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Mafia: Nineteen Eighty-Four



  • ArbreArbre Arbrelina Jolie Braavos
    I take IC as OOC already, so lemme get mad at getting flaked out on.

    VOTE: Orisae
  • edited January 2013
    Chirp chirp chirp! Got voted against like crazy the last time for talking too much! Now for talking too little! You people are INSANE!

    Voting Demarcus! Man seems hyperactive. I think he did it with his explosive amount of energy.
  • edited January 2013
    Reminder: no editing posts!

    Malak has voted for Orisae.
    Arbre has voted for Orisae.
    Ilyon has voted for Orisae.
    Damonicus has voted for Orisae
    Periluna has voted for Demarcus.
    Alexina has voted for Demarcus.
    Orisae has voted for Demarcus
    Total votes cast against Orisae: 4
    Total votes cast against Demarcus: 3
    Total needed for majority: 6

    "To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman

  • AarbrokAarbrok Breaking things...For Science San Diego, CA
    Vote: Orisae
  • I'm continually worried by the lack of reason and information. But with one vote left, I'd be remiss to hold back.

    Vote: Orisae.
  • You're all terribly, misinformed people. Bandwagons didn't serve you well the last time. They won't serve you well this time, either.
  • edited January 2013
    "You don't understand!" Orisae says, her eyes wide with fear. She throws up her hands as if to signal to the crowd that she is no enemy but the crowd is not interested in reading her signals. As she steps back her heels hit the wall and she realizes there is no where to go. "But I'm the child of Goldstein..." She says to herself, not quite believing or accepting the outcome. Thankfully it is quick and painless as a member of the crowd brings a shovel down on her head.

    Orisae has been killed and she was the child. The mafia may not vote for someone to kill tonight. All other night actions are welcome.

    It is NIGHT.

    "To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman

  • KiyotanKiyotan spectacular vernacular Summit of the Falconmount
    Ugh. I wasn't silent on purpose this round. Just had a very long day of work.
    Some may say we've lost our way, but I believe we've not gone far enough.
  • DemarcusDemarcus Black Flagon Inn
    I'm with you on that one, Kiyotan. Though I probably wouldn't have voted for myself, so you can guess what my vote would have been if work hadn't sucked.
  • AlexinaAlexina the Haunted Soul
    I can't help but feel that people are rushing the votes for some reason. I missed the entire first round too, and there really is nothing going on that'll show who is mafia or not.
  • I agree with Alexina on one point. We're two days in, two Brotherhood members down, and no information on the Mafia. Are we going to continue picking our Brothers out of the crowd, one by one? It's a simple fact that we have a greater chance of hitting ourselves than Mafia.

    So here's where I disagree. I think we do have some information on who the Mafia might be: Ilyon needed clarification on the roles before voting. He waited for Valenae's post. Why? He wanted to use one of these powers. He asked for clarification on two of the Brotherhood roles (one which has been revealed, the other entirely passive) to avoid suspicion and then asked about both a Mafia and Democrat role. He could have used either of these during the day. Can you think of an explanation of why he couldn't ask and vote? Look to Kiyotan's post. Any confusion he felt was totally irrelevant to the voting process. As it should have been.

    So, in my opinion, Ilyon is either Mafia or a Democrat and he's bad for the Brotherhood.

  • Don't be ridiculous, of course I want to understand the rules before I participate.

  • Let us take a small look at all the information and who has done what so far.

    Event started Zun started the first choo choo. Aldric taken out was a member of the Brotherhood.
    Four ppl were silent from the first speed round of lynching, Orisae, Alexina, Rho and Damercus.
    Mafia night snipe was not met, due to majority not met. Leading to one of the 4 previous that did not respond to possibly being mafia.
    Malak started lynch on Orisae. Periluna started lynch on Demarcus, End Result Orisae lynched and was child.
    Now night round and 2 Brotherhood dead.

  • A poster has been taped up on the door of city hall:

    Cast off your shackles, for a tyrant is amongst us. She hides, but I have seen through her disguise - Alexina belongs to the Inner Party. Get her.

    The Democrat

    "To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman

  • edited January 2013
    As the sun comes up, Oceania still seems to be mourning the fallen child of Goldstein. 

    It is now DAY. 

    "To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman

  • So five hours after my post declaring Ilyon as the Democrat we get a post declaring Alexina to be the Democrat from an anonymous source. What power does the Democrat have?
    Valenae said:
    Democrat (1): Disapproving of both the ruthlessness of the party and the lack of direction exhibited by the Brotherhood; the Democrat has decided to take things into their own hands.

