"As is the fact that an administrator went out of their way to throw shade at people in the Templar via a mob speaking on a guild channel over it." - I was legit laughing at how dumb that entire ordeal was.
SibattiMamba dur NayaAmidst vibrant flora and trees
I think this is a good example of a situation that needs to be dealt with in game rather than dragging someone's name here. If it is as everyone says... Spirit tethered rogue, who may or may not be bringing conflict upon herself, should be dealt with by her tether icly.
I think the issue is that it's difficult to handle ICly, for many reasons that I feel are obvious.
I'm not that involved in the OOC commuity of aetolia I tend to stick to game stuff.
A lot of people spirit and shadow seem to be very annoyed with people attacking Didi at all when they show up to conflict events.
Can someone explain to me in simple terms why? I really do not understand the situation it seems and a lot of people in this thread are making vague references to handicaps in the forums?
Can someone just tell me what the deal is? I'm starting to feel a bit lost here.
@Haven Could you please bother to explain what portion of my post you disagree with when pretty much everything in it was factual, aside from my opinion that you're grossly misrepresenting what the situation actually is?
y'all need to back up, take a fucking breath, and drop the extremely shitty comparisons you're laying on Didi. Be fucking nice to each other, it isn't fucking hard, holy shit.
Toz says, "Dishonor on you (Mjoll), dishonor on your family (Seirath), dishonor on your cow (Bulrok)"
I think this is a good example of a situation that needs to be dealt with in game rather than dragging someone's name here. If it is as everyone says... Spirit tethered rogue, who may or may not be bringing conflict upon herself, should be dealt with by her tether icly.
It's a little difficult to ICly "deal with" a spirit-tethered rogue whose IC contributions to the game barely qualify as IC most of the time, and more often show up overwhelmingly as memey / OOC ("Happy Earth Day", anyone??)
It's better than going to the public forums and oocly launching into some strange psa. How is this friendly? I'm not criticising the ic actions either as I feel there was justification, but let's pedal back the ooc campaign a bit.
(Illuminai): Saltz says, "Moxie is just doing the Moxie thing to do, often misinterpreted."
(Tells): Sir Iames Gallant, the Executioner tells you, "The one Illuminai beyond prayer, I swear."
Valingar: "How could a daughter of me, the most noble man in the south, be so heartless?"
(Tells): Haven Locke, Illuminai Khimaira tells you, "Be that as it may, I've also seen the strength in you. You can take care of yourself."
SibattiMamba dur NayaAmidst vibrant flora and trees
I think that there's been a lot of memey/OOC "support" of a cute little mascot character in Aetolia that's been around for years, but it's grown from a harmless/cutesy thing to something where people are using her as a proxy for their own conflicts with each other.
I'm with Mjoll, ya'll need to back the fuck up. Didi is an absolute gem that does absolutely nothing but try to bring positivity to the game, to both sides.
If she hits you, fucking take it. If she wants an eld, fucking let her have it. Ylem isn't such a big deal that you can't let the immortal vermin killer get a few elds. If she shows up to orrery and wants to hold onto the globe for a minute, let her. It's not like the orrery is such a big deal that you can't take a few minutes to allow Didi to have some fun and entertainment.
Yeah, there's a mix of OOC with IC, but Didi legitimately just wants everyone to have fun in the game (including her). There's multiple avenues to have fun. ALL OF YOU can take a minute and let her do some fancy stuff she's never been involved in before or maybe wants to enjoy. Even if she -does- roll with Shadow to a lesser/major, leave her alone because she's just there for moral support and fun.
While there are open pk zones, which I would otherwise be all for supporting slaughtering every single person in the game. All ya'll need to leave Didi alone. It doesn't make you look good at all to target a player who generally is the Aetolia Bastion of Goodness and Positivity.
Didi is friendly carebear. Friendly carebear got PK'd at PK events. People gave tsk tsks. Tsks tsks make people sad.
