I feel like all the people I grew up playing aetolia with these past 12 years are all having kids, gettin married, and its an eerie remind that i'm getting ooooooooold.
"And finally, swear to Me: You will give your life to Dendara for you are Tiarna an-Kiar."
I feel like all the people I grew up playing aetolia with these past 12 years are all having kids, gettin married, and its an eerie remind that i'm getting ooooooooold.
Because people on shadow side know i've been working on a table for the past couple weeks (I'm enjoying woodworking as a new hobby) and asked to see pics of the results and progress as I went through it. So here you go!!
If ya'll have ideas on what I should make next, let me know!
A whole bunch has happened since I last played, one of the biggest of which was getting engaged! Wedding was supposed to be this fall, but the virus seems to have thrown a wrench into those plans for the time being. I'm on the left, the handsome lad to the right is the poor guy stuck with me forever.
Hello old friends and new! I know I've been gone for almost 10 years, so here's some recent pictures.
My fiance and I are big into the EDM/rave scene, so we usually go to two or three big camping music festivals a year. Pretty wild! I thought I'd have a few kids of my own by now, too! We recent moved from Kansas City to the San Francisco bay area, and I'm currently working as a sous chef at a Mediterranean restaurant. So if any of you have any recipes you'd like to share, please feel free to shoot me a message!
I'm so happy to be back and I missed this community terribly. ❤️
Since we're all about catching up and posting pictures after ~ >10 RL years of playing, here's recent pictures of me on holidays (man, do I miss being able to travel) and at work!
This is me in Korea! I visited an exhibition and they had nice windows.
This is me in New Zealand, after completing the Hooker's Valley Trail! Yes, I brought a plushie just so I could take a stupid picture up there. >_>
And this is a glimpse of me at work! I am a radiographer and an MRI technologist.
Thanks Rhyot! No name included, I made sure of it, but if you want to squint real close, it says my patient's age: 49Y | Exam: 29-JUN-2020 (yes it means I took the pic today <_) MRI, Whole Spine | Location unspecified.
Went hiking for a week for our ten year anniversary.
An amazingly reflective lake.
The lake and hotel we stayed at; view is from hiking up a nearby mountain. The lake really is that weird turquoise colour - it almost looks fake! It's the result of rock flour runoff from being glacier-fed, apparently. The tiny little dots on the lake are canoes.
View from atop a different mountain. We were in the middle of a passing cloud so wisps of it are still visible.
Walking through the aforementioned cloud - very wet and could barely see anything.
Hiking up/through a bunch of glaciers.
After a triumphant (and very tiring) climb!
We weren't actually expecting to go hiking; we found a random trail on the first day and got hooked on the spectacular views. Ended up hiking about 20 km each day, much of it uphill. All in all, this experience convinced me that I really need to work off all the weight I gained being inactive and boredom eating during COVID-19!
Kiyotanspectacular vernacularSummit of the Falconmount
Coronavirus has me working from home, with a little free time to check out some of my old haunts. Anyway, here's my kid.
Some may say we've lost our way, but I believe we've not gone far enough.
I visited a castle today (one of many here in Sweden). Here's a little something for you to enjoy:
One of the four corner towers
Some armor in the first chamber (of three) of the armory
A 360 degree view of the second chamber of the armory. These are all from the 1600s or earlier, as nothing has been added since the owner passed away in year 1676.
Morning stars hanging on the wall in the third chamber of the armory
Not many items remain from Native Americans from this early time period, but here lies a rather large portion of them (around 20% I believe they said?), in a chest, protected and looked after. They were obtained through peaceful trading between Native Americans and the early settlers in the Swedish colony "New Sweden", situated on the Delaware river.
I visited a castle today (one of many here in Sweden). Here's a little something for you to enjoy:
One of the four corner towers
Some armor in the first chamber (of three) of the armory
A 360 degree view of the second chamber of the armory. These are all from the 1600s or earlier, as nothing has been added since the owner passed away in year 1676.
Morning stars hanging on the wall in the third chamber of the armory
Not many items remain from Native Americans from this early time period, but here lies a rather large portion of them (around 20% I believe they said?), in a chest, protected and looked after. They were obtained through peaceful trading between Native Americans and the early settlers in the Swedish colony "New Sweden", situated on the Delaware river.
I have always wanted to go to Sweden!!
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It's not.” ― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax
Veritas says, "Sorry for breaking your system Macavity."
Veritas says, "My boss fights crash Macavity's computer now."
I don't know if the stars lined up perfectly or what, but the coincidence is unusual. Recently in the game, my character did this little project of analyzing the water works and sewers of Enorian. Two days after it was complete, I landed a job at a nearby Water/Waste Plant (today).
Apparently I have homework now to take care of every night, and a new career to look forward to.
That's all the oil/grease etc that people throw down their drains.
It get's run through a few filtering/separation processes. Regardless, it causes damage to the machinery.
@Rhyot The last stage once all the bad is separated is it's ran through a UV process. It scrambles the DNA of any bacteria/organisms that may be left over and makes them harmless. Aside from that, a few nitrates are released, and solid wasted get's turned into "cake", which can be turned into fertilizer.
