Chakrasul, Goddess of Corruption has invited you to join the Divine Order of Chakrasul, Goddess of Corruption and awaits a response. AGREE if you wish to join the order.
Chakrasul grants you entrance into Her Order. Congratulations!
(Chosen): Chakrasul says, "Welcome, My Scholar, home."
This has been one of my major goals since coming to Aetolia, and having it be done by Chakrasul Herself was probably one of the most surprising and happiest moments for me thus far.
Playing Achaea for over ten years, I never thought I would pick up another IRE game when I retired from the game. I was done with the drama, headache and baggage that came with playing Achaea for so long. So imagine my lack of optimism when a close friend just suggested I pick up the game for the roleplay at the very least. "Give it an honest shot!"
Well, over one hundred and fifty RL days later here I am, still playing, and enjoying things far more than I ever thought I would. I really wanted to shout out some people in Ahly's life that really brought her to life.
@Chakrasul being the obvious One to start off with. Ahly was actually to follow her mother's footsteps and join Tanixalthas, since she saw little reason for someone of her personality to join or even attempt embracing Corruption. Things (obviously) changed and all the interactions meant a great deal, especially when my interest was wavering due to IRL and IC situations. Don't tell any of the Achaean Gods, but You have been One of the most interesting Gods I've had the pleasures of interacting with!
@Arbre Gone but not forgotten. I planned on making Ahly have no ties entirely so that I could drop the game at any point since I had no plans to play another IRE game seriously. Welp, you scooped Ahly up when I didn't know where to hunt or how to use liquidcache or anything. She was an excellent role model and your departure even hit the poor emotionless Ahly pretty hard. She'll do her best to make the Aquila line proud!
@Mjoll You're definitely the biker aunt who has lots of tattoos, piercings, and knocks on my parent's doors unexpectedly to bring your favourite niece a gift and then probably let me have my first cigarette five years too early. Mjoll has been an incredibly positive influence for Ahly and you have helped me with a ton of things regarding Aetolia and the difficult transition I had initially. She has found and placed a great deal of trust in the Commander, usually turning to MJ for advice.
@Elene Grandmother! If MJ is the biker aunt, you are the witch in the woods that is totally related to my family's bloodline but no one talks about you anymore because you are too creepy. But then Elene shows up to the family reunion uninvited and takes Ahly Mother Gothel style and quite literally Corrupts her! Our RP has been limited but every small interaction was another step for Ahly to start her descent. She will probably never admit it, but she looks forwards to when Elene wakes up or seeks her out specifically. Just not for the whale. Hard pass.
@Qelres It's interesting how we met! I was still a bit dependent on Arbre for the first year of Ahly's life, but Qelres was there time and time again. It gave me someone new to roleplay with and figure out how to contrast respectfully with someone who held optimism. Then something(!) happened and now they're almost like worst enemies! It's like the cool action animes where they totally insult the other one but aren't full out attacking one another at every moment, but you're waiting for the inevitable breaking point and something to go down. I dunno, I look forward to the interactions and who can almost 'one up' the other one without seeming blatantly rude.
@Bulrok You do not play too much anymore for reasons out of your control, but you were also such a presence in my initial settling of the game. I couldn't really do much without you and all your assistance in getting me set up. Combat advice, combat guidance, and just being a great cheerleader for all my PK attempts.
@Akaryuterra Helped me and Ahly understand Archivist lore, especially with Ahly being an initial presence for the Archivists during the super dead phase of the guild and everyone kept talking to me about the Cabalists. Your writing is amazing, and there was no one in Achaea who ever played a split personally ((that I met) wasn't some newbie being super loud and snowflake-y about it). Situations have split Ahly and Akar/Ryo apart, but you were a big influence on helping Ahly be able to speak comfortably on the Spheres. Also play that guitar again.
@Azami ABANDONED. My combat mentor and someone Ahly respected a great deal. You were the first one to speak of corruption and that despite Ahly's general boredom with the world and distaste of emotions, that corruption was a piece of everyone. Your sheer skill in PK, the way you spoke of Corruption and RP'd Avarice was always interesting at the very least. I know inevitably you will end up back in Shadow tether at some point. But I miss 'Zami now dangit!
