Announce post #2999: config Pronouns
<pre>8/25/2019 at 2:45
Tiur, the Gnosis
config Pronouns
In all seriousness, we support equality and choice of life. This change won't come without its issues, especially around quests and mob dialogue. Please make sure you TYPO them as they come up so we can address them. Overall, this is a huge change when it comes to code, so it is absolutely impossible to catch everything and, rather than delay this, we simply ask for your help with its evolution.
As a side note, the plural option uses player race instead of the subject pronoun in order to ensure verb agreement.
Penned by my hand on Kinsday, the 17th of Lanosian, in the year 482 MA.</pre>
If someone had opted for gender neutrality, would, for example, this:
Emote looks at $Slyphe as $Slyphe_She blasts the seagull with a spray of water.
come out as:
Teani looks at Slyphe as She blasts...
or as:
Teani looks at Slyphe as They blast...
Since "he/she" is grammatically singular, "they" won't fit. Instead, the game will parse "he/she" as a noun. Example: "He is knocked to the ground by the force of your blow" is now "The (racename) is knocked to the ground by the force of your blow."
I guess it's not that big of a deal. I just hope those choosing neutral gender aren't offended by simple mistakes or not being able to notice such things on the fly, and accept that one can change once new information is revealed.
Edit: Oh using is is still wrong there, I see! Yep