1. My name is Braeden. Which is spelt the correct Irish way.
2. I am 17 years old now.
3. I was born in Ireland and moved to Australia when I was very young.
4. Having been raised as an Officers son means I am well travelled, having been all over Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Although having been so young at that point in my life I remember only fracture images.
5. I am the youngest of my siblings, and have lived with my oldest brother for a long time. He is a player also in Aetolia although he plays very little these days, as he is busy with work/study.
6. When I was very small I was hit by a car and broke part of my back, pelvis and both my legs. Because of this I use a chair and recently started treatments with several surgeries to make use of my legs again. They having feeling, (everything works –wink wink-) but my legs are not very strong just yet. I have a never say never attitude because of my upbringing, as well as having a brother who willingly will make me do things myself and refuses to listen to my excuses. A good example of this was when I got surgery and refused to even try to walk so he removed my chairs wheels and stashed them in the back paddock. This resulted in him being punched in the head, but I had no choice but to get them myself, so I guess he did the right thing as I now spend 20 mins a day using my legs.
7. At 16 I was offered a place in a University to study with people 5-10 years older than I was!
8. I am a dog person and I do not hate cats, but I do find them odd creatures.
9. I am pretty smart for my age and attract a lot of older people to my circle of friends as I am quick witted and not above using it to my advantage.
10. Having said that, I have *very bad* dyslexia resulting in my writing being atrocious at the best of times. It also means I make up for it with my logic skills and capacity to solve extremely complex problems, hence the University offers.
11. I use to own a dog, but she died this year and I still get very sad thinking about her, as she was my best friend.
12, I like to read and play a lot of games.
13. I had a girlfriend in Aetolia and RL, but we broke up a while ago and she stopped playing not long after.
14. I started playing muds when I was 10… shhh
15. I enjoy anime, and will watch it for several hours given the chance.
16. My brother is helping me build a go-cart for off road use, I hope to use it for hunting and fishing.
17. I am a bit of a softy as I like to help people and empower them. This makes me come off as a bit of a pushover, but I do not mind.
18. I designed a device on paper last year that will support my body weight and allow me to walk upright without pressure on my spine. It would have also helped others like me to walk again. Sadly, a University beat me to it and got rights to a similar design.
19. I dream of buying a huge house and letting people who have no home stay there for extended periods to assist them with drug addiction, and one day I know I will do it. I am still a big kid so time is on my side.
20. When I go shopping I devise odd death sequences for passersby, ranging from faulty electronic devices, falling shelves to ninjas with flamethrowers. ( I think this is a bad thing… but who cares).
21. Following on from 20 ^ I find that I like serial killers, anti-hero’s and shows like Dexter a lot.
22. In my world everyone has rights and sexual identity is not an issue. I say this because it upsets me that people treat others badly because of who they fall in love with.
23. I do not own a mobile phone as it would require that I buy credit for it and I am poor
24. I get sad in movies when animals or children die, but could give two ****** about other people dying, as long as little billy and his pitbull escape in one piece.
25. I think I get on peoples nerves in Aetolia as I refuse to break my characters image of a asshole, mental case loner. This upsets me greatly as I am empathic in real life, and I can sense other peoples being hurt at my characters desire for chaos.
3) I played hockey from 5 years old to 20, when I tore an ACL and like a pansy, got scared to play again.
4) Oh, I'm 28 now.
5) I own a laundry mat...I know, kinda weird, but hey, it pays.
6) I live in Oregon, and Aarbroks jersey sucks, Batum is a WAY better player! >:)
7) I came to playing Aetolia to keep me occupied. I have a tendency to revert to my old, stupid ways when I get bored,
8) I play a lot of other games besides Aetolia these days, some favorites being League of Legends, Ghost Recon Online and Planetside 2. Come to think of it, I need to start playing DayZ more again, that game was fun.
9) It may be weird, but I really don't like role play. I try to keep Osmond quiet because I don't RP, I just act like me in real life, and that is kind of counter productive toward the whole theme of "role play" I suppose, Aetolia keeps me entertained with its combat engine.
10) I am a musician, in my own mind at least. I have played guitar since my old man could fit one in my hands, branched out to drums, bass, harp, really anything that either had strings or you could beat with sticks. I have been teaching myself piano for the past little while, starting to get pretty good I guess.
11) I had meningococcemia when I was 17, died twice and they zapped me back to life, kind of wonder if the Doc's didn't play Achaea, they got zapping skills. Was in the hospital for a month or so, then had to teach myself to talk and move again when that debocle was over, physical therapy is for wusses.
12) I like to cook, well, I like to create odd culinary aobrtions I pass off as food. Usually looks like crap but tastes decent. I really would like to be able to take some cooking classes at the community college one of these days, just for personal use, I have no intent of ever cooking for a profession.
13) I am on my way to becoming a nurse, enrolled in school late last year and start in a few weeks. I hope to eventually end up with a doctorate in something, but this is a first step into the field.
14) I have been kicked out of Canada, and Las Vegas. Canada, about ten years ago, for smoking weed in front of the art museum in Vancouver, I thought it was legal down there! I don't remember why I was kicked out of Vegas in all honesty, it was a crazy three days, but I woke up in a motel outside of town and my buddy that was stationed there told me I wasn't supposed to come back. It was a long story of dumb assness.
15) I enjoy classical music, Chopin being my favorite composer of all time, his nocturnes are the best. I like all kinds of other music as well, blues being at the top of that list.
16) I get confused when people say they an advocate for domestic violence, or other similar things. Do you encourage domestic violence then? I mean, to advocate is to write or speak in favour of. Confusing stuff, I get what you mean, but the wording is weird.
17) I do not have a significant other, by choice. I'll take a good ol' one night stand over a relationship any day!
18) I love the Ghost in the Shell franchise, all of them, SAC, 2nd gig, SSS, they were all good, makes you pay attention and think. I really wish I had my own Tachkoma.
19) I'm kind of a face book junkie, but in a completely conceited way. I love posting videos, pictures, and song lyrics that fit my mood, but I don't really ever read what anyone else has to say, unless they are someone I know that has similar interests, then they might post something for me to steal and re-post.
20) I get a kick out of Krispy Kreme, if you don't know who that is then you need to look up YouTube videos of him, in essence he is a corny little white boy that raps, but his raps are freaking hilarious.
21) I have two neices and two nephews, one of which lives with me. The one that doesn't really is an annoying little twerp, his mom lets him get away with too much inevitably ending up in a spoiled brat. My neices are angels, basically because one can't talk (autistic) and the other is only 8 months old, but they will be good kids when they get older. The nephew that lives with me is a pretty good kid, kinda messed up because my sister and her husband were...well...out of it, but he is a good kid and does amazing in school.
22) I used to have a heavy pill addiction. Valium, Oxy, Codeine, Vicodin, whatever was handy. I kicked that a while back, and remain on prescribed vicodin for massive knee pain, my ACL injury never healed properly and it bothers me pretty much 24/7 and I'd rather be on vicodin the rest of my life than deal with that crap.
23) I really love math, I am HORRIBLE at it, but every night I pop open a text book I found at a used book store and solve math problems, to the best of my ability. I usually end up with the wrong answer, but I am getting better as time goes by.
24) They get scared when I front flip. (Hopefully someone gets this.)
25) I like things like this, I can talk about my idiocies in life and not really care because I will most likely never see any of you in the real world!
I love that people are responding to this thread! It was my favorite in the old forums and it pleases me that there is activity. Osmond, how did you come by owning a laundry mat? Did you search for it or was it a family business?
1) I will soon be 25 years old, I've played Aetolia since 2006, I am a bi-sexual, poly female, pagan, and I hate my name. I've gone by Kira since 2007 when I lived with Zhukov's player in Canada, and tracing back to the fifth grade or so I've always gone by assorted nicknames when I could manage it. Overall, I don't really consider these things to be anything more than the framework that helps to define me as a person, which is why they're all listed on the one note. I'm going to try to avoid the repeating of the things I said in the last one of these, which can be found (both mine and the thread in general) here. Mine is about 2/3 of the way down under the screenname Kiralla.
2) It seems to me that everyone in this game seems to have a non-fatal disease or mental illness that makes their lives miserable. Mine is a triple-whammy of anemia, an allergy to iron (which means I can't take anything to help regulate the anemia) and an undiagnosed case of what is probably polycystic ovary syndrome. The latter is uncertain, because on the rare occasion I get to a doctor for the issues, they take a ton of my blood (like seriously, are they feeding a ton of vampires, or what) and tell me I'm allergic to myself. My younger sister however has been diagnosed with the same thing, with the exact same symptoms that I have, and it's thought to be genetic, so that's my guess. The result, is that I'm frequently dizzy, occasionally to the expense of my job.
3) My family frequently refers to me by such names as 'The Family Gypsy', 'The Transient One', and 'The Wanderer'. This is because since I turned 18, I've moved 14 times, to 12 different places. The vast majority of these were with people, whether they were just friends, or more than, that I met online, more specifically, Aetolia. It is not uncommon for my parents to get a random call with me going, "Oh, hey, yeah, everything's great, just thought I'd tell you I moved to Missouri at 4 AM last night." Or "So...I decided I'm moving to Arkansas on such and such date." They've grown accustomed to it, unlike the initial Canada bomb, which was the first time I moved from home when it startled the hell out of everyone. When they're in pissier moods, they make less friendly comments about my internet trysts, and slut adventures because for some reason they've convinced themselves my moving around is all about sex, when it isn't at all the case. This said, as I mentioned in the first 25 things, I self-identify as a slut, and I don't think enjoyment of sex is anything to be ashamed of.
4) As you might guess from #3, I don't get along with my family a lot of the time. Largely this is because of things that have happened in the past, and the fact that I have to hide three-fourths of who I am around them. With my dad and his wife, I not only have to hide my religion, my sexuality, my book interests (fantasy genre = ZOMG WITCHCRAFT), and most of my personality, I also have to pretend to adhere to pretty much all Christian ideals. With my mother and her husband, I don't have to hide my religion, or book interests (she introduced me to the fantasy genre when I was a kid), but I have to repress my personality and my opinions, and so on. With my ex-step-dad and his wife, I'm more or less allowed to be myself, I'm just teased a lot about being anti-social, because somehow ignoring everyone in my room on the computer is apparently more anti-social than on the couch ignoring everyone and watching tv. I get along with my two younger half-sisters, and not most of the rest of my family on any consistent basis. I love them all, but I can't stand extended durations with most of them, -especially- my mother and her husband.
5) I have a strong love of languages. These range from fictional languages like Kalsu/Ve'kahian, to real-world ones, though I've only ever had formal schooling in Spanish--and I've learned far more of the language by speaking it with people who don't speak much english than I did in the classroom. I was teaching myself Bulgarian at one point or another, and I know bits and pieces of russian, japanese, german, french, and italian. The hardest part of learning other languages for me is the alphabet--and I think this is because I primarily teach myself the -speech- part online, and it's difficult to find sources which offer you words in both alphabets.