@Swara Swara has been one of the few people to have Ahly's mental barrier break down for them. The recent RP has been incredibly fun to RP out as someone who could probably fit right in with the Borg and I totally love the raccoon form. The experimentation and exploring a new side of Ahly has helped me develop her and consider what she does out of the library now that she has someone dragging her around to hunt, quest, and get some fame lines!
@Naos We have not interacted much, but I wanted to give you a special place for the interactions Ahly and Naos have. I thought Qelres would be her opposite, but I think Ahly has formally decided that Naos takes that place now. Since they are both in the same Order it will be great to interact a lot more and just have that generally awkward energy to work with and roleplay with!
@Tiur / @Keroc (buffarchivistnerftorcokthanks) / @The Pools I try to throw my esteem up there when I can. You guys do a lot of thankless work, but I try to ensure that you do get thanked even if I do not personally get to see what is being done. Thank you all for volunteering your time and energy physically and mentally to deal with us needy players. I cannot thank you all enough that the transition from Achaea to Aetolia has been near seamless. I'm loving my time here and always look forward to logging in, which honestly always feels weird because I never thought I would capture that feeling from an IRE game again.
@Abhorash@Menelaus@Rebra@Callidora and Vaytor (not on the forums!) made tonight a heck of a whole lot of fun. You can expect my log tomorrow of me getting to do a lot more in a fixer-upper than I thought I'd get to, and plenty of folks in the Dominion playing along and getting to help out on the final product. Remember: when in doubt, pinkies out.
@Elene Grandmother! If MJ is the biker aunt, you are the witch in the woods that is totally related to my family's bloodline but no one talks about you anymore because you are too creepy. But then Elene shows up to the family reunion uninvited and takes Ahly Mother Gothel style and quite literally Corrupts her! Our RP has been limited but every small interaction was another step for Ahly to start her descent. She will probably never admit it, but she looks forwards to when Elene wakes up or seeks her out specifically. Just not for the whale. Hard pass.
Me? Creepy? I'm glad you decided to stick around. Aetolia isn't the easiest to get into, especially when you're so used to the systems and structure of Achaea. I didn't actually intend to bring Ahlysaaria down into Corruption, but things do happen to develop that way, and I'm glad that you've found such satisfaction in exploring this part of your character's development. I promise we'll RP when we can! I've just been so busy IG and OOC!
SibattiMamba dur NayaAmidst vibrant flora and trees
I mean. I could see @Sibatti jumping in on a pyramid scheme...
Hey all you cool cats and kittens💅💋 did you know 🔍✏️ that you can make 5 BILLION gold 💵💰💲💲💲 from YOUR HAVEN🏘 every SEASON ⌚️ by simply joining MY team 👩🏻👫👬👭👨👨👧👦 and selling this AMAZING ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 product???? All you have to do 👄♥️👀 is ROLEPLAY with lots of people that you have ONE 🖕 or TWO ✌️ mutual allies with 👉👌💦 or message people you haven’t talked to in AT LEAST five ✋ years, saying 🤠 “hey fatty!! You’re looking ugly af since hitting endgame!! How you been, girl?!!!!!??!!! 💕💕💕 Do you want to buy my anabiotic, or my pills 🌈 you lil minx 😍😘😜?? Message me for more info 😩😎😎👌 holla!!! Xoxoxoxo”
I LOVEEE my (3) pink unicorns and I took my FAMILY of 38 DUR NAYA to ALEXINA'S ISLAND not once, not twice, but THIRTEEN TIMES this past week ALONE!!!! I also literally cured myself of EIGHT different kinds of VOYRIA. THIS COULD BE YOU!!!!! BUY A STARTER KIT AT NO COST TO YOU EXCEPT 500 CREDITS!!!
Also, cheers @Oonagh already creating an ad for my new boss babe venture.
I'm not sure who is supposed to receive this love, or if it's even deserved, but it seems like the main website has had a change of visual theme? I like classic references (knifegirl) while putting up new graphic flavor. How long has it been loaded?
