I think I have said this in several places now, and I think perhaps it is worth putting it here. The release wasn't big and flashy, but it was good.
I am optimistic as to where the Archivists are headed, and even if I determine the guild itself isn't quite the right place for Akary, I think that the skillset turned out wonderfully. I'm looking forward to the routes we have available in RP with these new skills, and very happy with the fact that Numerology isn't relegated to a roleplay concept without a mechanical counterpart.
Moreover, I think that flavor and the way you guys have worked the three skills in together has shown a lot of care and effort on your part, and I think it should be known that the consideration given to the players who had come to know the guild, its lore, and its skills so well is greatly appreciated.
Looking at the directives and the way the guild is going to shape up, based on Sneak's writings, also makes me hopeful that this guild will get more attention and draw more interest through being more outgoing, with a greater presence in the world at large.
I should probably make one of these again. Don't remember if I thanked those folk back in Spinesreach, but I'll just retroactively do so now. @Xenia, @Kanivara, @Mazarine, @Nenelos, @Oisynne, @Kelliara, @Axius, and any whom I forgot. Thank you for helping out and being generally great characters to interact with. u gaiz.
Now, for the new ones in no particular order:
@Sibatti, @Seir: Drestyn's parents and possibly the coolest part of playing this character. You guys have guided me a lot when I first played him and are now just adding so much more now that he's older and has made some mistakes in his life. Without you two I would literally not be here. Thank you!
@Lin, @Pilar: Drestyn's aunts. These two certainly add depth to his character and provide a bit of conflict within this side of the tether. He loves them both and he knows they mean well for him. Without either of these two, he'd probably still be in Spinesreach.
@Phoenecia: His second wife. Someone who keeps his head straight and one of the three people he cares about deeply that aren't just his relatives. This gal has helped him build confidence when it was crushed and love him when he felt unloved. Thank you for always helping out ICly and OOCly across all the characters I've had interact with you.
@Runas, @Omnaen: The two men in his life and the two others he cares for. These two have helped him discover something he otherwise wouldn't have bothered to. These his boys and best friends.
@Rasani, @Aisling: The two that kept him in line and helped him re-integrate into the Life-side of things. Aisling is a good sorta mentor for Drestyn and Rasani a good moral influence. They may disagree at times but they've made a great impact.
@Dzekk: Mad respect from when Drestyn was Carnifex to now. This guy sets the example for how a person should act and how a knight should be. Drestyn may not be a knight any longer but he still sees to it that he holds Dzekk with high esteem.
@Zaila: Bit of a three-pronged thank you. On two of my characters, you have been that woman that would be the only person to scratch the exterior surface away and see through the character's veil. Someone they've cared about quite a lot and I thank you for the many, many interesting interactions across those two. As for Drestyn? He thinks you're okay and quite fun to pester and annoy.
I just wanted to give a quick shout out to @Tedrunai for all the quality testing and balancing he's helped me with for the release of Archivist. He's been a huge help for me as someone to bounce ideas off of and had a great part in the end result of the class. I've super appreciated it, so here's a big thanks from me
Thank you @Oleis (and Anyone else involved), for the custom wings and the customizing work put into it!
Take a look.
Type: stone Appearance: a polished marquise ezerite stone Dropped: A polished stone of ezerite is here. Attire: embedded above and between the brows
Examined: About the size of a lidded eye, this ezerite stone seems typical at first glance. Though it has been worked and shaped like a marquise gem, it lacks facets, and retains only two points and an edge defining the visible, polished side from the unworked base. As expected of ezerite, mossy greens, vivid purples, and spots of black are present. This particular stone has a prominent black striation splitting the smooth surface from one point to the other.
Worn 1p: You press the ezerite to your forehead, and the stone embeds itself in your flesh. There's a tingle of magic as your body accepts the boon. Worn 3p: $(name$) presses an ezerite stone to $(his$) forehead. The marquise points are aligned vertically as the trinket embeds itself in $(his$) flesh. Removed 1p: With little fanfare, the ezerite stone embedded in your flesh falls into your hand. Removed 3p: With little fanfare, the ezerite stone embedded in $(name$)'s flesh falls into $(his$) waiting hand.
