Having every class will not fix your balance problems nor will it make you feel better about your performance. If you're bad work to get better. Put the time in to improve.
I don't think you're picking up what I'm putting down, and you're pushing some pretty ugly accusations/notions while attacking people. So I'm not really interested in having this discussion with you.
The main advantage of mirror classes to me is that they don't appear to require a whole lot of effort to make. Some may call this lazy, I call it smart. More classes and themes across more sections of the game is going to hopefully lead to increased player count as it will entice people who are looking for a specific class fantasy, ie: 'good-flavoured' Carnifex.
I think some people might be severely underestimating the amount of work that goes into making entirely new classes for a game as complicated as Aetolia.
Give spirit!Archivist to the Shamans, a la the Illuminai Zealot/Luminary double up. Here's how you spin it:
The Bioessence clone would be some kind of insect and ecosystem-oriented magic. The mutagens would be fully grown insects that you command and plague enemies with. The energy management system lends itself to being related to Shamans and Shaman lore anyways; it seems like a good fit. I tried to come up with a cool name for it, but with Omei on the brain all I could conclude on was Imagomancy and don't think it would fit properly.
The Numerology clone would be some sort of expansion of the spirits of Dendara; observing their sacred nature, keeping them in mind and offering constant reverence like the Dendaric oaths. Great place to stuff new Dendara lore!
The Geometrics clone could be referred to as Bonecasting. You would throw bones in special combinations or wild symbols to evoke special effects. You could stick a lot of abstract nature themes here.
Also, pls let spirit!Indorani's Domination pacts be from Omei's Chaotic Dreaming. That is all, thank you.
I honestly have been wanting to own every single class with one character since multiclassing came out. I CANNOT WAIT until these are released. The monies will flow, I promise you that. There will be a ton of problems when each is released when it comes to balancing. I am good on getting owned for a while if it means I have access to all classes in a 1v1 environment. I think it will be more healthy overall for the game, even with the team unbalances. I think it will expose quite a few things that need balancing and let people see the other sides issues/complaints with a better understanding.
Some more ideas I think would be fun to play around with: Spinesreach: Syssin, Sciomancer, Archivists, Shaman, Sentinel, Templar Duiran: Sentaari, Sentinel, Shamans, Archivists, Carnifex, Sciomancer Bloodloch: Praenomen, Carnifex, Indorani, Teradrim, Ascendril, Luminary/Zealot Enorian: Luminary/Zealot, Templar, Ascendril, Teradrim, Praenomen, Indorani
Defenders of the Realm. Guardians of the Rhythm. Long has the Council watched and studied the Spirit world, listening for its Call. Dendara has answered.
Masters of Mind, Body, and Spirit, the Sentaari have long since found the boundaries of Self and now turn their insights to the heavens that rule over us. Thus the time for reflection draws to a close. So says the Call. Meet the Arkwrights(Archivists) who have decoded the meanings in the stars to bring ruin unto their foes! Beware the hidden truths behind the Astronomy(Geometrics), Arkology(Numerology), and Continence(Bioessence) of the stars!
The Cycle of Life and Death Must Continue! So says the Call. Who else to take this Hunt than the Sentinels? They have discovered a new level of Barbarism (Savagery) among the Spirits of Dendara. Utilizing special Totems (Deathlore) to manipulate the tethers that bind us all, they bring the power of the Spiritkin (Warhounds) to heel to ravage their enemies. Meet the Reavers(Carnifex)!
I'll fiddle with this some more matter since it's pretty early for me but I was thinking of a Dreamscape kind of theme for the Imagondi (Sciomancer: Sciomancy Sorcery Gravitation) . The skills would circle around drawing their victims physically into a Nightmare to be the play things of Omei.
¤ Si vis pacem, para bellum. ¤
Someone powerful says, "We're going to have to delete you."
May not work but I was kinda thinking Spirit Vamps could be neat in Duiran/Shamans?
Like, drawing the power of Dendara into themselves to become part-fae. Corpus seems like you could make it be all about drawing the wilds into their body, strengthening it and making it more animalistic, maybe the forms would be temporarily turning into different fae. Mentis might be about drawing on primordial curses. Sanguis could be about swearing blood oaths to each other to share strength, maybe the minion stuff could be a companion from Dendara or a reborn creature.
Unless the idea was to tie it to the Duamvi thing, it'd also mean (if you gave Shadow Zealots to Spinesreach) each city would have a subrace.
I keep having ideas of these in my brain and want to know if there are any plans for any possible releases I know its still very conceptual, and will likely be released in batches, but I imagine lore-wise there are definitely some that exist story-wise to be a sooner than later thing.
We have precedent for some classes that already exist in game in some manner...
There are Dragoon NPC's in the Northern Tundra There is a Bard in Esterport and in Hlugnic Labyrinth There are Duamvi Spiritbois. Elementalists - Not really mages....more ritualistic. Liches
I mean theres lots of cool potential and im probably missing some obvious cool ones.
