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Mildly Irritating: Aetolia's Pet Peeves



  • What deal was that? Because all I've heard was that Giliand was confronted after the fact and made to return the gold. I've heard of no other deal, but it sounds like there's a hiccup in the line of communication somewhere.
  • The bounty system is really just recordkeeping for "PK reason" that a city might hold against an individual for theft, harassment, betrayal, raiding, etc.

    If something was perceived as broken that is bounty-worthy, i.e a law, policy, or belief (if strong, justifiable enough), then they can bounty again.

    Death is meaningless in this game anyways, not sure why anybody is worked up over people dying or not dying or dying extra. That's my pet peeve - people seem to be forgetting lately that this is a game.
  • edited June 2019
    To clarify, as one of the citizens involved, there was IC interaction and RP AND EMOTES CUS THIS IS AN RP GAME GUYS! But essentially it boils down to Giliand came in, got grilled on what they were doing, gave a story, then was told that they'd be allowed to in exchange for the bounty gold split between Xenia and another character.

    Flashforward to BL leadership learning about it, they say "too bad, they made a deal with citizens who weren't the leaders. We disagree and think there was foul play, they're getting punished." The citizens didn't promise them no repercussions, just that they wouldn't interfere with Giliand claiming the bounty.

    A lot of presumption on Giliand's part in thinking that was more than it was.

  • AloliAloli Between Books
    Corruption at its finest.

    So there's no need to fix anything because it looks like it's just another resource for conflict in a conflict-centric game.
    Between what is said and not meant, and what is meant and not said, most of love is lost. - Khalil Gibran
  • I think it should be left to the players to resolve. If the BL authorities want to allow this to happen, fine. If not, you can enemy the perpetrators and stack guards on the bounty board, or just pursue and beat down the people who do it.

    Also, this all could have been avoided if Angel Refuge weren't so awfully overpowerd. :neutral:
  • Giving out Cakes and Brainsmashings for Bounties, Sharing with everyone, we shall call it the Red Potluck!
  • edited June 2019
    Iazamat said:

    What deal was that? Because all I've heard was that Giliand was confronted after the fact and made to return the gold. I've heard of no other deal, but it sounds like there's a hiccup in the line of communication somewhere.

    A deal was brokered between the Jaded Vicar Azami, Xenia, and Giliand.
    They each got 1/3 of the gold of the bounty, and Giliand got the joy of the kill.

    It's that simple.

    Giliand explained this to The Keeper in a letter, and in tells(With absolutely zero response to any of them) as Giliand has never done anything against Bloodloch that deserved being enemied. In the letter, she also sent back the remaining 1/3rd of the gold, and requested that the enemy status be removed, as Giliand enjoys free movement and shopping wherever she likes.

    Certainly wasn't forced to return the gold. That makes me laugh.

    The keeper is lying to citizens. Hope that stops. Good luck to you!

    Giliand was never contacted by any Bloodloch leadership. Guess I didn't make that clear in my post.
  • idk if it's much of a pet peeve but arguing with people over basic linguistics stuff (essentially that language has, does, can, and will evolve) has always been a bit of a pain. like, i get it, i don't hold opinions over something so silly against other people but i feel like i've had the conversation at least 15 times. And it's the same thing every time. The exact same thing.
  • @Hallis - I'm a touch confused. Are you saying people argue that language doesn't evolve over time? 
  • Essentially, yes. Sticking only to English, because that's the only language I've had this discussion about: people will complain about such and such word changing definition in a dictionary, or complain about other people using words "wrong" when it's a common and accepted use of the word in a dialect. The explanation is always that that's what language does - it changes. It evolves. Words change meanings or are given new ones because how a word is used is far more important than the dictionary definition, because that is generally updated to reflect actual use. The same goes for grammatical rules and the like; which is especially ironic when we look at how English, a Germanic language, had Latin rules forced into it because some guy decided that was the right way to speak hundreds of years ago, so a few "rules" (like not ending your sentence with a preposition) don't have much of a leg to stand on (see look at that I did it).