Move 1p: As a polished marquise ezerite stone glows green and purple, you feel gripped by the cold caress of some powerful magic. Your vision goes black while your senses tingle. Green and purple are the first colors you recognize when you can see the new space you occupy. Move 3p: $(name$) fades from view as a polished marquise ezerite stone glows green and purple. There's a brief flash of color before the stone fades away as well.
Room Name: Unnatural enclosure of marble and glass Environment: Constructed underground / Inside Room Desc: A knowing a purposed hand crafted this space. Smooth, speckled marble tiles, black and various shades of gray, greet a visitor's feet as they walk the level floor. Given the rough shape of a dome, the marble walls rise just over one's head before the tiles start forming a roof. There are no curved slabs; every four-sided tile of stone creates a new facet. Portions of the ceiling have been replaced with reflective mirrors, though there doesn't seem to be a pattern to these choices. Like the glass tiles in the roof, portals of faintly luminescent magic sometimes replace the tiles in the walls. With no natural entrance or exit, one would be trapped here if it weren't for the portals. One would also be without light if it weren't for those portals, though this illumination depends on the time of day on the other side of those walkways.
I just want to toss out a thank you to the Enorianites (like @Melantha, @Jami, @Dato and @Vyxsis ) that's been attending Major foci the two times Sessi's attended lately. You guys rock. It's been so much fun!
A little while ago, I offered the immortal team my gratitude for their work while I was sick, but there's really a much deeper reason to thank them, which dates back even before my tenure as AP here. Today, I turned in my final portfolio and licensure paperwork to become a certified teacher. I could not have possibly survived the last four years without IRE and the support of its staff and volunteers. After 4 years of hard work and more specifically three weeks of breakneck writing and reflection, I finally get to have a margarita and take a break. If you have had to wait for a response from me on an issue, a message, or an email, I'm truly sorry. I can't say I'll be 100% better, because I'm still a scatterbrained human, but at least you know why.
And then tomorrow, I hurl myself back into Aetolia.
A little while ago, I offered the immortal team my gratitude for their work while I was sick, but there's really a much deeper reason to thank them, which dates back even before my tenure as AP here. Today, I turned in my final portfolio and licensure paperwork to become a certified teacher. I could not have possibly survived the last four years without IRE and the support of its staff and volunteers. After 4 years of hard work and more specifically three weeks of breakneck writing and reflection, I finally get to have a margarita and take a break. If you have had to wait for a response from me on an issue, a message, or an email, I'm truly sorry. I can't say I'll be 100% better, because I'm still a scatterbrained human, but at least you know why.
And then tomorrow, I hurl myself back into Aetolia.
I know I've said this a thousand times before.... But you're just such a trooper. The stuff you go along with, and help make possible. I just about die laughing between the 'oh man so amazingly obscene and creepy' moments. And your patience with my random afking is also to be commended.
10:10 would deface with again.
Also - additional thanks to @Zisra for picking up when she left, it might have been short, but it was excellent. I just absolutely love some well justified RPKing
I just want to shout out a big thank you to everyone that came to my little Bloodloch gathering thing tonight. I'll post a log tomorrow, hopefully. Just too tired to clean it up tonight.
I didn't know whether to go to the LOVE thread or to here with this. I opted for here because I do want to say thank you to all those people who have made this (rather intensive RP) Easter weekend so much fun.
It's been a few years since I've been so absorbed in playing and despite my exhaustion from staying up until 6am over Friday and Saturday and 3am last night, I've enjoyed pretty much every minute of it. I wanted to go out and try and get a broad spread of RP and I just wanted to thank those people who took the time to RP back, no matter how small a contribution it might have been.
Thank you @Keroc and @Tiur for being so quick to respond to most reasonable things, it's wonderful that you both are on the job, and I feel that our game is in VERY good hands!
Thanks @Kanivara for my first in game interaction and taking the time to answer my newbie questions!
I am always grateful to the players who spend time with novices. Investing your time in a stranger who you have no idea will stick around or not takes an amazing person.
