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Quotes & Misquotes: Falling Off of Bridges



  • DraimanDraiman Dr. Drai
    (Spinesreach): Geronimo says, "Anyone have blue inks for sale?"

    (Spinesreach): Moirean says, "My shop should."

    (Spinesreach): Geronimo says, "Anything you DON'T sell?"

    (Spinesreach): Etrigan says, "Hope, she doesn't stock that."
    "You ever been divided by zero?" Nia asks you with a squint.

  • TozToz
    edited July 2013
    Argolis says to Etrigan, "As the Tainted have said, dogs belong in the kennels." 

    Argolis swings a blackened warhammer around and slams it painfully into Etrigan's side. The force of  
    the blow sends him cartwheeling through the air towards the north. 
    Etrigan leaves to the north.

    Anfini. Anfini I need a bunch of guys going 'OH SNAP' or something. My gif powers are weak...

    Oh god he did it again.
    Etrigan says, "Which doesn't mean I won't forget the intent of trying to offend me by using 
    something you unpoorly consider an insult."
    *a pause, Argolis clearly thinking of a clever retort. Right?*
    Striking out at Etrigan with a blackened warhammer, Argolis repeatedly smashes it into his unguarded 
    head, leaving him beaten and bloodied.

    Arbre-Today at 7:27 PM

    You're a vindictive lil unicorn

    Lartus-Today at 7:16 PM

    oh wait, toz is famous

    Karhast-Today at 7:01 PM

    You're a singularity of fucking awfulness Toz
    Didi's voice resonates across the land, "Yay tox."


    Block Toz

    limToday at 10:38 PM

    you disgust me
    (Web): Bryn says, "Toz is why we can't have nice things."

  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    I am cracking up so bad. Argolis has taken to using hammer batter every. single. time. Etrigan talks out of turn. I'm dying.
  • SetneSetne The Grand Tyrant
    From the other day while (mainly) Moirean, Xenia, Draiman and Geronimo practice combat stuff, and Setne teaches Moi's baby how to hustle and such.

    Moirean drops a tiny infant Imp.

    Moirean drops a bone stepladder.

    (Web): Draiman says, "...hahahaha."

    (Web): Xenia says, "DROPPING BABIES."

    (Web): Moirean says, "Shut up."

    (Web): Draiman says, "Moirean drops a tiny infant Imp."

    (Web): Moirean says, "D:."

    (Web): Draiman says, "Splat."

    (Web): Moirean says, "NO."

    Xenia stares implacably at Moirean.

    (Web): Moirean says, "I PUT HER DOWN GENTLY."

    (Web): Moirean says, "SHADDUP D:."

    Ingram said:
    "Oh my arms are suddenly lubed"
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    I didn't know about dropmotes. It made me sad to type but I TOTALLY EMOTED LAYING HER DOWN GENTLY BEFORE THAT OMG WAY TO EDIT OUT CONTEXT D:D:D:
  • In @Moirean's defense, remember she is an imp, so what like 2 feet,   that fall would not have been that bad honeslty  The child had a perfectly good chance to land on it's feet.

  • HavenHaven World Burner Flight School
    Imps are made of sturdier stuff.
    ¤ Si vis pacem, para bellum. ¤
    Someone powerful says, "We're going to have to delete you."
  • Imps are the bouncy balls of Aetolia.

    Arbre-Today at 7:27 PM

    You're a vindictive lil unicorn

    Lartus-Today at 7:16 PM

    oh wait, toz is famous

    Karhast-Today at 7:01 PM

    You're a singularity of fucking awfulness Toz
    Didi's voice resonates across the land, "Yay tox."


    Block Toz

    limToday at 10:38 PM

    you disgust me
    (Web): Bryn says, "Toz is why we can't have nice things."

  • AarbrokAarbrok Breaking things...For Science San Diego, CA
    Moi just needs to fashion one of these...


