Class Selection and Artifacts
I am looking to get started in Aetolia. I want to PK both group and solo. The classes I am interested in are Shaman, Ascendril (hesitant because of rework), Monk, Syssin, or Shifter. I want to join Enorian. Any info on the following categories: Group PK, Solo PK, Hinder, Kill Route(s), Defense, Artifact needs, Trans Skill Requirements, and anyone other information you feel could be useful.
Amulets exist as ylem-related rewards that also work in place of level 1 arties. Notably, white is +1 all stats, purple is eq crown effect.
To clarify the shifter comment - with just sip 2, shifter is still squishy af (except for bear) and you gonna get bashed to death if you choose the best kill path shifter (raven). Bear is the tankiest, but doesn't have headdrop.
Omei gives the corpse of a headless cadaver to you.
Omei offers you a quick wink.