Regarding vermin, could make sewers actively spawn and maintain vermin-type stuff to kill, rather than spawn the vermin through the setting? It confounded me coming from Imperian to see some sewers so large, but nothing going on in any of them. Not like most people RP in them, unlike city streets.
I am big sad/mad that Praenomen as a class is so useful in group combat and is historically one of the biggest drawing points to Aetolia, but 9/10 combatants refuse to touch it because it involves becoming what is more or less a meme of a subrace. I can't pick the class up without trashing my characters roleplay, and I don't even have any good options to hide it.
This is huge for me. I struggled immensely with the Dominion and had a pretty tough time when I was feeling ostracized - the cure was always right there, but I had tied SO MUCH of my RP up in the subrace of actually being a vampire, including it in my faith and everything. But it finally got to be too much for me, and I cured.
And less than two weeks later they added a 'Quit Dominion' button. And I felt trapped, like I couldn't jsut go back, because I'd already cured, quit the class, and RPed about curing. And now I miss my favorite PK class horribly, and TONS of Shadow's group utility keeps getting locked up in Praenomen, which no one wants to play because of the subrace and the RP surrounding becoming one and being one.
Separate Praenomen from vampire 2020. Please.
A low, sultry voice resounds within the depths of your mind, "I look forward to seeing your descent."
Been a proponent from breaking off Vamp into a subrace since I came back, to be honest, but, man, I literally don't see the administration doing it for the life of me. It'd turn The Dominion essentially into a Subrace Distribution Center (since there's a crap ton of inescapable lore tied up with the orgs) and I don't see it happening.
Genuine question: What's wrong with being a vampire? o.o
¤ Si vis pacem, para bellum. ¤
Someone powerful says, "We're going to have to delete you."
SibattiMamba dur NayaAmidst vibrant flora and trees
Sorry, I don't mean to be a buzzkill, as I love raging about thing as much as anyone -- but wasn't this thread meant to be an OOC chat thing, and not related to ingame stuff?
Tbh, isn't this rants for anything IG or OOC? There's no actual rant thread in Harpy's Head Tavern and I figure the vitriol about stuff IG is still considered an OOC gripe anyway.
That being said, I guess the roleplay consequences to becoming a vampire is more or less the reason why I personally veered so hard away from it. The only time I ever considered going vampire was probably when Ashmer was one, because it logically made roleplay sense. From a character who cherishes power and autonomy, giving someone else control over the blood that flows in your veins feels wrong. I mean I guess there is Vinessa as an option there... But then you do have to go through the Dominion. There's also relationships to cities to look at, and while it does open different roleplay opportunities, it closes certain others (like entry to cities). Mechanics wise: sunlight damage, status change, blood reliance, none of those really bother me I suppose.
PhoeneciaThe Merchant of EsterportSomewhere in Attica
Here's a legitimate OOC rage.
I spent a good portion of my day yesterday wrapping presents and baking a cake for my husband's birthday. Cut to today.
Husband starts feeling some intense abdominal pain after trying to go out and do stuff for his birthday, so we go to the hospital. Ten. Hours. We're there ten hours. Waiting. Getting tests done. Talking to nurses. Talking to doctors. And at the end of it all? Nothing. They can't find anything wrong. And they only comment they make? 'Oh, you're blood sugar is a little high'.
I spent a good portion of my day yesterday wrapping presents and baking a cake for my husband's birthday. Cut to today.
Husband starts feeling some intense abdominal pain after trying to go out and do stuff for his birthday, so we go to the hospital. Ten. Hours. We're there ten hours. Waiting. Getting tests done. Talking to nurses. Talking to doctors. And at the end of it all? Nothing. They can't find anything wrong. And they only comment they make? 'Oh, you're blood sugar is a little high'.
Presents go unopened. Cake isn't touched.
So much for giving my husband a happy birthday.
I'm so sorry, Phoenecia. I hope that he can still enjoy the presents and the cake.
Tbh, isn't this rants for anything IG or OOC? There's no actual rant thread in Harpy's Head Tavern and I figure the vitriol about stuff IG is still considered an OOC gripe anyway.
