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Moi's Mudbot Map

MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
edited December 2014 in The Exchange
A few people have expressed interest in buying this, so I thought I'd put this out for sale: my mudbot map, with updates and add-ons, for purchase.

Price scheme:
- Lifers: 65 credits
- Bloodloch: 55 credits
- Established Spireans (active players, CR 3+): 45 credits
- Established Spireans (active players, CR 6): 35 credits
- Established Carnifex (active players, GR 5+): Free

What purchase gets you:
- Map from the #1 ranked explorer
- Updates as I make them
- Permission to bug me as needed to remap or update areas
- Permission to poke me if a new area comes out and needs mapping
- A ley-line script (mudlet and cmud only) - note: with this script I've gathered 3.5 million (MILLION) ylem for Spinesreach in less than 2 RL years. This alone can pay the cost of the purchase via city payouts.
- Shrine list info. This is updated semi-regularly, but donations can motivate me to update it more often (eg right before a holy war)
- Useful tags (eg things like # Ironmaw armory. (Spinesreach.) Tag 22807 "thuneron") - I can set these based on stuff people want to see.
- Mild - emphasis on mild - support. I simply don't have the time to walk you through the basics of how the mapper works, but I can help you figure out how to do mapper stuff you have issues with.

- CMUD add-ons: 25 credits for access and then further development via donation. Basically, if you think something would be cool to have coded that uses the mapper, let me know. I already have several scripts you'd get access to via the initial purchase. Development for more stuff would be on a "when I have time" basis, with ideas and donations gratefully accepted.
- Mudlet add-ons may come at a later date, but are not something I am providing right now, aside from a basic leyline script
- Current add-ons:
- - ley-liner
- - area traveller (eg type MP ARBOTHIA and travel there)
- - auto-harvester
- - auto-rock harvester
- - solid bashing skeleton (will be improved/refined if there is interest)
- - who parser (reports rooms with 2+ people based on WHO)
- - scent parser (reports rooms with 2+ people based on SCENT)
- - locator (tell people where you are, parsed in a way for easy mapper mxp clickable functionality)
- - Potential UI options

- Distribution for map updates will be done via both email and a private forum
- Distribution for CMUD add-ons will be done via a private forum
- Q&A and CMUD code requests will be done via a private forum
- Shrine info and tags will be done via a private forum

- PM via forums
- MSG in-game to MOIREAN
- DO NOT SEND CREDITS until I verify things and set you up. We will chat first.


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