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Mildly Irritating: Aetolia's Pet Peeves



  • edited June 2020
    @Aniko I think spirit has vastly outnumbered shadow on more than a few occasions. So I think that may be a touch of an exaggeration as the pendulum tends to swing back and forth quite frequently.

    Also attempting to troll @Benedicto is like the national pasttime or something. Man has tendies for hair.

  • Yeah

  • BenedictoBenedicto Tentacles Errywhere!
    edited June 2020

  • Benedicto said:

    please remove this image of me IMMEDIATELY wow
    (Congregation): Iosyne says, "I made a cup."

    Horkval are a feature...
  • RhyotRhyot Bloodloch
    When you do your daily mines quest and almost every time you get Cavein...

    Which is doubly infuriating because DIG IS A GOTDAMN CHANNEL!!! -.-

  • TeaniTeani Shadow Mistress Sweden
    Maps that make no sense. That's my pet peeve. Whoever designed Dovan Hollow deserves being slapped in the face with a globe.

    Just look at this ridiculousness!

    And that's after hour of trying to make sense of the ups and downs. *grumble*

  • Rhyot said:

    When you do your daily mines quest and almost every time you get Cavein...

    Which is doubly infuriating because DIG IS A GOTDAMN CHANNEL!!! -.-

    May I one up?
    You are doing mines... get cave-ins... and your shovel breaks halfway through.
  • LinLin Blackbird The Moonglade
    That map is my finest work. I really channeled every ounce of my contempt into making it
  • TiurTiur Producer
    And now I feel challenged to top Lusternia's Hallifax...
  • TekiasTekias Wisconsin
    Please, oh PLEASE replicate Continuum in Aetolia. I want to see the depths of the salt mines formed.
    Formerly: Spiegel. Eidycue.


  • ZeheiaZeheia Immortal
    edited June 2020
    Tekias said:

    Please, oh PLEASE replicate Continuum in Aetolia. I want to see the depths of the salt mines formed.

    Continuum really should feel more logical than it actually walks.
    She/her but also responds to they/them thanks to chilling as Somebody or other.

    If in doubt, please refer to the Forum Rules! If in more doubt, please reach out to a moderator.

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  • RhyotRhyot Bloodloch
    Tekias said:

    Please, oh PLEASE replicate Continuum in Aetolia. I want to see the depths of the salt mines formed.

    You called??

  • Kind of a boggling/irritating mental conundrum I'm having.

    I can understand the benefits of the Sect Ranking drop off if enough time has passed since an actual match. It makes sense. What doesn't make sense is making this sudden change and not giving the person who has the most to lose so much as 'heads up' or warning. From what I understand, it was just a sudden, instantaneous change that completely removed a player's Sect Rating while giving him zero opportunity to adjust to the decision. We've seen players get the same treatment for cheating/gaming the Sect over the years, and suddenly it happens to the guy that consistently proved he was the best for RL years? Yeah, that checks out.
  • BenedictoBenedicto Tentacles Errywhere!
    Naos said:

    Kind of a boggling/irritating mental conundrum I'm having.

    I can understand the benefits of the Sect Ranking drop off if enough time has passed since an actual match. It makes sense. What doesn't make sense is making this sudden change and not giving the person who has the most to lose so much as 'heads up' or warning. From what I understand, it was just a sudden, instantaneous change that completely removed a player's Sect Rating while giving him zero opportunity to adjust to the decision. We've seen players get the same treatment for cheating/gaming the Sect over the years, and suddenly it happens to the guy that consistently proved he was the best for RL years? Yeah, that checks out.

    Insofar as I'm aware that's been the case since the new rating system was implemented which was over a year ago.

    Date: 3/8/2019 at 5:26
    From: Keroc, the Starborn
    To : Everyone
    Subj: Sect Rating

    RANKINGS SECT RATING now has accuracy stars. These stars measure how sure the system is of your placement out of 5.

    The only way to increase your stars is to fight in the Sect more, otherwise it will remain low and continue to fall. If it gets too low then you will be dropped from the board until you participate once more.