It's not *wrong* to attack her at PK events, but it's also not wrong to get IC flak for it. Don't think there's anything wrong with hardliners being ready to kill a more neutral person, but the jeers are part of it. It's not 'griefing' if anyone has implied that, and I don't think anyone should feel personally guilty for a reasonable roleplay/pk decision. I, for one, would also pk Didi for the memes and rage, but I think Shadow would be more likely to eat me alive.
From what I've seen, some of the posts here have been more upsetting to her than dying at the PK events, with the rest being the normal levels of irritation for PK situations ("i died, dying sucks, argh, moving on").
I also feel like it might be worth noting. I dunno if Didi -is- Spirit Aligned. I've seen her stomp around in Earthenform. Or at least, it looked like it to me. (I might be wrong though. I expect to be wrong a lot of the time.)
I also feel like it might be worth noting. I dunno if Didi -is- Spirit Aligned. I've seen her stomp around in Earthenform. Or at least, it looked like it to me. (I might be wrong though. I expect to be wrong a lot of the time.)
It's a flair.
(Web): Abhorash has joined your web. (Web): Abhorash says, "Nerds." (Web): Abhorash has left your web.
I also feel like it might be worth noting. I dunno if Didi -is- Spirit Aligned. I've seen her stomp around in Earthenform. Or at least, it looked like it to me. (I might be wrong though. I expect to be wrong a lot of the time.)
At the very least she has Sentinel and can actively use it.
My only issue with this situation is people being threatened with consequences for shit that's done inside the constraints of aura.
I get that everybody loves Didi and all. She's real friendly and cool. She and I just had a very brief (4 tells) chat, even, because I think she got the impression I'm cool with her being PKed or want to PK her or even enjoy the notion of people causing her grief. I really don't. That's not representative of me. I have never gone out of my way to kill non-participants.
But I also don't appreciate people using the clear parasocial relationship everyone has with her to make trouble they can derive enjoyment from. It's fucking pathetic. Cut it out. Just make your own trouble. It's really not hard.
Do you want to be the dude that is in the news for killing someone who touched a celebrity's hand or do you want to be someone who is in the news for doing something not blatantly creepy and odd?
As far as I can tell there is literally no one that is down to cause her grief or actively griefing her. This situation is truly baffling and we've got people out here basically saying that anyone who isn't up in arms about her getting pk'd in situations where she reasonably might have expected such a thing to happen are horrible people or, at the very least, are condoning or participating in bullying.
I especially enjoy the reversal here. If Didi is actively participating, free game. When she was not actively participating, dick move. I've been yelled at for killing people in the wrong place at the wrong time, but still legal, so much so that in the end it just never seemed worth it. And I'm not the only one. By spirit. But now when it's on the other side, it's ok, and people upset about it are creeps?
This community is unfuckingreal.
Copperhead of the Third Spoke says to you, "Intelligence matrix in moniker Bulrok reveals above average results when compared alongside proximal presence."
Spirit tethered by the loosest definition. Didi is a cityless, guildless character that by all accounts seems to spend more time around Shadow characters than anything.
Imagine wanting to spend time with people that don't typically include you in anything and go out of their way to hunt you down.
Y'all are acting like people are going out of their way to hunt Didi down and make her playtime miserable which is just...not the case? At all? Mistakes sometimes happen in open PK situations, but it isn't like an open pk zone isn't explicitly advertised. Beyond that, though, hasn't Didi been showing up to lessers and majors alongside shadow tether's groups and actively hitting? I'd be happy to be corrected if that's not the case but the way I hear it, that's what's been going on.
To be frank, I'm uninvolved beyond seeing the commentary and being thoroughly baffled about why this is even something that is being made a big deal over. I thought it was stupid when I heard about it at the start, I thought it was stupid when Didi was made into a rallying cry for Duiran and Enorian years ago, and I think it's stupid now. The fact that it's being made out to be some sort of indicator that a specific group of people are problematic(tm) is baffling to me. As is the fact that an administrator went out of their way to throw shade at people in the Templar via a mob speaking on a guild channel over it.
Orrery is uncontested and Spirit is sitting on the mountaintop with the orb. Didi enters Scidve for whatever reason and someone decides to leave the Spirit group and lynch/noose Didi cause technically Scidve is open PK. That's hunting her down.