Typically In Game: JST (GMT+9) 6AM-8AM and 6PM-10PM
@Zaila Koda's best friend. You're always a blast to interact with, and you never have any idea what's about to happen when these two are in the same room. I've gushed about your writing so many times that you know exactly what I think about it, you're the best thank you please never leave.
@Lehar You're the bomb.com. If Zaila's the devil on one side of Koda's shoulder, Lehar is the angel. I love the relationship these two have, and some of the times we've gotten to dig deeper into Lehar's emotional state and what's going on there, then just as quickly pivot to something else in a way that seems entirely natural and just fun.
@Ingram A new addition to the crew! The way you present your character is fantastic, and the personality you manage to show in the smaller emotes you do (that would take me multiple lines) is a straight up talent. Definitely looking forward to seeing what happens with Ingram and Koda going forward.
@Eowyn You're fun to write with to, and another constant I can count on seeing something from every time I log in! It's a bummer that we can't seem to nail down our schedules to RP together since there's always stuff going on, but I know I can count on a fun interaction when it does eventually happen.
@Lin Only really had one major interaction, but it was a blast. I've always been a fan of your writing across umpteen characters, but never in the right group to get to witness it firsthand often enough. Fun interaction, and definitely looking forward to more encounters.
@Aisling@Karhast@Dzekk@Benedicto - 99% of my interactions with you guys is during lessers/majors/orrery, but good god you guys make that stuff fun. Before when I played I had approximately 0 interest in combat or PK whatsoever, but now I'm finding myself weaseling my way into it and absolutely loving every second of it. You guys make it fun, and I learn something new every time that leyline bling.
to all you folks, and any others I may have missed.
I had a very unexpected evening of RP last night. It caught me completely by surprise (despite the fact that I'm a known RP hoor). I was just expecting a casual night of it. Instead it ended up turning into one of the more engrossing nights of writing I've had in a long time. So, huge thanks has to go to (in no particular order) - @Lin, @Zaila and @Chakrasul.
I also feel that thanks needs to go to others who have been caught up in various bits of RP recently. I've been having a lot of fun interacting with everyone!
A special thanks has to go to @Ingram - I can't describe enough how awesomely fun you are. I love the interactions between Bene and Ingram. More people need to RP with you and experience the delights.
SibattiMamba dur NayaAmidst vibrant flora and trees
This thank you goes out to everyone who plays or works on Aetolia (yes, that means literally everyone). In small or big ways, you're all contributing to making Aetolia what it is, and that's awesome!
My humble request is that you all be a little bit nicer or forgiving to yourself, as well as everyone else. You shouldn't drive yourself off because you're going crazy over someone or something in Aetolia, just as you shouldn't try to drive anyone else off with your crazy.
Whether that's trying to be a PKer, guildleader, cityleader, packleader, shopowner, crafter, hardcore RPer, event coordinator, volunteer, coder, Producer, or any other number of things you can be in Aetolia - the fact that you care is superb, so screw the haters! It's far easier to critique than it is to Do.
PhoeneciaThe Merchant of EsterportSomewhere in Attica
I want to offer a big thank you to whoever's been controlling the Nalin NPC in the little event Duiran had. You really made me smile, turning a simple little request into something much bigger that exceeded expectations. So, thank you so much!
I am optimistic as to where the Archivists are headed, and even if I determine the guild itself isn't quite the right place for Akary, I think that the skillset turned out wonderfully. I'm looking forward to the routes we have available in RP with these new skills, and very happy with the fact that Numerology isn't relegated to a roleplay concept without a mechanical counterpart.
Moreover, I think that flavor and the way you guys have worked the three skills in together has shown a lot of care and effort on your part, and I think it should be known that the consideration given to the players who had come to know the guild, its lore, and its skills so well is greatly appreciated.
Looking at the directives and the way the guild is going to shape up, based on Sneak's writings, also makes me hopeful that this guild will get more attention and draw more interest through being more outgoing, with a greater presence in the world at large.
I should probably make one of these again. Don't remember if I thanked those folk back in Spinesreach, but I'll just retroactively do so now. @Xenia, @Kanivara, @Mazarine, @Nenelos, @Oisynne, @Kelliara, @Axius, and any whom I forgot. Thank you for helping out and being generally great characters to interact with.
