Couldn't think of a better title, but another game did this awhile back as a way for fighters to pay respect to one another. Basically, you list all the classes and then think of people that have given you the best fights, think they're one of the best to touch it, or a name you just associate the most with a class. Also, it was good for people to use as a resource for who they should go to in order to ask questions about the class if that person still played. Probably best to use spoiler tags to avoid spam.
Ascendril: Tahl, Xavin.
Bloodborn: I didn't know many that fought with it, but Exzuryx legitimately made the most of the class in my opinion.
Cabalist: Clouser
Carnifex: Luna
Druid: Illidan
Indorani: Moirean
Infernal: Didn't know a soul that used it.
Luminary: Daskalos
Lycanthrope: Xentor
Monk: Benedicto
Paladin: Hadoryu, Edhain, Yos.
Praenomen: Kaedok
Sciomancer: Mazzion
Sentinel: Missari (as far as best fight I've ever had against another Sentinel)
Shaman: Illidan (if you used Druid, it'd probably still be Illidan)
Syssin: Balzic
Templar: Caed
Teradrim: Feichin, Haedyn
Zealot: Gepideth
Bloodborn: Acino
Cabalist: Clouser
Carnifex: Luna
Druid: Illidan back when he could just bite me to death.
Indorani: Desian
Infernal: Sorry, none stick out.
Luminary: Daskalos, stupidity whoring owns Syssin.
Lycanthrope: Sanosuke(sp?)
Monk: Benedicto hands down. Nobody has gotten close.
Paladin: Hadoryu, Edhain.
Praenomen: None I can think of.
Sciomancer: Mazzion
Sentinel: Main deaths to them were when they could bash me to death.
Templar: Caed
Teradrim: Not sure
Zealot: None I can think of.