So a lot of talk about the Age of Dawn in the game. Spirit aligned Divine really starting to become active and stuff about Sabelism. Just kinda wonderin if the theme of Achaea and Aetolia were planning on switching? Any thoughts, comments, ideas guys? Doesn't seem like a gigantic leap to me. Obviously it would be a big role play thing involved. But lets face it, Spirit guilds and organizations don't have nearly the numbers and power Shadow ones do. So kinda makes sense to get a more balanced game, throw a little bone to the Spirit guys so to say.
Always interested in knowing how I'm doing!
Ultimately, it doesn't really change anything as it's the same concept that has been around. The big difference is it's being pushed Enorian-wide. Even arguing that that is a difference is a stretch, though, as various CL's have made that push (Including myself).
By its very concept, the Age of Dawn is unachievable because, well.. that's the axis the game's conflict lives on Living/Undeath, Purity/Corruption, Light/Darkness. The various events that take place are different chapters of that battle, so essentially, you have been seeing the advancement?
The population imbalance has existed for a long time, sometimes it goes one way, sometimes another.
But Kylan is right, it'd be kinda game ending to be like "Light wins, GG."
As to Age of Dawn - it's a roleplay device and rallying point for the organizations. It isn't feasible to actually happen in the game unless you're going to cut to end credits.
Always interested in knowing how I'm doing!
A landmarks style mechanic for forests and towns. Has a long timer and theatrically replaces an area with a light/dark version depending on who wins. Could be ciem style, could be puzzles, could be capture the flag, could be rejuvenating/exterminating. Could also be area specific. Gives you guys at least a chance to clean some spots up and have something tangible to rally behind.
Always interested in knowing how I'm doing!
With the opening lines (according to Melantha, I didn't get to read it) being about nursing a hangover after a foursome, it kinda shows that the people of the light could indulge in things that'd maybe be frowned upon for the good city, whilst still pursuing their goals.
A bit more freedom in RP is always a good thing you'd think, but this whole concept is somewhat new. Our community is known to aggressively tackle 90% of new things by not liking them right away (and sometimes vehemently opposing them), but after development or it's actually gotten to the point the administration has intended it to, enjoys it profusely.
@Jensen What specifically would be wrong about it? Vamps have been overpowered for years. The shadow organizations have obviously been overpowered hince their immense popularity. What's wrong with the Spirit orgs now is that fact. No one even wants to try because they know they will just lose.
2) Praenomen have not been OP since the paresis changes
3) Youre ignoring the strengths that light/life/neutral classes have
4) Youre want an instant win for your side because at the moment it seems unfair. This is horrible RP and would effectively ignore every choice and action that has led to the current realm
1) You just like the power where it is and do not want it to change
2) Vamps still OP... You go up against Ashmer and see who wins
3) What strengths? It's so weak no one wants to even join. The newbs we get 90% of the time end up going to shadow just cause they are better. End of story. Don't even get me started on the devoted 'spirit orgs' that have like a total of 4 combatants.
4) Power balance shifts? Pretty sure the power balance has been in shadow since I started playing over 10 rl years ago.
5) No I don't want an instant win. I do however want a game that's not 'if you want to kick butt and actually be good, go shadow'
I'm still not quite one foot in the combat side of the game yet, but I don't think which side is mechanically winning should have much to do with the theme and the "Age of Dawn" things (which also seems pretty cool to me) and it also doesn't make much sense to me that such a major thematic change would happen when mechanically the dark side is winning, too.
Helped win the last war we had for Duiran
I couldn't beat Ashmer even if he sat down for me to kill him
You're inability to see weaknesses in other classes does not mean they aren't there
You've put blinders up to the eb and flow of this game. You're taking it way to personally and not looking at the game with unbiased eyes.
Sabelism is a move forward. Why, I hear some of you ask?
Because it offers freedom, like Aldric said. Admittedly, in the very early days of the game, a lot of stuff was nebulous about the whole good/evil, right/wrong dichotomy, but over the years, the city has definitely settled into a boring and frankly inflexible, unattractive, stagnate set of ideals that has restricted players to be in essence, either "Light" or "get out". There's no wiggle room allowed for the players, as endless, silly, trite moralizing led to increasingly extremist perspectives that make sense only slightly, and restrict the average player to the margins of being a mindless zealot or looked down upon for not being a holier-than-thou headcase.
