A huge thank you to @Zhukov, @Mariena, @Atilus, @Oisynne, and @Cinarra for bringing some noise to the Sciomancers, helping out and being enthusiastic enough to keep me going. You are all awesome.
Many things to @Fezzix and @Atarah for being super supportive and flexible with my work. Its been really fun going slowly and trying to immerse myself in the guild lore and politics etc. I'm really appreciating the work you two are doing keeping everything going and I look forward to getting to a place where I can take a more active and helping hand.
@Zaila- You're crazy, odd, confusing and always a source of entertainment (If sometimes at my expense)
General thanks to the kindness and great RP-ness of the Spireans: @Zenobia@Teani@Nenelos@Aliane and more. I'm sure I'm forgetting names, I know I've run into you.
Thanks to @Rasani for keeping the Burly Chest up and running and keeping the drinks flowing at the appropriate, relative temperature. I've had some good laughs watching, or causing, trouble in there
Just wanted to throw some love to @xanchol@teani@kelliara@sirris and @phoenecia for the fun today! I love when people involve themselves in the RP that goes on when they happen to wander past - or lurk and comment from afar, or lurk and come to help/poke fun/take advantage/ etc. etc.
It was great, you guys were all great, 10:10, would "EMOTE does nothing of consequence while watching ya'll do your thing" around ya'll again!
And thanks to all my Spirean peeps, you always make my time in Aetolia awesome. I tried to list you all, but it was just too many.
Also, special thanks to the folks who have been putting up with Kelli for far too long: @Teani, @Faerah, @Eleanor, @Akaryuterra and @Piper. Your patience is much appreciated, even when I'm sure you and your characters are rolling their eyes.
And huge HUGE thanks to Admin and Volunteers, those who've dealt with Kelliara directly In-Game, any interaction with any of you has probably made my day, regardless of how it went, and those who haven't, thanks a million for the work you put into making this game great!
Now with 253% more Madness. Cute-Kelli by @Sessizlik.
Also shout out to @Aisling, @Apianora, @Lin, @Pilar, @Rasani, and everyone else that made the conclusion??? an awesome bit to be a part of. I really enjoyed it!
(The Front Line): Aishia says, "U better check yourself before u Dzekk urself."
@Eleanor and @Akaryuterra, you've made the transition to the Cabal super smooth and you've been so wonderful in encouraging the way I want to go about learning everything the guild has to offer, and pushing me to think outside the box (Way way outside the box) as to what it all means and what we're capable of doing, and what we should do, and what we can't do. I especially love @Eleanor's metacognitions, thinking about thinking.
@Zenobia, @Alathesia, @Atarah, and too many others to name, you've made transitioning into the North really fun, and it was so nice to find such welcoming folks on such an intimidating transition.
@Eelaar, and also @Axius, it's been really fun palling around with my fellow Auxiliar, asking questions, testing stuff out, always being wary of plosions of any kind. It's great to take things slow (There's SO MUCH TO LEARN) and I can't wait to see what mischief this bunch gets into.
@Drestyn and @Lenina for being grueling, cruel taskmasters (Nah, you've been great, and it's been really fun just having some consistency and knowing there's always something for me to do)
@Dzekk and @Lin, for not immediately jumping Rhoynn when he was like "OMGYESTHATTHINGWANTTOJOIN" I think it could be a really interesting experiment in cross-org cooperation towards a greater goal, and I hope it yields some more RP with you two, and any others that may join.
@Imizael- Heva seems to love interrupting Rhoynn's attempts to be a little kid who tries to make new friends in the sandbox. Maybe someday we'll get that drink without the sky exploding.
I know I'm forgetting some names. This change was really intimidating for me, and it's proven to be the right choice to allow me to really enjoy the game to its fullest. Thanks to anyone and everyone whose had even a small hand in it!
thanks to @Elliana@Tessra and @Omei for that unexpected meet & greet and subsequent knocking Zaila back a few self-righteousness pegs, I loved it and you were all great (and amazingly tolerant).