Now, for the new ones in no particular order:
@Sibatti, @Seir: Drestyn's parents and possibly the coolest part of playing this character. You guys have guided me a lot when I first played him and are now just adding so much more now that he's older and has made some mistakes in his life. Without you two I would literally not be here. Thank you!
@Lin, @Pilar: Drestyn's aunts. These two certainly add depth to his character and provide a bit of conflict within this side of the tether. He loves them both and he knows they mean well for him. Without either of these two, he'd probably still be in Spinesreach.
@Phoenecia: His second wife. Someone who keeps his head straight and one of the three people he cares about deeply that aren't just his relatives. This gal has helped him build confidence when it was crushed and love him when he felt unloved. Thank you for always helping out ICly and OOCly across all the characters I've had interact with you.
@Runas, @Omnaen: The two men in his life and the two others he cares for. These two have helped him discover something he otherwise wouldn't have bothered to. These his boys and best friends.
@Rasani, @Aisling: The two that kept him in line and helped him re-integrate into the Life-side of things. Aisling is a good sorta mentor for Drestyn and Rasani a good moral influence. They may disagree at times but they've made a great impact.
@Dzekk: Mad respect from when Drestyn was Carnifex to now. This guy sets the example for how a person should act and how a knight should be. Drestyn may not be a knight any longer but he still sees to it that he holds Dzekk with high esteem.
@Mihaketi: This guy. THIS GUY HERE. *Headbutt*
@Zaila: Bit of a three-pronged thank you. On two of my characters, you have been that woman that would be the only person to scratch the exterior surface away and see through the character's veil. Someone they've cared about quite a lot and I thank you for the many, many interesting interactions across those two. As for Drestyn? He thinks you're okay and quite fun to pester and annoy.
I think that's it. Thank you all!
Take a look.
Appearance: a polished marquise ezerite stone
Dropped: A polished stone of ezerite is here.
Attire: embedded above and between the brows
Examined: About the size of a lidded eye, this ezerite stone seems typical at first glance. Though it has been worked and shaped like a marquise gem, it lacks facets, and retains only two points and an edge defining the visible, polished side from the unworked base. As expected of ezerite, mossy greens, vivid purples, and spots of black are present. This particular stone has a prominent black striation splitting the smooth surface from one point to the other.
Worn 1p: You press the ezerite to your forehead, and the stone embeds itself in your flesh. There's a tingle of magic as your body accepts the boon.
Worn 3p: $(name$) presses an ezerite stone to $(his$) forehead. The marquise points are aligned vertically as the trinket embeds itself in $(his$) flesh.
Removed 1p: With little fanfare, the ezerite stone embedded in your flesh falls into your hand.
Removed 3p: With little fanfare, the ezerite stone embedded in $(name$)'s flesh falls into $(his$) waiting hand.
Move 1p: As a polished marquise ezerite stone glows green and purple, you feel gripped by the cold caress of some powerful magic. Your vision goes black while your senses tingle. Green and purple are the first colors you recognize when you can see the new space you occupy.
Move 3p: $(name$) fades from view as a polished marquise ezerite stone glows green and purple. There's a brief flash of color before the stone fades away as well.
Room Name: Unnatural enclosure of marble and glass
Environment: Constructed underground / Inside
Room Desc: A knowing a purposed hand crafted this space. Smooth, speckled marble tiles, black and various shades of gray, greet a visitor's feet as they walk the level floor. Given the rough shape of a dome, the marble walls rise just over one's head before the tiles start forming a roof. There are no curved slabs; every four-sided tile of stone creates a new facet. Portions of the ceiling have been replaced with reflective mirrors, though there doesn't seem to be a pattern to these choices. Like the glass tiles in the roof, portals of faintly luminescent magic sometimes replace the tiles in the walls. With no natural entrance or exit, one would be trapped here if it weren't for the portals. One would also be without light if it weren't for those portals, though this illumination depends on the time of day on the other side of those walkways.
And then tomorrow, I hurl myself back into Aetolia.
I know I've said this a thousand times before.... But you're just such a trooper. The stuff you go along with, and help make possible. I just about die laughing between the 'oh man so amazingly obscene and creepy' moments. And your patience with my random afking is also to be commended.