That being said, I guess the roleplay consequences to becoming a vampire is more or less the reason why I personally veered so hard away from it. The only time I ever considered going vampire was probably when Ashmer was one, because it logically made roleplay sense. From a character who cherishes power and autonomy, giving someone else control over the blood that flows in your veins feels wrong. I mean I guess there is Vinessa as an option there... But then you do have to go through the Dominion. There's also relationships to cities to look at, and while it does open different roleplay opportunities, it closes certain others (like entry to cities). Mechanics wise: sunlight damage, status change, blood reliance, none of those really bother me I suppose.
Sorry to double post but I just read this and wanted to clear some stuff up. Current mechanics of vampirism, and by extension, the lore, mean that getting embraced into vampirism no longer means you give up bodily autonomy. It's not ideal, and personally I think siring shouldn't be locked behind guild sanction, but siring is an entirely separate mechanic from embrace nowadays.. Being embraced these ≠ being sired and by extension ≠ someone having power over you, and ANY vampire can embrace folk regardless of sanction or being within the Dominion.
Posting to clear up this confusion because, honestly, it was kinda unknown information for a long time and the source of some acrimony.
Kinda hilariously, sun damage has been nerfed so tremendously hard that it's pretty much not an issue hahaha.
I spent a good portion of my day yesterday wrapping presents and baking a cake for my husband's birthday. Cut to today.
Husband starts feeling some intense abdominal pain after trying to go out and do stuff for his birthday, so we go to the hospital. Ten. Hours. We're there ten hours. Waiting. Getting tests done. Talking to nurses. Talking to doctors. And at the end of it all? Nothing. They can't find anything wrong. And they only comment they make? 'Oh, you're blood sugar is a little high'.
Presents go unopened. Cake isn't touched.
So much for giving my husband a happy birthday.
It can't be appendicitis right? Sudden intense abdominal pain is a classic symptom of it.
PhoeneciaThe Merchant of EsterportSomewhere in Attica
I spent a good portion of my day yesterday wrapping presents and baking a cake for my husband's birthday. Cut to today.
Husband starts feeling some intense abdominal pain after trying to go out and do stuff for his birthday, so we go to the hospital. Ten. Hours. We're there ten hours. Waiting. Getting tests done. Talking to nurses. Talking to doctors. And at the end of it all? Nothing. They can't find anything wrong. And they only comment they make? 'Oh, you're blood sugar is a little high'.
Presents go unopened. Cake isn't touched.
So much for giving my husband a happy birthday.
It can't be appendicitis right? Sudden intense abdominal pain is a classic symptom of it.
Not appendicitis. He had his appendix removed years ago.
To add to my rage: the doctors gave no prescription for any pain meds. I don't know how they can say nothing is wrong when he's practically in tears from the amount of pain he feels. While we were at the hospital? They gave him MORPHINE. And when we left, they didn't prescribe anything. And now I have no idea what to do.
SibattiMamba dur NayaAmidst vibrant flora and trees
Tbh, isn't this rants for anything IG or OOC? There's no actual rant thread in Harpy's Head Tavern and I figure the vitriol about stuff IG is still considered an OOC gripe anyway.
That being said, I guess the roleplay consequences to becoming a vampire is more or less the reason why I personally veered so hard away from it. The only time I ever considered going vampire was probably when Ashmer was one, because it logically made roleplay sense. From a character who cherishes power and autonomy, giving someone else control over the blood that flows in your veins feels wrong. I mean I guess there is Vinessa as an option there... But then you do have to go through the Dominion. There's also relationships to cities to look at, and while it does open different roleplay opportunities, it closes certain others (like entry to cities). Mechanics wise: sunlight damage, status change, blood reliance, none of those really bother me I suppose.
Right, so back when this thread was first made, we had recently lost a rage thread on the forums - it got locked down/closed down, and generally it was discouraged that we had an ongoing "negativity thread" for things in the game.
