Mudbot has been around a while now. Rather useful for mapping, I find, and it doesn't seem to have any connection issues for me. Like I've heard other people say.
I want to convert my system to Mudbot format. So .dll file. Thing is... How?
Before all the questions start flying here's what I know, and have done thus far.
1) I researched what Mudbot is exactly and what it was meant to do originally.
2) I know Mudbot can accept LUA based .dll files. So that's perfect for my coding style.
3)You need a specific program in order to make the .dll files. Visual Studios 2017 for Windows, as an example. I've heard SciTE can be used for it too.
Now those are the main points to my question. How do you convert the files to .dll? I've coded enough in SciTE, and even have the exact same codes in my version on Visual Studios 2017. But how do I convert it when I save it? I've tried everything. It doesn't seem to give me an option for .dll. Even when I make a new project and I'm selecting all my options in Visual Studios. No .dll option that I can see. Even tried googling it, but as I assumed most people that use such things, and make such things, know how to do that very of basic commands.
So can someone help me not feel like an idiot? I just want to convert my code to .dll already!
'Those that do not attempt are those with the least stories to tell.'
When I played Imperian, I had updated it quite often. But, it takes some practice and getting used to. Plus, the fun part of converting it over. Our version of mudbot is not intended to be used as a system, so even if you get files converted to DLL? It probably won't work that well. They stripped out a lot of stuff from it with the conversion to the mapper alone.
Mudbot is written in C, as are it's modules which are compiled as DLLs. DLLs are compiled code which can be loaded by other programs to execute functions contained within. Compiling a DLL versus an EXE is mainly just a compile option. In Visual Studio this is under Project Properties->Configuration Properties->General->Configuration Type | Select Dynamic Library (DLL)
In Mudbot's config.txt you can specify DLLs/Modules to load on start. On initialization these modules register with Mudbot their various functions to process server lines, prompts, gmcp data, and user input. Mudbot itself is responsible for calling those functions and passing through the related data.
The section of code in my Citadel Mudbot module which registers its functions with Mudbot looks like this: But the problem is Mudbot doesn't have triggers or real pattern matching. Everything in the Mudbot Mapper is done using string comparisons and pointers/arrays. Here's the function for parsing sense: That's still a lot of code as you're not working with any sort of GUI to assist with creating triggers. Mudlet may be a better option. One cool feature is you can to Mudbot running on your PC from any phone/tablet/other-pc from plain Telnet and have access to your system. Pretty cool.