
  • edited May 2014
    Draiman said:

    I have a cyst and a cavity in a tooth that is being pushed against by a wisdom tooth growing in at an angle that has also been cracked by said wisdom tooth. I was screaming (I have no voice right now) last night from midnite to about 4 AM when I finally did my absolute best to stay calm and ignore the pain and drive myself half way across town to the ER where I had to have my hand x-rayed (luckily didn't break anything) while getting pain medication for my tooth because I beat the ever living shit out of my metal front door trying to take my mind off the tooth pain.

    15 min after I got the ER tho the pain started to go away. -_-

    I'm by no means a shrink but all I can think after reading this was that you should probably look into some form of counseling. Good luck on all your health bro

    @Ishin - Were they the power tool using ones or the straight up 100% old school Amish type? Because I've done a lot of framing dude, and if I was driving every 16p by hand instead of just taping up the trigger on a ramset gun or air gun, I would probably still be working on the first house we built :|

    ETA: I don't see air hoses so I'm guessing old school actually, and also why are all those 2x4 braces on the trusses red? Last question, why the hell didn't they just dormer off that flat roof where the guy furthest right is standing?
  • DraimanDraiman Dr. Drai
    Dude the pain was pretty unreal. Definitely some of the worse I've ever felt in my life. I prolonged driving myself because I honestly didn't think I was in any condition to drive that far.
    "You ever been divided by zero?" Nia asks you with a squint.

  • PhoeneciaPhoenecia The Merchant of Esterport Somewhere in Attica
    So, in my previous post, I mentioned the other girl that was crying at work? She wasn't in today either, and I found out why. Turns out she had gotten a call that her mom was in the hospital for a stroke. I don't know details, but I'm just hoping her mom's alright. I know how scary it is since my mom suffered a stroke a few years ago and had to stay in the hospital for two months.
  • TragerTrager Raiding your underwear drawer.
    Wtb like/sadlike/sadface button.
    Indoran'i is back baby. It's go-... Oh.

  • I worked with Amish for years building houses, RVs, and mods. Grew up in Amish country. There aren't many who won't use power tools, heh. As long as one regular dude on the crew owns the stuff or the company does, they'll use it. A lot of them work in factories as well. All power.
  • PhoeneciaPhoenecia The Merchant of Esterport Somewhere in Attica
    Feeling like going to university was a complete waste. All it really did was stick me in some serious financial debt, and I'm paying the price for it now. I honestly have no idea of what I'm going to do.
  • Phoenecia said:

    Feeling like going to university was a complete waste. All it really did was stick me in some serious financial debt, and I'm paying the price for it now. I honestly have no idea of what I'm going to do.

    It'll get better. I felt pretty much the same for a long time after graduating. I still do sometimes. You'll get there.

  • PhoeneciaPhoenecia The Merchant of Esterport Somewhere in Attica
    Well, after this month, I'm going to be broke. The only saving grace is that I still live with my family.
  • Phoenecia said:

    Well, after this month, I'm going to be broke. The only saving grace is that I still live with my family.

    That's how I managed for the last few years. I'm only just now capable of standing on my own, and even then only because Elwyn's getting a place with me.

  • EleanorEleanor FOR SCIENCE
    Your student loan is pretty much a tax you pay for the rest of your life for the privilege of being able to get a better job.

    Unless you picked a degree that won't get you a job, then it's just a tax you pay for the rest of your life.

  • PhoeneciaPhoenecia The Merchant of Esterport Somewhere in Attica
    Eleanor said:

    Your student loan is pretty much a tax you pay for the rest of your life for the privilege of being able to get a better job.

    Unless you picked a degree that won't get you a job, then it's just a tax you pay for the rest of your life.