  • Oh god, I just realized this game has a separate command to send anonesteems.

    Which is actually a good option. If only I didn't take anonymity for granted and sent out my fair share of esteems already...

  • ZailaZaila Pacific Time
    I prefer knowing who's sent me esteems, cause then I can relate which RP I did to how it was received, and subsequently improve/hone/pursue that style or writing/RP/etc.etc. more! If it's random, I have to guess at what was being commented on and it's not as beneficial (although it's always just as appreciated)
  • Zaila said:

    I prefer knowing who's sent me esteems, cause then I can relate which RP I did to how it was received, and subsequently improve/hone/pursue that style or writing/RP/etc.etc. more! If it's random, I have to guess at what was being commented on and it's not as beneficial (although it's always just as appreciated)

    The option is actually really good. It's just that the default option is anonymous on other IREs, which was my fault for not reading HELP ESTEEM to begin with admittedly. And that caught me off guard, that's all :3
  • edited July 2020
    Stine said:

    Double post but I don't care.
    Having rooms that are no longer connected to prime in any way still count toward explorers is also pretty frustrating.

    Back again cause I'm still annoyed. The list now includes:

    halls of judgement
    The shadow plane
    Somewhere under the archivist guildhall where skeletons are in chairs
    Delve celebration grounds
    Church of corruption
    Indorani Guildhall

  • Stine said:
    Back again cause I'm still annoyed. The list now includes: halls of judgement The shadow plane Somewhere under the archivist guildhall where skeletons are in chairs Delve celebration grounds Church of corruption Indorani Guildhall
    I know what you mean re skeletons are in chairs. Those are under the old Cabal guildhalls. I can't access it either rip!
  • AxiusAxius where I am
    >.>.... Those are still accessible, @Elene and @Stine they're just... not -readily- accessible. I've been down there in the last IRL month with the help of @Akaryuterra, though I do indicate that guildhalls should -not- be part of the list of exploration guide... and the old Cabbie guildhall should remain like that too.
  • edited July 2020
    5.8 Fellowship of Explorers

    While the entire world can be explored, only certain rooms count towards the Fellowship of

    The following rooms will not count:
    * Buildings, castles, guildhalls, and havens.


    And yet it shows up as unexplored via the relic.
  • AxiusAxius where I am
    Wasn't there an official statement of "hey, BUG this if it's showing up and it shouldn't show up?" to draw attention to this? I'm sorry if I come off as contrarian or aggressive, just genuinely curious if my memory's mixing up things I thought I saw.
  • TiurTiur Producer
    Yeah, if you know enough about the spot, BUG it. Sometimes they can be super hard to find. Often it's just an oversight.
  • MacavityMacavity Chicago, Il
    major pet peeve: the amount of people that just AFK and not in their Havens. Timers are still ticking for them to give them voting, classlead and other things related to time played in the game.
    “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
    Nothing is going to get better. It's not.” 
    ― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

    Veritas says, "Sorry for breaking your system Macavity."
    Veritas says, "My boss fights crash Macavity's computer now."
  • PhoeneciaPhoenecia The Merchant of Esterport Somewhere in Attica
    Macavity said:

    major pet peeve: the amount of people that just AFK and not in their Havens. Timers are still ticking for them to give them voting, classlead and other things related to time played in the game.

    This has been frustrating me too for an entirely different reason: RP and org advancement. I want to RP at somebody and send a tell, no response for hours, if they respond at all. Need to find someone to give you an interview for advancement or speak to them for a task? Either they're AFK or otherwise busy.

    I know I can be guilty of being AFK occasionally, but I at least try to get back to people and check my messages and tell often. Some people are regularly AFK or absent, and it makes it next to impossible to get any interaction out of them.

    Seriously, if you know you're not going to be attentive for long stretches of time, please. Do everyone a favor and just log off so the rest of us aren't wondering when or if you'll ever respond to tells or messages. It's super frustrating for the rest of us looking to get some RP.
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