This thread was made, but intended for OOC rants and not in-game ones, since we as a playerbase can't help ourselves. Like - it's in the OOC section even...
So are the ones on Achaea forums <_< but I guess we shouldn't really compare. Our playerbases are different after all.
@Tetchta - I'm actually well aware, because you know I do have a vampire alt hidden away somewhere. Siring determines your bloodline, embrace turns you into a vampire. It doesn't really change anything. The power to blood beckon/blood will etc still remains with the sire. I'll deal with it though, since it's all roleplay related.
I have been unemployed since just before the pandemic, and that kind of idleness is something that doesn't sit right with me. I've been working hard trying to find a job ever since, but without success. Meanwhile, I've been helping out at different schools through the county substitute pool. It's not yielded much, but at least I've had a few shifts.
In the beginning of September I suddenly felt extremely tired. Not the "oh darn, I am not used to working after so much idleness"-kind of tired, but rather a deep exhaustion that ended up with me sleeping 16 hours straight. I got tested for Covid-19, but it was negative. National policy means it's alright to be home for up to 21 days if you feel sick without a doctor's note (during this pandemic), and I was advised to try to sleep it off, since that's obviously what my body seemed to need.
That was almost 4 weeks ago now, and I am still sleeping around 10-12 hours a day, which is very unusual when it comes to me. 6-7 hours is more normal here. Maybe 8 if I know I can and feel like I want to. I went to the doctor for testing last week. Test results came back this week: I have some kind of inflammation in my body (they don't know what), and they needed to run more tests (which I left earlier today).
Now back to that whole unemployment thing. Since my 3 weeks were up, I had forgotten to remove myself from the databank for substitute work, so they booked me for work at the end of last week. I figured I'd at least give it a try and see if it would be possible, mostly because I was going insane staying home. They even called me up and asked me to come in for an interview about a long-term thing rather than just a few day substitute gig. That felt great! If only I wasn't so damn tired...
I'm straight with them about the fatigue and the bloodworks I've given, but they're still interested in having me. The same day (!) another employer contacts me about an application I had sent in, asking me to come to an interview for an even longer substitute gig. That interview was today, and I'm up against two other applicants with them deciding before this week is up. Man, all of the sudden I'm -really- popular! If only I wasn't so damn tired...
Last week, I worked full days Wednesday and Thursday. Each day I got home, had some food, let the cats play outdoors for a bit, tried to watch some tv or checked in on stuff, and then dropped dead, sleeping through the night. I still don't quite remember what I did. Friday was a shorter day at work, but since I knew I wanted to be there for Resonance in the middle of the night, I basically slept the afternoon and evening away, got up for the event, and then dropped dead again. I woke rested for the first time in 3,5 weeks this Saturday! It lasted for... 4 hours before I was back to be tired enough to feel like I could sleep for weeks.
I -need- a job. Desperately. I can't function without some kind of routine, some social contact, something meaningful to do, because that would push me into a depression (been there, done that, don't want to go back, thanks!). I -need- this exhaustion to be figured out so I can function. Tomorrow is going to be another full day with a lot of lessons, and I'm likely just going to come home afterwards, possibly eat something, and then drop dead. It's not healthy.