10:10 would deface with again.
Also - additional thanks to @Zisra for picking up when she left, it might have been short, but it was excellent. I just absolutely love some well justified RPKing
It's been a few years since I've been so absorbed in playing and despite my exhaustion from staying up until 6am over Friday and Saturday and 3am last night, I've enjoyed pretty much every minute of it. I wanted to go out and try and get a broad spread of RP and I just wanted to thank those people who took the time to RP back, no matter how small a contribution it might have been.
In no particular order;
Thank you to @Tiur and the rest of the people behind the were-raven event. But mostly for that deathsight, Sorry @Trikal, I loved it.
There are more of course, but will probably be added later or edited to this document. Thank you so much!!
@Aecian @Tina @Iriden @Zenobia @Neron- I love being able to pull a group together. Tina, that was a fantastic lesson. Thank you guys so much!
I am always grateful to the players who spend time with novices. Investing your time in a stranger who you have no idea will stick around or not takes an amazing person.
to @Oleis for all the work done, and may you finally get a goshdarned life away from us freaks.Hi.
Omei gives the corpse of a headless cadaver to you.
Omei offers you a quick wink.
@Chakrasul for allowing me to trust in the work Godmin and bringing some much needed life into my experiences
@Aeteyr and @Aecian Bros before Rituous, and my god is it so good to have male friends ><
@Erzsebet @Arbre @Iriden You enrich the life of my character and each interaction with you is a pleasure
@Alathesia @Callidora @Thivedre You're interesting enigmas that push me to figure you out
And to the Order and the Congregation, thank you!
@Zaila Koda's best friend. You're always a blast to interact with, and you never have any idea what's about to happen when these two are in the same room. I've gushed about your writing so many times that you know exactly what I think about it, you're the best thank you please never leave.
@Lehar You're the bomb.com. If Zaila's the devil on one side of Koda's shoulder, Lehar is the angel. I love the relationship these two have, and some of the times we've gotten to dig deeper into Lehar's emotional state and what's going on there, then just as quickly pivot to something else in a way that seems entirely natural and just fun.
@Ingram A new addition to the crew! The way you present your character is fantastic, and the personality you manage to show in the smaller emotes you do (that would take me multiple lines) is a straight up talent. Definitely looking forward to seeing what happens with Ingram and Koda going forward.
@Eowyn You're fun to write with to, and another constant I can count on seeing something from every time I log in! It's a bummer that we can't seem to nail down our schedules to RP together since there's always stuff going on, but I know I can count on a fun interaction when it does eventually happen.
@Lin Only really had one major interaction, but it was a blast. I've always been a fan of your writing across umpteen characters, but never in the right group to get to witness it firsthand often enough. Fun interaction, and definitely looking forward to more encounters.
@Aisling @Karhast @Dzekk @Benedicto - 99% of my interactions with you guys is during lessers/majors/orrery, but good god you guys make that stuff fun. Before when I played I had approximately 0 interest in combat or PK whatsoever, but now I'm finding myself weaseling my way into it and absolutely loving every second of it. You guys make it fun, and I learn something new every time that leyline bling.
I also feel that thanks needs to go to others who have been caught up in various bits of RP recently. I've been having a lot of fun interacting with everyone!
- @Rasani
- @Dzekk
- @Maizin
- @Arbre
- @Vyxsis
- @Phoenecia
- @Cardie
- @Sibatti
- @Zuly
- @Jami
- @Maite
A special thanks has to go to @Ingram - I can't describe enough how awesomely fun you are. I love the interactions between Bene and Ingram. More people need to RP with you and experience the delights.
My humble request is that you all be a little bit nicer or forgiving to yourself, as well as everyone else. You shouldn't drive yourself off because you're going crazy over someone or something in Aetolia, just as you shouldn't try to drive anyone else off with your crazy.
Whether that's trying to be a PKer, guildleader, cityleader, packleader, shopowner, crafter, hardcore RPer, event coordinator, volunteer, coder, Producer, or any other number of things you can be in Aetolia - the fact that you care is superb, so screw the haters! It's far easier to critique than it is to Do.
Be excellent to each other, and party on dudes.