I have to say thank you to @Dato and @Karhast - lately I've been wondering if I should retire Nola, because I didn't feel like I could go anywhere with her from here, and I didn't feel like she was apart of anything anymore. But having both an old and new face to re-validate Nola, not only as a person, but as a part of Enorian. That's been really nice, and unexpected, and what I needed when I needed it.
So thank you for taking the time to get back in touch with Nola, and to try and establish an understanding of my character even with all my attempts at being as distant and quiet as possible. On a separate but related note - I've REALLY enjoyed the RP!
@Zaila you really pushed Elliana's patience, and when you finally started to open up, it threw her though a loop. It was a very good insight into Zaila as a person, the flaws and the way you pushed me as a player to try to get just the right thing said here and there. You are helping me as a player grow with the stark contrast in personalities. So kudos to you for setting a standard that I am unused to.
I am not a morning inside four walls. I am the hurricane setting fire to the forests at night when no one else is alive or awake. I live in my own flames sometimes burning too bright -too wild to make things last and so I run. Far and wide until my bones ache and lungs burn..and it feels good. Do you hear that? It feels good, it feels good because I am both the slave and the ruler of my own body and I wish to do with it exactly as I please
SibattiMamba dur NayaAmidst vibrant flora and trees
This is a bit overdue, but I wanted to say thank you to everyone who has made coming back to Aetolia engaging and fun. I originally just popped my head in to say hello, and got ensnared - something that couldn't have been done without you all. So, thank you! You know who you are.
Going to echo Sibatti's thank you. About a week ago, I got the sudden overwhelming feeling of missing Melantha and the urge to log back in. I didn't, but only because I spent the day catching up on forum posts. The next day, however, I did. I wasn't really expecting to stick around very long, but I tried striking up a conversation and it took. Fast forward to today, and I'm actually still interested and engaged. Thanks, guys. Sorry it took so long to poke my head back in.
Again I want to show my thanks to everyone who has been coming around to RP with me lately, I haven't had as much fun and as much to look forward to here in a long time and it's thanks to all of you.
@Dzekk Our roleplay, brief or not, was very affirming and your expression of esteem was muchly appreciated. I enjoyed the roleplay and similarly look forward to more interactions! Your character quickly became one of high esteem in Sarkael's eyes.
Karhast is going through some very, very rough times lately, but I do appreciate the support he's gotten from so many people. Shout-out to @Shaith@Aloli@Lehar@Rasani@Nola@Eliadon@Mihaketi for sticking up for him and being there for someone who's breaking down so much.
SeirSeein' All the ThingsGetting high off your emotion
edited February 2017
I want to send out a thank you to the people that were a part of Seir's most recent "sick" arc. It was a very self-indulgent RP time, but I very rarely have those and it was a pivotal turning point in his personal story. To the players and characters who received letters from Seir, much of which who are retired or inactive, those letters were really a call out from me, an excuse to roleplay, and giving you a gigantic thanks for all the interactions that I've been fortunate to have with people over the five edit: six and some years that Seir has existed. I remember almost every single interaction I've had with folks and I tried to recall a lot of those moments in those letters that Seir wrote. Special thanks to @Drestyn and @Phoenecia for being there when Seir became an Idreth and got rid of his Bloom-related infection for good.
I want to thank everyone else that was a part of the arc as well, in ways both large and small: @Drestyn, @Phoenecia, @Arbre, @Aymah, @Devin, @Maizin, @Aisling, @Kallah, @Kanivara, @Vyxsis, @Emelle, @Elliana, and any others that I might have missed. You guys and the interactions I have with you and your characters are the reasons that I play and why I always find myself coming back to Aetolia. Thanks again.
Edit: Also, Seir got a giant stuffed dragon doll as a gift from @Didi. Thank you, @Didi!
