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We removed novices and new characters from guilds for the city-centric system it is now, and while it's good for impressing that cities are Aetolia's central driving organizations, and not getting dumped into an empty organization to fend for yourself, it's bad for new players and new characters to not see and interact with their guild until they graduate from the academy.
Keeping them out of the guild until they graduate deprives them of seeing the guild and class themes, they don't know what the guild environment and player count looks like, and they have no way to judge if they'll mesh with the guild culture until after they've lost the ability to easily change. This causes them to miss out on a core component of the game for at least 31 levels, and all of their novicehood.
Moving the brunt of the novice experience to the city was a good thing! More people to answer questions with CNT rather than a smaller populated GNT, better likelihood that someone is paying attention, etc. However! If a new player takes the time (doesn't get power bashed) and plays the game all the way through newbie dom on their own, it can take several hours of playtime spread out over several days, and never interact with what will become their guild - and when they finally DO land in that guild now there's a whole process of being pointed out as new AGAIN, a bunch of people who may have not noticed them on CWHO available and interested in them, and they may find that the guild sounds good on paper but they just don't mesh with the people - and they have to manually quit and find a player to let them into a new guild to try the process again.
tldr; Put newbs back in guilds so we can track them better, interact with them earlier, and decisions can be made while grace periods are still open.