    Problem solved.  No carrying around imp babby,
  • LinLin Blackbird The Moonglade
    Aetolian advertising.
    Spirean Joint Command: Draiman says, "Whyyyyyyy are foci so damned annoying."
    Spirean Joint Command: Draiman says, "And why is Aetolia so god damn big."
    Spirean Joint Command: You say, "Because EPIC GOTHIC ADVENTUE."
    Spirean Joint Command: You say, "YOU CAN BE A GOD."
    Spirean Joint Command: Eleanor says, "FIGHT THE DREIKATHI."
    Spirean Joint Command: Draiman says, ":(."
    Spirean Joint Command: You say, "COMMAND A GUILD OR LEAD A CITY."
    Spirean Joint Command: Eleanor says, "BE INVOLVED IN AN EPIC WAR SYSTEM."
    Spirean Joint Command: Draiman says, "Lolol."
    Spirean Joint Command: You say, "YOU ARE CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW."
    Spirean Joint Command: Eleanor says, "THE FATE OF THE WORLD RESTS IN YOUR HANDS."
    Spirean Joint Command: Eleanor says, "HOTTEST NEW MMO."
    Spirean Joint Command: Akaryuterra says, "This is the time of Captain Jack Sparrow?"
    Spirean Joint Command: You say, "Oh god lol."
    Spirean Joint Command: Setne says, "What if I don't have hands?! D:."
    Spirean Joint Command: Draiman says, "Eleanor is on a roll."
    Spirean Joint Command: Draiman says, "/grabs popcorn."
    Spirean Joint Command: Eleanor says, "PLAY DISCREETLY IN YOUR BROWSER."
    Spirean Joint Command: Akaryuterra says, "XD."
    Spirean Joint Command: You say, "COMES WITH GLOW-STICK FOR NIGHTTIME PLAY."
    Spirean Joint Command: Draiman says, "Haha."
    Spirean Joint Command: Akaryuterra says, "You should do more of th- whoa now."
    Spirean Joint Command: Eleanor says, "Okay we need to stop right here."
    Spirean Joint Command: You say, "NIGHTTIME."
    Spirean Joint Command: You say, "PLAY."
    Spirean Joint Command: Eleanor says, "Join now, my lord."
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    edited July 2013
    (Web): You say, "For now, go ahead and OUTC ECHINACEA."

    (Web): You say, "And EAT ECHINACEA."

    (Web): You say, "You should be able to EX MOIREAN now - echinacea lets you interact with sneaky hidden people."

    (Web): Nesisoth says, "I'm guessing this is how Tsvanni knew I was wearing heart shaped pokedot boxers when I first entered the guild hall."

    (Web): You say, "Haha yes we were wondering about that..."

    (Web): Nesisoth says, "I found them in Bloodloch on the ground and I figured it was better than wearing no boxers at all."

    (Web): You say, "...you wore trash panties?"

    (Web): You say, "I...umm..."

    Nesisoth removes a pair of pink-hearted boxers.


    (Web): You say, "ALSO, try typing WHO."

    (Web): You say, "As you can see WHO now shows you where people are!"

    (Web): You say, "Ok. First, don't wear underwear out of the trash in the future. Especially from Bloodloch."

    (Web): You say, "Second! Check out WHO NESI."

    (Web): You say, "See how that lets you see where just one person is?"

    (Web): You say, "You can stalk people!"

    (Web): You say, "Who etrigan will show you where etrigan is, and who e will show you where all the e names are."

    (Web): Nesisoth says, "Especially when you combine it with cwho and gwho. Thanks Moirean, I'm going to be the greatest stalker ever! just you wait and see!"

    (Web): You say, "...what have I created."
  • AngweAngwe I'm the dog that ate yr birthday cake Bedford, VA
    Calipso has been slain by the might of a silver filigree box.
  • Angwe said:

    Calipso has been slain by the might of a silver filigree box.

    where do we buy these?

  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    Trade your firstborn (sorry that's Severn) dignity to Maghak.
  • Not really sure the context of this, but what does context have to do with anything.

    Angwe says, "Lemme get Benedicto up... he's done th' same for me."
  • edited July 2013

    Using his built up momentum, a gecko lizard lashes out at your right leg with a colossal halberd of serrated steel in a devastating slash.



    Carnifex failing since 2011. Fixes coming Soon ™
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    Carnifex: so easy a lizard could do it.
  • (Market): Meltas says, "Selling gw."
    (Market): Kiyotan says, "How much?"
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland

    (Research): Ilyon says, "Macavity has entered the Iernian Fracture."

    (Research): Ilyon says, "Areka has entered the Iernian Fracture."

    (Research): You say, "She's coming to PK you, Mac!"

    Areka has been sliced apart by a coruscating swarm of eld.
    You divine the location of this death as Beneath a weeping, burning sky in the Iernian Fracture.

    (Research): Ezalor says, "Mission failed?"
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    (Spinesreach): Anfini says, "I will introduce your body to a cornucopia of drugs."
  • LinLin Blackbird The Moonglade
  • ^ How I imagine Lin.
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    edited July 2013
    So we have the followup to Xenia's drinking contest, and Moi has a few drinks since it turns into a city event. Moi has NO tolerance.