6) In the language vein, I almost joined the Navy when I was 18. They wanted me to join because of my ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) scores--a test which I largely took to get out of my math period for a day. I decided I wanted to be a CTI (Cryptological Technician Interpretive) ((AKA Translator)) so I could learn a plethora of other languages. In this vein, I went down to MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station) to take the DLAB (Defense Languages Armed Battery) Which is the most RIDICULOUS test I've ever taken. Also the hardest. They basically made a language, didn't teach you ANY of it, and put it all in a test that was given to you IN the language to see how fast we picked up on it. I had to get a 99 to be a CTI. Got a 97. They encouraged me to come back six months later to try again, but I talked myself out of it. Figured bootcamp would kill me anyway, since I don't react well to being yelled at.
7) I name my laptop computers after disney villains. The first was Zeera (Lion King 2), the second Yzma (Emperor's New Groove), and the current is Morganna (The Little Mermaid 2). This is because such amuses me, more than anything else. Also because I yell at my computers. And/or occasionally talk to them. And because I have a love of Disney Movies that I'm not ashamed to own up to.
8) I think the most frequently-asked question people in this game have asked me is how I juggle the 20 million characters I have. I mean, obviously I don't play them all the time, and most of my attention is spent on Kira/Erz/Dara, depending on who has what going on, but the question is most-frequently directed at how I juggle all of the characters personalities and how I keep all the details of who knows who, who's done what, what motivations and so on and so forth each character has. The answer is fairly simple. I'm just really good at compartmentalizing. I log most of my roleplay, which helps, but isn't really responsible for much of the memory. I just have a knack for keeping characters straight. This is probably because I've been alting insanely since I was in middle school--during which I ran a self-made PBP RP forum set in the Harry Potter verse. I've always been prone to writing things that are subjected to Loads and Loads of Characters. Even before that, when I was a little kid, I wasn't content with one imaginary friend, I had what I called 'my twelve magiminations'. So alting is something I've always done, and something I've grown to be good at. Compartmentalizing and keeping track of lots of characters is almost second nature at this point.
9) Continuing in the vein of me as a little kid, I was an -odd- little kid. Very quiet and self-contained. I was often left alone for days at a time because I could generally be trusted to keep myself entertained without breaking stuff, and because I could be trusted to ask if I required something. My first chapter book was Interview with a Vampire, which I insisted on being allowed to try to read because my mother told me I couldn't because she said I wouldn't understand. So I sat down with the book and a dictionary when she wasn't home and I read it and looked up things when I didn't know the words---and still didn't understand, naturally, being all of six years old at the time. I was always telling myself stories, and/or getting 'punished' with no recess for reading non-school related books in class and/or reading ahead in the school-related books in class, and took to wearing lots of shiny things, which I would take off while sitting on the wall at recess, and the shiny things plus random rocks/twigs and so on would become my entertainment. I would play with them and make up stories and backstory for them and the world they lived in. I've always been imaginative, and something of a bookworm.
10) In the past couple years, I've really been getting into art. Specifically, drawing and painting. It was Elea (<3) who offered the initial kick in the rear that inspired me to do so, and it's been Nola (Also ) who's been helping me to improve (along with tons of practice) with pointers/advice along the way. I'm still a long way from being in their league of awesome, but I'm generally pretty pleased with my progress in general.
11) I have pretty crazy insomnia a lot of the time. And a pretty absurd level of stress. Whether or not the two are related is undecided. Right now, my goal more than anything is to get a job decent enough for me to get out, and go live in an apartment by myself. With a roommate though, because I have untreated anxiety and paranoia issues when I'm alone. Also preferably in St. Louis, because I miss it there, even now that Kesh and Lin don't live there anymore. It kind've makes me sad that I'm not likely to ever live there again. Largely though, I just I hate feeling trapped in general, and I am, verily much so trapped here at present.
12) I still want to get my TEFL certification and head off to teach English as a foreign language in another country. I think that it'd be an amazing experience, and it's an adventure I definitely want to have before I die.
13) My significant other tends to be taken from Aetolia, more often than not. I have found that I have strong difficulties to doing long-distance-relationships, and thus have been electing to have things not be a thing until it's possible for distance to be spanned. I find that I date Aetolians almost exclusively when distance isn't preventing me from pursuing the one I love, more because I connect better with people I've gotten to know in a textual format first. I think it's because when you meet someone RL, there's this whole cat-and-mouse dance of trying to decide if you want to date them, or bang them, or just be friends or what. When you're talking to people on AIM, it's not generally about 'do I want to date this person', it starts as actually getting to know them outside of their characters, and becomes friendship, generally all without romantic intentions and so on and so forth.
14) I flirt like I breathe. I'm usually pretty upfront about this with people so as to avoid accidentally leading them on. It doesn't necessarily mean anything unless I say it does. Most of the time I don't even realize I'm doing it. To those who've seen both normal-flirt and flirt-with-intentions, the difference is exceedingly obvious.
15) Over my life, I've kept any number of journals and the like, mostly in an online medium because I was terrified of my parents finding it. During my teenage years, it was Xanga, Deadjournal, (and I had something like four or so of them, when they still required codes to get) and Livejournal, which was my attempt at sane ramblings (and thus never got updated.) The only one I didn't have multiples of was Xanga. The livejournal ones were used with high frequency to participate in roleplaying communities there, while I was waiting for the PBP game I ran to update. Eventually, they came out with GreatestJournal which allowed you to have a billion icons to use with your posts, so I switched over to that and updated almost every day, sometimes more for about a year. And then I just abruptly stopped in 2006 when I picked up Aetolia. These journals have largely been shared with friends and so on, and/or self-plugged on other mediums. These days I've found that keeping a journal/blog to myself, by NOT sharing the link with any of my friends and so on, allows me to sort out thoughts and how I feel about things much more easily than such a medium would if I had to censor my opinions and thoughts. I'm really OCD about posting to the blog, I go for spurts where I post every day and then, when I miss a day, I stop posting for at least a couple weeks before trying an unbridled stretch. When I write things for the blog, I tend to write a lot at once, roughly six or seven posts worth--and then I set it up to post one of those at the same time every day. When I first started the blog, I wrote like five entries. And then from then on, I wrote three entries a day--one to cover the one that just posted, one to post next, and one to extend the buffer I had. I don't do it consistently, mostly because Aetolia distracts me and takes up most of my free time.
16) I am a cat person, I love to read, I love to draw, I love to paint and I love to play boardgames. Usually I go every friday to play them from 7 to midnight. And occasionally on Wednesday as well. The people I've met while doing so are my only friends in this city.
17) Most of my friends, with the exception of Darliea, who has been my best friend for almost a decade and a half now since before either of us started playing aetolia, I met online somewhere or other, the vast majority from Aetolia or Lusternia, though the random IRC, AIM, Forum, etc friendship isn't unheard of. Most of my social interaction comes from that pool of friendships as well.
18 ) At odds with the above statement, for the most part, the -rest- of my social interaction comes from random strangers more often than it does friends. I'm rather notorious amongst past roommates for going outside for whatever reason--grocery store visit, acquiring food from some place, wandering around the park, and coming back hours later than is required for such a trip with tales of newfound friends. This is because I talk to -everyone-. I'm paranoid of people I don't know, so the solution as far as I'm concerned is to try to know everyone, because screw the alternatives in that regard. So if I'm on a bus, surrounded by people I don't know, I strike up random conversations. In line at a fast food place or the grocery store, the same. When I was living in Georgia, I went to Wendy's at one point, and started talking to some random guy for something like 8 hours. In St. Louis, I was waiting around in a Burger King for Kesh and Lin to get off work, and ended up talking to this other guy for around 6. I went to the park a lot when I lived in St. Louis, and I acquired more than one random talk-for-hours friend. Some of them I still talk to on occasion. Others that I never saw again.
19) I am unafraid of most things. I don't worry about the things most women my age worry about. I won't say I am fearless, because I'm not, I'm afraid of hitting the ground at high velocity, I'm afraid of huge spiders that turn into tons of little spiders when you try to kill them (this is a thing, as I found out first hand), I'm afraid that my dreams might always be out of my reach--but I'm not afraid to step out of my comfort zone. I'm not afraid of traveling alone. I'm not afraid of wandering alone at night--which several of my friends yell at me for, but I'm not, and I'm not afraid of all the things they remind me could happen. The latter is likely stupid of me, since I know they -could- happen, I just don't see much point in worrying about it, despite all the things that -have- happened. Que sera sera, yeah? I dunno, from a logical standpoint, I -should- worry, but I really can't take any more worrying. I worry about everything else, and I seem to have cut the wrong things from the worry list when trying to consolidate it, as it were.
20) I'm starting to think I might be done moving around all over the place. Not because I want to, necessarily, but because it's becoming unfeasible. Also because it's not quite as easy to do it with two people, and I fully intend to kidnap an Aetolian to come live with me when I manage to get out of where I am and into my own place.
21) My adult life has been a rather unstable, if fairly awesome adventure for some time, and it is my hope that it will pick up again and continue on in that vein for a good while yet to come. Preferably with someone though, I'm tired of having adventures and crazy escapades by myself.
22) I love the snow, despite being born and raised in South Texas, but more than anything weather-wise, I love the summer rain. In torrential downpours in the Summer, one can most often find me out-of-doors, running around in it, soaked-to-the-bone but exceedingly happy and exhilarated. I love the wild, unbridled feeling that rain elicits. I just... absolutely adore the warm rain of summer. I love rain of all kinds, really, I just can't play in the winter rains without getting sick and/or yelled at by various people because I went and played in it. So winter rains are for cuddling by the fire with hot chocolate and marshmallows, and summer rains are for dancing in and, when viable, kissing in.
23) I guess I'll join the bandwagon of those of you who adore music and listen to almost everything. This said, my favourite genre is operatic metal, because it has interesting music, with vocals I can actually understand, though the screaming type metal is on the list of almost everything' that I'll listen to. My favourite band changes by mood. Right now, it's Korpiklaani, which is categorized as 'viking metal', yesterday it was Kamelot. The day before, Voltaire. It just depends. I like there to be background noise when I'm playing Aetolia, but music is only specifically requisite as the background noise if I'm bashing.
24) As many of you are aware, I'm very fond of taking normal drinking games like two-truths-and-a-lie and I've-never, and turning them into get-to-know you games instead, essentially replacing shots with questions. I find such both interesting and fun. I know it's silly, as it were, but I like it anyway.
25) 25 things was hard enough when it was just the first one, but trying to do 25 that I -didn't- do the first time, is really more difficult than I thought it would be. I've been playing Aetolia since 2006, my oldest character is 225, and though I occasionally talk about quitting because this or that makes me rage, I probably won't actually do it until they force us to move away from the main continent. And I'm still torn on whether that'll make me quit entirely, or just to give up my mortals and try my hand at being a Celani. Assuming they'll have me.
"To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman
Kiyotanspectacular vernacularSummit of the Falconmount
Jesus christ write an autobiography
Some may say we've lost our way, but I believe we've not gone far enough.