A Major's phases have been completed and Spirit has gone into the Big Eld zone to fight the super mob. Didi enters the area. Leaving the group (or stopping enroute to the super mob) to turn around and go noose Didi. That's hunting her down.
Those aren't mistakes. I don't believe the person in question is trying to make her gameplay miserable and is just playing the game by its rules. That's perfectly fine but I don't have to like it.
¤ Si vis pacem, para bellum. ¤
Someone powerful says, "We're going to have to delete you."
Having aura does not give an automatic IC reason to kill someone. We sit in groups with our own tether in aura. We can turn on each other at a moment's notice. But we don't because it's not IC for us to attack a member of our own tether. Just because something is allowed within the game mechanics doesn't mean you have to do it. It's IC to attack someone seen as a threat. We are allowed to police ourselves IC. Didi is no threat to Spirit. She's not a threat to Shadow. She prefers to play a passive role and get along with everyone. I would think that ICly even Spirit would honour that role based on years of allowing her to do just that. She's not changed.
If someone steps into aura it's open season, we all know that. I'm not gonna demonize anyone for killing another player in aura, even if it is didi. If your character views didi as an enemy and your character would carry out an attack on her, then more power to you. I think the idea of didi being a threat to anyone is.. kinda silly lol
With that said though, If we're going to go by the absolute letter of the law, I just want you all to remember what you said in this thread when your non coms that try to step foot in the fracture, vortex, or tap foci are getting deleted repeatedly just because "we can".
A lot of combatants on both sides show restraint in these situations and I don't think that's a bad thing. If that's going away though, I think a lot of you advocating for an 'anything goes in aura' mentality are going to be very unhappy with the result.
It really feels like this is an irresponsible way of talking about a player. Do you guys know her? Have you guys been talking to her? Is she upset? I'm sure anyone involved is more than happy to apologize .
There are a lot of assumptions going on in this discussion, and none of them are healthy, fun, or particularly worried about what the person in question might feel about the matter. If you're worried about how Didi feels about this stuff, reach out to her. If she's upset, she can reach out to the people who she perceives as griefing her, if she feels that way, and I am sure they can be talked to. If they react badly, she can reach to the admin, to others, and I am sure this can be resolved.
It's a game, fights happen, sometimes players go overboard or act mean. I've seen players in this thread talking about this while also rezzing enemy newbies with auto-accept in order to kill them again. Come on guys. This is a person we're talking about.
Didi is definitely upset, or she would not have lashed out IG like that. We do invite her on Shadow webs sometimes so she doesn't feel too left out, and when she gets upset... well. You'll hear her vocalize a complaint or two on web (which I have heard).
Maybe we're being too defensive of her, but when she's clearly shown she's just out to enjoy aspects of the game where she can without being too much of a bother... I don't know. As much as we might niggle at her choice to step into open PK zones when aura = can kill! It is in Didi's roleplay to hope that she can enjoy or do the things she wants with some hope that it doesn't give people justifiable cause to spoil the fun she seeks.
Most annoying pet peeve I've had here lately is this arm-chair psychologist bs calling people unhealthy and creepy or literally calling them mentally disabled.
Yo, nobody actually targeted Didi on purpose until she started attacking people. I get that she's a positive and friendly person to be around, but that doesn't mean we should just take it if she starts to get involved in the actual fighting. If she doesn't want to be involved in the fighting, the easiest way is for her to approach one of us and let us know that she's happy to just chill in lessers like she had been doing until very recently and that would be the end of it.
But we all know this furor isn't really about Didi, so let's just pull off the veil and stop using her in your attempts at trying to guilt trip the "good guys".
You get to PK anyone with PK aura. It's not griefing to PK anyone with a PK aura. You don't 'get PK' on a person just because they PK someone you like. You do get to shakefist and saber rattle icly at people no matter what, even about instanced PvP. You get to issue if people take that fight outside of the instanced PvP without properly fishing for pk tokens roleplaying or using pk systems. You get to snub or issue if the shakefisting upsets you or goes too far. No one should feel OOCly bad about attacking an open pk target, but you are also responsible for your own feelings there.