How else am I supposed to dispose of it?!?!?! I don't want to just pour it into my trash bag!!!
Have you ever carried a trash bag that's sloshing around with liquid in it?!?! I mean..... I guess I could just keep the empty bottle of vegetable oil and then use a funnel to put it back in when I throw it away. WHY MUST YOU MAKE ME DO MORE WORK?!?!?!
PhoeneciaThe Merchant of EsterportSomewhere in Attica
We have green bins up here for food garbage. Take a paper towel, wipe down your pan, toss the paper towel in the green bin.
Here we have a dumpster for trash (and everything else) and recycle bins with a 16-page printout on the outside of what, how, and exactly how much you can recycle.
Lol, yeah. The county I live in in California is pretty strict about what waste goes where. Recycling can only contain certain stuff. Green waste (food scraps, bio stuff). Trash can only contain anything that's not recyclable/compostable. As Phoe said, you can use a paper towel to scrape off like bacon grease and use it later for cooking (i.e. heckin' bomb tamales). Warmer climates may not do as much damage to your plumbing as colder ones, but I'm sure it still causes an issue as it gets down the line to a wastewater plant.
When I was living in Kansas, this kid at my old work poured like 3 qt of bacon grease down the floor drain and jacked up our plumbing. I wanted to strangle him.
How else am I supposed to dispose of it?!?!?! I don't want to just pour it into my trash bag!!!
Have you ever carried a trash bag that's sloshing around with liquid in it?!?! I mean..... I guess I could just keep the empty bottle of vegetable oil and then use a funnel to put it back in when I throw it away. WHY MUST YOU MAKE ME DO MORE WORK?!?!?!
@Rhyot I takeit a step forward and sponge up whats left with a piece of bread, then eat it. Unusual, but I like the oily gristle left over from when I cook.
If ya'll have ideas on what I should make next, let me know!
Nothing is going to get better. It's not.”
― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax
My fiance and I are big into the EDM/rave scene, so we usually go to two or three big camping music festivals a year. Pretty wild! I thought I'd have a few kids of my own by now, too! We recent moved from Kansas City to the San Francisco bay area, and I'm currently working as a sous chef at a Mediterranean restaurant. So if any of you have any recipes you'd like to share, please feel free to shoot me a message!
I'm so happy to be back and I missed this community terribly. ❤️
Tell me how I'm doing!
This is me in New Zealand, after completing the Hooker's Valley Trail! Yes, I brought a plushie just so I could take a stupid picture up there. >_>
And this is a glimpse of me at work! I am a radiographer and an MRI technologist.
Dude has a really bad back problem. :X
An amazingly reflective lake.
The lake and hotel we stayed at; view is from hiking up a nearby mountain. The lake really is that weird turquoise colour - it almost looks fake! It's the result of rock flour runoff from being glacier-fed, apparently. The tiny little dots on the lake are canoes.
View from atop a different mountain. We were in the middle of a passing cloud so wisps of it are still visible.
Walking through the aforementioned cloud - very wet and could barely see anything.
Hiking up/through a bunch of glaciers.
After a triumphant (and very tiring) climb!
We weren't actually expecting to go hiking; we found a random trail on the first day and got hooked on the spectacular views. Ended up hiking about 20 km each day, much of it uphill. All in all, this experience convinced me that I really need to work off all the weight I gained being inactive and boredom eating during COVID-19!
One of the four corner towers
Some armor in the first chamber (of three) of the armory
A 360 degree view of the second chamber of the armory. These are all from the 1600s or earlier, as nothing has been added since the owner passed away in year 1676.
Morning stars hanging on the wall in the third chamber of the armory
Not many items remain from Native Americans from this early time period, but here lies a rather large portion of them (around 20% I believe they said?), in a chest, protected and looked after. They were obtained through peaceful trading between Native Americans and the early settlers in the Swedish colony "New Sweden", situated on the Delaware river.
Nothing is going to get better. It's not.”
― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax
By the way, here are some more, courtesy of my travel company since my own battery died and I couldn't make the most of it myself.
Lances inside the nearby church
Workbenches and tools left behind by workers in 1676, in the unfinished ballroom
King's room
Unfinished ballroom
Apparently I have homework now to take care of every night, and a new career to look forward to.
Also, how the hell do you clean THAT?!
It get's run through a few filtering/separation processes. Regardless, it causes damage to the machinery.
@Rhyot The last stage once all the bad is separated is it's ran through a UV process. It scrambles the DNA of any bacteria/organisms that may be left over and makes them harmless. Aside from that, a few nitrates are released, and solid wasted get's turned into "cake", which can be turned into fertilizer.
Or something else entirely?? Cause I'm guilty of pouring vegetable oil down the drain.
Have you ever carried a trash bag that's sloshing around with liquid in it?!?! I mean..... I guess I could just keep the empty bottle of vegetable oil and then use a funnel to put it back in when I throw it away. WHY MUST YOU MAKE ME DO MORE WORK?!?!?!
When I was living in Kansas, this kid at my old work poured like 3 qt of bacon grease down the floor drain and jacked up our plumbing. I wanted to strangle him.
Tell me how I'm doing!