25) And I'm still torn on whether that'll make me quit entirely, or just to give up my mortals and try my hand at being a Celani. Assuming they'll have me.
If the number of Celani jumps by more than ten, we'll know.
1. I am 23 years old, and have been playing games from ironrealms since 2004 but very new to Aetolia.
2. My favor colors are purple, blue, and green. I enjoy spring and fall the most.
3. I learned how to swim after going with my friends idea to save a baby duck only to get half way across the cove and spot an alligator. She say I walked on water.
4. I have ADHD however most don't believe me, just look at how random each of these will be.
5. My grammar is horrendous and my spelling is worse. Sadly my favorite pastime requires both.
6. I suffered from middle child syndrome. Try being the baby for 10 years then getting a new brother
7. I love animals and can sometimes be obsessed with some. Ducks, pandas, squirrels, horses. .. to name a few
8. I have a weird sense of humor and can be easily amused, tends to get me lots of weird looks.
9. I love Chinese and Italian foods, but not Mexican.
10. I have no real talents other than I can cook amazing Southern foods.
11. I love to meet new people and I have even driven across u.s. to meet other players.
12. Im a newlywed of 7 months, and surprisingly my husband is not a role player.
13. 13 is my favorite number since my birthday falls on it in August.
14. I like most music except for rap and heavy metal.
15. My day job is being a cashier for grocery store.
16. I have never been drunk only because I fall asleep after two drinks.. depressing really.
17. I have one pet, her name is Roxy and she is a chihuahua.
18. One day I would love to travel to Ireland and England.
19. My favorite books are historical romance and fantasy.
20. My best memory of a live show was seeing Jeff Dunham live.
21. Im not scared to act crazy in public such as playing hide and seek in wal-mart
22. I am born and raised Texan and proud of it.
23. worse feeling ever is to have your car break down thousands of miles from anyone you know being alone
24. Im am a anime freak, I could spend all day watching it.
25. I tend to use my Achaean name for everything. Even my xbox live gamertag
"To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman
I love that people are responding to this thread! It was my favorite in the old forums and it pleases me that there is activity. Osmond, how did you come by owning a laundry mat? Did you search for it or was it a family business?
I worked for the old company that owned it, then bought it from them. A few weeks ago though, I had a major flood, couldn't keep it afloat so it is out of my life now. Luckily, with insurance I came out of everything only owing a few thousand so no harm no foul I guess.
Er... 25 things. Aight, challenge accepted. Don't mind me, darlings.
1. I play Two Aetolia characters, linked by friendly lore and lots of roleplay, But never ever ever ever acknowledging the other exists. Not alting, I give a ludicrous amount of love to both of them, and they reflect me in different lights. Like 2 sides of a sovereign. One is my highly sarcastic, Alpha complex, Blasphemous little giggling sugar-boat Tsvanni, Bloodborn Consanguine, The other is Ilyeana, My zealous, hyper foreign, accent and all, Crazy nut of a Luminary, with a mace fetish, lots of unnecessary religious fervor and attitude, and a penchant for being Badass.
2. My name is Mei Li Yin
3. Im Han AND teochew chinese, or so my great nutter of a Grandmama says, I dont identify as teochew. I'm Han. And proud of it. I also happen to have a bit of incan on my grandad's line, making my hair oddly curly. Which makes me by far the strangest chinese girl you'll ever meet.
4. I'm a Lesbian. Came out when I was a tiny little thing. Parents were astonished. Everyone was. I sure wasn't. Born Lesbian, sorta grew up with nothing else on the brain in that sense.
5. I'm Trilingual, I speak mandarin and french. I did learn japanese for 3 years for an illfated girlfriend, but that was like being a bomb in a steel forge, just, not cool in the end, ya know, Detonated like.. american independence day.
6. Despite whining about missing China and Tianjin, I love america. I like the cheap food. And the people are all sortsa colors. Honestly.
7. From Tianjin. Yup, up in that north central to north east districts ((Holla holla))
8. I love music, but english music grates on my ears, truth be told.
9. I love cats.
10. Dislike dogs.
11. Love pie. Pie > cake.
12. I was racist when I was little. I was scared of black people cuz they were tall and scared me and japanese people were ALL racist. I got over it when I dated my jap girlyfriend for 3 years. And got black friends to protect me. Cuz they look like chocolate.
13. I like chocolate, just not chocolate ice cream.
14. I like a girl with muscles. And with attitude. And tats are smexy. And my fave hairstyle is a pixiecut. But I've dated the gamut.
15. I sorta love anime and video games and MMO's and FPS and MuD's and and and.... ALL that.
16. Im the brand definition of geek.
17. I am rather average in body type... I think. I have some muscles from all my hobbies and Im ridiculous tall for chinese... ( 5'8".... )
18. I collect sharp things.
19. I am practiced, capable, and hold moderate to high rank in 4 martial arts, including Chuang Fa (kung fu) and 2 styles of swrdsmanship; the Piangyao, third martial discipline, and Iaido
20. I am going for my degree in nursing, masters, For Nursing Anesthesiology.
21. I was a child prodigy, and mastered french in 2 years, graduated high school in 3 years.
22. I am very sociable, sweet, and friendly. I also have a sliiiight love of vodka. And Rum. Coconut rum? Anything with vodka. Yes.
23. I enjoy Hiking, dancing, singing, boating, swimming, jogging, fashion, healthy diets, beaches, (eating) bunnies, petting cats, frolicking through meadows ( Lies I have allergies ) Butterflies, Water sport, Watching volleyball (glomp), makeup, posing, colors, noodles, leeks, girls, and tons more.
24. My name is spelled 美丽尹
25. It means beautiful.... and the yin is a fancy hat. Pretty hat.
26. Oh YA. I'm Poly. Boom 26th Thread destruction imminent.
~ Auresae guide me, I am her Candle in the Darkness ~
1. I am 21 as of January 20th, and have been playing IRE stuff since I was around.. 13-15, starting in Imperian.
2. My favorite color is purple
3. I was born an only child, have one adopted stepbrother and 4 step-siblings that were married into the family.
4. I passed Highschool with A's and B's doing nothing but reading books in class, and graduated it in 3 years
5. I like animals, but I don't like touching them. I prefer plants. Big dogs make me nervous
6. I can generally eat most things without an issue, but I rarely eat.. and not because of anorexia. I just neglect to remember it.
7. I've never been on a date before in my life, but have plenty of friends
8. I like any kind of music that isn't country, and most forms of rap tend to annoy me.
9. I work as a Courtesy Clerk in Albertsons
10. I D&D (Dungeons and Dragons for you less fortunate nerds) three times a week, regularly, but may have to reduce it to two times a week due to my work schedule.
11. I drank alcohol once, a shot of tequila. I proceeded to gag and suffer from the taste for the next 24 hours.
12. I read a lot of Fantasy and Sci-fi.
13. My favorite movies are Sci-Fi and, occasionally, Fantasy. Same with TV Shows
14. I was Born in Texas, Raised for a year or two in Illinois and raised, fully, in Arizona
15. I go to the Gym five times a week. Paaaaaaaain.
16. I am.. 25% Hungarian, 50% African American and 25% random assortment of European
17. Half my family is Christian, aggressively so, the other half is largely Atheist and the step family is Mormon
18. I started College going after a degree in Biochemistry but ended up changing my major to Computer Science. I am getting 100% in my Programming classes. It is awesome.
19. I blame Aetolia coding for my progress in my Programming classes.
20. My Ego being paramount in this statement, I seem to have perfect health. No allergies, no illnesses, no apparent defects.
21. I live life in an awkward manner, always playing a song in my head and dancing when I find myself otherwise bored.
22. I bore easily, but my imagination and activities keep me very very occupied.
23. I've played every IRE game, Imperian, Lusternia and Aetolia being the only ones I have permanent characters on.
24. I enjoy writing, whether I am good at it or not, and drawing.. which I am not too great at.. and love photography
25. I like to think that I am a very nice person. To a fault. A near crippling fault. I also don't get angry.. and I don't hate. It's stressing. And tiring.
There. 25 things. I might condense it or pretty it up someday in the future, if I ever look at the forums again.
1. My name is Ali. It's actually not, but everyone calls me that. With the sole exception of my K5 teacher, who insisted on calling me Alexandria. She didn't "do" nicknames.
2. I'm 23 years old and I've lived in the same house in Alabama for all 23 years. Yes, I still live with my parents.
3. I'm graduating from college in May after 2 years of nursing and 3 years of IT/web design classes. Changed my mind halfway through nursing classes.
4. I love, love, love talking to new people. I never talked on the phone much as a kid/teen because my best friend and I were hardly ever away from each other long enough to have a need for a phone. I've made up for it in the hours that I spend on Skype with various friends.
5. I consider myself a Christian. I usually don't advertise it to people that I don't know very well simply because I feel like it immediately creates a negative wall between us. I'd like to consider myself open minded and always up for civil discussions when the chance presents itself.
6. That said, I've recently begun singing again. I've never sang in my Southern Baptist church choir until I began a few weeks ago, but I sang for 8 years in elementary school, middle school, and high school.
7. I love music. I love that a piece of music has the power to move me to tears without the need for lyrics. Or that a musical score can give me chill bumps even though I don't precisely know why. Classical, country, rap, contemporary Christian, dubstep, electronic, Broadway showtunes, Disney movie soundtracks, etc. The list goes on and on. I had an ongoing joke with friends that I'd give every song introduced to me two chances for me to like it. Except polka. Polka gets no chances.
8. I drank alcohol for a year almost exactly. Never tasted it before my 22nd birthday, but from January to December of last year I experimented with different drinks. Thanks to my friend who enjoyed watching me stare at liquor racks in awe. One of my last stints ended with me puking every 30 minutes for 6 hours the next morning. We'd decided to get "fall down" drunk in celebration of the end of the semester and his graduation. I was having flashbacks of my blackouts for a few weeks. We were at a mutual friend's house and my drinking buddy went missing. Turns out he was just in the yard, missing us as we were searching for him, but I didn't like being so drunk that I couldn't function enough to find/help him has he needed it. This is probably one of the biggest reasons I've not really missed alcohol.
9. This kinda flows from that last one... I'm a mother hen. I've got a natural curse, you could call it, to care about people and try to make sure that they are taken care of. My friends joke with me about it all the time. I feel like a soccer mom most days when I'm reminding them of all of the school crap that we've got coming up.
10. I'm an Alabama football fan. Not just any football, pretty much only Alabama. I can watch other teams play, but there's no interest in the sport on its own, just when my guys are playing.
11. I'm a crazy cat lady. I've got 3 black and white cats and my sister brought her black and white cat when she and my nieces moved back in with us.
12. My sister is 12 years older than I am. I have 2 beautiful nieces (8 &10) and a sorry excuse for an ex-brother-in-law. They've been divorced for almost 2 years now. My sister and nieces have been living with us for a year.
13. My house has been in "renovation" stage for the last year as well. Kitchen, living room, utility room. All in various stages of completion. It drives me insane on a daily basis mainly because we have no living room furniture.
