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Owned Part II



  • Yedan said:

    Try to jump me in Hunting Grounds eh Naos? I don't think so bish, I'm always ready for a fight! B)

    You tried doing that to me a couple months ago.
  • IllikaalIllikaal Pray Area
    edited June 2020
    Yedan said:

    Hahahahaha true story, I come by it honestly though! :DB)

    "And finally, swear to Me: You will give your life to Dendara for you are Tiarna an-Kiar."
  • Coulda sworn you came in after me Fezzix :D
  • I'm also so black it hurts. I am who I am. B)
  • IllikaalIllikaal Pray Area
    Yedan said:

    I'm also so black it hurts. I am who I am. B)

    Let's just not.
    "And finally, swear to Me: You will give your life to Dendara for you are Tiarna an-Kiar."
  • Too late already did.
  • Haven was slain by Fezzix.
    Ehtias was slain by Fezzix.
    Zortania was slain by Sekeres.
    Ashel was slain by Fezzix.
    Kitza was slain by Fezzix.
    Menelaus was slain by Fezzix.
    Vharen was slain by Fezzix.
    Kraz was slain by Fezzix.
    Rebra was slain by Fezzix.
    Anahera was slain by Fezzix.
    Oonagh was slain by Fezzix.
    Eoros was slain by Fezzix.
    Blodwyn was slain by Fezzix.
    Aeryx was slain by Fezzix.
    Saltz was slain by Fezzix.
    Rhine was slain by Fezzix.
    Lilein was slain by Fezzix.
    Valorie was slain by Fezzix.
    Kalena was slain by Fezzix.
    Sekeres was slain by Fezzix.
    Valeria was slain by Fezzix.
    Elidyr was slain by Fezzix.
    Evoran was slain by Fezzix.


  • Ah yes, quality Owned content once more!
  • BenedictoBenedicto Tentacles Errywhere!
    Oonagh said:

    Haven was slain by Fezzix.

    In fairness to Fezz, 22 kills, 14 of them enemy kills to 8 of your own team. That's a good calamity/collapse ratio right there. You're winning if you kill more of their guys than more of your own!

  • edited July 2020
    You are correct @Benedicto ....unless you're @Xavin who has been working himself out of the red since 2010.
    Holocausts were wild.
  • IllikaalIllikaal Pray Area
    Oonagh said:

    You are correct @Benedicto .... @Xavin has been working himself out of the red since 2010.
    Holocausts were wild.

    Should we even bring up Tralendar's record?
    "And finally, swear to Me: You will give your life to Dendara for you are Tiarna an-Kiar."
  • Benedicto said:

    You're winning if you kill more of their guys than more of your own!

    This is 100% false, and you know it.

    You're winning if you don't die and everyone else does. Doesn't matter if more of your team dies, so long as everyone does.
  • All about that KILLSTATS.
  • HavenHaven World Burner Flight School
    ¤ Si vis pacem, para bellum. ¤
    Someone powerful says, "We're going to have to delete you."
  • dodging op
    (Congregation): Iosyne says, "I made a cup."

    Horkval are a feature...
  • ME getting OWNED by broken Shaman. Resistance is futile! Lolololol :p:'(B) >:)
  • IllikaalIllikaal Pray Area
    Yedan said:

    ME getting OWNED by broken Shaman. Resistance is futile! Lolololol :p:'(B) >:)

    Imagine getting owned by your own awful curing prios and blaming it on a class.
    "And finally, swear to Me: You will give your life to Dendara for you are Tiarna an-Kiar."
  • edited August 2020
    Yedan said:

    ME getting OWNED by broken Shaman. Resistance is futile! Lolololol :p:'(B) >:)

    Stine said:


    Oh wait I found it. Despite both of these, you still lost:
    1) You tell her you forgot to defup but you're hypnotizing her and giving suggestions
    2) She actually wasn't deffed up and didn't have spiritsight on, so she wasn't tracking afflictions from vinelash.
  • I know I suck, yay me! Lololol :D<3 you all, bless your hearts B)
  • I am sooooooo sorry Jeromy my brotha, I just couldn't resist it! :DB)

  • Old Mage Jeromy, the Fisherman says, "Always gotta be cheatin."

    At least he's open about it.
  • Pssht, was just misdirection so he didn't see the noose coming.
    If it was cheating it wouldn't be allowed in Sect. B) Call me rude if you want, muhahaha.

    #sorrynotsorry B)
  • BenedictoBenedicto Tentacles Errywhere!
    edited August 2020
  • Benedicto said:
    Not a fan of the inflammatory bait posts and the gang mentality that seems to be supporting them. We're better than that. Can we get back to posting the content that this thread was actually designed for? Merry Christmas.
    Or are we reversing course and that's okay now?  ;)
  • edited September 2020
    Deleted in the interest of a more harmonious community. I apologize for my brashness.

    Stay classy, my friends. B)
  • You cant say Dump & Go, without the author of best selling Dump Cakes, and renowned television personality for Copper Cookware, Cathy Mitchell!

  • I mean if you will LET me sit there and build up a super stack, might as well! B)

    Good fight as always, Mr. Locke. Keep up the training. :D

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