and promote a shift towards an outlook that people can slowly come to terms with rather than find it dumped on their lap because you feel like it should be so.