14. I love reading. When I was young, for punishment, my mother would take my books away.
15. I wrote poetry in middle school (who didn't?). My 8th grade English teacher submitted it into a contest and I got some kinda statewide penmanship thing. I don't remember if I placed or just got recognized, but it was pretty cool.
16. I tied for 10th place in my graduating class. Got a 31 on my ACT and was awarded a full ride scholarship to my college. I lost it two years into college though because I was failing the nursing classes that I despised so much.
17. I've never been on an actual date. Never been kissed either.
18. Well one date if you consider that one time before the homecoming dance... But I was calling out the homecoming court and had to have an escort and he was in it for the free ticket and because I begged him.
19. I love bubble baths. And things that smell nice. I should own stock in Bath & Body Works. Exotic Coconut is my favorite scent from there.
20. I'm addicted to the blue Herbal Essence shampoo and conditioner. I'll go to different Wal-Marts if the one closest to me is out and I need it.
21. I'm addicted to trial-sized things. Tiny tooth brushes, itty bitty hair sprays, etc.
22. I get really excited during "back-to-school" time because school supplies are on sale. I love school supplies.
23. My favorite color is cerulean blue.
24. I built my first computer last October. And I'm ready to do it again!
25. I hate wearing skirts. If I could wear jeans and a hoodie year round and not get looked at funny, I would.
After reading my 25 facts over and over I realized mine were largely superficial so I've decided to re-do them.
1.) The day I finally couldn't deny I was attracted to women was in seventh grade right after I joined basketball. We were all in the locker room and I was trying not to stare when this girl I liked commented on my lacy bugs bunny underwear. She told me how pretty they were and the only thing that popped into my head was how great she was all over. That was my 'ohgodwhatthehellisgoingon' moment.
2.) Contrary to the above statement, its hard for me to articulate but I'm not as in to the body as I think the top-of-the-bell-curve women of society are. Its the personality first, body second. I'm a crusader through and through and that's what I'm attracted to. I come from a family of dumb crusaders who were always arguing over petty things and that, coupled with my off-the-wall sexuality, helped to move me away from being as conservative as my family pressured me to be.
3.) I'm not one of 'jesus's children' though I admire some of the philosophy proposed in the bible. That being said, I don't think religion should be the operative leading 'agent' in society and I often resent those who oppose that view. My instinct is usually that those people are not only shortsighted, but weak-willed. There is a difference between values systems and religious affiliation; they are not mutually exclusive though they should be.
4.) Though I'm not conservative in my philosophy, I most certainly am in the way I dress. I'm a sweater/boots/peacoat/no make-up kind of person. I think that I give a lot of mixed signals.
5.) When I was nineteen I was diagnosed with PTSD and ADHD. I was depressed, homeless, alone but thankfully, I was pissed off enough to change things.
6.) When I talk about being weak-willed its not from a place of pious, 'I'm a better person and screw you' kind of mentality. I say it because I was a pretty weak-willed person myself. For awhile I was in an abusive relationship with an Aetolian. It didn't escalate until we were 18 and living together. The time before that was pretty storybook awesome. I was in denial for a -long- -long- time. There's a lot of drama there but it ended with me packing his bags and putting them out on the porch with the police waiting to escort him off the property. That wasn't the first time that I processed through abuse but I did say that it would be the last. He doesn't play anymore and neither does the girl he was seeing on the side. (eMistress? Is that a possibility? Ohhhhh technological advancement.)
7.) My mother is a trained hair stylist but she quit. My stepfather is a truck driver. I met my biological father once when I was 6 but he never really came around after that. It doesn't really effect me as I didn't know him very well and one tempermental asshat didn't really leave any more room in my life for another male influence, I suppose.
8.) I have a grandmother who walked in the trail of tears. The native american heritage is on my mother's side. I'm a Cherokee and Choctaw though the only sign of my native heritage is in my high cheekbones and short stature. My mother, however, looks very native, as does my sister. I still identify with my Mexican upbringing.
9.) I love hearing stories about my heritage and now that I'm older, I love sharing them. The human condition has always awed me, even as a small child and that's what I've largely pursued in college. I don't want to have children, though. I think some people are meant to do that and some aren't.
10.) I've always had more of what my culture deems as a 'masculine' mindset so at one point I just said 'to hell with it' and now I identify largely as 'gender fluid'.
11.) I -hate- the term 'victim'. I will and have corrected people in both public and private settings about the use of that word. The correct phrase is 'fighter', for me. 'Survivor' sounds far too passive and 'victim' is degrading though I usually like to avoid conversations directed at me with those words involved. While the experiences helped to shape me which is why I share them, they do not actively define me anymore.
12.) I love to feed people as much as they like to eat. If no one is around, though, I'll usually just make something small and deliciously unhealthy for myself.
13.) Despite everything I've learned in college (lol) I believe in fate and relying mostly on my instincts.
14.) I love to box.
"To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman
1) I'm 22. My (first) Achaea character is 306 years old, which means I started playing these games when I was 12 years old. I had a MUDwife in Achaea too...talk about getting started early. I can't even imagine what she could have possibly done with a 12 year old, I imagine we just held hands or something.
2) I'm 5'11. Which really, really infuriates me; I want to be 6'0. One inch, c'mon! Sigh. Should have drank more milk as a kid.
3) I've undergone a radical transformation in my life from elementary school to now. I started out as a shy, chubby kid ever since Kindergarten. Never had too many friends, very nerdy, extremely shy and antisocial. I was completely awful at sports too - last pick in gym class, that kind of bad. Then when I hit grade 7 my parents enrolled me into football (the American kind, not soccer); hey why not, I sucked at basketball, volleyball, soccer, tennis, badminton, etc. And I really sucked at football when I started too; I was chubby but not fat or strong enough to compete with the people on the defensive/offensive lines where I was placed. But while getting beat up over and over, something sparked in me; I started really trying in practices. I worked on my technique, ran the fitness drills as hard as I could, began watching professional football.
By my third year of playing (grade 10) I was appointed captain of my highschool football team. This was a huge moment for me and quite alien as well; I had actually gotten good at a sport! It was something that had never happened in my life before. By my grade 11 year I was a starter on my city's rep team, playing Cornerback and Safety. We got to the provincial (state, for you Americans) championship game but sadly fell in that game.
I credit football with really turning my life around, bringing me out of my shell and blessing me with confidence. I'm still the same nerd I always was but now I'm a confident one! I also became very passionate about the Atlanta Falcons (Canada has no team and our coach took us to see a Falcons game in Buffalo at that time, I thought Mike Vick was super cool so they became my team) and following the NFL has turned into one of my biggest hobbies.
4) I'm Asian but the most unstereotypical Asian you will find. I play football, am terrible at badminton and pingpong, love reading and writing, hate math, and I don't study very hard. I'm blessed with extremely cool parents who, despite growing up in China, have thoroughly escaped the Asian parent stereotype and were very supportive and easygoing with me. That said, my dad is a genius double PhD in Math and Finance and sometimes I wonder why I didn't get that gene .
4) My dress sense has changed a lot throughout my life. I started out not caring at all, simply wearing random t-shirts that I got for free/at camps I participated in. In highschool I moved on to jeans and polo shirts and now, in university, I'm a big fan of business clothing. Nothing makes me happier than being able to don an expensive watch, cufflinks, tie, a nice pair of polished dress shoes, and a formal suit. I love suits.
5) I've recently become a health/gym freak. Since ballooning in weight due to a torn rotator cuff, I've adopted a strict diet and a 6-days-a-week gym schedule. I feel great doing it with a lot more energy and motivation than I've ever had before. I have before/after pictures in the Losing weight thread and, while I don't like to be quite as narcissistic as some gym rats, I do like to show off my progress every once in a while.
6) I have a very feminine taste in music. Dubstep, metal, hard rock don't really do it for me. I like soothing, romantic, sad music; stuff like Damien Rice, James Blunt, Ed Sheeran. That said I do enjoy music like Pink Floyd, Eric Clapton, Radiohead quite a bit as well. Most of my music is actually Asian now, the result of a girl I used to date in highschool. Heh, go Jay Chou.
7) Despite being straighter than an arrow, I'm very much into LGBT Pride. I was your standard ignorant kid in highschool; words like "gay" and "fag" were huge parts of my vocabulary. Since hearing about the many ruined lives and suicides caused by bullying on this topic I joined the Pride Alliance at my university, really seeking to learn more about the community. It was very inspiring and eye-opening! I eventually ended up taking on an executive position in the university group and I've long since eliminated those words from my vocabulary completely. I work on LGBT awareness and outreach whenever I can and it's become an important issue to me.
8) It's this same issue that led me to reconsider my religion. I wasn't anywhere near devout but I still attended church semi-regularly back in the day. It was shocking to me, however, seeing my pastor - one of the nicest people I've ever met - outside Canadian Parliament protesting against equal rights marriage. I'm not even sure where I sit now; agnostic perhaps? It's an issue I'll have to deal with and come to a conclusion about eventually but it's something I've been avoiding. I know there are many churches that now support LGBT groups but it's still led me to seriously reconsider and reflect.
9) I'm an avid PvP fanatic. I loved to kill people in every MMO I've played - Diablo 2, Ragnarok Online, Guild Wars, whatever the game I loved competing against other people. I'd do it in Aetolia too but damn, I'm a total helpless kid when it comes to scripting. Some day!
10) Besides Aetolia I love playing the DotA genre of games. I started with DotA, moved on to HoN, and now dabble in both DotA 2 and LoL. I became quite good at DotA 2, matching up in public games against many pro players though they'd always wreck me. Unfortunately this same skill doesn't extend to LoL where the highest I've been able to reach is 1750 in ranked. I used to rage a lot when I played these games but I've learned to control and subvert it now. I'm the zen master!
11) I'm allergic to grass pollen. Yeah, the grass you find everywhere. This made playing football difficult, but thankfully the symptoms usually set in after games (you know, adrenaline and all that). Only 1 in 250,000 people are as allergic to something as I am to grass; I've been taking allergy shots though the past few years and it's really, really helped.
12) I just realized 25 things is way too many...
13) Tom Hardy's physique in Warrior is my ultimate goal. Dem traps...I also happen to like his movies.
14) I watched The Dark Knight like...15 times while I was bashing to Azudim. Loved that movie. Batman Begins was awesome as well. The Dark Knight Rises was one of the biggest disappointments for me; while it was still okay as a movie it didn't come close to its predecessors IMO. I love Tom Hardy but Bane and everything he did was just silly.
15) I haven't really travelled before. I've only ever been to Canada, the US, and China. Some day I'll go travel the world just for the sake of it. Wanderlust definitely isn't in my blood though.
16) I have a cousin who is a professional model. She's 2 cm shorter than me (5'10) but looks much taller than me because her legs are long and she's so skinny. I didn't get the model-looking gene from my family .
17) Seems like there are a lot of people in Aetolia who believe in polyamory. Myself I am very much a monogamous guy; personally I would rather give my all to just one person and receive the same in return.
