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  • Seurimas said:

    Maybe add a confirmation when you go to SECT ACCEPT a spar with someone you've beaten 5 times already. So, you SECT ACCEPT, it says "You're about to spar a frequent conquest of yours. The benefits of victory will be less. SECT ACCEPT CONFIRM to continue with this spar."
    Something along these lines was my original idea and would probably work as well.
  • edited July 2020
    Edit: Apparently someone thinks this is off topic, so I'll make the suggestion in a formal idea in-game instead.
  • AxiusAxius where I am
    edited July 2020
    I appreciate that you can check your style appearances by the scroll type... but how about an inverse on the style list where instead of doing STYLE [style] VIEW, you can do STYLE [skill] VIEW? So instead of having to go STYLE LIST and scroll down my list of styles and hope to guess which ones are tied to my skills, I can do STYLE CRUX VIEW and I get a list of the styles I have learned for the Archivist Crux skill in one list.

    It'd make it a lot easier for someone like me who's style list looks like this:

    To decide what I wanna use for my hunting skills. (Fun fact, excluding the friendly scrolls, most of my style scrolls ARE for Crux. And it just gets tedious firing off small variations of the same command across 6-7 different styles to figure out which ones I wanna use.)
  • Allow us to put locks on books/journals.
  • KerocKeroc A small cupboardAdministrator, Immortal
    Iazamat said:

    Allow us to put locks on books/journals.

    I liked this one, so now you can ATTACH locks to journals. But only journals!
  • SibattiSibatti Mamba dur Naya Amidst vibrant flora and trees
    Level 2 and 3 Flowerpot, incorporating all of the cool new flowers that have been added over the years.

    I'm about to tradein my flowerpot because all of the new flowers are better!!
  • RhyotRhyot Bloodloch
    Can we get the ability to do QUOTA LAST, QUOTA LOG, QUOTA SUMMARY from anywhere in the game??

    We can already READLOG /ORG/ from anywhere. This would be no different.

  • MacavityMacavity Chicago, Il
    Sibatti said:

    Level 2 and 3 Flowerpot, incorporating all of the cool new flowers that have been added over the years.

    I'm about to tradein my flowerpot because all of the new flowers are better!!

    where do you get the new flowers from?
    “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
    Nothing is going to get better. It's not.” 
    ― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

    Veritas says, "Sorry for breaking your system Macavity."
    Veritas says, "My boss fights crash Macavity's computer now."
  • I only just realized a referendum had been going on for a few days because somebody specifically brought it up in conversation. On login any of the initial text at the very beginning of the buffer (including the text that gives you heads up that you didn't vote yet) is usually flooded out by the immediate application of firstaid defenses, milestone notifications, etc.

    It would be really awesome if the "You have referendums/elections to vote in" line was delayed a bit upon logging in, just so that it increases the odds of actually being seen. I feel like that change would ultimately result in more election/referendum participation since they wouldn't be so easily flying under the radar. Bonus points if they're highlighted a little bit too.
  • TekiasTekias Wisconsin
    Either delayed, or on a repeat loop like the 'vote for us' reminder until you vote for all available elections/referendums
    Formerly: Spiegel. Eidycue.


  • Also, potential little goldsink:

    A merchant in Esterport that you can pay to remove the "It bears the distinctive mark of X" line from items you've made, for those of us trying to do some clandestine missions. Could either replace it with a generic "You cannot discern the item's creator" line, or copy the Syssin forge skill functionality to make it look like somebody else made it.
  • My idea is simple, and I think it'll be pretty near-unanimously supported: address the outcry and revert last night's changes.
    (Congregation): Iosyne says, "I made a cup."

    Horkval are a feature...
  • Tiur couldn't even be bothered to address concerns/feedback after his re-ruling on aura, so...
  • Well if you ignore problems long enough they'll just go away.
    Copperhead of the Third Spoke says to you, "Intelligence matrix in moniker Bulrok reveals above average results when compared alongside proximal presence."
  • i was going for 'annoying/cute'... you guys made it a bit too real...
    (Congregation): Iosyne says, "I made a cup."

    Horkval are a feature...
  • edited July 2020
    Hi I'm Hawa. JiGiTyJiG

  • Ehtias said:

    Hi I'm Hawa

    Not enough caps. And you're missing the jigs.
  • With the proliferation of special exits and with the in game maps being so prevalent now the SECRETS skill seems to have lost it's purpose. Using SECRETS should give you a hint towards any special exits in the room. I don't think it should tell you exactly how to use it, but it should just draw your attention to the item/mob/feature that activates the special exit.


    You take a breath, mentally preparing yourself to sweep the room for hidden exits.
    You notice something odd about "an iron maiden"
  • TiurTiur Producer
    That would be kinda neat! The problem is that there's no 'good' way to do that... I'll have to think about it! If I can come up with a method, I'm not opposed. (The same code language that makes the iron maiden a secret entrance also makes mobs talk, so short of a smart algorithm, it's hard to think of a way to get code to know the difference)
  • Tiur said:

    That would be kinda neat! The problem is that there's no 'good' way to do that... I'll have to think about it! If I can come up with a method, I'm not opposed. (The same code language that makes the iron maiden a secret entrance also makes mobs talk, so short of a smart algorithm, it's hard to think of a way to get code to know the difference)

    I know very little about coding. I was thinking you would just add a flag in the room to make note if the skill was used, but I'm guessing that would be very labour intensive to go in and add a flag for each special exit in the game.
  • AxiusAxius where I am
    edited July 2020
    It sounds like it'd be an easy fix if you hook the SECRETS command not to a flag of each special exit, but to the fact that an object moves you. It creates a weird quirk of it triggering off of NPCs like that guy in Djeir who physically moves you into the arena to fight that giant spider thing, but aside from those quirks, it should track to any code that basically says "if player interacts with X, move player to [coords]" type code.. if that's how its done. Mind, I'm a codemonkey who's not seen Rapture code in its raw format yet, so I can only guess at it working maybe like code I -have- seen.

    Edit: Removing > and < from my message
  • edited July 2020

    Starts moving immediately like PATH TRACK while also using the identified skill. I know this is fairly easily accomplished using an alias so not exactly a priority, but it would be a nice QOL improvement.
  • MacavityMacavity Chicago, Il
    can we add ap info files to the helpedit ?? or is that already an option? Some of the artifact AP files could use some attention or some better ways to explain what they do, how to use them, and what you need to do to use them (ie wear, hold, attach to item)
    “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
    Nothing is going to get better. It's not.” 
    ― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

    Veritas says, "Sorry for breaking your system Macavity."
    Veritas says, "My boss fights crash Macavity's computer now."
  • A Wayfarer lodge set up somewhere neutral. Staffed by NPC's. Maybe a quest attached to it.
  • Stigandr said:

    A Wayfarer lodge set up somewhere neutral. Staffed by NPC's. Maybe a quest attached to it.


    At the very least have Hemold give some unique dialogue for other Wayfarers when he meets them. I couldn't get a word out of him (though I may have just been unable to find his dialogue triggers).
  • @Tiur we can haz cheeseburger lodge for wayfarers now?
  • StigandrStigandr v5735
    edited September 2020
    Small idea - The Eastern Ithmia is full of white stags.

    Please fix this sausage fest of stag and increase the locations overall immersion by generating and releasing some female doe to counterpart the stags.

    Besides......it should have been like that anyway.

    What are all those male stags doing to pass the time?
  • Gay stag party
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