This is a toxic environment for many people and hurts the city. It burns people out, it leaves them feeling cold about participating with the city and limits more moderate individuals to quietly watching from the sidelines as the hardcore, "RARGH BURN ALL FOR THE FURY OF RIGHTEOUSNESS IS THE FIRE OF BLAH BLAH", run around making everyone else miserable.
It's not declaring that the Age of Dawn has come, merely that it is coming, as long as the Light and its allies are able to be flexible and unified. The Light is no longer defined by a single perspective (i.e. the holdovers of Rahn) and permits a more diverse, inclusive, interesting range of views, that is under the umbrella of a centralized religious concept, Sabelism. And yes, the "ism" was tacked on to the Illumine word for "faith". This makes it easier for the non-Illumine speakers to have a name for this concept without calling it "THE GRAND UNITED RELIGION OF LIGHT AND SPIRIT ALIGNED GODS". By comparison, Sabelism rolls off the tongue, I think.
Sabelism includes practically all of the Life and Light aligned deities and forms a pantheon that accepts all their worship without pointing at a particular group and saying their inherently more sinful or bad than the other. Or at least, not those who are fellow practitioners of The Grand United Religion of Light and Spirit-aligned Gods. It gives the city Cardinal a job. I.E. Pope of this new (old) religion. It even has a place for those who like to PK in the name of the Light. (Crusades!) One of the main purposes of Sabaelism, however, is that it permits the City of Enorian itself to separate itself somewhat from the religion.
The religion is for those who want a religious RP and want to be RAAWR for the Light or even just "Go Light! Whee!". The city is for those who want to experience a freedom to just be alive and enjoy the multi-cultural melting pot of refugees, outcasts, and survivors of Darkness, Corruption and just general butt-hattery that those nasty evil people in Bloodloch and Spinesreach get up to. Enorian can then include the anti-theists, the oddballs, and even a few hedonists, because Sabelism offers a directed outlet for the Lighters, and the city itself is more welcoming to Lifers who don't feel at home snuggling trees and wearing loincloths (Duiran isn't a bad place, I just pick on you guys because it's fun). And for the Duiranites who want to, they can theoretically follow Sabelism without feeling bad because they're betraying their guild or city either. It lets the Lifer side of things have a bit more flexibility and that's always a good thing.
I know it may be a bit of a blow for the Auresian's especially, because your language got co-opted (retconned) into being the language of an earlier era. But it also makes a lot more sense from a story/background fluff angle and doesn't make it any less holy or important. If anything, it's the liturgical language for a whole religion. Like Latin and Latin is awesome. As for the orgy and excess, I refer you to what Sarkis wrote in reference to the letters and the philosophy of the early city of Enorian. I didn't spend all that time transcribing the pages and providing analysis just for people to ignore. Though, if you want the Cliff's notes edition, I'm pretty sure I can provide that for the curious and the TL;DR crowd.
Please make sure to watch the tone of discussion here. Keep it friendly, folks!
Basically, it's the Midnight Age. The darkies are supposed to be winning. That doesn't mean their classes are better (because they're not), they're just the main draw to the game. You want to change that? Change your org, don't ask for admin handouts. @Sibatti and co proved that that was possible once already.
Plato, you say you've been playing for 10 years, but have you been paying attention for much of that? Just as was mentioned, there was an era where Duiran absolutely destroyed anybody who got in their way. I've only been playing a couple years less than you, but even I can see that there's a sort of balance that seems to flip this way and that between the sides and numbers.
The class disparity is almost fundamentally nonexistent in terms of power. The drastic difference in fighters from each side may make it appear as such, but the reality simply is that obviously more classes are going to be represented amongst more fighters.
Back to the city aspect, one of the biggest things is charisma. Moirean's an example of somebody with charisma who keeps activity pumping in a city, doles an incentive out for just about everything, and puts the power in the players' hands to have fun. This leads to more people wanting to be part of the organization because hey, soandso seems to be having fun there, I want to have fun too! It's a ripple effect.
The Sibatti era in Duiran was also wildly successful because, here's the kicker, she did the same thing. I'm not trying to say that there aren't any great leaders on the lifer side, but it's hard to compare the current leaders to those who've excelled so well in the past in terms of charisma and drive. If Enorian got a group of motivated, excited folks to change up things, study what the city has the most fun doing, and go forth from there, we'd see success work its way from the top down.
Unfortunately, as it stands now, a chunk of Enorian's population is chomping at the bit to change things up and make things more fun, but a larger portion is quite content to keep things exactly the way they are.