Announce post #3087: May Promotion
4/30/2020 at 18:55
Tiur, the Gnosis
May Promotion
We're going to delay release by a day or so. I've been doing some data analysis and I think May is a good month to try to mix things up!
Feel free to drop thoughts on the forum thread this news makes. We're considering bringing some old things back!
PS Next month, by pattern, is chests. But there were thoughts we bring back crowbars and crates?
PPS. This was last minute. Normally this is all done well before now, but hey, let's be daring.
Penned by my hand on Kinsday, the 15th of Lanosian, in the year 487 MA.
After that, maybe Arti-Cart and direct Salvage?
Everyone's stuck at home, so why not hit the trifecta or promotions? Except that then no one will care about June. Hm!
Take my money.
Literally the only one that seems truly awesome is the ring-of-you-must-have-friends. I have no friends so it would be expensive but functionally useless bling.
That being said, this has generated more suspense than my COVID test last week. I might have to buy something for the entertainment of not knowing!
Also, I like chests.
While the effects of other salvage artifacts are strong, the ring really is gamebreaking in a group PvP world where targeting the target callers is considered a cornerstone. Not to mention, there's zero real counterplay to the ring itself. Skills that exist to eat the corpse like Rot, Damnation, etc. do nothing because it offers a bodiless rezz at no risk to the ring user. Hell, the Ring user doesn't even have to be in the room.
I've watched Benedicto come back within ten seconds of having his body destroyed and resume target calling. Yes, I know Mazzion and Meltas do it too. I also don't approve of it on our side either. It's a fundamentally imbalanced artifact. I get that it needs to retain its value as a salvage item, but a bodiless rezz is value on its own even if it had a better cooldown associated with it. The closest thing we have that does what the salvage ring does was an auction-only resurrection ring that would rezz someone without a corpse -- ONCE PER HOWLING. That's how powerful that effect is, but now we've given it to multiple people in fights, that can be cast multiple times.