18) I get really, really peeved when I see people use "should of" or "could of" instead of "should have" or "could have." I never correct them because no one likes a grammar Nazi but for some reason it really bothers me. And it's terribly common too. Oh! Another one that's even more often incorrectly used is "I could care less." NO! It's "I couldn't care less!" If you could care less that means you do care, just stop for a moment and think about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That latter one actually bothers me more.
19) Turkey stuffing is probably my favourite food in the world. Mmmmm I love turkey stuffing. Not a big fan of the turkey itself though. As for cheap restaurant meals, pho is far and away my dish of choice.
20) I first read Lord of the Rings when I was 10 years old. I didn't understand half the words but I never checked the dictionary either; I just sort of discovered the meanings through putting them into the context of the story and developed my vocabulary that way. I trudged through the Silmarillion a year later too and boy, that was an even tougher read. By my teenage years I was deeply engrossed in Mark Twain, Charles Dickens, etc. I actually really liked many of the books we had to read in highschool. Except Shakespeare. I GREATLY DISLIKE that guy. George RR Martin is my current favourite fantasy author because his characters are just so complex and real.
21) The only anime I've ever watched was DBZ and Death Note. I really like the manga "Liar Game" though.
22) The last TV series I watched besides Game of Thrones was Heroes before it went to shit.
23) I played Starcraft Brood War for 10+ years. Started when I was 7 or 8 years old. Played Diablo 2 for around 7 years. Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3 were HUGE disappointments for me (Diablo 3 infinitely more so). I only stuck with SC2 for about a year and D3 for a grand total of 1.5 months. Blizzard I am so very disappoint.
24) I think Western restaurants are a huge waste of money. I'll still take my SO there on big occasions cause the atmosphere is romantic and great but wow, $100 per person for a couple of thin slabs of meat covered in fancy pants sauce and a salad? I could feed a whole family with mountains of delicious Asian food for half that price!
25) I'm known as a crazy Falcons fanatic. When I get drunk following games I'll rant for hours and hours about Matt Ryan, interrupted only by saying random sappy crap. I get terribly happy and sappy when I get drunk.
15.) I have tried poly-ness and it just made me want to stab people, lol. I know a lot of friends - mostly ones in the scene - who have tried polyamory and love it but I feel like even fewer of my needs were met. I shouldn't have to schedule sex or wait in line for dates thankyouverymuch.
16.) I read all of the Harry Potter books at least twice and cried when Dumbledore died.
17.) I'm interested in some forms of mysticism. I've gotten a lot of flack for that but I enjoy the cultural significance.
18.) I really want a career as a lawyer, which I've said several times. I'll probably be going to law school regardless but one thing I want to do is own a bakery. I have a -lot- of things I want to do. I'm a very antsy person.
19.) If I'm speaking I'm probably soap-boxing or thinking about soap-boxing.
20.) I grew up on of FPS and side-scroller games. Back in the day Doom was my ultimate favoriate FPS game, Mario and Pacman 2: New Adventures were both tied for favoriate side-scroller.
21.) I joined debate when I was in 7th grade; right about the time I peaced out of band. Before I left I learned how to play the trumpet, clarinet, and baritone. I have no idea how to play any of these instruments now. I was in a wide range of clubs in high school including student government, quiz bowl, national honors society, debate, speech, and drama/one-acts. I pretty much just wanted to stay busy. The more I was out and about the less I was home. Plus, if I had enough extra circs. to go along with my GPA I knew I would get into a decent University. I do regret not trying out more sports, though.
I quit basketball halfway through my 7th grade year. My school didn't have much in the way of sports. I always wanted to play soccer but we didn't have a team; none of the schools in our county did. Oh well! I'm still not serious about boxing. I only practice once (maybe) a month but I enjoy it. We don't have much in the way of competition at my school or any of the neighboring colleges so I keep loosing interest/inspiration in training. Oh well. lol
22.) When I graduated I had a scholarship to the University of Oklahoma but I wanted to get out of my region and explore a bit. My first University was the University of Arizona. UVM is much more liberal and that's why I love it! There's always some movement or protest on campus.
23.) I've flirted with the idea of going to culinary school instead though I have absolutely zero experience with food other than working at a bakery while in high school. Working there was the most fun I've had working. I've tried several times to switch over and explore that piece.
24.) I'm an emotional person and it frequently annoys me. Sometimes I'll go through times where I need a -lot- of space, get frequently annoyed and pessimistic about society, then come back and it'll be like it never happened. lol
25.) My impulsivity comes in waves and is usually geared toward massive life changes. One day I woke up and said, "I want to move to Vermont" and I quit my job, bought my ticket, made arrangements of where to live and headed out. It was the dumbest, most idiotic thing I have ever done during one of my 'Ineedtochangeeverythingrightnow' impulsions and it has taught me to be very cautious about timing. However, it gave me the life I have now so I suppose I shouldn't be too harsh about it seeing as my life is pretty damned awesome.
"To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman
15.) I have tried poly-ness and it just made me want to stab people, lol. I know a lot of friends - mostly ones in the scene - who have tried polyamory and love it but I feel like even fewer of my needs were met. I shouldn't have to schedule sex or wait in line for dates thankyouverymuch.
One of the great flaws of polyamory, unfortunately. If you had to "schedule sex" or what have you, it was being done wrong. And that doesn't necessarily mean it was your fault.
1. My name is Rachel, and this is probably the first time I've made it known in such a public forum. Even for people who have become OOC friends I haven't often shared my real name because I'm illogically paranoid about being stalked.
2. I don't usually post personal things on forums, but I'm doing this because I'd like to make some more Aetolia friends. You're nice people!
3. I often think of my life as a series of unfortunate events that somehow resolve themselves satisfactorily at the last possible moment. About six months ago I graduated with my second master's degree and moved a few states over to accommodate my then-boyfriend-of-three-years who was just beginning grad school. For three months I searched for a job to no avail and discovered that my relationship had dissolved. With not much of my savings left and nowhere else to go, I drove 1500 miles across the US to move in with my mom. Ten days later I had secured a full-time job, in my field, with full benefits.
4. While I have a great relationship with my mom, I never envisioned myself being one of "those people" who lives with their parent(s) at age 25. Then again, I think with the state of the economy that's much more common these days than it used to be.
5. I'm a librarian, and my job is extremely important to me. Not just because I love books (although I do), but because I love showing people how they can make their lives better with a working knowledge of information, both digital and "analog." I think people are fascinating, I enjoy teaching them new things, and I think my field is very important to society at large. A lot of people tell me I'm doomed to a dead-end career that's eventually going to become obsolete, but I know that isn't true because the field I work in, contrary to popular knowledge, is extremely adaptable. It's just a little slow at adapting, but we're working on it.
6. People also tell me I don't look like a librarian (that old stereotype will NEVER DIE). I frequently get asked if I'm a model, which strikes me as sort of strange because I've never thought of myself as being beautiful, especially not in a traditional sense. I'm just a person. But, I guess I'm glad people think I look nice, because it's better than the alternative.
7. I have a cat named Basil who will be six next month and is seriously the best dude ever. I luvz him.
8. While I've always thought of myself as a cat person, for the past year or so I've been desperately wanting to get a dog. Unfortunately, my life isn't in a place where that's possible right now, so I've settled for walking them as a volunteer at a local rescue.
9. I'm still adjusting to the whole working-a-forty-hour-work-week thing and haven't totally found the balance between work and play yet. My job is exhausting, and I pretty much go home and become a silent hermit in front of my computer.
10. I love social interaction and am often mistaken for being an extrovert, but as the last one probably made obvious, I am actually an introvert. INFJ, for anyone who buys into Myers-Briggs.
11. I love being outside. It makes me feel alive.
12. I've never been big into sports, but I really enjoy hiking, biking, and camping.
13. I've been playing music for most of my life. I was trained classically growing up, but when I got into college I learned some world music styles and have done a lot of performing in that vein, too.
14. I thought I was going to choose music as a career, but over the course of my education I learned that I'd mostly been pursuing it because I was good at it, not necessarily because it was what I wanted to do professionally for the rest of my life. I'm still trying to figure out what role music is going to play for me in the future.
15. The diversity of my taste in music surprises a lot of people, I think because they expect me to geek out and be really hard into classical stuff. I enjoy it, but most of what I listen to is some form of pop. I don't really bother with genres anymore because so many styles are melding, but I'm happy to talk to anyone interested about what I like.
16. I'm a good conversationalist, which I see as both a blessing and a curse. It enables me to get to know a lot of people and make a positive impression on them, but it also often conveys a false sense of closeness to the people I talk to. Just because I can talk to you doesn't mean I can connect with you. I didn't learn this about myself until recently.
17. The above discovery also led me to the epiphany that I have a history of selecting incompatible people to date just because we could communicate with each other. Communication =! compatibility.
18. Unlike many of you, I've never been in an online relationship or dated someone I met online. That said, right now I'm trying this with someone I met on another MUD. He's 1600 miles away. The entire thing is alternately exciting and scary, sometimes both simultaneously.
19. To steal one from @Valenae, I'm also a very emotional person. This is usually a source of major frustration for me, especially when it comes to being able to hold myself together and not cry in public if something affronts me or makes me sad. I'M NOT TRYING TO BE DRAMATIC, OKAY.
20. I love traveling and exploring new places, even though I'm not in a career that's especially conducive to that. I'd like to figure out how to work it into my future life somehow, but I haven't yet.
21. I knit things! This is not as old lady as it sounds, so don't hate. I haven't been doing it much lately, mostly because I'm now in a warm weather climate and haven't been very motivated with work and all.
22. Also because I have an unfinished project that is the bane of my existence and I can hardly bear to look at it because it taunts me. It's this, requested of me by my best friend from high school who just finished radiation for a brain tumor, and I feel like a terrible person for not being able to force myself to work on it. It's half-finished right now.
23. As far as I know I'm a fairly healthy person, and I'm extremely thankful for that. I do struggle with anxiety of varying degrees sometimes, but I think I'm slowly learning how to get okay with it.
24. I can't watch drug movies. They freak me the gently caress out. I didn't sleep the night after I watched Requiem for a Dream.
25. I honestly believe that despite all the bat guana, life is good. It has to be.
"To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman
This is going to be a lot more of a confession more than it will be a 25 things about you. But here it goes anyway. I also get the feeling that this is going to rival Kira's own 25 as far as writing a novel goes. But blame Edhain for inspiring me, and Esper for helping me deal with my shaking hands whilst I spill my guts.
1. My name is Devin, aka Big Dev. The nickname is attributed to my height, which is 6'5". I've been this tall for roughly the past 4 years. I just made 22 January 17th. I also share my birthday with Atrapoema, Michelle Obama, Steve Harvey, and Jim Carrey. I'm originally from Vallejo, CA, but I moved out to Pittsburg, CA recently.
2. I live in the Bay Area of California, and last year found out that an Aetolian lived 10 minutes away from me. He doesn't play anymore, but we're good buddies.
