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Townhall - Future



  • TekiasTekias Wisconsin
    Koda said:

    Is Twitch recorded/saved to be able to be watched at a later point? Definitely that if that's the case, unless you're going to pay bribe throw wenches at @Antehe to transcribe the video.

    It has to be an option set by the streamer (off by default), but Twitch can save your stream for 7 days, with highlights manually made from said streams lasting longer. Also, can be exported directly to YouTube.
    Formerly: Spiegel. Eidycue.


  • KodazaKodaza Los Angeles
    Por que no los dos? Do it in-game, but stream the game during the town hall. That will give it an archive at least for a short while, people can make clips of short sections that are relevant to them, and the stream can just continue as planned once the town hall is over.

  • edited July 2017
    Both. Ease us with a smooth, silky voice while we read the words you say, thus enlivening us with the quality and eloquence of your words.

    Or, you know, just pick one. I don't mind either way. Twitch/Youtube just lets me be lazy about getting the updates.

  • RijettaRijetta Nowhere Important
    I'd like to see it recorded in some fashion so that it can be watched later or with ease for those of us who miss it.
    A low, sultry voice resounds within the depths of your mind, "I look forward to seeing your descent."
  • TiurTiur Producer
    Hm. I suppose I could just record the ingame townhall. It might look kinda neat for everyone to see my weird, weird screen.
  • Does anyone remember the Galleus Q&A stream(s)? Can't remember if it was more than one. Could do something like that at some point too, less structured and more random topics. 
  • All I remember are them perfectly maintained eyebrows.

    ...And a hilarious discussion on Vampires having babies. That was great too.
  • TiurTiur Producer
    I can do those, but know that I'd be much more cagey about details and dates. Some of his comments still hide out in the internet and bite me in the ass.
  • RijettaRijetta Nowhere Important
    When can we expect the promised Dragoon class? I'm so ready to JUMP.
    A low, sultry voice resounds within the depths of your mind, "I look forward to seeing your descent."
  • Rijetta said:

    When can we expect the promised Dragoon class? I'm so ready to JUMP.

    Wasn't the Dragoon class the reskinned, April Fool's version of Carnifex for the Spirit Side?
    Now with 253% more Madness.
    Cute-Kelli by @Sessizlik.
  • can we also discuss the revamped novice system - or rather, some of the weird issues that have arisen along with it? i mostly feel very positive about the actual novice system since i think it helps newbs integrate with the city, as well as keeping people from being like "ew ur not my novice, how dare u ask me for help??"

    the thing i have in mind is, specifically, the huge slashing of available guildranks from 20 down to 5. was 20 probably too many? yeah, i think so. most of those ranks between 10 and 20 were pretty much empty. however, from my perspective, we now have something like the opposite problem. yes, it's up to the guild leadership to set up their progression in a way that keeps progression spread out in a reasonable manner, but my sense is that there's been a good deal of struggle with how to deal with this. some guilds just have a proliferation of GR5s, a handful of GR1s, and very little in between. others have made progression so difficult that it's super discouraging for newer members. personally, i feel like if we could have 10 guildranks, it would allow a lot more flexibility while still accomplishing the streamlining that was intended with the new system.

    or maybe i'm wrong, and i just don't know how it's supposed to work! i was in guild leadership when the change hit, though, and i'm in leadership again now. seems like it has just made things awkward. is this something that could be opened for discussion, or at least clarification?
    Indoran'i is back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (wolf Howl)
    An Atzob cultist says, "Is a shamatato as tasty as a potato?"
    (Tells): From afar, Mephistoles hisses harshly to you, "Hey baby, show me your ovipositor?"
    The mighty Jy'Barrak Golgotha opens his maw, catches the glowing spear in his many jagged teeth, and chomps down. The Divine spear breaks with a noise like thunder, shards toppling from the Emperor's jaws. "OM NOM NOM!" He declares, then spits the last of the ruined weapon from his lips.

  • Vyxsis said:

    the thing i have in mind is, specifically, the huge slashing of available guildranks from 20 down to 5. was 20 probably too many? yeah, i think so. most of those ranks between 10 and 20 were pretty much empty. however, from my perspective, we now have something like the opposite problem. yes, it's up to the guild leadership to set up their progression in a way that keeps progression spread out in a reasonable manner, but my sense is that there's been a good deal of struggle with how to deal with this. some guilds just have a proliferation of GR5s, a handful of GR1s, and very little in between. others have made progression so difficult that it's super discouraging for newer members. personally, i feel like if we could have 10 guildranks, it would allow a lot more flexibility while still accomplishing the streamlining that was intended with the new system.

    it should be from 1 - 10/15 and have the GM able to guild moverank person to -number- once that person hit gr5, otherwise its going to end up a WHOLE guild be guild rank 5.