    It would be if every job related to the field I studied didn't require another 4-6 years of school, which I can't afford. Beginning to think I should've just gone to culinary school instead, and be able to open my own business by now.
  • I got lucky. I had no student debt when I left college. The downside was I was unemployed for three years except for a little seasonal work and a life insurance sales job that left me $500 further in the hole. (because I totaled my car and had to get rental for work.)
    imageimage "Little pig, little pig, let me in, let me in. You look tasty and smell like bacon." *LICKLICKLICK*
  • Meyvitch said:

    I got lucky. I had no student debt when I left college.

    Does not compute.

    I'll be in $50,000 when I graduate. I mean, that's for 2 degrees, but still. I don't even want to talk about my Masters degree and law school. Luckily Vermont has a public service agreement and as long as I work for the state for two years, they erase 75-100% of my debt. I'll defffff work for two years! Sign me up plz

    "To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman

  • I was talked into going to a private tech school for massage therapy, which cost way more for 16 solid months of training versus a standard community college...
    I am -still- paying off that debt, 7 years later.... even though I have no desire to use the degree for a career anymore. And none of the classes transfer to REAL colleges. NONE.

    I wobble between being glad I went, cause damn am I awesome at stopping a cramp, and really wishing I hadn't gone, cause oh man, I'd love those 20K dollars back...

  • Rashar said:

    I worked with Amish for years building houses, RVs, and mods. Grew up in Amish country. There aren't many who won't use power tools, heh. As long as one regular dude on the crew owns the stuff or the company does, they'll use it. A lot of them work in factories as well. All power.

    TIL, ha. Thanks! I know there's Amish country near me and when we are in those areas I can tell because the back of all the stores have hitching posts. I just love the pie.
  • VolkaVolka Lurking behind the beakers....
    I have a student loan, but it's only 3 grand. I never finished college, but I have a tech school degree that transfers if I choose to take criminal justice major, and I might, in the future. I rage that I cannot have the same days off or even just the same shift as my husband because of a selfish asshat at work. I mean, it sounds selfish, what I want, but really, is it too much to ask to get my old shift back? I took swing because my husband had swing, and because the new guy was -new- new, and grave was easier to train him on. Now that my husband is back on grave, I asked my co-worker if he would switch shifts with me. He told me no, because his friends play d&d on tuesdays. (A day he'd have off, with swing shift, no less.) I see my husband for about 3 hours on his days off. That's a total of 9 hours a -week-. That's it. On the off chance I stay up (sacrificing sleep for companionship unicornsing sucks) I'm dragging ass at work, and I cant screw up my job, people depend on me. So because this tart just -has- to have hammer & magic helmet tuesdays, I don't even -know- the man I'm married to anymore. I am seriously this |_| close to telling them I'm going back to school or something and have to have grave, and see if they will force him to take swing that way, or even transfer me to another site that has grave. Might even actually go back to school.
  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    Fuck him, do what you gotta do, @Volka.
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • Acne.
    I never really had an "issue" with acne as a teenager, but when I hit about 19, it just EXPLODED for a few years all over my face. But then it passed and and I just got the the monthly 'ope! hormonal upswing, yay menstruation!' zits here and there.

    But for some reason, in the last couple months, it has come back with a vengeance! The sides of my neck, shoulders, and spinal column, all riddled with those horrible, hurts-to-touch-them deep zits. :(

    I'm trying to figure out if something in my hygenic routine has changed lately to cause this, but the only thing I can think of is using antiperspirant instead of just deodorant? But that doesn't touch my neck or back!

    Whhhyyyyy! Go back to highschool where you belong, skin problems!

  • SolariaSolaria Charlotte, NC
    I hate having reoccurring pain that was supposed to stop over a week and a half ago. I'm so over it..time to visit the doctor AGAIN. Seems like I can't avoid the doctor for more than a week and a half. It's really starting to worry me at this point. :( At least I still have pain pills.

  • ErzsebetErzsebet Altaholic
    edited June 2014
    Moving. No net while we transition to the new place. Maybe not till Wednesday. :<

    Completely different rage, but I'm the last poster to the thread, edit, instead of a second post.