PLUS - I mean were all stuck inside right now, lets source out those combat messages... we could get this done by summertime. Im dead ass serious. I know how much people are crafting right now, I see a bunch of new designs in shops....there has to be a way.
I was discussing this the other night, and now I cannot shake the image. Spiritdrem should be like Archons from Starcraft 2. They are giant. They are made from their respective tether's typing. They use the same sort of force as their tether's typing. (psionic/lightning in this case). They look fucking amazing. Let's make it happen.
Excited to see how shadow-aligned classes look once they've been spirit-ified. And vice versa. Lots of options to choose from, like a TV informercial lol!!
Excited to see anything, even like a tease for a potential....NOT EVEN HASHED OUT, PROBABLY SUPER ALPHA COULD BE DELETED.... (Realizes I have been on my alt, and CAPS LOCK is....muscle memory right now)
Okay okay, wait hear me out cause @Escelika directed my attention to something.
I mean looks like it was an april fools, but I MEAN LOOK AT THE CLASS OPTIONS. YOU ALREADY STARTED THE WORK.
CURRENT NEW ------- ----- SPIRIT SHADOW Ascendril Sciomancers (mage revamps will make them copies) Shaman Defiler Luminary Fallen Templar Revenants Sentinel Warlock Zealot Sycophant
I feel like, if we did Bard, it'd be neutral and its Own Thing.
DONT TEMPT ME, I WILL THROW MY WALLET AT YOU SO HARD. But not the bad kinda throw, like the nice kind that shows your boss how much I appreciate this new option of gameplay.
I want some of the mirror classes to be kind of dark still. I think of the white-court or even the red court from the Dresden novels for the mirror to Vampires, since they're both living. Not shadow or undead but still not wholly liked by the spirit tether. Of course, we can't just steal them, but Duamvi make good precedence for life spirits who require hosts, there could be more violent parasitical types out there!
SibattiMamba dur NayaAmidst vibrant flora and trees
I'd also like to +1 some darker elements to the Spirit mirrored classes. They don't have to be shadowy, just don't make them all squeaky clean!
May not work but I was kinda thinking Spirit Vamps could be neat in Duiran/Shamans?
Like, drawing the power of Dendara into themselves to become part-fae.
Please can we do this? I could even see it as a thing where mortals hosting duamvi bargain for power with the spirits of Dendara - the symbiote acting as a catalyst for unity between mortals and the spirits.
Vivacity (Corpus) - Overflowing with vital spirit, act as an ever-renewing agent of the Rhythm. Presence (Mentis) - The aberrant nature of the fae has been known to be mesmerizing... and deadly. Pacts (Sanguis) - Bargain with the spirits of the Plane of Life - and other fae - for ever-greater power.
Obviously instead of the damage and afflictions taken under the sun, they would lose mana and gain mental afflictions when exposed to unfiltered moonlight as they struggle to repress the urge to dance, magic, dance.
Any chance we get an ETA that's more than just a SoonTM? And maybe a sneaky peeky at what the first couple mirrors will be?
PhoeneciaThe Merchant of EsterportSomewhere in Attica
While I'm just as eager about mirror classes, don't forget that the big, honking thing that was MINING has still been promised and is supposed to be being worked on. There was an ETA given for Mining previously, and that date has come and passed. I really don't think it's worth asking when mirror classes are going to be a thing, which the ETA for was already nebulous to begin with, when we were given a much more firmer promise with Mining. Maybe wait until Mining and the other agriculture skill have launched before you guys start badgering about mirror classes.
While I'm just as eager about mirror classes, don't forget that the big, honking thing that was MINING has still been promised and is supposed to be being worked on. There was an ETA given for Mining previously, and that date has come and passed. I really don't think it's worth asking when mirror classes are going to be a thing, which the ETA for was already nebulous to begin with, when we were given a much more firmer promise with Mining. Maybe wait until Mining and the other agriculture skill have launched before you guys start badgering about mirror classes.
Honestly, this is what I view as Tiur's biggest problem (trying to be constructive, or at least objective, sorry if it comes across otherwise): Letting us know of things in the pipeline WAAAAAYYYYY before we should, so we get hype and eager for it, just to wait potentially years on a SoonTM. I get wanting to let us know what's coming, but look at Mage Revamp, how long that Hype Train's track ended up being. Still love you and everything you do, Big T, but this is one criticism I've come to notice.
Edit: Yes, I'm aware this is a Raz thread. So probably less Big T but a Pools thing in general? I don't know.
I think some people might be severely underestimating the amount of work that goes into making entirely new classes for a game as complicated as Aetolia.
Give spirit!Archivist to the Shamans, a la the Illuminai Zealot/Luminary double up. Here's how you spin it:
The Bioessence clone would be some kind of insect and ecosystem-oriented magic. The mutagens would be fully grown insects that you command and plague enemies with. The energy management system lends itself to being related to Shamans and Shaman lore anyways; it seems like a good fit. I tried to come up with a cool name for it, but with Omei on the brain all I could conclude on was Imagomancy and don't think it would fit properly.