    It's not a huge deal, obviously, just a bit of a pet peeve because the conversation goes the same way every single time, and it's pointless, but I'm also too much of a donkey to just let it sit when it's brought up.
  • ZailaZaila Pacific Time
    I've had that same conversation with people, too, and it totally gets my goat when people refuse to believe that a dictionary isn't a rule book about how you're supposed to use words, but rather an informational compendium about how they are already being used. The eye-twitching gets severe sometimes.
  • I honestly can't remember ever having this conversation myself. I sort of simply accept both dictionary and popular use of the word, since language does evolve and most words do have more than one meaning / usage.

    If someone wants to go by the old, defined use of the word, well I don't really see much of an issue on that, especially since it may be the way they have been using that word for the past who knows how many years. If they want to use a newfangled definition? Well alright. Unless I just think they don't understand the word, or are clearly using the wrong one. Like conductive when they mean conducive, or vice versa.
  • Well, yes. If I know what someone is trying to say, then that's enough for me, personally. The situation I'm describing comes along when people try to police other people's language/dialect and use of words, which can be a bit of a problem. Mostly it comes across as denial of a linguistic baseline because they don't like a specific change.
  • ZailaZaila Pacific Time
    edited June 2019
    The two ways the conversations have come up around me are: someone else in my vicinity definition-policing word usage by others and me arguing that the word is also accurate the way it was used in defense of the person who now feels attacked for their lack of eruditeness, or having a casual conversation with someone about linguistics with fellow word-nerds and someone interjecting their assertions about how linguistics "really" works.

    *edit to clarify post-Church's-amusing-post-without-elongating-conversation-unnecessarily: This conversation generally happens around me IRL, but occasionally during RP, I've somewhat surprisingly never had the conversation come up in regards to crafting before!
  • TeaniTeani Shadow Mistress Sweden
    This is a bit twofold, if you ask me. Yes, languages evolve, always have and always will. Some regions will change more than others, and also more quickly, and one cannot expect everyone to keep up with everything that goes on with all regions that make use of a world language. Sure, one had to be somewhat flexible when communicating, but in some situations rules are needed to ensure there is clarity.

    I think the issue might become more tricky when one involves non-native speakers, as idioms and dialectical uses of words can cause misunderstandings. Hence the need for some kind of baseline when communicating over a medium where people from different regions are involved. 

    Don't get me wrong, I love dialects and find new uses of words fascinating, but then I'm a fellow word-nerd and teacher. For others it might be more difficult, which means they,  and perhaps others who know/feel their plight, rely heavily on said baseline and structure. 

    Just my two Swedish öre. Not sure how they measure up against the dollar, though. 

  • TekiasTekias Wisconsin
    Teani said:

    Just my two Swedish öre. Not sure how they measure up against the dollar, though. 

    At current conversion rate, this is just your 19 Swedish öre.
    Formerly: Spiegel. Eidycue.


  • I've had so many design rejected because there are americans who can't accept that things are spelled in different ways depending on where you are from.. That's one of my pet peeves and a reason I don't do crafting anymore.


  • Crafting in general is an infuriating mess. I've argued for commonly used phrasing/wording before with sources and still had to edit my design to "fit with Aetolia's consistency", in the end. Aetolia also keeps making up words to use instead of the actual name of items (helms come immediately to mind, where we now have Aetolia-specific terms for helms, rather than just being able to call them spangenhelms or whatever). It's honestly a nightmare. Crafting approval should be nothing more than making sure the item isn't magic/against ToS, has proper spelling, and is comprehensible.
  • PhoeneciaPhoenecia The Merchant of Esterport Somewhere in Attica
    Being one of the more prominent crafters and still really enjoying crafting, and having been an approver in the past and gone through designs extensively even when I haven't been an approver, I'm going to play devil's advocate here and say that quite a few of the existing rulings are pretty fair and I do kind of feel like some crafters overreact to inconveniences that are minor at best. Sometimes spelling and grammar are just terrible, and have in the past made me dread going through the queue. A LOT of people don't bother reading design guidelines and are surprised when they get rejected.

    As far as language stuff goes? Yes. Aetolia is pretty inconsistent when it comes to things named after stuff that exists in the real world or strongly based in regional languages. We have kimonos, and we can have haori shirts, but katanas are not a thing, and sushi is not a term you can use. We have tamales and tequila, but can't have drinks called daquiris or mojitos.