    I rage at people who take preconceptions about groups of people and apply them blanket to individuals. I am sick and tired of being labeled as high drama or a super skank or whatever the hell else on the grounds that I am openly bisexual, pagan, and poly. And by openly, I mean I'll mention it in conversation if someone else asks me specifically--it isn't as if I'm swaggering around with a harem of scantily clad individuals or something. It's not my entire identity and I don't feel the need to rub the noses of conservative America in my religion or my sexuality, but it pisses me off that the second someone finds out, even if we were cool before, suddenly I'm this drama-creating skank who has an eye for stealing their husband. Like. Really. What the hell.

    I also rage that saying anything about this switch instantly creates high drama. I hate writing people off as too much effort, but I can't win for losing here.
  • I'm going to be working 6am until 10pm on Wednesday because I had to take today off. My little angel has pink eye. Double mad hnng day.
  • DemarcusDemarcus Black Flagon Inn
    Soooo, I can't remember if I posted in this thread about my joyous little incident at work in the wee morning hours of Easter. If I didn't, I responded to a gruesome train accident and apparently did it wrong because I got out of the car. Because, you know, I knew exactly what was going on when I got there and that was absolutely covered in my training, multiple times! (end sarcasm... for now) I have been going to weekly+ counselling, which they kindly paid for the first 5 sessions and now I get to start paying for them myself.

    On top of that, they've bungled some of the short term disability paperwork so I got paid about 20% of what I should have for the month of May. NBD, just really annoying. Anyways, was diagnosed with PTSD from this incident. It's been a ton of fun, believe me. I've become really good at navigating the city and avoiding railroad crossings while doing it. I can get to just about anywhere, it might just take awhile. Heh. More rage because these yokels don't seem to have any idea what is going on, nor do they care. Which is fine, more power to them. Wonderful leadership right there, to really not care about your team.

    I'm *still* waiting on Health and Medical to respond regarding my ADA request for reasonable accommodations that I made on the first of the year. It's June. This is absolute unicorns and an unbelievable joke. I really have no desire to go back to work at all given how all of this has been going. I really can't wait to just be done with these asshats.
  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    PTSD is a bitch, bro. If you wanna talk, holler at me.
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • DemarcusDemarcus Black Flagon Inn
    Ishin said:

    PTSD is a bitch, bro. If you wanna talk, holler at me.

    I appreciate it. I find it comical that I just received the letter from Health and Medical saying they're denying my request for reasonable accommodations. This should make things easy for recourse.
  • I'm sick again. Yay!
  • not so much anger as minor irritation.

    Need to finish a resume and cover letter for coworkers to peer over in time to get it polished to turn in before COB Wednesday. took me two days to even realize what deadline was, didn't see post before yesterday anyway, then worked 11 hrs.
    Came home to work on it, missing my flash drive. Can go get one no prob, but I just opened a bottle of wine and poured a glass before I realized I can't drink it if I'm about to drive. Or need to go to library later to print copies...

    bye now. wine and Aetolia later.
    imageimage "Little pig, little pig, let me in, let me in. You look tasty and smell like bacon." *LICKLICKLICK*
  • AshmerAshmer Barefoot Adventurer Life
    I came here to be mad, and then I saw @Meyvitch's signature and forgot all about what I was mad about.

    I am slightly miffed that once again, I meet an amazing woman - who lives 1,000+ miles away from me. Again.

    Airfares, I command you to LOWER YOURSELF.

    the way she tells me I'm hers and she is mine

    open hand or closed fist would be fine

    blood as rare and sweet as cherry wine

  • SeirSeir Seein' All the Things Getting high off your emotion
    edited June 2014
    PTSD is indeed a bitch and I've had a few co-workers and friends during my time with the Army (as a contractor) that had it when they had returned from overseas. If you need someone to talk to, just say so.
  • RiluoRiluo The Doctor
    edited June 2014
    I specialise in PTSD in my practice, it can be hard but rewarding work.

    Abhorash says, "Ve'kahi has proved that even bastards can earn their place."

  • image

    So much coughing.
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