The Numerology clone would be some sort of expansion of the spirits of Dendara; observing their sacred nature, keeping them in mind and offering constant reverence like the Dendaric oaths. Great place to stuff new Dendara lore!
The Geometrics clone could be referred to as Bonecasting. You would throw bones in special combinations or wild symbols to evoke special effects. You could stick a lot of abstract nature themes here.
Also, pls let spirit!Indorani's Domination pacts be from Omei's Chaotic Dreaming. That is all, thank you.
Spinesreach: Syssin, Sciomancer, Archivists, Shaman, Sentinel, Templar
Duiran: Sentaari, Sentinel, Shamans, Archivists, Carnifex, Sciomancer
Bloodloch: Praenomen, Carnifex, Indorani, Teradrim, Ascendril, Luminary/Zealot
Enorian: Luminary/Zealot, Templar, Ascendril, Teradrim, Praenomen, Indorani
Defenders of the Realm. Guardians of the Rhythm. Long has the Council watched and studied the Spirit world, listening for its Call. Dendara has answered.
Masters of Mind, Body, and Spirit, the Sentaari have long since found the boundaries of Self and now turn their insights to the heavens that rule over us. Thus the time for reflection draws to a close. So says the Call. Meet the Arkwrights(Archivists) who have decoded the meanings in the stars to bring ruin unto their foes! Beware the hidden truths behind the Astronomy(Geometrics), Arkology(Numerology), and Continence(Bioessence) of the stars!
The Cycle of Life and Death Must Continue! So says the Call. Who else to take this Hunt than the Sentinels? They have discovered a new level of Barbarism (Savagery) among the Spirits of Dendara. Utilizing special Totems (Deathlore) to manipulate the tethers that bind us all, they bring the power of the Spiritkin (Warhounds) to heel to ravage their enemies. Meet the Reavers(Carnifex)!
I'll fiddle with this some more matter since it's pretty early for me but I was thinking of a Dreamscape kind of theme for the Imagondi (Sciomancer: Sciomancy Sorcery Gravitation) . The skills would circle around drawing their victims physically into a Nightmare to be the play things of Omei.
Like, drawing the power of Dendara into themselves to become part-fae.
Corpus seems like you could make it be all about drawing the wilds into their body, strengthening it and making it more animalistic, maybe the forms would be temporarily turning into different fae. Mentis might be about drawing on primordial curses. Sanguis could be about swearing blood oaths to each other to share strength, maybe the minion stuff could be a companion from Dendara or a reborn creature.
Unless the idea was to tie it to the Duamvi thing, it'd also mean (if you gave Shadow Zealots to Spinesreach) each city would have a subrace.
I keep having ideas of these in my brain and want to know if there are any plans for any possible releases I know its still very conceptual, and will likely be released in batches, but I imagine lore-wise there are definitely some that exist story-wise to be a sooner than later thing.
We have precedent for some classes that already exist in game in some manner...
There are Dragoon NPC's in the Northern Tundra
There is a Bard in Esterport and in Hlugnic Labyrinth
There are Duamvi Spiritbois.
Elementalists - Not really mages....more ritualistic.
I mean theres lots of cool potential and im probably missing some obvious cool ones.
PLUS - I mean were all stuck inside right now, lets source out those combat messages... we could get this done by summertime.
Im dead ass serious.
I know how much people are crafting right now, I see a bunch of new designs in shops....there has to be a way.
They are giant.
They are made from their respective tether's typing.
They use the same sort of force as their tether's typing. (psionic/lightning in this case).
They look fucking amazing.
Let's make it happen.
(Realizes I have been on my alt, and CAPS LOCK is....muscle memory right now)
I mean looks like it was an april fools, but I MEAN LOOK AT THE CLASS OPTIONS.
------- -----
Ascendril Sciomancers (mage revamps will make them copies)
Shaman Defiler
Luminary Fallen
Templar Revenants
Sentinel Warlock
Zealot Sycophant
Bloodborn Alchemist
Cabalist Bard
Indorani Prophets
Carnifex Dragoon
Sciomancer Ascendril
Teradrim Pyromancer
Praenomen Slayer
Mage revamps already made them COPIES basically....WERE ALREADY ON BOARD.
Prophets and Bard
But not the bad kinda throw, like the nice kind that shows your boss how much I appreciate this new option of gameplay.
Vivacity (Corpus) - Overflowing with vital spirit, act as an ever-renewing agent of the Rhythm.
Presence (Mentis) - The aberrant nature of the fae has been known to be mesmerizing... and deadly.
Pacts (Sanguis) - Bargain with the spirits of the Plane of Life - and other fae - for ever-greater power.
Obviously instead of the damage and afflictions taken under the sun, they would lose mana and gain mental afflictions when exposed to unfiltered moonlight as they struggle to repress the urge to dance, magic, dance.
Faeries are assholes. Any skills for a Fae-oriented class needs to be similarly dickish.
Edit: Yes, I'm aware this is a Raz thread. So probably less Big T but a Pools thing in general? I don't know.
Maybe thats all, im hoping thats all....is it all.....also its Friday ya'll.