    Also unsure if its been stated before but lately PK has been ZERO.. Can we get anything on that topic, ideas on what can be done to improve and get people back into PK?

    MayhemHunting - Discord Chat - CLANHELP MAY (ingame)

  • RhyotRhyot Bloodloch
    Vyxsis said:

    can we also discuss the revamped novice system - or rather, some of the weird issues that have arisen along with it? i mostly feel very positive about the actual novice system since i think it helps newbs integrate with the city, as well as keeping people from being like "ew ur not my novice, how dare u ask me for help??"

    the thing i have in mind is, specifically, the huge slashing of available guildranks from 20 down to 5. was 20 probably too many? yeah, i think so. most of those ranks between 10 and 20 were pretty much empty. however, from my perspective, we now have something like the opposite problem. yes, it's up to the guild leadership to set up their progression in a way that keeps progression spread out in a reasonable manner, but my sense is that there's been a good deal of struggle with how to deal with this. some guilds just have a proliferation of GR5s, a handful of GR1s, and very little in between. others have made progression so difficult that it's super discouraging for newer members. personally, i feel like if we could have 10 guildranks, it would allow a lot more flexibility while still accomplishing the streamlining that was intended with the new system.

    or maybe i'm wrong, and i just don't know how it's supposed to work! i was in guild leadership when the change hit, though, and i'm in leadership again now. seems like it has just made things awkward. is this something that could be opened for discussion, or at least clarification?

    I'm not sure if this is as much of an admin problem as it is a player problem. If people put in the time/effort to gain rank within the guild, then they will achieve the highest rank possible, regardless of how many ranks there are. Likewise with those who don't do much for recognition or pass on the opportunity for rank increase. Short of being GR3 so you can keep your skills should you decide to multiclass, there's really no benefit to a higher guild rank.

    That said, in my experience, guild ranks tend to be one of those issues of "Who do I like most". I would suggest looking at your guild structure and the activity of everyone in the guild before trying to get admins to step in when it could very well just be a player issue.

  • TeaniTeani Shadow Mistress Sweden
    Guilds were given the option to reshuffle their members once efter the change. One reason why there might be a lot of people at rank 5 is because all those above 5 ended up with that rank. It's taken a whikefor leaders to set up a good progression where their members don't end up at the top straight away by inserting positions in between. It also took a while before the rank for class mastery was set, meaning we didn't know how many ranks had to be set aside for the relatively easy progression to gain that rank. Previously we had to have easy progression up to rank 3, now it's 2. After this it is easy to set up positions within the build with as much or as little prestige as leaders choose. Aside from class mastery, you can even choose to set ranks outside the progression and simply have it as a pat on the back sort of thing.

    True, though, it would be nice to have some form of discussion on a better use for favors or other kind of reward system.

  • TiurTiur Producer
    I need to reshuffle the ones I owe reshuffles. I'm just so busy x_x
  • edited August 2017
    Also I wish to discuss more methods for @Tiur to kill people and some would-be story arcs:

    - Will you be using suicide mice while punishing players or just good ol' exploding will continue?

    - Will the nameless frog in the Frog Bait games return as the promised villain "The Frog King" and start devouring people after a well-executed invasion from swamps?

    - Will Aalen Bloom return as A.I.D.S (Aalen Induced Depression Sickness) and kickstart another story arc in the game?

    - Would you be partial to plant items around which look like special items but explodes people on touch?

    Guess that would be all.
  • RijettaRijetta Nowhere Important
    Kalak said:

    - Will Aalen Bloom return as A.I.D.S (Aalen Induced Depression Sickness) and kickstart another story arc in the game?

    That's not very funny.

    To properly stay on topic, I'd like to agree with @Vyxsis that maybe Guilds could get a few more rank levels back, or at least cover that topic in the town hall.
    A low, sultry voice resounds within the depths of your mind, "I look forward to seeing your descent."
  • @Tiur was a definite date and time ever decided for this?

  • AnteheAntehe Immortal
    Sometime between now and later.
  • edited August 2017
    @Antehe So .....much as we are used to here in aetolia is that a ....


    Cause that sounds like a SOON(tm)
  • TiurTiur Producer
    Next Saturday, before the howling. I was going to post that yesterday... I'll come up with an excuse for why I took a bit later.
  • RhyotRhyot Bloodloch
    SkyFactory 3. That's my excuse for most things recently.

  • Not to be funny I want a Golden Egg from the chicken Scribe
  • TekiasTekias Wisconsin
    Tek here, livestreaming my reaction to the Town Hall. I have many takeaways, but the biggest has to be that @Tiur and @Razmael need to take their gig on the road, hit up some amateur Stand Up clubs.
    Formerly: Spiegel. Eidycue.


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