    They have the ability to inquire about one role per night with a 60% to get the right answer. If the role fails he/she will get a NO RESULT. Even if they get a NO RESULT they can still send a PM to me that will go out to all power roles regardless of affiliation. The message will be anonymous. However, up to one other anonymous private message can be submitted and distributed per night. The first to be private messaged to me will be the one selected. 
    Vote: Ilyon
  • edited January 2013
    The democrat has the power to the send an anon message that is to be distributed to all Power Roles. Anyone can post a sign or tape one up in city hall. I only reply to provide clarification. 

    "To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman

  • I suppose that makes sense. It does dilute the culpability of Ilyon somewhat, but I was all but convinced before the message to divert blame was posted up, and now I am certain.

    My vote remains unchanged.
  • KiyotanKiyotan spectacular vernacular Summit of the Falconmount
    I am disinclined to believe in anonymous signs. I hate to do this on Day 3, but I'm going to let a dice roll determine my vote.

    Vote: Rho.

    Some may say we've lost our way, but I believe we've not gone far enough.
  • Ilyon said:
    Don't be ridiculous, of course I want to understand the rules before I participate.
    While I tend to agree, understanding the rules before playing wouldn't have any bearing on your first round vote. The fact that you picked two from each side to question seems pretty... suspicious... to me.

    VOTE: Ilyon
  • As amusing as this is, focusing on me is not going to bring you any closer to victory - unless you happen to be a mafia member, that is. Speaking of which, that message accuses Alexina of being one (Inner Party = mafia, for those who haven't read the rules). While we don't know if the message is genuine, we do know that the democrat is capable of finding out people's roles. As such, and in the absence of a better alternative, I'm going to follow that anonymous message and

    Vote: Alexina

    As an added bonus, if the message is true, we'll be able to safely deduce that Zun is probably a mafia member as well, thanks to his amusing attempts to safe Alexina.

  • Save, not safe!

  • I am going to go ahead and say that Zun, Periluna, Rho are all mafia. Since Rho already has one:

    VOTE: Rho

  • The Democrat has a 60% chance of learning someone's role. So if the message is -truly- from the Democrat, there is a 40% chance that Alex isn't Inner Party.  

    Also, Zun pointed the finger at you. The Democrat pointed the finger at Alexina and now you are also pointing at Zun. Hm. Interesting.
  • To quote from the rules (am I like, the only one who reads these things?): If the role fails he/she will get a NO RESULT

  • I guess so. Just worked all morning after not sleeping for more than 24 hours. My head is still pounding. Regardless, there is still a chance that the message is not from the Democrat or that the Democrat is just pointing fingers without having had a result. Either way, I find it suspicious that Z thinks Ilyon is either the Democrat or Inner Party, then Ilyon states that Zun is because he is 'defending' someone that was pointed at as being Inner Party from a message that could or could not have been from the Democrat even though Zun pointed his finger BEFORE the message was sent.
  • KiyotanKiyotan spectacular vernacular Summit of the Falconmount
    edited January 2013
    The sign could also be from the mafia trying to get us to knock down another citizen. Just sayin'. If we were to lynch Alexina and she turns out to be mafia, then great, we validate one post. If, however, we lynch her and she turns out to be a citizen or, god forbid, Brotherhood, then we've shot ourselves in the foot and prove that an anonymous poster lied. Puts us no closer to finding out the rest of the mafia, or the democrat. I am uncertain if it is really worth the risk. I'd rather place my lot with Lady Luck and the RNG. 

    Addendum: Not to say I'm against bandwagoning Alexina, if that's the way the town is swayed. I just don't trust anonymous signs, as a rule.
    Some may say we've lost our way, but I believe we've not gone far enough.
  • I'm not on the dark side, so you can vote for me if you'd like another townie killed off, I guess.

    Vote: Alexina
  • edited January 2013
    The next person that edits a post will get a mod death. 

    The reason why it is important to not edit post is because of fairness - no one can accuse you of changing your vote/opinion. Even if you do not feel as if this argument links to your actions understand that once I let one person edit their post, it opens the action up for abuse. Please be respectful of the rule that has been a frequent fixture of all mafia games played on old forums. If not, I'll have no choice but to put offenders on the unpersons list. 

    vote count: 

    Zun has voted for Ilyon 
    Kiyotan has voted for Rho
    Rho has voted for Alexina 
    Damonicus has voted for Rho
    Periluna has voted for Ilyon
    Iloyn has voted for Alexina
    Total votes for Ilyon: 2
    Total votes for Alexina: 2
    Total votes for Rho: 2
    Needed for majority: 5 

    "To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman

  • AarbrokAarbrok Breaking things...For Science San Diego, CA
    Im gonna go with Kiyotans logic, after a dice roll and then various arguments.  I know that a sign is something as easily forged as is created and not a valid way to make any assumption.  With all due respect then, I'm all in.

    VOTE: Rho
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