I have had a fairly interesting time the last few weeks. A lot of love to @Kallah , @Tenshyo , @Yeras , and @Omei. Each for different reasons. 's
I am not a morning inside four walls. I am the hurricane setting fire to the forests at night when no one else is alive or awake. I live in my own flames sometimes burning too bright -too wild to make things last and so I run. Far and wide until my bones ache and lungs burn..and it feels good. Do you hear that? It feels good, it feels good because I am both the slave and the ruler of my own body and I wish to do with it exactly as I please
@Aisling , @Lin , @Dzekk , @Rasani : You all have really helped push me to a new level with Ary, I wanted a change for her and you all really have made me feel pretty loved with all the RP Especially @Lin and @Aisling I absolutely loved the interaction on first meeting. I really hope to have more interactions like that
@Dzekk , today was really a deep seated thing with Ary. And having the ability to share the issues she was having and not feel out of comfort, but just feel that she had known Dzekk a long time the moment really opened up my views on growth with Ary I didn't see her going down, but I can see her becoming a force to be reckoned with one day
I've really missed the companionship all of us had in the Daru. Having Nola decide to join the Illuminai was a huge move, and while it isn't the same thing, it's just as special.
Thank you everyone, each one of you makes this guild a great, welcoming place to be where everyone has a spot.
I know that we all have different opinions about the state of things, the direction I've chosen to take, and the way we've gone about implementing it. I'm grateful for your support and your constructive feedback. The one thing I KNOW we can agree on is that our staff and volunteers are some really awesome people. As I sit here pulling myself through the flu, our guys help keep the lights on and the blood flowing. It felt right to mention how grateful I am for them.
I know that we all have different opinions about the state of things, the direction I've chosen to take, and the way we've gone about implementing it. I'm grateful for your support and your constructive feedback. The one thing I KNOW we can agree on is that our staff and volunteers are some really awesome people. As I sit here pulling myself through the flu, our guys help keep the lights on and the blood flowing. It felt right to mention how grateful I am for them.
Now go roll an Archivist.
I can't like, agree, insightful and awesome this all at once. But I would if I could.
You Guys are all awesome. The bee's knees. That cat's pajamas. And other various things.
Now with 253% more Madness. Cute-Kelli by @Sessizlik.
Thanks to @Fezzix, @Atarah, @Kanivara, @Drestyn, @Xanchol, and @Kelliara for regular RP fun.
Also, thanks to @Dzekk for being a sport and RPing out a simple trade deal, and @Zaila for being a unicorn. (
Many things to @Fezzix and @Atarah for being super supportive and flexible with my work. Its been really fun going slowly and trying to immerse myself in the guild lore and politics etc. I'm really appreciating the work you two are doing keeping everything going and I look forward to getting to a place where I can take a more active and helping hand.
@Zaila- You're crazy, odd, confusing and always a source of entertainment (If sometimes at my expense)
General thanks to the kindness and great RP-ness of the Spireans: @Zenobia @Teani @Nenelos @Aliane and more. I'm sure I'm forgetting names, I know I've run into you.
Thanks to @Rasani for keeping the Burly Chest up and running and keeping the drinks flowing at the appropriate, relative temperature. I've had some good laughs watching, or causing, trouble in there
It was great, you guys were all great, 10:10, would "EMOTE does nothing of consequence while watching ya'll do your thing" around ya'll again!
You know why.
And thanks to all my Spirean peeps, you always make my time in Aetolia awesome. I tried to list you all, but it was just too many.
Also, special thanks to the folks who have been putting up with Kelli for far too long: @Teani, @Faerah, @Eleanor, @Akaryuterra and @Piper. Your patience is much appreciated, even when I'm sure you and your characters are rolling their eyes.
And huge HUGE thanks to Admin and Volunteers, those who've dealt with Kelliara directly In-Game, any interaction with any of you has probably made my day, regardless of how it went, and those who haven't, thanks a million for the work you put into making this game great!
Cute-Kelli by @Sessizlik.
