I searched to see if anyone else had this problem, but I didn't find anything.
For some reason, every time I enter Duiran, my mudlet mapper window just blanks out and turns grey. Like this:
This is how it looks if I try to choose another map from the dropdown list as well. It stays like this until I leave Duiran. It doesn't do this for any other area that I've been to.
And this is obviously the normal view:
I've tried to redownload my map, updating my mapper script, using someone else's map file and xml, and rolling back to older maps. Has anyone else had this problem and does anyone know how to fix it?
ETA: What's even weirder is that when I click and drag to highlight rooms in the grayed out screen, it still gives me a list of highlighted rooms from the Eastern Ithmia.
Even more info: I checked the error console and the debug window and there are not any errors being received upon entering, looking, walking around, or leaving Duiran. The rooms are in the map file, as I can still search for specific room names in the city.
Need help with 'gmcp.char.vitals.right_arm / left_arm' as its driving me nuts!
I have my bashing setup to show this -
==================== BALANCE RETURNED (arm balances) ==================== H:100% M:97% E:93% W:100% B:51 Soul:100 XP:85.96% [csdb eb] K:0 ====================== ARM BALANCE RETURNED ====================== combo 192538 sdk ucp ucp ====================== ARM BALANCE RETURNED ======================
but every so often it shows this (below) and doesn't fire...
==================== BALANCE RETURNED (arm balances) ==================== ==================== LEFT ARM RETURNED (off left) ==================== ====================== ARM BALANCE RETURNED ======================
HOW can it give me left arm but GMCP tell me its off left arm.. my hasBal script and the echo script for the above are below..
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
function hasBal()
if gmcp.Char.Vitals.balance == "1" and gmcp.Char.Vitals.equilibrium == "1" or
(gmcp.Char.Vitals.right_arm == "1" or gmcp.Char.Vitals.left_arm == "1") then
return true
return false
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
function armbalEcho(name)
if name == "left" and not mayhem.balances.right_arm then
cecho("\n<blue>==================== "..name:upper().." ARM RETURNED (<white>off right <blue>) ==================== ")
elseif name == "right" and not mayhem.balances.left_arm then
cecho("\n<blue>==================== "..name:upper().." ARM RETURNED (<white>off left<blue>) ==================== ")
cecho("\n<blue>====================== ARM BALANCE RETURNED ======================")
Any help will be greatful, as I've not got a clue why it does this as 95% of the time it runs fine, just now and then it does the above and its annoying and sending me crazy!
It says if you have balance and (equilibrium or (right arm or left arm)).
Editting for clarity:
if gmcp.Char.Vitals.balance == "1" and gmcp.Char.Vitals.equilibrium == "1" or
(gmcp.Char.Vitals.right_arm == "1" or gmcp.Char.Vitals.left_arm == "1") then
should be
if gmcp.Char.Vitals.balance == "1" and gmcp.Char.Vitals.equilibrium == "1" and
(gmcp.Char.Vitals.right_arm == "1" and gmcp.Char.Vitals.left_arm == "1") then
Remember binary logic. And is multiply and or is additive. Balance*(Equilibrium+(Left Arm+Right Arm)) As balance and one of the following things was true, it would say you have balance.
In the way you had it balance was the primary gate. You have no balance, the if statement was dropped. IF you had balance then one of the following things had to be true for it to say you had balance. You had to have equilibrum or one of your arms on balance. The function of or is addition. As long as it's greater than 0, it'll execute.
Remember binary logic. And is multiply and or is additive. Balance*(Equilibrium+(Left Arm+Right Arm)) As balance and one of the following things was true, it would say you have balance.
In the way you had it balance was the primary gate. You have no balance, the if statement was dropped. IF you had balance then one of the following things had to be true for it to say you had balance. You had to have equilibrum or one of your arms on balance. The function of or is addition. As long as it's greater than 0, it'll execute.
I had it that way as I recently changed it 3 days ago (after weeks of this error) and I still get the error! @Xiuhcoatl .. I posted something in the GMCP topic.. but even @Omei said what you said but I already had it as it so Im at a lost as to why limb balances is being such a dam pain!
Also its not EVERY time its whenever it feels like it
That was for your HasBal function. No idea what's calling your other one and you provided no description for it. So, you're asking for help by throwing a brick of your house in front of me when you want help with your house being on fire. Then just telling me to fix it. Providing information or the exact trigger/screenshots of what calls the function and how it works.
WHAT? the hasBal tracks my balance and from the things I pointed out above clearly says its for my bashing...
I added in the (off bal) stuff as you can see in the armBalEcho() which is in my You have regain (\w+) arm. trigger..
what more is to explain?
