Princess/Arch Duchess/Ambassador/Hermit. She's lovely, quick-witted, and just a tad 'off' in the greatest way possible. Not some towering mind of brilliance nor some brutish warrior, but Cordia manages to find this great balance in having just a -hint- of a threat should anything go awry, while somehow masking that threat in a veil of complex, wordless promises. Its like scratching the surface on a mountain of archaeological finds.
With the amount our character's have interacted I can say that Cordia seems like a no-nonsense get-it-done kind of person. Hard working and never letting herself be distracted by the things that do not improve her home in any way. And Fyrren likes people like that Hope to interact more in the near future!
The little interaction Erebos and Cordia have had has been spot on exactly what I was hoping for. I think her "No nonsense" attitude plays perfectly to the dynamic of our RP and I look forward to the continuing interaction.
I did not realize you had been away so long, and that worries me about how things will go later, but so far I'm quite pleased.
I'm excited to see how far he can dig.
Avatar of Fyrren drawn by the amazing Sessizlik.
I did not realize you had been away so long, and that worries me about how things will go later, but so far I'm quite pleased.
Avatar of Fyrren drawn by the amazing Sessizlik.
And also, I know we've had little direct interaction, but I know you as a player, and you're good at what you do. Keep up the hard work, yo.
That said, you've made me misuse the correct pronoun constantly, 0/10.