Well, this is a big pile of horse manure. I have seen plenty of people swear on that channel and this is the first person I've seen get booted from it. Glad more and more I opted out.(Cursed): A splinter says, "This poem is titled "WO' betide thee that stoppeth the One Who Rises"."
(Cursed): A splinter says, "Ahem hem."
(Cursed): A splinter says, "Booooo! Put the comedians back on!"
(Cursed): A splinter says, "Get a day job!"
(Cursed): A splinter says, "Please stop..."
(Cursed): A splinter says, "I'll be taking records if you go further. Stop."
(Cursed): A splinter says, "My feelings are really hurt."
(Cursed): A splinter says, "Taking records? What does that even mean?"
(Cursed): A splinter says, "Means you'll get in trouble. Stop while you're not in trouble."
(Cursed): A splinter says, "In trouble with who?"
(Cursed): A splinter says, "Think about it."
(Cursed): A splinter says, "On whomst's authority? WHO ARE YOU TO COMMANDETH ME?!"
(Cursed): A splinter says, "This communication is not without observation."
(Cursed): A splinter says, "In favor of stopping this: Tiur."
(Cursed): A splinter says, "Whomst is that."
(Cursed): A splinter says, "Is it really worth risking the ire of those that could make you stop?"
(Cursed): You say, "... this, yet another reason this event is "Regrettable swears" stupid."
(Cursed): A splinter says, "Okay... That's enough. Let's use this for it's purpose."
(Cursed): A splinter says, "Alright, that's enough. Swearing on here is absolutely a no-go."
(Cursed): A splinter says, "I agree."
(Cursed): A splinter says, "Can always optout if you dont' want to partake....as per help CURSE."
(Cursed): A splinter says, "AYE! BEGONE THOSE WHO WOULD NOT SERVE!"
(Tells): The Divine voice of Someone powerful echoes in your head, "Just wanted to give you a heads
up: You've been opted out of the curse event by force for violation of HELP LANGUAGE RULES. Please
try to be more conscientious of this sort of behavior in the future."
While I'm sorry for doing swears, I'd have happily opted out if you hadn't opened with "If you opt out, you will get no prizes!".
Having held a position in my life where I have had to mediate between two parties, I feel the need to play Devil's Advocate to this commentary. @Tiur has the unenviable position to collect evidence from all sides, listen to both parties, and make a decision, even if that decision is to do nothing. I am not attempting to diminish your experience, nor say that what happened was not disturbing, awful, or unacceptable, but I also do not know the story of, the experiences of, or what was shared by the other party or parties involved.I need to comment on this. For those of you who don't know, I played Martinaux. I was harassed really bad by a player both IN the game and oocly. My FRIENDS in the game were harassed for being in the same room as my character. Harassed out of rping with me. I ended up retiring Marti and started a new character, but I couldn't break that fear of reaching out to people and start rping, because I was afraid she would find out and would harass those people as well, since she's done that to another alt I had. So I retired that character as well and started a new one. THE FEAR WAS STILL THERE!Teani
A few more questions: What is the process involving player banning? As in, what steps are taken to determine if a player is going to be prevented from playing the game, whether it is short term, long term or permanently? What kind of factors play a role in this (money spent, IC actions, OOC actions, immersion breaking actions, all of the above)? What would it take to have this kind of ban lifted?
My reasons for asking these are many, but I'll share one: at times it feels like some people are allowed to get away with far too much, making other player's time in the game miserable in may different ways, without any noticeable punishment.
This is the question that's giving me a lot of heartache on how to answer, and I know this won't satisfy, but I'll try.
I do my best to be as objective as possible. Some things are easy, like credit card fraud, but behavior is very difficult. Bug abuse is also easy; if you do it, and we can figure it as intentional, you're not worth it to keep around. Even abusive, mean, angry players are perfectly aware that this is a game and you report stuff like that.
Behavior, though... first, I need to know about it. If someone is constantly nice in interactions with me, and never issued, I have no reason to go looking through things about how they act. Next, it needs to be in the game. It has to be pretty egregious for something in a chat program to make it appropriate for me to act in game, especially with how those things can be faked in reporting. Lastly, I use issues and player comment files to build a history. Someone with a history of certain behaviors that has received a warning is going to get worse and worse punishments, until they are gone entirely. Essentially "fired from being a player."
I've almost never done that. Perhaps I should, but often there are two sides of a story. It's why I love IGNORE. If you ignore this abusive person, and they go around it to be abusive, that's an obvious, glaring rules infraction. I also cannot recommend this hard enough: Distance yourself from people who are 'bad' for you. You do not have to talk to them on discord, or pay attention to them whatsoever in game. I know that's not always possible, and I'm sorry. I do try my best, and I mean it when I say that I'm keeping an eye on someone's behavior.
So, now I've stopped playing alltogether, cause that person simply took all the fun out of the game for me. And I know she's been doing it to numerous other people. I'm trying hard not to be upset with all the credits that unicorn cost me through all those retirements, but I will never forgive the game being taken away from me. And I have to put some of that blame on the Admins. You all KNOW what is going on. You KNOW who I am talking about and what she's been doing to so many people and you LET her do it. WHY?! I was told to report if she did anything even after I distanced myself and created new characters. When she still harassed my friends, speculating that certain new characters were me and talking unicorn, I told you, @Tiur, and STILL NOTHING HAPPENED!
I miss the game so, so much. I miss the tedious bashing and having fun rping with people. I miss the friends I had, because I don't dare to talk to them anymore. It hurts. It hurts cause I can't play this game anymore. Because you don't stop abuse when proof is shoved in your face.