I wanna take credit for finding the high enough rez version of knifegirl for it to be used on the website again! Was weirdly on the old twitter account!!! Thank you for allowing this flex.
I dunno if anyone else ever just sits back and just chills out for it. but I our little farming tools. I rather enjoy being able to just take time to hang out on my character's farms. I reduce the amount of time by not doing watering (THANKS WATERSPRITE. YOU MAKE MY LIFE SO MUCH EASIER), but I find that I enjoy just going through my farm, harvesting cotton and hemp and petting my calves on the head, hugging my chicken and my sheep, and just making things all nice. And I always find time to give my watersprite a headpat! (I almost wish I had a better mental image capability because I can understand what it looks like, but I can't form the image in my head. 'cause if I could, I'd probably try to sew a plush watersprite for my desk)
I'm glad that I ended up coding in a double-elimination bracket, because I've really been enjoying the Duel events I've hosted. I spend something like a week total getting it coded, because the algorithm to drop people into losers bracket without setting up repeat fights is a lot harder to puzzle out then you'd expect.
I think I may actually like it more then Sect in terms of competitive competition, so I intend on trying to host them somewhat more regularly. Not to say I think Sect is a bad thing, but it certainly has its faults. Great for practice and learning though.
So basically I've been loving the Duel. Hope you guys have enjoyed it too!
Thank you for being a breath of fresh air Kales, @Drystin, @Validan, Desi, @Moxie, @Marin, @Haven. You have really lifted me up during my quarantine days and I love you all for that. Xo
This isn't so much a 'love' as it is a 'props' post, but props to @Macavity@Aros@Ere, @Rijetta (and, given the frequency of cookies handed out, I'm assuming @Kyna ) for that grueling Survivor game early this morning. I went back through my log to see how long it went since I have my local time in my prompt. From event start to RIjetta exit (leaving Aros and Macavity) was 56 minutes 50 seconds. Then Aros went a further 20 minutes 56 seconds before finally losing to Macavity. Holy. Hells. No wonder Ere needed a nap after.
Oops! Busted by the cookies! But seriously, I had a lot of fun with the events and just to offer a bit of insight as to why it went EXTRA long, part way through the Survivor Game, we noticed some of the spawns would take a nap to regain their health immediately on entry, so they didn’t go looking for targets! We had a good laugh and fixed it, but I have to tip my hat to everyone’s endurance.
Slyphe for the duck bill curse for slaying Enorian's ducks by accident.
It was a creative curse instead of an enemy status for fowl murder, though I wouldn't have been upset with such an enemy status -- I would've given Enorian a look for it, but that's about all.
While my character was a frothing ball of angry batduck noises, know that I was laughing the entire time behind the screen while at work. Thank you.
Loved that absolute slobberknocker of a lesser earlier that went on for over 90 minutes and recorded 189 kills between Spirit, Shadow and that goddamn block of 40ish eld that ended up wiping members of both sides a few times and actually accounted for 20% of the deaths.
This isn't so much a 'love' as it is a 'props' post, but props to @Macavity@Aros@Ere, @Rijetta (and, given the frequency of cookies handed out, I'm assuming @Kyna ) for that grueling Survivor game early this morning. I went back through my log to see how long it went since I have my local time in my prompt. From event start to RIjetta exit (leaving Aros and Macavity) was 56 minutes 50 seconds. Then Aros went a further 20 minutes 56 seconds before finally losing to Macavity. Holy. Hells. No wonder Ere needed a nap after.
Absolute love for @Galilei too. Been there through some rough times and has helped him stay mindful of things.
@Ayuna@Iosyne Have been massive supporters in most everything he does (Specifically in the rules of Spidermom having an impact on all his choices, and the occasional little bits of RP), even when Ayu casually tells him to be himself then swats him on the nose with a newspaper and tells him to behave in the same breath.
All the staff up at the Savvy Serpent of course. So what, @Savas and @Ephi I think. @Saidenn too. He's there often enough.
I'm sure I missed a few people but I'm at work and typing fast.
Yep, forgot one. @Martinaux has to get the love. Without her initial influences and how everything went between the two of them, Ardent wouldn't be who he is today.