All that said, you're not gonna forum war your way to people not seeing it as a more lawful neutral/lawful evil move. Characters are genuinely defensive of Didi, but if the guilt trip is this effective then Vharen (who views her as an untouchable snack ) might get in on it, no veil at all.
But we all know this furor isn't really about Didi, so let's just pull off the veil and stop using her in your attempts at trying to guilt trip the "good guys".
What is this really about?
¤ Si vis pacem, para bellum. ¤
Someone powerful says, "We're going to have to delete you."
I stumbled into the game during some of this ruckus, and was told that Didi, a spirit player, had run into a Major area yelling 'I'm just here for the elds" or some such, only to be targeted, and blocked in so she couldn't leave even if she tried. I really don't see how spirit can justify targeting her in that situation. I was also told that she had been chased down at one point after managing to leave, which definitely doesn't seem to be in line with what people in this thread have said.
The number of times I, a shadow aligned, have been allowed in for just a milestone or quick thing during a major sort of makes me feel like people are just wanting to be unicorns because it's allowed.
I don't know Didi's player. I've interacted with Didi ICly now and then, and often see and hear about what she's done. Most often she gives things to people to make them happy or stronger, just because she can, and it doesn't matter which side they are on. If you haven't experienced her ICly, I recommend giving her a chance. I know people often use what they see on forums as an excuse to stumble into people ICly, so try that instead of claiming ignorance on an IC level.
Edit: rephrased to be a little less aggro
I'm not that involved in the OOC commuity of aetolia I tend to stick to game stuff.
A lot of people spirit and shadow seem to be very annoyed with people attacking Didi at all when they show up to conflict events.
Can someone explain to me in simple terms why? I really do not understand the situation it seems and a lot of people in this thread are making vague references to handicaps in the forums?
Can someone just tell me what the deal is? I'm starting to feel a bit lost here.
(Illuminai): Saltz says, "Moxie is just doing the Moxie thing to do, often misinterpreted."
(Tells): Sir Iames Gallant, the Executioner tells you, "The one Illuminai beyond prayer, I swear."
Valingar: "How could a daughter of me, the most noble man in the south, be so heartless?"
(Tells): Haven Locke, Illuminai Khimaira tells you, "Be that as it may, I've also seen the strength in you. You can take care of yourself."
If she hits you, fucking take it. If she wants an eld, fucking let her have it. Ylem isn't such a big deal that you can't let the immortal vermin killer get a few elds. If she shows up to orrery and wants to hold onto the globe for a minute, let her. It's not like the orrery is such a big deal that you can't take a few minutes to allow Didi to have some fun and entertainment.
Yeah, there's a mix of OOC with IC, but Didi legitimately just wants everyone to have fun in the game (including her). There's multiple avenues to have fun. ALL OF YOU can take a minute and let her do some fancy stuff she's never been involved in before or maybe wants to enjoy. Even if she -does- roll with Shadow to a lesser/major, leave her alone because she's just there for moral support and fun.
While there are open pk zones, which I would otherwise be all for supporting slaughtering every single person in the game. All ya'll need to leave Didi alone. It doesn't make you look good at all to target a player who generally is the Aetolia Bastion of Goodness and Positivity.
Didi is friendly carebear.
Friendly carebear got PK'd at PK events.
People gave tsk tsks.
Tsks tsks make people sad.
It's not *wrong* to attack her at PK events, but it's also not wrong to get IC flak for it. Don't think there's anything wrong with hardliners being ready to kill a more neutral person, but the jeers are part of it. It's not 'griefing' if anyone has implied that, and I don't think anyone should feel personally guilty for a reasonable roleplay/pk decision. I, for one, would also pk Didi for the memes and rage, but I think Shadow would be more likely to eat me
alive.From what I've seen, some of the posts here have been more upsetting to her than dying at the PK events, with the rest being the normal levels of irritation for PK situations ("i died, dying sucks, argh, moving on").
(Web): Abhorash says, "Nerds."