3. I started playing Aetolia when I was just barely 16. Initially, I was just using it as a means to talk to a friend of mine (it'll make sense soon), but then I decided that it was a pretty fun game to play and stuck with it.
4. I have both my parents, mom and dad, 5 siblings, 2 grandmothers, a few aunts, uncles, and cousins that live within a 30 mile radius. I'm the fourth child of the six, being the baby boy. There were three boys, and three girls. I was also the tallest amongst five of my siblings, including both my older brothers.
5. My parents are super hardcore Christians, and although they didn't force it on other people, they forced it on their kids. I personally didn't mind it, and took it up as a religion.
6. Stemming from number 5, my parents were both very abusive, my mom much moreso than my dad. We got spankings as discipline with belts, and usually whatever was the closest object they could get their hands on (shoes, extension cords, shop vac pipes, etc.) In my mind, I felt like our dad actually disciplined us, since he made us understand what we did wrong, and then spank us. Our mom took to beating us until she ran out of breath, or until the welts caused from the belt had swollen to the point of bleeding. She'd also swear terrible things at us (we were children at the time, no older than 5-10 yrs) like how stupid we were, how fat/thin/ugly/useless we were. Etc.
7. Stemming from 6. My mother never did drugs, nor did she ever drink alcohol, so there was no way she was under any influence when she did what she did. We lived in a pretty close knit neighborhood in our childhood house, and the houses were fairly close together. My siblings and I didn't discover this until last year, but apparently the neighbors had heard all of the screaming that we were doing while our mother was beating us, and they could hear all of the things she'd say. Apparently they'd called CPS on my mother several times, but I don't remember any of that. My older three siblings do recall my mother taking them into her room, and told them to lie to CPS to say that our mom 'disciplined us by hitting us on the wrist' which of course wasn't true. We'd also found out that the neighbors told our dad about what they heard, but when he talked to mom about it, she said "Oh, the neighbors are exaggerating." He never further questioned it.
8. The sob story aside, life was pretty good growing up. We always had food, and generally got whatever we asked for on Christmas and Birthdays, unless it was completely out of the question.
9. Myself, and all of my siblings were home schooled from preschool to the end of high school by our mother. I was the only exception when I went to public school in the 9th grade. I'll get to the reason why eventually.
10. I personally have come to believe that one of the primary reasons that my mother homeschooled us for all of those years was that she was afraid we'd go around telling people what happened at home. Truth is, we were too afraid to. Don't get me wrong, she'd take us out in public to go grocery shopping, run errands with her and the like. We just never said anything to anyone. Largely because if we even so much as said anything to anyone outside of introducing ourselves, our mother would quickly interrupt. I hated being homeschooled. I never got out of the house except to walk around the block a few times for exercise. On top of all that, if there was a problem in a subject that I didn't understand (like math), she would beat us for NOT understanding the problem/topic. It wasn't just me, she did it to everyone. We'd sit there at the table literally crying all day on the same damned problem, and our mom sat there as if the answer would magically fall out of the sky.
11. Jumping back to number nine - The reason I was in public school for a year was because I simply stopped doing school at home. The sole reason behind that was because of my mom. I wasn't exactly afraid of being beaten, but moreso just tired of it. It didn't make sense to me that my mom did what she did BECAUSE we were trying to learn something that we didn't quite understand, and were having a hard time grasping it. So, when she found out I hadn't done school for like 4 months straight, she put me in public school as a "punishment" for not doing school at home. I was a fat kid growing up, so the very words she said were "Yup, you'll love public school. They'll laugh at your fatass every day. That's what you get for not doing school in the luxury of your own house." Then she slapped me. Of course, I had to dry it up when I got out of the car to actually go register. I had the act down pretty good.
12. Needless to say, I enjoyed public school very, very much. Of course a lot of you are probably looking at me like I'm retarded, but having gone from being homeschooled AND isolated from the outside world into being schooled in a public environment was so overwhelming to me. Needless to say, I made a lot of friends, who were never invited into the house because my parents never allowed me to have anyone over. I was never allowed to use a phone to call them either, or even use the internet to email or IM. I started to resort to smoke signals, but that didn't work (kidding). Their families were fine with me coming over to their houses, but my parents (mainly mom) would never let me. So that's when all the lying started. I didn't have a cell phone, so payphone it was. "Hey mom, I'm gonna be at the library for a few hours because I'm studying with my group for a science project." That worked for 2 days. But then she actually went by the library to see if I was there, which I wasn't, and I had hell to pay when I got back home.
13. Fastforwarding to the end of high school. I didn't have any money because my parents never gave me any. So, one of my two best friends' mom bought me a yearbook, because I'd wanted one. That thing got loaded up with so many signatures. Needless to say, I got home, and my mom noticed that I had it. She tried to take it from me, but me being much bigger than she and being fed up with her shoved her away, and ran up to my room. Our doors didn't have locks on them, so I stuck a chair under the door handle old school style. To make a long story short, she made my dad literally smash a hole in the door with a sledge hammer, beat me, and take the book from me. My dad isn't all that bright, and my mom being as manipulative as she was probably told him something like, "Devin pushed into the wall and locked himself into the room when he came home." I don't know if that's what happened, but know my parents as well as I do, it probably happened just like that. That's all it would have taken. That was also the first and only time I'd put my hands on my mom at all. My Dad said he'd burned my yearbook, and I never saw it again. I never bothered asking him why, because I could only guess what sort of answer I'd get.
14. After that, my parents enrolled me into Keystone National Highschool Online, so that my mom didn't have to deal with me, but I was still essentially doing school at home. That was the first time I'd ever had access to the Internet at all, and my mom didn't know this, but there were open chatrooms and forums in which I could talk to other students. One of these said students had me downloading different Instant Messenger programs (Yahoo messenger, MSN, Aim, etc). I was 15 going on 16 at the time, and still, my mother refused to let me talk to anyone. So she took my laptop from me and had me doing school on hers so she could monitor what I was doing at all times.
15. During this time, we'd discovered that my older brother had been diagnosed with what they originally thought was Hodgkins, but he actually had 2 forms of Leukeimia. We'd shared a room, and he'd come in after having just gotten out of the shower. Swear, there was this huge bump coming out of the side of his neck, like someone graphed a bit of skin over a tennis ball. I had him show mom and dad, and they rushed him to the hospital. Over the next several years, he underwent treatment for it. But that started a lot more drama which I won't go into too much detail about. Needless to say, he didn't die and he's all better now. He also went on a make a wish trip to Hulburt Fields to do black ops training. You can actually read about it here: http://www.hurlburt.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123057874 The local news also came out and did a story on him when he had the church host a bone marrow drive.
16. Anyhow. There was this girl that I met at the bone marrow drive. I liked her, and she liked me. I didn't have a cell, wasn't allowed to use the house phone, go out, or use the internet for communication since my mom was constantly watching. But, she mentioned her friend (Jadeza) plays this game called Aetolia, and she was going to try it. She and I could talk there. Needless to say, she had my same motives, at least, initial motives. We just used Aetolia as an undercover chat room, since my mom had blocked things like AIM, Yahoo, MSN, etc. I told her that the game was for research on this dark age literature story I was reading. Said girl and I didn't last long, because she'd wanted an actual relationship, and she and i could never see each other. So it ended quickly.
17. My mom never bothered me while I was actually on Aetolia, because I had her completely fooled into thinking that it was just a game that nothing but NPC's ran. That didn't last long when I actually started to associate with other people playing the game. This was going on while my brother was in the hospital undergoing his treatments. I'd met this Aetolian who I'd wanted to start a relationship with, but again, it was shot down by my parents. I'd tried calling her and such, but I'd always get busted and they'd take the phone from me. If my mom went to bed and left her laptop open on the table, I'd grab it and stay up all night idling on Aetolia waiting for her.
18. Anyhow, my mom eventually discovered what Aetolia really was, and the issue she had was me associating with people. So of course, she'd blocked the website. She also told me that I was the reason that my brother was sick and dying, and that Aetolia was demonic and of the devil. Because I played the game, my brother grew more sick. Shortly after that, I'd gotten sick with Pneumonia and was admitted to the very same hospital my brother was in. I didn't really know what it was at the time, but my mom was telling me that I 'should' survive, but that I'd die if continued playing Aetolia, and continued disobeying her.
19. And that, as most of you now know, is what spawned the grand lie that I told everyone. For those that don't know, (i'd be surprised if you didn't) I went around telling everyone that I was dying from LAM. I happened to be watching house when I was in my hospital bed, and this woman on there had got it. So, that's what I told everyone I had because that's all that came to mind. I also drug that lie out for years, because I didn't have the balls to tell anyone it was a lie. I was afraid to, and I don't know why.
20. Rewinding slightly back to when I started to actually play Aetolia, I was talking to people and introducing myself. I didn't know that Aetolia was a roleplaying game, because I hadn't ever paid any real attention to it. So everyone, to me, was their character. At any rate, I started to get to know people, until one day I suddenly got bombarded with tells from several players, who's names I won't mention. This leads me to number 21.
21. I'm black. When I was talking to people on the internet for the first time in my life, it'd somehow circulated to people whom I didn't know, all of these people being Aetolians. The tells I got bombarded with consisted of "Ni**ers shouldn't be playing Aetolia, let alone be on the internet." and "Go back to your farm, Ni**er." I didn't know what issuing was, or that there was even an 'administration' to this game or anything of the sort. I looked at Aetolia like it was just some online game that people played like someone would play WoW. Needless to say, because of those things that were said to me, I'd lied and told everyone I was a white boy. Missari and Atrapoema still make fun of me for it >.>, but, at they understood. They were also some of the first people who I told about who I really was, and they were really cool about it, which always made it easy for me to talk to them.
22. The reason I spent the time typing out 1-21 was to simply say bring all of the lies to a head, and apologize for them. I really (really) shouldn't have drug it out as long as I did, but lying to cover more lies gets old after a while. At least I can leave comfortably, and breathe a little easier when I play Aetolia now that this 4 year long capsule has been put in the grave.
23. My family has been in shambles since my grampa died in November, and I was really close to him since I lived with him for 3 years. My younger, twin sisters (to each other, not to me) moved out at 17 because mom was being...well...herself. They stopped talking to each other, and haven't since this time last year. I've been trying to play peacekeeper, because Grampa had asked them to squash whatever beef that had going on amongst family members, and they haven't done it. I sort of understand why though, because my mom hasn't changed, nor does it seem like she ever will. In fact, I owed my dad 200 bucks for taking my car to the shop for me, and I dropped of 300 (for interest and his time). On my way out, I grabbed a bottle of water (out of a 24 pack) and left. My mom sent me a text today saying "Really? I Just bought that case of water. Haven't you taken enough from me?" <--- she always says things like that for no good reason, which is why all six of her kids somehow ended up moving out and away from her. Still, she is my mother, and I do my very best to try and respect her, but it seems like she always just spits on everything me or my siblings, and now even my dad, try to do for her.
