This is frustrating...
A vile kelki prowler slams her tail into your leg, knocking you to the ground with a sickening
Health Lost: 4045, blunt, none
You have been slain by a vile kelki prowler.
This is just one example of this but it happens fairly frequently. Monk audit is odd to me when I look at other classes because blunt damage is our lowest resistance (not counting spirit/shadow). I have enhancement(3), con(2), a protection amulet, wearing armor of course, sip(3) etc. I've played a couple of other classes that I have no artis at all on and can bash just fine.
So to my idea.... Even with artis the audit is the problem here. Toughness (kaido) currently increases cutting damage resistance so have it increase blunt as well. I get that numbness/transmute is our main defense but audit should be at least high enough to allow us a chance to use those defenses. Currently, even with my defensive artifacts, it's not and for a monk with no artifacts it's pretty ridiculous.
For arguments sake though I've been doing that now for about an hour to test and it's almost a 3s hit to eq to put numbness up each time and it burns through endurance quickly. Doing that on cooldown makes bashing painfully slow and eventually come to a complete stop once you run out of endurance (took ~1 hour for me with artifacts and trans miniskills). That is without using nimbleness and bolstering which are also going to drain endurance.
A rough conservative estimate, it's looking like it takes more than twice as long to bash an area in this way and you'll have to deal with the no endurance before long.