    And y'know what? That's fine by me. It just means you need to get CREATIVE. Yeah. Heaven forbid you need to power some extra brain cells to coin your own terms or make up something catchy.

    I tried designing a mimosa drink not long ago since mimosas are actually the name of a flower. It was ruled that it was a no-go, but you know what I did? I changed it. The name became Morning Marigold instead, and it actually fit better.

    tldr GIT GUD PEONS
  • TiurTiur Producer
    Every time I see Becue, she asks if we can get rid of some of the things that predate Her oversight. It does get a bit confusing when some things are okay, and others not...

    I mean, if you want us to fix that, we'll delete them. It won't go the other way.
  • Why is the go-to answer to a thing always a threat to remove fun?
    Toz says, "Dishonor on you (Mjoll), dishonor on your family (Seirath), dishonor on your cow (Bulrok)"
  • I don't even craft but hearing things are too modern while I'm contemplating making a gag trigger for fedoras and pinstripe suits always boggles me.
    (Web): Toz says, "Emir's Express Evacuation and Existence Eradicator, Every Experience is Explosive - Experience the Entirety of your Existence!"
  • edited June 2019
    Yah, I'm not understanding what harm having options and flavours does to the game. If someone doesn't like kimonos or mimosas or sushi or whatever else, they're welcome to ignore it and not use those items for crafting. When we have people running around in 1920s style pinstripe suits, a lot of these arguments go right out the window and trying to retroactively clamp down on that is more detrimental than beneficial, not to mention disappointing.

    Edit: Also calling things by their proper names gives players an easier frame of reference, especially if they need to go to Google to understand what it looks like/what it is. Just saying.
  • Iazamat said:

    Yah, I'm not understanding what harm having options and flavours does to the game. If someone doesn't like kimonos or mimosas or sushi or whatever else, they're welcome to ignore it and not use those items for crafting. When we have people running around in 1920s style pinstripe suits, a lot of these arguments go right out the window and trying to retroactively clamp down on that is more detrimental than beneficial, not to mention disappointing.

    The more time you spend trying to think of a way to verbosely describe sushi without using the word sushi, the less time you have available to spend thinking about war systems/pending revamps/commodities!
  • TiurTiur Producer
    Pinstripes and fedoras are at the top of the list Becue is asking we destroy. They're great examples, people always go back to "Well, you allow fedoras, why can't I have a cowboy hat?" and that's exactly why we wish they'd go away.

    It's not hating fun, it's wanting to present a consistent world to interact in. Yes, some people like those things and want them, but we're not a sandbox, we're a living world with lore and its own cultures. While we want to give players the ability to create their own bits, we don't want to be Second Life.
  • I mean Maghak got deleted, and that was His entire outfit.
  • edited June 2019
    Who's to say it's not another plane or parallel universe where things slip through the cracks? In a realm where shadow beasts and what not come through, why shut the door on the things that are modern that may have slipped through in divine/cosmic/whatever-you-wanna-call-it form as well? If Maghak was wearing it, my explanation for such would likely go along the lines of, 'oh he was imbued with divine essence, which is more susceptible to those sorts of inter dimensional/plane leaks.

    I mean wasn't there already thought projects on how to link all the IRE games, and if so, would it not be somewhat similar to this thought here?

    Edit: To clarify, I don't mean the objects themselves pass through and more that inspiration comes and is drawn from the power of thoughts/ideas that slip through dimensions.

  • AloliAloli Between Books
    edited June 2019
    Well, we do have some steampunk/clockwork stuff happening in Delve.

    Maybe in a different crafter's world, some stuff can only be acceptable if it's used in/restricted to Delve and not in the Victorian/Edwardian era Sapience?
    Between what is said and not meant, and what is meant and not said, most of love is lost. - Khalil Gibran
  • ZailaZaila Pacific Time
    edited June 2019
    Since Kyna replied to Rasani's "Commodities - please give us love" post with a vague ETA of "we promise this is being addressed soon" I've noticed that people have just been full-out-buying-out all the hard-to-get commodities from the villages: and that's just annoying.
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