It’s funny, we often talk about how thankless being a volunteer can really be, but sometimes we don’t express our love for the community, either. So thank you, guys, for genuinely being one of the best IRE communities. Your passion and care for the game oozes in almost every action.
Players and staff may not always see eye-to-eye, and sometimes we don’t fully understand one another, but you’re absolutely amazing.
Thanks. I love this community and every member who makes it what it is.
of Corruption and awaits a response.
AGREE if you wish to join the order.
Chakrasul grants you entrance into Her Order. Congratulations!
(Chosen): Chakrasul says, "Welcome, My Scholar, home."
This has been one of my major goals since coming to Aetolia, and having it be done by Chakrasul Herself was probably one of the most surprising and happiest moments for me thus far.
Playing Achaea for over ten years, I never thought I would pick up another IRE game when I retired from the game. I was done with the drama, headache and baggage that came with playing Achaea for so long. So imagine my lack of optimism when a close friend just suggested I pick up the game for the roleplay at the very least. "Give it an honest shot!"
Well, over one hundred and fifty RL days later here I am, still playing, and enjoying things far more than I ever thought I would. I really wanted to shout out some people in Ahly's life that really brought her to life.
@Chakrasul being the obvious One to start off with. Ahly was actually to follow her mother's footsteps and join Tanixalthas, since she saw little reason for someone of her personality to join or even attempt embracing Corruption. Things (obviously) changed and all the interactions meant a great deal, especially when my interest was wavering due to IRL and IC situations. Don't tell any of the Achaean Gods, but You have been One of the most interesting Gods I've had the pleasures of interacting with!
@Arbre Gone but not forgotten.
@Mjoll You're definitely the biker aunt who has lots of tattoos, piercings, and knocks on my parent's doors unexpectedly to bring your favourite niece a gift and then probably let me have my first cigarette five years too early.
@Elene Grandmother! If MJ is the biker aunt, you are the witch in the woods that is totally related to my family's bloodline but no one talks about you anymore because you are too creepy. But then Elene shows up to the family reunion uninvited and takes Ahly Mother Gothel style and quite literally Corrupts her! Our RP has been limited but every small interaction was another step for Ahly to start her descent. She will probably never admit it, but she looks forwards to when Elene wakes up or seeks her out specifically. Just not for the whale. Hard pass.
@Qelres It's interesting how we met! I was still a bit dependent on Arbre for the first year of Ahly's life, but Qelres was there time and time again. It gave me someone new to roleplay with and figure out how to contrast respectfully with someone who held optimism. Then something(!) happened and now they're almost like worst enemies! It's like the cool action animes where they totally insult the other one but aren't full out attacking one another at every moment, but you're waiting for the inevitable breaking point and something to go down. I dunno, I look forward to the interactions and who can almost 'one up' the other one without seeming blatantly rude.
@Bulrok You do not play too much anymore for reasons out of your control, but you were also such a presence in my initial settling of the game. I couldn't really do much without you and all your assistance in getting me set up. Combat advice, combat guidance, and just being a great cheerleader for all my PK attempts.
@Akaryuterra Helped me and Ahly understand Archivist lore, especially with Ahly being an initial presence for the Archivists during the super dead phase of the guild and everyone kept talking to me about the Cabalists. Your writing is amazing, and there was no one in Achaea who ever played a split personally ((that I met) wasn't some newbie being super loud and snowflake-y about it). Situations have split Ahly and Akar/Ryo apart, but you were a big influence on helping Ahly be able to speak comfortably on the Spheres. Also play that guitar again.
@Azami ABANDONED. My combat mentor and someone Ahly respected a great deal. You were the first one to speak of corruption and that despite Ahly's general boredom with the world and distaste of emotions, that corruption was a piece of everyone. Your sheer skill in PK, the way you spoke of Corruption and RP'd Avarice was always interesting at the very least. I know inevitably you will end up back in Shadow tether at some point. But I miss 'Zami now dangit!
@Swara Swara has been one of the few people to have Ahly's mental barrier break down for them. The recent RP has been incredibly fun to RP out as someone who could probably fit right in with the Borg and I totally love the raccoon form. The experimentation and exploring a new side of Ahly has helped me develop her and consider what she does out of the library now that she has someone dragging her around to hunt, quest, and get some fame lines!
