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    In less caps lock, it was entirely possible for Tai to have a terrible, rotten day full of bad thoughts and self-loathing (because of awesome roleplay from some Spirit-side folks), but Tekias pulled him out of his stupor long enough to notice Omei popping in. And that made things go from awful to awesome so quickly. There'll be a log up later (sans the interrogation at the sermon, because that sadly fell out of my buffer), thank you all for the fun!

    Oh, and thank you to @Rebra for making the painting item for me and getting it through the Crafter's Guild on my behalf. <3<3
  • My new custom beast came in, and even though I've been looking forward to it and building an appropriate amount of hype for myself, I still managed to not be prepared for how much I love Caihong. Thank you to the admin who made him for me (and did great on the transformation), and for @Tekias, @Oemeria, and everyone else who's had fun puzzling out where in the world the creature could have possibly come from. Having a second thing in the room to respond back to my solo RP really makes it feel more in-depth, even if it's still just me in the end. :love:
  • TeaniTeani Shadow Mistress Sweden
    This felt satisfying:

    You have completed the SHAFTFIFTEEN_CAVEIN quest!
    Your city, Spinesreach has received 1200 ylem from you completing the quest.
    You have received 1000 gold sovereigns for completing the quest.
    Experience Gained: 25320 (Quest) [total: 14627987]
    [Milestones]: You have completed your DAILY milestone for 'Complete your daily ylem mine scenario.'!
    You have received a bronze keystone!
    [Milestones]: You have completed your WEEKLY milestone for 'Complete 4 daily milestones this week.'!
    You have received a silver keystone!
    [Milestones]: You have completed your MONTHLY milestone for 'Complete all weekly milestones this
    You have received a golden keystone!
    [Milestones]: You have completed credit milestone #64: Finish your monthly milestone!
    [Milestones]: You have completed credit milestone #63: Finish your weekly milestone!
    [Milestones]: You have completed credit milestone #62: Finish your daily milestone!
    [Milestones]: You have completed credit milestone #40: Complete your ylem mine scenario!

  • SibattiSibatti Mamba dur Naya Amidst vibrant flora and trees
    After opening up this thread and reading just now, I just wanna say what a gem @Taiyang is for the immense amount of positivity posted to this thread (not only once but three posts in a row) and that it cheered me up immensely. I also love how much I see them posting in the #rp-logs channel in the Aetolian Discord. I know we don't really talk but thank you for being such a bright spot.
  • I love the Dominion and the hilarity that ensues due to the different personalities at play.
  • TeaniTeani Shadow Mistress Sweden
    I am posting this in the Love thread, even though that was far from the feeling I felt when I woke up this morning and stepped out of my bedroom. 

    For those who haven't met or heard of him, this is Adley, my almost 10 months old Savannah cat, who is absolutely nuts about toilet paper (or any kind of paper on a roll, really).

    I had accidentally left a new roll of tp out on the washing machine last night. Guess who found it? This is only part of the end results of his all-night party. You can see the naked roll in there, as he'd done his absolute best to strip it down and shred all the paper into as tiny pieces as possible.

    For all of those out there who in any way took part in the recent hoarding behaviour brought on by Covid-19, just look at this and try to understand the utter dismay of rushing to the local store only to find nothing but empty shelves. Granted, the stores have caught up with things now, so that's not a problem anymore (thank goodness).

    I do love my boys, though. They can be so adorable, especially when they sleep.

  • Such elegant and beautiful creatures. Mine just like a well-risen dough.

  • chonky
  • edited April 2020
    Only just came back for under a month so far, and I'm getting back into the groove of things and having all the fun that I've always considered as part of Aetolia's charm.

    I'm going to list people who has left some impression on me, and has continued to tempt me into following the thread of roleplay wherever it ends up:

    @Tetchta, @Mjoll, @Zaila (I still need to catch up with you :D), @Axius, @Xavin, @Lexen, @Benedicto, @Hawa, @Qelres, @Amrit, @Zhukov, @Aeryx (I didn't forget you!)

    Special mention to @Keroc for allowing me to dump Tetch's useless figurines into your hands. Also for joining me in several games of Farkle when I asked for fun.

    And of course, love must be expressed to @Chakrasul, because you're still here and I trust you to always keeps things interesting!

    Last but not least, @Nisavi, I'm coming for you, bad bat boi! You can't hide.
  • ""HoW cAn YoU sTaNd ThErE, yOu FaT mErChAnT," Ood, a fat Caentoi merchant mocks you, his squeaking imitation very high-pitched, very inaccurate, and very annoying. A bit of spittle hits your face."
    This made me giggle out loud. The world needs more Ood.
  • TiurTiur Producer
    I have to say, I love when players forgive a weird bug and there's some kickass volunteer in the Pools while I try to fix it.
  • SibattiSibatti Mamba dur Naya Amidst vibrant flora and trees
    +1 to the above.