    (Carnifex): You say, "Anyoge peed anyything before I go?"

    (Carnifex): You say, "NEED."

    (Carnifex): Xenia says, "SerR I ddidNet peE anyWhere."

    (Carnifex): You say, "You lott best not be peeing in the guildhull."

    (Carnifex): Grimdale says, "Too late..."
  • HavenHaven World Burner Flight School

    [0] [1130] E105 W98 B100 S100 <<XP 80%>> [eb] 42:23.214 -
    The mirror flashes again, this time more brilliantly, and becomes alive with an impossibly chaotic maelstrom of color, and though you know not how, smells, tastes, sounds and feelings. You are totally awestruck, unable to look away yet unable to process this raw overload of sensory information. Terror overtakes you, and you struggle to maintain your most basic sanity.
    Experience Lost: 312 [total: 2782559]
    Dourif is afflicted with:
    [0] [1130] E105 W98 B100 S100 <<XP 80%>> [eb] 42:34.737 -
    You command the powers of the Grove to open up a forested pathway to Lexen.
    Dourif is afflicted with:
    [0] [1130] E105 W98 B100 S100 <<XP 80%>> [eb] 42:41.359 -
    Suddenly, you understand. There is a pattern to the seemingly chaotic sensory cacophony, and you comprehend it at last. As the final clue of a riddle falling into place, you suddenly recognize that the mirror is showing you the true form of the Creator of All, Varian, the Celestine.
    Experience Lost: 312 [total: 2782247]


    Some strange powers I develop while dead.

    ¤ Si vis pacem, para bellum. ¤
    Someone powerful says, "We're going to have to delete you."
  • LinLin Blackbird The Moonglade
    As amusing as that is, good lord, I think we've seen it quoted here like five times now.
  • LinLin Blackbird The Moonglade
    edited July 2013
    So Anfini's dormant Aalen Bloom flared up:

    You gurgle in agony as a horrible viscous red liquid begins to leak from your 
    mouth and eyes, flooding your vision and coating your skin.
    LIFE|10872 E|96% W|100% E|100% X|68.766% (cfdb) (ehsm) eb - +103 
    You are:
    been covered in a thin, mucus membrane of red slime.
    equilibrium | 0.75 seconds.
    LIFE|10872 E|96% W|100% E|100% X|68.766% (cfdb) (ehsm) _b - 

    Having gotten up to mischief due to bugs before (see: Erasing the Great Spark and Great Crescent), the temptation for doing something diabolical was immense, but I got it cured.
  • Oh lord, it was gonna kiiiiiiill you.

  • DraimanDraiman Dr. Drai
    (The Blacker Arrow): Feichin says, "YO DAWG I HEARD YOU LIKE GAMES. I GOT A GAME INSIDE A GAME

    The game inside a game:

    [spoiler](Web): Feichin says, "Ezalor has voted for Desian. There are 5 votes for Desian. 0 more votes needed
    to execute."

    (Web): Feichin says, "Desian has been slain by the town."

    (Web): Feichin says, "Desian received 5 for their execution by Rou, Amberlea, Zaephlyn, Akirash,

    (Web): Feichin says, "Desian has been exposed as townie."

    (Web): Feichin says, "So ends this day as the night arises."[/spoiler]
    "You ever been divided by zero?" Nia asks you with a squint.

  • edited July 2013
    You remove 30 testis slice, bringing the total in the cache to 794.

    You casually drop thirty testis slices into the cauldron, and they land with a soft thud.

    You begin the fermentation process.
    You quickly utter a few words over the cauldron and the contents bubble and ferment until nothing is left but chilled crystalline vodka.

    I.. turned gonads into vodka. 

    Best. Bug. Ever.
    Feelings, sensations that you thought were dead. No squealin' remember, that it's all in your head.
  • @Rammus being a chop.

    Ellenia orders her queen at h7 to move to h6.
    The dark Queen points her sceptre at the light knight. His horse turns into a
    squirrel, and the knight falls to the ground. The Queen calmly walks over and beats
    him to death with her sceptre.

    Rammus (light) (6 points) vs. Ellenia (30 points)  Rammus's move.

    You see Rammus shout, "Checkmate!"

    Rammus's face goes pale as his abdomen bursts, spraying you with the remains of his
    organs and ending any semblance of life within him.
    Himself has been slain by Rammus.

    (House Nebre'seir): You say, "Such a sore loser."

    (House Nebre'seir): Rammus says, "I'd rather die than concede a chess game.
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