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Ankyrean Anguish - Aetolia-based RAGE



  • I started this game on a Xoran.

    Then Atavian.

    Now human.

    It's like I progressively made my race more banal.
  • LinLin Blackbird The Moonglade
    And you'll never be endgame!
  • HavenHaven World Burner Flight School
    What's the dominant race in Sapience? Like the one with the largest population/greatest influence? I don't think there is one race...I want to say Sapience has always been org-centric lorewise as opposed to race...right? o.o
    ¤ Si vis pacem, para bellum. ¤
    Someone powerful says, "We're going to have to delete you."
  • ArbreArbre Arbrelina Jolie Braavos
    One of the endgame races.  Probably Azudim, since both sides accept it.
  • Lin said:
    And you'll never be endgame!
    Feh. Buncha hubbabaloo. Riff-raff. Work.
  • SaritaSarita Empress of Bahir'an The Pillars of the Earth
    In terms of NPC populations, humans seem to be the most adaptable and have spread out over the largest range of areas. That said, we don't know yet how big the grecht empire up north really is. They might rival or even beat out humans since no other races seem to live there.
  • AishiaAishia Queen Bee
    I saw a Grecht. Once.
  • RiluoRiluo The Doctor


    do not lie they are a myth >.>

    Abhorash says, "Ve'kahi has proved that even bastards can earn their place."

  • Haven said:
    What's the dominant race in Sapience? Like the one with the largest population/greatest influence? I don't think there is one race...I want to say Sapience has always been org-centric lorewise as opposed to race...right? o.o
    In general, I would assume human. Especially since Ankyreans were pretty much better-humans.

    Besides, in most fantasy it's assumed that humans are the dominant race.

  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    How racist of us.
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • edited April 2014
    Passive aggressive -uhm, darn filter fail. Insert naughty words here-. Everytime I start to really enjoy Aetolia, people remind me that really, it's just a fantasy high school in text and I shouldn't expect much. 

    EDIT - 

    Chrome crashed and deleted an epic, long rant I had brewing. Probably for the best, but...

    I came here super excited for what appeared to be a wonderfully inclusive, helpful community. Dramatically different from the cold, harsh community that is often Imperian. It seemed to me that not only was roleplay encouraged and acceptable, even PKers engaged in it, and most of the population seemed to be of one mind about making the game fun for everyone to actually play.

    Having played for a bit now, I can honestly say that I think Aetolia is a way more toxic environment than Imperian. The difference, primarily, being that Imperianites will tell you straight up what they dislike, what they don't want to see, and handle it accordingly. In Aetolia, people smile and offer a handshake while pouring poison in your drink behind their back. The rumor mill here is atrocious. The assumptions and petty behavior is widespread. This is a game set in a dark environment, which means we all collectively have the opportunity to roleplay some extremely dark, scary characters and events. Despite this, I think it is wholly possible to create organizations in which the OOC feel of it is inclusive, fun, and catering to a multitude of playing styles. And leaders of those organizations should understand that, whatever their personal issues are with the individuals in their guilds, it is their job to create a place for all different people to come in and engage in the RP of that organization, to participate and be rewarded for their participation. It is a leader's job to be encouraging and create opportunity. Being a leader in these games is usually thankless, a lot of work, and often frustrating and aggravating. The reward comes from watching what you do make other people REALLY dig what they are doing with their characters, watch them grow and participate and enjoy themselves. 

    I have now watched petty drama, assumption, gossip, a complete lack of empathy, just straight-out metagaming, and all sorts of other nastiness create really unfriendly, unfun environments in multiple orgs I've been in across multiple characters. There is one particular event that is my breaking point here, but it's not an unusual event. 

    I just really, really want to see this game reach its potential and I'm tired of feeling like I just don't want to participate because of the constant nastiness that crops up. Grow up, people. 

  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    As an org leader who spends most of my online time trying to make the game fun for others, I am pretty offended by your claims that we don't do that.
  • edited April 2014
    As one of the leaders who does, actually, do most of what I am complaining about people not doing, you have no reason to be offended.