@Naos We have not interacted much, but I wanted to give you a special place for the interactions Ahly and Naos have. I thought Qelres would be her opposite, but I think Ahly has formally decided that Naos takes that place now. Since they are both in the same Order it will be great to interact a lot more and just have that generally awkward energy to work with and roleplay with!
@Tiur / @Keroc (buffarchivistnerftorcokthanks) / @The Pools I try to throw my esteem up there when I can. You guys do a lot of thankless work, but I try to ensure that you do get thanked even if I do not personally get to see what is being done. Thank you all for volunteering your time and energy physically and mentally to deal with us needy players. I cannot thank you all enough that the transition from Achaea to Aetolia has been near seamless. I'm loving my time here and always look forward to logging in, which honestly always feels weird because I never thought I would capture that feeling from an IRE game again.
I could keep going but I feel this really captured my last almost 4 IG years effectively. Cheers to everyone I've interacted with and hopefully I have not missed anyone too important!
Thanks to everyone else for being part of the game and making Aetolia a great game to transition to!
I LOVEEE my (3) pink unicorns and I took my FAMILY of 38 DUR NAYA to ALEXINA'S ISLAND not once, not twice, but THIRTEEN TIMES this past week ALONE!!!! I also literally cured myself of EIGHT different kinds of VOYRIA. THIS COULD BE YOU!!!!! BUY A STARTER KIT AT NO COST TO YOU EXCEPT 500 CREDITS!!!
Also, cheers @Oonagh already creating an ad for my new boss babe venture.
OH MY GOD....I just burst into laughter in my office and my staff all just turned and looked at me.
People at this pub are looking at me in all the strange ways right now, and I swear I'm not drunk enough for that!
Kjell need a bulk order of soap to get juice stains out of things. Does Aetolia have OxiClean?
I am very excited that some people are interested in my baking contest and I hope the blind recipe will be very fun to interact over!
Probably listening to this.
I think I may actually like it more then Sect in terms of competitive competition, so I intend on trying to host them somewhat more regularly. Not to say I think Sect is a bad thing, but it certainly has its faults. Great for practice and learning though.
So basically I've been loving the Duel. Hope you guys have enjoyed it too!
You have slain Menelaus.
Time stamps:
Start: 02:17:25:729 (0:00)
@Calendre : 02:25:49:174 (6:24)
@Sryaen : 02:30:43:391 (13:18)
@Mahar : 02:31:04:755 (13:49)
@Menelaus : 02:33:25:649 (16:00)
@Rhexx : 02:34:35:148 (17:10)
@Ephi : 02:34:49:461 (17:24)
@Cameryn : 02:35:03:929 (17:48)
@Feichin : 02:35:55:094 (18:30)
@Rijetta : 03:14:15:187 (56:50)
@Aros : 03:35:11:165 (1:17:46)
@Macavity : Winner
Srsly, everyone involved did well enough for your typical Survivor game, well done, but you three at the bottom...take your bow.
Thank you for the fun.
It was a creative curse instead of an enemy status for fowl murder, though I wouldn't have been upset with such an enemy status -- I would've given Enorian a look for it, but that's about all.
While my character was a frothing ball of angry batduck noises, know that I was laughing the entire time behind the screen while at work. Thank you.
@Nisavi - please....
Me right now.
Nothing is going to get better. It's not.”
― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax
Absolute love for @Galilei too. Been there through some rough times and has helped him stay mindful of things.
@Ayuna @Iosyne Have been massive supporters in most everything he does (Specifically in the rules of Spidermom having an impact on all his choices, and the occasional little bits of RP), even when Ayu casually tells him to be himself then swats him on the nose with a newspaper and tells him to behave in the same breath.
All the staff up at the Savvy Serpent of course. So what, @Savas and @Ephi I think. @Saidenn too. He's there often enough.
I'm sure I missed a few people but I'm at work and typing fast.
Yep, forgot one. @Martinaux has to get the love. Without her initial influences and how everything went between the two of them, Ardent wouldn't be who he is today.