I do ATT which starts my bashing, combo xiuh sdk ucp ucp .. sometimes it auto fires perfect (as it should)
==================== BALANCE RETURNED (arm balances) ==================== H:100% M:97% E:93% W:100% B:51 Soul:100 XP:85.96% [csdb eb] K:0 ====================== ARM BALANCE RETURNED ====================== combo 192538 sdk ucp ucp ====================== ARM BALANCE RETURNED ======================
then sometimes it fires like ...
==================== BALANCE RETURNED (arm balances) ==================== H:100% M:97% E:93% W:100% B:51 Soul:100 XP:85.96% [csdb eb] K:0 ==================== LEFT ARM RETURNED (off left) ==================== ====================== ARM BALANCE RETURNED ======================
and the above doesnt send my attacking alias.. The only thing I can pin point it down to is GMCP being weird and sometimes not sending right_arm left_arm balances, weird
It does, for a lot of things. Not having to type "inv" for example, or "who here".
Technically, you still have to type who here to check for new people who didn't enter in a way that can be seen, like with Syssin evade, or other abilities I may not know.
It does, for a lot of things. Not having to type "inv" for example, or "who here".
But we (collective most of us) tracked our balances using triggers for years, and it was reliable. Also easy.
Here's an alternative function that might be easier to debug:
function hasBal()
local x = true
if gmcp.Char.Vitals.balance == "0" then x = false end
if gmcp.Char.Vitals.equilibrium == "0" then x = false end
if gmcp.Char.Vitals.left_arm == "0" then x = false end
if gmcp.Char.vitals.right_arm == "0" then x = false end
return x
You can make it an elseif to be slightly more efficient.
Yep I know my old Cmud still tracks by triggers... I know what the issue is but Admin say it not but im certain it is! @Irruel
Its fact right_arm left_Arm gets sent in the same prompt and sometimes it works fine, (both hit true together) and then sometimes the right_arm stays false til the prompt after Ive debugged it many times... I was hoping for a better solution to what I have with still using GMCP as I dont fancy changing my system since its all finished (it only happens for monk/daru and lycan class) the rest is perfect!
Also thats why I added in the GMCP TO add arm balances a 'balance' to make it easier to track so instead of 4 balances youd only ever have to do 2 bal and eq...
if you talking about the HTML logger then yes its broke! the new mudlet coming out suppose to have it fixed.. til then I made a script that runs of an alias to save the screen in html
Anyone else have a problem where the inbuilt Mudlet logger randomly stops logging, silently?
I notice when I turn off the logger, the log file is far shorter than what is actually between the start and stop echoes for the inbuilt logger.
If you want to log stuff, you alternatively have the option of the screendump script, or a logger that logs things in real-time using html5. Unfortunately, I don't have the code, nor a download link, but I think it might be packaged with TW iirc.
Mudlet gets so many things right, but its logging options are horrendous. I've always gone by the trusty-yet-annoying method of scrolling up, clicking and holding, then dragging all the way down so I can just copy/paste the stinkin' thing.
I like logging in html because mostly I log combat logs - frankly, I'm of the opinion that if it's happened recently, 90% of my private roleplay is nunya, so I rarely log it.
My system has all these pretty colors, and text combat logs are so hard to study.
Does anyone know of an html logger script?
Edit: Oh, and thanks @Nalor. Can I steal and surgerize your html logger script?
Great, just PM me. I have to go into the office and get some shit caught up today. Will probably be around tonight. I really appreciate it, I was getting attached to my pretty colored combat logs.
Trying to make a console just show 2 colloums, or mabye 3.. but kinda of having issues with it @Oleis
local step = 2
for i=1,#mycache,step do
for x=0,step,1 do
if mycache[i+x] then
GUI.misc.Cachewindow:cecho("<white>" .. mycache[i+x])
GUI.misc.Cachewindow:echo(string.rep(" ", (13-#mycache[i+x])))
GUI.misc.Cachewindow:echo("\n ")
somewhere in that is the error ...
FIXED THIS, was missing a -1 after step
echoLink("[PK]", [[expandAlias("lua showPKreason("]] .. name .. [[")")]], "PK REASON", true)
it keeps coming back
Lua error:[string "expandAlias("lua showPKreason("Kerryn")")"]:1: ')' expected near 'Kerryn'
but Im unsure why as typing lua showPKreason("Kerryn") shows the reason?
Any help with be greatly appreciated
i am rapture coder
echoLink("[PK]", [[showPKreason\("]] .. name .. [["\)]], "PK REASON", true)
i am rapture coder
AHH That works, once I removed the \ .. Thank you @Omei!!
function isWield(weaponone, weapontwo)
local left = gmcp.Char.Vitals.wield_left:match("%a+")
local right = gmcp.Char.Vitals.wield_right:match("%a+")
if left ~= weaponone then
send("secure left;wield " .. weaponone)
if right ~= weapontwo then
send("secure right;wield " .. weapontwo)
then in an alias you can do,
isWield("rapier", "mace")
and it'll try to wield a rapier/mace.. might need a little shuffling for shields but any two weapons it works fine for :P
I have my bashing setup to show this -
==================== BALANCE RETURNED (arm balances) ====================
H:100% M:97% E:93% W:100% B:51 Soul:100 XP:85.96% [csdb eb] K:0
====================== ARM BALANCE RETURNED ======================
combo 192538 sdk ucp ucp
====================== ARM BALANCE RETURNED ======================
but every so often it shows this (below) and doesn't fire...