    Are you arguing that every org leader does what they should or that Aetolia doesn't have a serious issue with immature behavior?

    Edit - Dang, further, why are you offended when this post is clearly not directed at you. Not only do you go out of your way to make sure stuff is transparent, go out of your way to engage as many people in your orgs as possible, and create doors for people to get involved in the city and,  it seems from a distance, your guild and order, the response to your efforts has been very vibrant and active orgs beneath you. -Clearly- not talking about you. 
  • Calm down.
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    I guess I kinda have a tunnelvision. I pretty much just play Moi atm and I thought that post might have been some backlash about the Syssin stuff that just went down.
  • Happened IC, legitimately, so if someone's got an OOC grudge over it, that's their problem, Moi. Don't sweat the silly gooses.
  • Naw, you handled that appropriately. I am super grouchy today cuz of the death plague, so I lack my usual filter and I'm sure I didn't word my rant as well as I could have. I deleted the first like 15 iterations of my rant, then lost one, and that was the best I got for today. :(
  • LOL @ Imperian being better then Aetolia, Imperian is mainly 99% ooc nothing is ic or for the past 2 years ive been playing.

    Also I do believe our guild systems really do need to be looked at as certain guilds (teradrim, bahkatu of top of my head) have soo much protential but are ran by people who dont give a dam and you cant contest as they'll get the ooc friends to login to vote for them..
    Mudlet Bashing System for sale. Message if interested
  • I haven't played Imperian for 2 years. I did, however, play it for over 10. There's a reason I stopped playing it. I'm not saying it's a happy place to be. The BS in Imperian is a lot easier to spot, though. And therefore easier to address.
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    *sniffle* I had Double XP from the wheel. I spun it again and won....double xp again. Not an extension of my current buff, or a refresh of the 24 hours. Just the 48 minutes that were left on my first one. :(
  • DemarcusDemarcus Black Flagon Inn
    Moirean said:
    *sniffle* I had Double XP from the wheel. I spun it again and won....double xp again. Not an extension of my current buff, or a refresh of the 24 hours. Just the 48 minutes that were left on my first one. :(

    I am an anti-fan of the way the Wheel handles boufs. With Skull Tokens, if you get the boufs while still active, you get 4 hours added. It, in my mind, strongly discourages spinning the wheel repeatedly, which in turn discourages me from buying Skull Tokens on a whim to spin the Wheel repeatedly.
    So, instead of buying 150 Skull Tokens and going nuts, I'll buy a handful, be more patient than I am with my kid and dog combined, and basically have perma-crit and double exp boufs for the month. Eh.
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    edited April 2014
    Oh is that what happened? I guess it didn't bug, then. It's just designed bad...on purpose?

    *ragelags the game repeatedly*
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    edited April 2014
    Yeah, grumph, I just wasted like 150k gold with tokens. 3 Double XP spins + my daily spin, and I don't even have 48 hours of Double XP. Thus ends my short flirtation with skull tokens.
  • MaghakMaghak The heights of Stormcaller Crag
    Sarita said:
    In terms of NPC populations, humans seem to be the most adaptable and have spread out over the largest range of areas. That said, we don't know yet how big the grecht empire up north really is. They might rival or even beat out humans since no other races seem to live there.
    The Second Imperial Grecht population is equivalent to the entire population of the eastern coast of Sapience plus the population of the Tareans and the territories immediately adjacent to them.

    There are a lot of Grecht (spoiler warning?).
  • SessizlikSessizlik Muffin Mage
    I like the idea of more Grecht.
  • RiluoRiluo The Doctor
    Watching items linger in the crafters "design q" for real days without them moving. I am pretty on the ball and will check it each day to get things moving, but there is only so much you can do.

    Abhorash says, "Ve'kahi has proved that even bastards can earn their place."

  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    Just ask us to bump the queue. I know several of us will always look if someone politely points out that stuff has been in there. Sometimes we forget!
  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    Time to make Grecht recipies to thin the herd 
  • I don't know what in this system can't handle spam, but I instantly lag so hard the moment I enter a room with a team fight in it, that the game becomes unplayable.

    I know it is client side because even typing into the command line lags.

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