(Web): Abhorash has left your web.
Alela's Affirmations
I get that everybody loves Didi and all. She's real friendly and cool. She and I just had a very brief (4 tells) chat, even, because I think she got the impression I'm cool with her being PKed or want to PK her or even enjoy the notion of people causing her grief. I really don't. That's not representative of me. I have never gone out of my way to kill non-participants.
But I also don't appreciate people using the clear parasocial relationship everyone has with her to make trouble they can derive enjoyment from. It's fucking pathetic. Cut it out. Just make your own trouble. It's really not hard.
Do you want to be the dude that is in the news for killing someone who touched a celebrity's hand or do you want to be someone who is in the news for doing something not blatantly creepy and odd?
This community is unfuckingreal.
- Orrery is uncontested and Spirit is sitting on the mountaintop with the orb. Didi enters Scidve for whatever reason and someone decides to leave the Spirit group and lynch/noose Didi cause technically Scidve is open PK. That's hunting her down.
- A Major's phases have been completed and Spirit has gone into the Big Eld zone to fight the super mob. Didi enters the area. Leaving the group (or stopping enroute to the super mob) to turn around and go noose Didi. That's hunting her down.
Those aren't mistakes. I don't believe the person in question is trying to make her gameplay miserable and is just playing the game by its rules. That's perfectly fine but I don't have to like it.With that said though, If we're going to go by the absolute letter of the law, I just want you all to remember what you said in this thread when your non coms that try to step foot in the fracture, vortex, or tap foci are getting deleted repeatedly just because "we can".
A lot of combatants on both sides show restraint in these situations and I don't think that's a bad thing. If that's going away though, I think a lot of you advocating for an 'anything goes in aura' mentality are going to be very unhappy with the result.
There are a lot of assumptions going on in this discussion, and none of them are healthy, fun, or particularly worried about what the person in question might feel about the matter. If you're worried about how Didi feels about this stuff, reach out to her. If she's upset, she can reach out to the people who she perceives as griefing her, if she feels that way, and I am sure they can be talked to. If they react badly, she can reach to the admin, to others, and I am sure this can be resolved.
It's a game, fights happen, sometimes players go overboard or act mean. I've seen players in this thread talking about this while also rezzing enemy newbies with auto-accept in order to kill them again. Come on guys. This is a person we're talking about.
Maybe we're being too defensive of her, but when she's clearly shown she's just out to enjoy aspects of the game where she can without being too much of a bother... I don't know. As much as we might niggle at her choice to step into open PK zones when aura = can kill! It is in Didi's roleplay to hope that she can enjoy or do the things she wants with some hope that it doesn't give people justifiable cause to spoil the fun she seeks.
But we all know this furor isn't really about Didi, so let's just pull off the veil and stop using her in your attempts at trying to guilt trip the "good guys".
It's not griefing to PK anyone with a PK aura.
You don't 'get PK' on a person just because they PK someone you like.
You do get to shakefist and saber rattle icly at people no matter what, even about instanced PvP.
You get to issue if people take that fight outside of the instanced PvP without properly
fishing for pk tokensroleplaying or using pk systems.You get to snub or issue if the shakefisting upsets you or goes too far.
No one should feel OOCly bad about attacking an open pk target, but you are also responsible for your own feelings there.
All that said, you're not gonna forum war your way to people not seeing it as a more lawful neutral/lawful evil move. Characters are genuinely defensive of Didi, but if the guilt trip is this effective then Vharen (who views her as an untouchable snack
spirit has decided to not welcome me that's fine
The number of times I, a shadow aligned, have been allowed in for just a milestone or quick thing during a major sort of makes me feel like people are just wanting to be unicorns because it's allowed.
I don't know Didi's player. I've interacted with Didi ICly now and then, and often see and hear about what she's done. Most often she gives things to people to make them happy or stronger, just because she can, and it doesn't matter which side they are on. If you haven't experienced her ICly, I recommend giving her a chance. I know people often use what they see on forums as an excuse to stumble into people ICly, so try that instead of claiming ignorance on an IC level.