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I stream!

edited November 2016 in OOC Chat
I dunno how many would be interested, and it'd probably be uninteresting to you all, but I was told to go ahead and post it here anyways

I run a twitch streaming session, and I invite any of you all to come on in and join. Please follow common courtesy, because I do have a moderator who wields her ban-hammer quite readily for trolls and jerks.. but even so, please feel free to come in and watch. I even post my schedule down under the channel stream!

The rushing sound of waves breaking upon a shore fills your mind as Slyphe imparts to you, "Meltas is a bit..special sometimes..."


  • Additional note:

    My typical stream time (there are exceptions to this, one stream comes to mind immediately as a twice-a-month stream, I usually give a loud heads up in that case) is usually around 20:30 to 23:00 GMT.
    The rushing sound of waves breaking upon a shore fills your mind as Slyphe imparts to you, "Meltas is a bit..special sometimes..."
  • AxiusAxius where I am
    Heya folks, Axius here is my alt of Xan, in case anyone who didn't know that already would have cared.

    I'm about to start streaming The Long Dark, feel free to swing on by! the Twitch link is in the opening post above!
  • AxiusAxius where I am
    Streaming again today after an incident yesterday meant we lost an hour of stream time!
  • AxiusAxius where I am
    edited June 2017
    I'm streaming again, and I'll be doing it all day today.. I'm also running a donation drive, so poke your heads into the stream, and if you guys want to ask for more info, feel free, please.

  • AxiusAxius where I am
    Streaming Bloodborne, come join us 
  • TekiasTekias Wisconsin
    edited June 2017
    Hey guys, I stream on occasion too. In fact, streaming Payday 2 right now.


    Edit: Will resume stream around 9am CDT.
    Formerly: Spiegel. Eidycue.


  • TekiasTekias Wisconsin
    edited July 2017
    Streaming again, this time Overwatch with some friends.

    Formerly: Spiegel. Eidycue.


  • AxiusAxius where I am
    Going live with Bloodborne soon!
  • IllikaalIllikaal Pray Area
    edited September 2017
    Hey Aetrollians. I've been playing DnD pretty heavily, 3 days a week now with some friends and i'm getting pretty into it. I'm playing with some Aetolians and some non Aetolians in all of the campaigns, and I stream all 3 if anyone would like to watch.

    Thursday: Out of the Abyss. Host/GM: @Trikal. 6PM-10PM PST This campaign is centered in the Underdark. The group has escaped from a Drow prison and are currently on the run from the drow crew tracking them down whilst finding temporary shelter in their travels and running into more trials and tribulations along the way. @Courene and @Azzello are in the campaign, as well as myself and 2 others.

    Saturday: Sea of Sorrows. Host/GM: 5PM-9PM PST @Dhagon. This campaign is custom written. Basically the group is trying to stop a demon army from destroying the world. Myself, @Trikal and @Azzello are the only three Aetolians in this one, but its still an interesting story.

    Sunday: Curse of Strahd. Host/GM: JB aka Johnnie (Non Aetolian). 1PM-5PM PST We just started this campaign this past Sunday. The group is investigating an eeeeeevil and mysterious town. It's a very dark and creepy campaign based on Vampires and haunted houses, ghouls and goblins and that sorta stuff. I'm very interested in this campaign in particular because I happen to be playing a paladin which will definitely put an interesting spin on things. @Trikal and @Dhagon are in there as well.

    We play on each of those days every week, however this coming Sunday we won't be playing (Because the DM won't be available), but we'll pick back up the following Sunday. Today's game is still on, and so is Saturday's. Come watch us be bad and laugh as we die.

    "And finally, swear to Me: You will give your life to Dendara for you are Tiarna an-Kiar."
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