Also shout out to @Aisling, @Apianora, @Lin, @Pilar, @Rasani, and everyone else that made the conclusion??? an awesome bit to be a part of. I really enjoyed it!
@Eleanor and @Akaryuterra, you've made the transition to the Cabal super smooth and you've been so wonderful in encouraging the way I want to go about learning everything the guild has to offer, and pushing me to think outside the box (Way way outside the box) as to what it all means and what we're capable of doing, and what we should do, and what we can't do. I especially love @Eleanor's metacognitions, thinking about thinking.
@Zenobia, @Alathesia, @Atarah, and too many others to name, you've made transitioning into the North really fun, and it was so nice to find such welcoming folks on such an intimidating transition.
@Eelaar, and also @Axius, it's been really fun palling around with my fellow Auxiliar, asking questions, testing stuff out, always being wary of plosions of any kind. It's great to take things slow (There's SO MUCH TO LEARN) and I can't wait to see what mischief this bunch gets into.
@Drestyn and @Lenina for being grueling, cruel taskmasters (Nah, you've been great, and it's been really fun just having some consistency and knowing there's always something for me to do)
@Dzekk and @Lin, for not immediately jumping Rhoynn when he was like "OMGYESTHATTHINGWANTTOJOIN" I think it could be a really interesting experiment in cross-org cooperation towards a greater goal, and I hope it yields some more RP with you two, and any others that may join.
@Imizael- Heva seems to love interrupting Rhoynn's attempts to be a little kid who tries to make new friends in the sandbox. Maybe someday we'll get that drink without the sky exploding.
I know I'm forgetting some names. This change was really intimidating for me, and it's proven to be the right choice to allow me to really enjoy the game to its fullest. Thanks to anyone and everyone whose had even a small hand in it!
Please for more.
So thank you for taking the time to get back in touch with Nola, and to try and establish an understanding of my character even with all my attempts at being as distant and quiet as possible. On a separate but related note - I've REALLY enjoyed the RP!
Do you hear that?
It feels good, it feels good because I am both the slave and the ruler of my own body and I wish to do with it exactly as I please
Always interested in knowing how I'm doing!
@Rivas @Emelle @Jami @Serrice @Lehar @Karhast @Dakan @Shaith @Delyth @Mihaketi @Melantha @Illidan @Dato @Zaila @Tenshyo @Yeras
Looking forward to many more encounters.
fiveedit: six and some years that Seir has existed. I remember almost every single interaction I've had with folks and I tried to recall a lot of those moments in those letters that Seir wrote. Special thanks to @Drestyn and @Phoenecia for being there when Seir became an Idreth and got rid of his Bloom-related infection for good.I want to thank everyone else that was a part of the arc as well, in ways both large and small: @Drestyn, @Phoenecia, @Arbre, @Aymah, @Devin, @Maizin, @Aisling, @Kallah, @Kanivara, @Vyxsis, @Emelle, @Elliana, and any others that I might have missed. You guys and the interactions I have with you and your characters are the reasons that I play and why I always find myself coming back to Aetolia. Thanks again.
Edit: Also, Seir got a giant stuffed dragon doll as a gift from @Didi. Thank you, @Didi!
Each for different reasons.
Do you hear that?
It feels good, it feels good because I am both the slave and the ruler of my own body and I wish to do with it exactly as I please
@Elliana, @Jaymi, @Vxysis, @Leana, @Tacitus, @Rosdes
This list of people I'm grateful to just keeps growing
Thank you everyone, each one of you makes this guild a great, welcoming place to be where everyone has a spot.
Special thanks to:
@Lehar @Rivas @Rosdes @Melantha @Tenshyo @Vyxsis @Jaymi @Tacitus @Karhast @Shaith @Elliana @Yeras
@Keroc Thanks mate - saved me from having to do a sub for fishing records.
Now go roll an Archivist.
You Guys are all awesome. The bee's knees. That cat's pajamas. And other various things.
Cute-Kelli by @Sessizlik.