24. I'd also told everyone that my parents were dead. Stereotypical car crash, etc. That was the day she'd gone off on a 30 minute rant that ended with her telling me to my face that she wished she miscarried me. What did I do that caused her to say such a thing? I accidentally dropped a regular drinking glass and broke it. I guess in my mind, if she wanted me to be dead, then I wanted the same for her. The reason I was mad at dad was because I told him what she said, and all he could say was "What do you want me to do about it?" Gee, thanks pop.
25. My pitiful life story aside! I enjoy playing League of Legends with Aetolians, whether you're bad or good. LoL and Aetolia are generally what suck up most of my time on a day to day basis, unless someone hits me up to play a steam game. @Osmond: Come around here, and you're done with. It likely won't happen with how much I work, but I'd really like to become a professional League player someday.
26. Because 25 isn't enough. I'd like to shout out to a few certain people who I've told part of this story to, @Kiyotan, @Ciarelle, Esper, @Edhain, Missari, and Atrapoema. Somehow, telling you parts of it made it easier, and I thank you for listening.
"And finally, swear to Me: You will give your life to Dendara for you are Tiarna an-Kiar."
16. Anyhow. There was this girl that I met at the bone marrow drive. I liked her, and she liked me. I didn't have a cell, wasn't allowed to use the house phone, go out, or use the internet for communication since my mom was constantly watching. But, she mentioned her friend (Jadeza) plays this game called Aetolia, and she was going to try it. She and I could talk there. Needless to say, she had my same motives, at least, initial motives. We just used Aetolia as an undercover chat room, since my mom had blocked things like AIM, Yahoo, MSN, etc. I told her that the game was for research on this dark age literature story I was reading. Said girl and I didn't last long, because she'd wanted an actual relationship, and she and i could never see each other. So it ended quickly.
I thought you two met at church.
"To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman
16. Anyhow. There was this girl that I met at the bone marrow drive. I liked her, and she liked me. I didn't have a cell, wasn't allowed to use the house phone, go out, or use the internet for communication since my mom was constantly watching. But, she mentioned her friend (Jadeza) plays this game called Aetolia, and she was going to try it. She and I could talk there. Needless to say, she had my same motives, at least, initial motives. We just used Aetolia as an undercover chat room, since my mom had blocked things like AIM, Yahoo, MSN, etc. I told her that the game was for research on this dark age literature story I was reading. Said girl and I didn't last long, because she'd wanted an actual relationship, and she and i could never see each other. So it ended quickly.
I thought you two met at church.
"And finally, swear to Me: You will give your life to Dendara for you are Tiarna an-Kiar."
I hate your mom. And anyone who demonstrates such abuse to their children.
While I appreciate the sentiment, I didn't make the post to make everyone hate my mother, or to make anyone feel sorry for me.
My family (myself included) have habits of telling stories from the very beginning so it all comes together. Those were just parts of it that fit it all together. There's still a lot missing from it, but if I wrote anymore I would have to publish a book.
"And finally, swear to Me: You will give your life to Dendara for you are Tiarna an-Kiar."
1. My name is Braeden. Which is spelt the correct Irish way.
2. I am 17 years old now.
3. I was born in Ireland and moved to Australia when I was very young.
4. Having been raised as an Officers son means I am well travelled, having been all over Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Although having been so young at that point in my life I remember only fracture images.
5. I am the youngest of my siblings, and have lived with my oldest brother for a long time. He is a player also in Aetolia although he plays very little these days, as he is busy with work/study.
6. When I was very small I was hit by a car and broke part of my back, pelvis and both my legs. Because of this I use a chair and recently started treatments with several surgeries to make use of my legs again. They having feeling, (everything works –wink wink-) but my legs are not very strong just yet. I have a never say never attitude because of my upbringing, as well as having a brother who willingly will make me do things myself and refuses to listen to my excuses. A good example of this was when I got surgery and refused to even try to walk so he removed my chairs wheels and stashed them in the back paddock. This resulted in him being punched in the head, but I had no choice but to get them myself, so I guess he did the right thing as I now spend 20 mins a day using my legs.
7. At 16 I was offered a place in a University to study with people 5-10 years older than I was!
8. I am a dog person and I do not hate cats, but I do find them odd creatures.
9. I am pretty smart for my age and attract a lot of older people to my circle of friends as I am quick witted and not above using it to my advantage.
10. Having said that, I have *very bad* dyslexia resulting in my writing being atrocious at the best of times. It also means I make up for it with my logic skills and capacity to solve extremely complex problems, hence the University offers.
11. I use to own a dog, but she died this year and I still get very sad thinking about her, as she was my best friend.
12, I like to read and play a lot of games.
13. I had a girlfriend in Aetolia and RL, but we broke up a while ago and she stopped playing not long after.
14. I started playing muds when I was 10… shhh
15. I enjoy anime, and will watch it for several hours given the chance.
16. My brother is helping me build a go-cart for off road use, I hope to use it for hunting and fishing.
17. I am a bit of a softy as I like to help people and empower them. This makes me come off as a bit of a pushover, but I do not mind.
18. I designed a device on paper last year that will support my body weight and allow me to walk upright without pressure on my spine. It would have also helped others like me to walk again. Sadly, a University beat me to it and got rights to a similar design.
19. I dream of buying a huge house and letting people who have no home stay there for extended periods to assist them with drug addiction, and one day I know I will do it. I am still a big kid so time is on my side.
20. When I go shopping I devise odd death sequences for passersby, ranging from faulty electronic devices, falling shelves to ninjas with flamethrowers. ( I think this is a bad thing… but who cares).
21. Following on from 20 ^ I find that I like serial killers, anti-hero’s and shows like Dexter a lot.
22. In my world everyone has rights and sexual identity is not an issue. I say this because it upsets me that people treat others badly because of who they fall in love with.
23. I do not own a mobile phone as it would require that I buy credit for it and I am poor
24. I get sad in movies when animals or children die, but could give two ****** about other people dying, as long as little billy and his pitbull escape in one piece.
25. I think I get on peoples nerves in Aetolia as I refuse to break my characters image of a asshole, mental case loner. This upsets me greatly as I am empathic in real life, and I can sense other peoples being hurt at my characters desire for chaos.
2) It seems to me that everyone in this game seems to have a non-fatal disease or mental illness that makes their lives miserable. Mine is a triple-whammy of anemia, an allergy to iron (which means I can't take anything to help regulate the anemia) and an undiagnosed case of what is probably polycystic ovary syndrome. The latter is uncertain, because on the rare occasion I get to a doctor for the issues, they take a ton of my blood (like seriously, are they feeding a ton of vampires, or what) and tell me I'm allergic to myself. My younger sister however has been diagnosed with the same thing, with the exact same symptoms that I have, and it's thought to be genetic, so that's my guess. The result, is that I'm frequently dizzy, occasionally to the expense of my job.
3) My family frequently refers to me by such names as 'The Family Gypsy', 'The Transient One', and 'The Wanderer'. This is because since I turned 18, I've moved 14 times, to 12 different places. The vast majority of these were with people, whether they were just friends, or more than, that I met online, more specifically, Aetolia. It is not uncommon for my parents to get a random call with me going, "Oh, hey, yeah, everything's great, just thought I'd tell you I moved to Missouri at 4 AM last night." Or "So...I decided I'm moving to Arkansas on such and such date." They've grown accustomed to it, unlike the initial Canada bomb, which was the first time I moved from home when it startled the hell out of everyone. When they're in pissier moods, they make less friendly comments about my internet trysts, and slut adventures because for some reason they've convinced themselves my moving around is all about sex, when it isn't at all the case. This said, as I mentioned in the first 25 things, I self-identify as a slut, and I don't think enjoyment of sex is anything to be ashamed of.
4) As you might guess from #3, I don't get along with my family a lot of the time. Largely this is because of things that have happened in the past, and the fact that I have to hide three-fourths of who I am around them. With my dad and his wife, I not only have to hide my religion, my sexuality, my book interests (fantasy genre = ZOMG WITCHCRAFT), and most of my personality, I also have to pretend to adhere to pretty much all Christian ideals. With my mother and her husband, I don't have to hide my religion, or book interests (she introduced me to the fantasy genre when I was a kid), but I have to repress my personality and my opinions, and so on. With my ex-step-dad and his wife, I'm more or less allowed to be myself, I'm just teased a lot about being anti-social, because somehow ignoring everyone in my room on the computer is apparently more anti-social than on the couch ignoring everyone and watching tv. I get along with my two younger half-sisters, and not most of the rest of my family on any consistent basis. I love them all, but I can't stand extended durations with most of them, -especially- my mother and her husband.
5) I have a strong love of languages. These range from fictional languages like Kalsu/Ve'kahian, to real-world ones, though I've only ever had formal schooling in Spanish--and I've learned far more of the language by speaking it with people who don't speak much english than I did in the classroom. I was teaching myself Bulgarian at one point or another, and I know bits and pieces of russian, japanese, german, french, and italian. The hardest part of learning other languages for me is the alphabet--and I think this is because I primarily teach myself the -speech- part online, and it's difficult to find sources which offer you words in both alphabets.
6) In the language vein, I almost joined the Navy when I was 18. They wanted me to join because of my ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) scores--a test which I largely took to get out of my math period for a day. I decided I wanted to be a CTI (Cryptological Technician Interpretive) ((AKA Translator)) so I could learn a plethora of other languages. In this vein, I went down to MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station) to take the DLAB (Defense Languages Armed Battery) Which is the most RIDICULOUS test I've ever taken. Also the hardest. They basically made a language, didn't teach you ANY of it, and put it all in a test that was given to you IN the language to see how fast we picked up on it. I had to get a 99 to be a CTI. Got a 97. They encouraged me to come back six months later to try again, but I talked myself out of it. Figured bootcamp would kill me anyway, since I don't react well to being yelled at.
7) I name my laptop computers after disney villains. The first was Zeera (Lion King 2), the second Yzma (Emperor's New Groove), and the current is Morganna (The Little Mermaid 2). This is because such amuses me, more than anything else. Also because I yell at my computers. And/or occasionally talk to them. And because I have a love of Disney Movies that I'm not ashamed to own up to.
8) I think the most frequently-asked question people in this game have asked me is how I juggle the 20 million characters I have. I mean, obviously I don't play them all the time, and most of my attention is spent on Kira/Erz/Dara, depending on who has what going on, but the question is most-frequently directed at how I juggle all of the characters personalities and how I keep all the details of who knows who, who's done what, what motivations and so on and so forth each character has. The answer is fairly simple. I'm just really good at compartmentalizing. I log most of my roleplay, which helps, but isn't really responsible for much of the memory. I just have a knack for keeping characters straight. This is probably because I've been alting insanely since I was in middle school--during which I ran a self-made PBP RP forum set in the Harry Potter verse. I've always been prone to writing things that are subjected to Loads and Loads of Characters. Even before that, when I was a little kid, I wasn't content with one imaginary friend, I had what I called 'my twelve magiminations'. So alting is something I've always done, and something I've grown to be good at. Compartmentalizing and keeping track of lots of characters is almost second nature at this point.
