CHANGELOG #1115 - No Cryptic Chests
+--------------------------- CHANGELOG ENTRY #1115 ---------------------------+
| Entered by: Razmael Date: 2016/01/02 01:27:14 |
+-------------------------------- DELETION -----------------------------------+
The cryptic chests and skull tokens that were sold for gold have been removed
from Qeddwyn's shop indefinitely.
This means no more:
- Globes
- Chocolates
- Relics
- Pages
I understand grievances about the globes and chocolates, as I heard them at the recent godmeet. I'm assuming relics will come back in force with artifact promotions. The thing I worry about are the pages.
How are the pages going to be distributed, or is this seen as a bad system that needs to be retired/reworked? I'd enjoy getting pages through ylem efforts, for example.
I mean, you know, an amount.
But the ease of being able to bash/save up for them and the fact that they also give minor/lesser/major artifacts which you turn in for buku credits can really hit the sales of the game. Its kind of why they took them down, among other reasons.
Chests and tokens were the only meaningful way to dispose of large amounts of gold.
Without them, gold effectively has no use.
The way I see it is that his means:
Nothing on the credit market
Everything costing tons of gold in stores
Ironcoins being massively more expensive
Gold being worth almost nothing
And most importantly: No way to get any artifacts without buying credits off
I'm seeing this as a moneygrab that risks destroying the entire aetolian economy because there is nothing else to spend gold on at this point in time.
I hope the chests are reenabled, or another way to spend gold is added, because at this point there is nothing.
If you build your economy around cryptic chests, DON'T REMOVE THE CHESTS!
Another big point that was brought up was bashing, and in general very few people enjoyed bashing at high levels for the xp, but instead for the gold. This means there will likely be a lot less bashing activity. Whether this is a good or bad thing, I don't know, but the admins seem to be wanting to encourage bashing as much as possible
Maybe this is a good thing to increase gold sinks. We'll see what happens.
In one way it's kinda why I don't play the game that much anymore. Nothing has any meaning these days. Can't be banned from a city because the Admin will make people let you back in. Citizenship and laws have no meaning. No war system because boohoo getting griefed.
Maybe I'm just salty and looking at everything through rose-colored cokebottles.
I remember, involve me and I
-Benjamin Franklin
Part of the reason why I chose to settle into Aetolia was because of the ability to slowly generate gold and build up artefacts (via chests) without draining my wallet. Because to be 100% honest, I don't feel the cost of credits are in any way friendly towards the consumer. Though if it is about income, the promotions could be a bit more creative. -shrugs- Happy new year I guess?
Abhorash says, "Ve'kahi has proved that even bastards can earn their place."
I bash daily for gold and can buy upto two chests a week on a bad week. So with no way to spend my gold. I as long with many others will have ALOT of gold just doing nothing...
So Like Graw said, What will we have to spend our gold on? Prices for everything will go up.
Abhorash says, "Ve'kahi has proved that even bastards can earn their place."
Credits currently available for purchase:
2 credits at 5250 gold per credit.
100 credits at 5600 gold per credit.
14 credits at 6250 gold per credit.
20 credits at 6300 gold per credit.
34 credits at 6400 gold per credit.
393 credits at 6500 gold per credit.
1 credits at 65000 gold per credit.
Total credits for sale: 564 shown (564 total) (Average sale price: 5668)
Use CREDITS BUY AT to purchase.
Current prices, about 3 hours later:
Credits currently available for purchase:
20 credits at 14999 gold per credit.
50 credits at 15000 gold per credit.
100 credits at 64000 gold per credit.
1 credits at 64999 gold per credit.
1 credits at 65000 gold per credit.
Total credits for sale: 172 shown (172 total) (Average sale price: 7863)
Use CREDITS BUY AT to purchase.
I hope this stabilizes on the lower end of that spectrum
Very shortsighted decision IMO and the death of any IC economy. Aetolia needs a goldsink that only pays out bound credits. The old system was flawed with how rich some people are and how they could flood the relic/credit market but this is absolutely worse.
You can then gain one of the following things:
- 5 bound credits
- 10 bound credits
- One free spin and 10k gold
- token of luck *
- 10k gold
- 5% increase to health for 12 hours
- 5% increase to mana for 12 hours
- ripped page*
- 5k gold
- Lucks blessing for 4 hours*
--A token of Luck grants you a random boon to one of your stats for 24 hours. ( will not stack with other tokens and only useable by owner. (decays after 5 real days)--A ripped page can only be used by the owner. When four are collected and MEREGED you must bring your completed page to Windchaser, the head of the Fellowship and he will decipher it for 50,000 gold granting you a random compendium page.
--Lucks blessing is just that a blessing that lasts four hours
Abhorash says, "Ve'kahi has proved that even bastards can earn their place."
Sales might increase in the long run, but that's assuming that people who don't (or can't afford to) buy credits with real life money will suddenly start to do so instead of bash towards buying credits off the market. I feel like a better approach to improve sales would be to find ways to attract more players to the game, and I get the feeling removing Cryptic Chests might do the opposite.
I'm sure Raz has probably been mulling this over for a long time with real data, and I've been playing the game for less than a year, so please pardon my presumptions.
Aetolia's biggest credit package is nearly 1400 dollars for 5000 credits. That's literally 2 of any Level 3 str/int/dex arties which on their own aren't really impressive if we're being completely honest here. Do you know what people would rather spend 1400 dollars on? Rent. House notes. Electricity. Food. Gas. Car notes. Insurance. Cell phone bills. Clothes. And if you do it right you can get ALL that with 1400 bucks. Even looking at the old biggest package, which was nearly 600 dollars (2000 credits). I don't know too many people that just have -600- dollars to throw at -anything- unless it was like holiday time or something.
Basically what i'm trying to say is that this game requires (and lowkey facilitates) decent credit investment if you expect to be relevant. The problem is that this game isn't geared towards the middle man. It's very much geared towards people who have a lot of extra money left over at the end of the month, that are willing to just dump money into this game likely because it won't phase them. I'm guilty of it because i've been blessed with a fantastic job, but being able to buy -just- 2000 credits is just not something everyone can do. You might look at me and say "But Illi, -just- 2000?! I've never seen 200!" The hood artifact itself is 2000 credits. I'll just leave it at that.
Also, here's the thing Z, you're absolutely correct that the prices are going up JUST BECAUSE cryptic chests have been removed. They were literally the only thing keeping prices in check.
The rest is fine. Have you guys seen other games? The credit/curative market in Imperial is far, far different.
We'll be adding new prize bags to the shop to replace chests for gold, that will contain some of the items available in chests. These items won't be able to be traded in for credits like the ones in the chests were.
We're more than aware of the problems we have with gold income vs expenditure, and it's something we're working towards fixing.
(Spinesreach): Xiuhcoatl says, "Oh man, grab the children-corn. This is gonna be good."
As an old newbie (recently got back after not playing for close to 10 years), who is level 75, I found gold generation to be appropriate to slowish. I'm used to Imperian's bashing model where mods just drop gold as you bash. Here, I was doing mostly corpse turn ins, and I was accumulating gold at a fairly slow rate - collected about 35k after a month and a half of playing.
Now that all the corpse turn ins have been completely nerfed (Enzo went from 150 per priest to TEN), I have no idea what I'm supposed to do to generate gold anymore.
Abhorash says, "Ve'kahi has proved that even bastards can earn their place."