==================== BALANCE RETURNED (arm balances) ====================
==================== LEFT ARM RETURNED (off left) ====================
====================== ARM BALANCE RETURNED ======================
HOW can it give me left arm but GMCP tell me its off left arm.. my hasBal script and the echo script for the above are below..
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
function hasBal()
if gmcp.Char.Vitals.balance == "1" and gmcp.Char.Vitals.equilibrium == "1" or
(gmcp.Char.Vitals.right_arm == "1" or gmcp.Char.Vitals.left_arm == "1") then
return trueelse
return false
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }function armbalEcho(name)
if name == "left" and not mayhem.balances.right_arm then
cecho("\n<blue>==================== "..name:upper().." ARM RETURNED (<white>off right <blue>) ==================== ")
elseif name == "right" and not mayhem.balances.left_arm then
cecho("\n<blue>==================== "..name:upper().." ARM RETURNED (<white>off left<blue>) ==================== ")
cecho("\n<blue>====================== ARM BALANCE RETURNED ======================")
Any help will be greatful, as I've not got a clue why it does this as 95% of the time it runs fine, just now and then it does the above and its annoying and sending me crazy!
if gmcp.Char.Vitals.balance == "1" and gmcp.Char.Vitals.equilibrium == "1" or
(gmcp.Char.Vitals.right_arm == "1" or gmcp.Char.Vitals.left_arm == "1") then
should be
if gmcp.Char.Vitals.balance == "1" and gmcp.Char.Vitals.equilibrium == "1" and
(gmcp.Char.Vitals.right_arm == "1" and gmcp.Char.Vitals.left_arm == "1") then
Also its not EVERY time its whenever it feels like it
I added in the (off bal) stuff as you can see in the armBalEcho() which is in my You have regain (\w+) arm. trigger..
what more is to explain?
I do ATT which starts my bashing, combo xiuh sdk ucp ucp .. sometimes it auto fires perfect (as it should)
==================== BALANCE RETURNED (arm balances) ====================
H:100% M:97% E:93% W:100% B:51 Soul:100 XP:85.96% [csdb eb] K:0
====================== ARM BALANCE RETURNED ======================
combo 192538 sdk ucp ucp
====================== ARM BALANCE RETURNED ======================
then sometimes it fires like ...
==================== BALANCE RETURNED (arm balances) ====================
H:100% M:97% E:93% W:100% B:51 Soul:100 XP:85.96% [csdb eb] K:0
==================== LEFT ARM RETURNED (off left) ====================
====================== ARM BALANCE RETURNED ======================
and the above doesnt send my attacking alias..
But we (collective most of us) tracked our balances using triggers for years, and it was reliable. Also easy.
Here's an alternative function that might be easier to debug:
function hasBal()
You can make it an elseif to be slightly more efficient.
Its fact right_arm left_Arm gets sent in the same prompt and sometimes it works fine, (both hit true together) and then sometimes the right_arm stays false til the prompt after Ive debugged it many times... I was hoping for a better solution to what I have with still using GMCP as I dont fancy changing my system since its all finished (it only happens for monk/daru and lycan class) the rest is perfect!
Also thats why I added in the GMCP TO add arm balances a 'balance' to make it easier to track so instead of 4 balances youd only ever have to do 2 bal and eq...
Anyone else have a problem where the inbuilt Mudlet logger randomly stops logging, silently?
I notice when I turn off the logger, the log file is far shorter than what is actually between the start and stop echoes for the inbuilt logger.
the way she tells me I'm hers and she is mine
open hand or closed fist would be fine
blood as rare and sweet as cherry wine
i am rapture coder
Thanks, @Omei, @Setne, @Toz.
I like logging in html because mostly I log combat logs - frankly, I'm of the opinion that if it's happened recently, 90% of my private roleplay is nunya, so I rarely log it.
My system has all these pretty colors, and text combat logs are so hard to study.
Does anyone know of an html logger script?
Edit: Oh, and thanks @Nalor. Can I steal and surgerize your html logger script?
the way she tells me I'm hers and she is mine
open hand or closed fist would be fine
blood as rare and sweet as cherry wine
the way she tells me I'm hers and she is mine
open hand or closed fist would be fine
blood as rare and sweet as cherry wine