9) Continuing in the vein of me as a little kid, I was an -odd- little kid. Very quiet and self-contained. I was often left alone for days at a time because I could generally be trusted to keep myself entertained without breaking stuff, and because I could be trusted to ask if I required something. My first chapter book was Interview with a Vampire, which I insisted on being allowed to try to read because my mother told me I couldn't because she said I wouldn't understand. So I sat down with the book and a dictionary when she wasn't home and I read it and looked up things when I didn't know the words---and still didn't understand, naturally, being all of six years old at the time. I was always telling myself stories, and/or getting 'punished' with no recess for reading non-school related books in class and/or reading ahead in the school-related books in class, and took to wearing lots of shiny things, which I would take off while sitting on the wall at recess, and the shiny things plus random rocks/twigs and so on would become my entertainment. I would play with them and make up stories and backstory for them and the world they lived in. I've always been imaginative, and something of a bookworm.
10) In the past couple years, I've really been getting into art. Specifically, drawing and painting. It was Elea (<3) who offered the initial kick in the rear that inspired me to do so, and it's been Nola (Also
11) I have pretty crazy insomnia a lot of the time. And a pretty absurd level of stress. Whether or not the two are related is undecided. Right now, my goal more than anything is to get a job decent enough for me to get out, and go live in an apartment by myself. With a roommate though, because I have untreated anxiety and paranoia issues when I'm alone. Also preferably in St. Louis, because I miss it there, even now that Kesh and Lin don't live there anymore. It kind've makes me sad that I'm not likely to ever live there again. Largely though, I just I hate feeling trapped in general, and I am, verily much so trapped here at present.
12) I still want to get my TEFL certification and head off to teach English as a foreign language in another country. I think that it'd be an amazing experience, and it's an adventure I definitely want to have before I die.
13) My significant other tends to be taken from Aetolia, more often than not. I have found that I have strong difficulties to doing long-distance-relationships, and thus have been electing to have things not be a thing until it's possible for distance to be spanned. I find that I date Aetolians almost exclusively when distance isn't preventing me from pursuing the one I love, more because I connect better with people I've gotten to know in a textual format first. I think it's because when you meet someone RL, there's this whole cat-and-mouse dance of trying to decide if you want to date them, or bang them, or just be friends or what. When you're talking to people on AIM, it's not generally about 'do I want to date this person', it starts as actually getting to know them outside of their characters, and becomes friendship, generally all without romantic intentions and so on and so forth.
14) I flirt like I breathe. I'm usually pretty upfront about this with people so as to avoid accidentally leading them on. It doesn't necessarily mean anything unless I say it does. Most of the time I don't even realize I'm doing it. To those who've seen both normal-flirt and flirt-with-intentions, the difference is exceedingly obvious.
15) Over my life, I've kept any number of journals and the like, mostly in an online medium because I was terrified of my parents finding it. During my teenage years, it was Xanga, Deadjournal, (and I had something like four or so of them, when they still required codes to get) and Livejournal, which was my attempt at sane ramblings (and thus never got updated.) The only one I didn't have multiples of was Xanga. The livejournal ones were used with high frequency to participate in roleplaying communities there, while I was waiting for the PBP game I ran to update. Eventually, they came out with GreatestJournal which allowed you to have a billion icons to use with your posts, so I switched over to that and updated almost every day, sometimes more for about a year. And then I just abruptly stopped in 2006 when I picked up Aetolia. These journals have largely been shared with friends and so on, and/or self-plugged on other mediums. These days I've found that keeping a journal/blog to myself, by NOT sharing the link with any of my friends and so on, allows me to sort out thoughts and how I feel about things much more easily than such a medium would if I had to censor my opinions and thoughts. I'm really OCD about posting to the blog, I go for spurts where I post every day and then, when I miss a day, I stop posting for at least a couple weeks before trying an unbridled stretch. When I write things for the blog, I tend to write a lot at once, roughly six or seven posts worth--and then I set it up to post one of those at the same time every day. When I first started the blog, I wrote like five entries. And then from then on, I wrote three entries a day--one to cover the one that just posted, one to post next, and one to extend the buffer I had. I don't do it consistently, mostly because Aetolia distracts me and takes up most of my free time.
16) I am a cat person, I love to read, I love to draw, I love to paint and I love to play boardgames. Usually I go every friday to play them from 7 to midnight. And occasionally on Wednesday as well. The people I've met while doing so are my only friends in this city.
17) Most of my friends, with the exception of Darliea, who has been my best friend for almost a decade and a half now since before either of us started playing aetolia, I met online somewhere or other, the vast majority from Aetolia or Lusternia, though the random IRC, AIM, Forum, etc friendship isn't unheard of. Most of my social interaction comes from that pool of friendships as well.
18 ) At odds with the above statement, for the most part, the -rest- of my social interaction comes from random strangers more often than it does friends. I'm rather notorious amongst past roommates for going outside for whatever reason--grocery store visit, acquiring food from some place, wandering around the park, and coming back hours later than is required for such a trip with tales of newfound friends. This is because I talk to -everyone-. I'm paranoid of people I don't know, so the solution as far as I'm concerned is to try to know everyone, because screw the alternatives in that regard. So if I'm on a bus, surrounded by people I don't know, I strike up random conversations. In line at a fast food place or the grocery store, the same. When I was living in Georgia, I went to Wendy's at one point, and started talking to some random guy for something like 8 hours. In St. Louis, I was waiting around in a Burger King for Kesh and Lin to get off work, and ended up talking to this other guy for around 6. I went to the park a lot when I lived in St. Louis, and I acquired more than one random talk-for-hours friend. Some of them I still talk to on occasion. Others that I never saw again.
19) I am unafraid of most things. I don't worry about the things most women my age worry about. I won't say I am fearless, because I'm not, I'm afraid of hitting the ground at high velocity, I'm afraid of huge spiders that turn into tons of little spiders when you try to kill them (this is a thing, as I found out first hand), I'm afraid that my dreams might always be out of my reach--but I'm not afraid to step out of my comfort zone. I'm not afraid of traveling alone. I'm not afraid of wandering alone at night--which several of my friends yell at me for, but I'm not, and I'm not afraid of all the things they remind me could happen. The latter is likely stupid of me, since I know they -could- happen, I just don't see much point in worrying about it, despite all the things that -have- happened. Que sera sera, yeah? I dunno, from a logical standpoint, I -should- worry, but I really can't take any more worrying. I worry about everything else, and I seem to have cut the wrong things from the worry list when trying to consolidate it, as it were.
20) I'm starting to think I might be done moving around all over the place. Not because I want to, necessarily, but because it's becoming unfeasible. Also because it's not quite as easy to do it with two people, and I fully intend to kidnap an Aetolian to come live with me when I manage to get out of where I am and into my own place.
21) My adult life has been a rather unstable, if fairly awesome adventure for some time, and it is my hope that it will pick up again and continue on in that vein for a good while yet to come. Preferably with someone though, I'm tired of having adventures and crazy escapades by myself.
22) I love the snow, despite being born and raised in South Texas, but more than anything weather-wise, I love the summer rain. In torrential downpours in the Summer, one can most often find me out-of-doors, running around in it, soaked-to-the-bone but exceedingly happy and exhilarated. I love the wild, unbridled feeling that rain elicits. I just... absolutely adore the warm rain of summer. I love rain of all kinds, really, I just can't play in the winter rains without getting sick and/or yelled at by various people because I went and played in it. So winter rains are for cuddling by the fire with hot chocolate and marshmallows, and summer rains are for dancing in and, when viable, kissing in.
23) I guess I'll join the bandwagon of those of you who adore music and listen to almost everything. This said, my favourite genre is operatic metal, because it has interesting music, with vocals I can actually understand, though the screaming type metal is on the list of almost everything' that I'll listen to. My favourite band changes by mood. Right now, it's Korpiklaani, which is categorized as 'viking metal', yesterday it was Kamelot. The day before, Voltaire. It just depends. I like there to be background noise when I'm playing Aetolia, but music is only specifically requisite as the background noise if I'm bashing.
24) As many of you are aware, I'm very fond of taking normal drinking games like two-truths-and-a-lie and I've-never, and turning them into get-to-know you games instead, essentially replacing shots with questions. I find such both interesting and fun. I know it's silly, as it were, but I like it anyway.
25) 25 things was hard enough when it was just the first one, but trying to do 25 that I -didn't- do the first time, is really more difficult than I thought it would be. I've been playing Aetolia since 2006, my oldest character is 225, and though I occasionally talk about quitting because this or that makes me rage, I probably won't actually do it until they force us to move away from the main continent. And I'm still torn on whether that'll make me quit entirely, or just to give up my mortals and try my hand at being a Celani. Assuming they'll have me.
"To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman
2. My favor colors are purple, blue, and green. I enjoy spring and fall the most.
3. I learned how to swim after going with my friends idea to save a baby duck only to get half way across the cove and spot an alligator. She say I walked on water.
4. I have ADHD however most don't believe me, just look at how random each of these will be.
5. My grammar is horrendous and my spelling is worse. Sadly my favorite pastime requires both.
6. I suffered from middle child syndrome. Try being the baby for 10 years then getting a new brother
7. I love animals and can sometimes be obsessed with some. Ducks, pandas, squirrels, horses. .. to name a few
8. I have a weird sense of humor and can be easily amused, tends to get me lots of weird looks.
9. I love Chinese and Italian foods, but not Mexican.
10. I have no real talents other than I can cook amazing Southern foods.
11. I love to meet new people and I have even driven across u.s. to meet other players.
12. Im a newlywed of 7 months, and surprisingly my husband is not a role player.
13. 13 is my favorite number since my birthday falls on it in August.
14. I like most music except for rap and heavy metal.
15. My day job is being a cashier for grocery store.
16. I have never been drunk only because I fall asleep after two drinks.. depressing really.
17. I have one pet, her name is Roxy and she is a chihuahua.
18. One day I would love to travel to Ireland and England.
19. My favorite books are historical romance and fantasy.
20. My best memory of a live show was seeing Jeff Dunham live.
21. Im not scared to act crazy in public such as playing hide and seek in wal-mart
22. I am born and raised Texan and proud of it.
23. worse feeling ever is to have your car break down thousands of miles from anyone you know being alone
24. Im am a anime freak, I could spend all day watching it.
25. I tend to use my Achaean name for everything. Even my xbox live gamertag
Though. An auto-biography of my life would probably be considered too weird/strange to be published under a non-fiction category.
"To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman
~ Auresae guide me, I am her Candle in the Darkness ~
~ Auresae guide me, I am her Candle in the Darkness ~
"To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman
"To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman
"The smell of dusty fur, sweet smoke, waiting and patience, a thing that time cannot kill. The moth that candles won't burn."
"To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman
"To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman
My family (myself included) have habits of telling stories from the very beginning so it all comes together. Those were just parts of it that fit it all together. There's still a lot missing from it, but if I wrote anymore I would have to publish a book.