    I came here to say that I love how much I see people using the THINK command nowadays. It's amazing for so many reasons. I think the one I've been thinking about most lately is that it gives you an avenue to say something unspoken. Even if someone is able to see them, no one can fault you for having thoughts! It's such a neat and creative way to communicate what might be left unsaid.
  • Thoughts are the only place I can be actively not nice to people, and I love to think of @Callidora and @Rebra sitting there biting their lips (using vampire powers to hear the thoughts) and telepathy doing double takes.
  • AxiusAxius where I am
    I <3 the hard work our developers, our producer, and our volunteers are putting in to keep our game running and giving us an outlet to exist in socially in these times where we are uncertain if its safe to go out and some people have trouble not being social butterflies, while others of us *coughcoughmecoughcough* have found their own lifestyle not changing much. But I can appreciate that this might be an outlet that some have because they -can't- go out and be social in the meat space.
  • This might be a bit of an odd Love, but hear me out..

    Back in 2004, an 8yo boy and a 56yo woman was murdered in my home town. Even though the police found the murder weapon and a hat with dna from the murderer, there have been no leads whatsoever since then. Early this morning, after 16 years and with the help of genealogy, a man was arrested and after a few hours of interegation, he admitted to the crimes.
    We still don't know why, but just knowing he is caught after all this time, that the families can finally have some peace... now that's worth a whole lot of Love. The police have never given up on this case and have worked tiredlessly to find out who did it and now, they finally caught him.
  • After reading a recent RP log on the forums, hopping back into the game has been obnoxiously tempting, and I couldn't stop thinking about it. Rather than play my normal character and risk accidentally starting up arcs that might ultimately be left to drop with my favorite people (sorry @Zaila I've done this like 5 times) just in case it turns out more casual playing with limited time is harder than I thought it would be and I slip out again, I made an alt just to poke around and play with.

    Even with limited time, and not many roleplay opportunities yet, I have been having so. much. fun.

    There's so much new stuff that's been added in the past few years since I've stopped playing, so many different and new faces, new features, and a few times I had that almost-magical feeling come back that I used to feel when I first started playing. In addition to the new, there's also so much that's just.. familiar? I guess that's the word. When you've played this game for 13ish+ years (oh my god), I guess that's the best way to put it. There's something that's just so cool about walking into a place I've never seen before on any characters, then going next door and seeing a room that I wrote once upon a time. Looking at this new milestone system that's totally foreign and brand new to me, then seeing occasional milestone tasks in there using things I made literally in high school almost 10 years ago now.

    Just a really cool, (admittedly) kinda sappy feeling, all wrapped up in nostalgia that's also kinda new and unexpected at the same time. Reading old posts and seeing the late middle school/early high school phase of my life represented in Aetolia (for better or worse), late high school and first bits of adulting phase, then transitioning to just-got-into-college version, and now here I am years later at the settling down and starting a family phase of life, and Aetolia's still here. I've genuinely grown up with/in front of a bunch of people still playing today, and that blows my mind a little bit. I'm definitely not the same person I was when I first started playing, or even from just fourish years ago when I stopped, and there's something really cool about getting to see that change introspectively from a totally different angle.

    Y'all rock <3
  • SibattiSibatti Mamba dur Naya Amidst vibrant flora and trees
    edited June 2020
    It's the little things.

  • Woah there, Buffalo Bill. Whatcha doin' with all that lotion?
  • AxiusAxius where I am
    I <3 the RP that @Ayastia and Axius have been having off and on. They're.. growing to be tolerant of each other after what was a rather messy breakup, but they found a place to start professionally as safe grounds, then proceeded to build from there. And Axi's never the sort to completely shut anyone out unless there's absolutely a reason to.
  • SibattiSibatti Mamba dur Naya Amidst vibrant flora and trees
    Sanir said:

    Woah there, Buffalo Bill. Whatcha doin' with all that lotion?

    Becoming the Aetolian Bath & Body Works, duh.
  • BenedictoBenedicto Tentacles Errywhere!
    Sibatti said:

    Becoming the Aetolian Bath & Body Works, duh.
    She's the new Aetolian Avon lady.
  • SibattiSibatti Mamba dur Naya Amidst vibrant flora and trees
    Benedicto said:

    She's the new Aetolian Avon lady.
    I can't believe you'd insult me like that.
  • I mean. I could see @Sibatti jumping in on a pyramid scheme...

  • Xavin said:
    I mean. I could see @Sibatti jumping in on a pyramid scheme...
    It puts the lotion on its skin or it gets no paycheck again! 
  • edited June 2020

    Real talk though: Avon Body Wash smells hella good.
  • Please make Aetolia avon a thing... I would so get in on rp where they wanna set up a meeting and find out what scent is good for me.
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