Letting people slug out their confrontation has seemed to not work in the past, especially in regards to.. almost the exact same people involved, re: the Iosyne meeting from last year. Far be it from me to tell anyone they're wrong, but if the roles were reversed, I would not have handled it this way.Re: the meeting with Iosyne: that was not only under a different producer who was extremely conflict averse (and not doing their job), but it had specifically been handed off to a volunteer. I don't want to say whether Iosyne was equipped to handle the situation or not, but it was definitely not a situation that a volunteer should have been put in charge of given the sheer volatility of it - volatility that was, in part, provoked by Tiur's incompetent handling of the game. I'll also point out that, in the end, that meeting and the subsequent forums posts did lead to the change that players wanted to see.
You do you.
I hope this gets resolved; I really truly do. But by the sounds of things, it's gonna come down to an all-or-nothing change and some people are gonna quickly find themselves yeeted out of their corner of the game.
some people are gonna quickly find themselves yeeted out of their corner of the game.I thought I was done, but this is really sticking in my craw. The problem, at present, and the entire point of this thread, is that this is happening already. It's just not quick, it's slow. Is that better?
I have no idea what the implication is here. But uh, my guy, I'm not part of anyone's alt army. I don't particularly enjoy interacting with you because you seem to be incapable of seeing other people's viewpoints, especially if they're opposite your own. But am I gonna go out of my way to.. I don't know what this post is even implying.. make alts to vote in a Dominion election or you think I think about you outside the confines of these ridiculous forum posts or the Aetolia discord? I mean, don't flatter yourself, boo.
Also worth noting that at the time the owner of said server removed everyone who was 'toxic'. Most of those players have been removed. You removed yourself. I'm a little confused on the tea, but you removing yourself at the same time Zima did, Zima's attachment to Sryaen, Sryaen's constant passive aggressive interactions, Zima's colossal meltdown, etc etc, all start to paint an incredibly clear picture.
Only semi-related, but: Some of my friends from Imperian once told me about a unique artifact in Imperian. It wasn't one you bought with money or credits. It was something you happened upon by fate. The artifact is known as The Bottomless Well Of Cause. I think I've found it in Aetolia, and I should probably use it.