Now I'm going to sleep. Today was only a half-day because of the interview, so I could actually stay up until past 9pm. Yesterday I went to bed at 7:45. /end rant
(Cursed): A splinter says, "This poem is titled "WO' betide thee that stoppeth the One Who Rises"." (Cursed): A splinter says, "Ahem hem." (Cursed): A splinter says, "Booooo! Put the comedians back on!" (Cursed): A splinter says, "Get a day job!" (Cursed): A splinter says, "Please stop..." (Cursed): A splinter says, "I'll be taking records if you go further. Stop." (Cursed): A splinter says, "My feelings are really hurt." (Cursed): A splinter says, "Taking records? What does that even mean?" (Cursed): A splinter says, "Means you'll get in trouble. Stop while you're not in trouble." (Cursed): A splinter says, "In trouble with who?" (Cursed): A splinter says, "Think about it." (Cursed): A splinter says, "On whomst's authority? WHO ARE YOU TO COMMANDETH ME?!" (Cursed): A splinter says, "This communication is not without observation." (Cursed): A splinter says, "In favor of stopping this: Tiur." (Cursed): A splinter says, "Whomst is that." (Cursed): A splinter says, "Is it really worth risking the ire of those that could make you stop?" (Cursed): You say, "... this, yet another reason this event is "Regrettable swears" stupid." (Cursed): A splinter says, "Okay... That's enough. Let's use this for it's purpose." (Cursed): A splinter says, "Alright, that's enough. Swearing on here is absolutely a no-go." (Cursed): A splinter says, "I agree." (Cursed): A splinter says, "Can always optout if you dont' want to per help CURSE." (Cursed): A splinter says, "AYE! BEGONE THOSE WHO WOULD NOT SERVE!" (Tells): The Divine voice of Someone powerful echoes in your head, "Just wanted to give you a heads up: You've been opted out of the curse event by force for violation of HELP LANGUAGE RULES. Please try to be more conscientious of this sort of behavior in the future."
While I'm sorry for doing swears, I'd have happily opted out if you hadn't opened with "If you opt out, you will get no prizes!".
(Cursed): A splinter says, "This poem is titled "WO' betide thee that stoppeth the One Who Rises"." (Cursed): A splinter says, "Ahem hem." (Cursed): A splinter says, "Booooo! Put the comedians back on!" (Cursed): A splinter says, "Get a day job!" (Cursed): A splinter says, "Please stop..." (Cursed): A splinter says, "I'll be taking records if you go further. Stop." (Cursed): A splinter says, "My feelings are really hurt." (Cursed): A splinter says, "Taking records? What does that even mean?" (Cursed): A splinter says, "Means you'll get in trouble. Stop while you're not in trouble." (Cursed): A splinter says, "In trouble with who?" (Cursed): A splinter says, "Think about it." (Cursed): A splinter says, "On whomst's authority? WHO ARE YOU TO COMMANDETH ME?!" (Cursed): A splinter says, "This communication is not without observation." (Cursed): A splinter says, "In favor of stopping this: Tiur." (Cursed): A splinter says, "Whomst is that." (Cursed): A splinter says, "Is it really worth risking the ire of those that could make you stop?" (Cursed): You say, "... this, yet another reason this event is "Regrettable swears" stupid." (Cursed): A splinter says, "Okay... That's enough. Let's use this for it's purpose." (Cursed): A splinter says, "Alright, that's enough. Swearing on here is absolutely a no-go." (Cursed): A splinter says, "I agree." (Cursed): A splinter says, "Can always optout if you dont' want to per help CURSE." (Cursed): A splinter says, "AYE! BEGONE THOSE WHO WOULD NOT SERVE!" (Tells): The Divine voice of Someone powerful echoes in your head, "Just wanted to give you a heads up: You've been opted out of the curse event by force for violation of HELP LANGUAGE RULES. Please try to be more conscientious of this sort of behavior in the future."
While I'm sorry for doing swears, I'd have happily opted out if you hadn't opened with "If you opt out, you will get no prizes!".
Well, this is a big pile of horse manure. I have seen plenty of people swear on that channel and this is the first person I've seen get booted from it. Glad more and more I opted out.
I agree. You break the rules get punished. What I dislike is the inconsistency. Some people get away with a lot more. And we know the reason why.
I don't think I've ever seen an f-bomb dropped in a massively public context that wasn't met with reprisal almost immediately.
Edit: Actually in recent memory I can think of ONE, and only ONE instance of someone dropping the F-Bomb in CT, and they weren't punished to my knowledge. Not all punishments are public zappings though.
Yeah I'd say that HELP LANGUAGE RULES is probably one of the most-consistently enforced rules of the game, honestly, and it's really clear. Don't subject profanity over a certain severity to people you aren't 100% certain want to hear it. In gnitty-gritty terms it's debatable and a bit fluid and depends on context, but "f-bomb over public channel" is solid a black and white "do not do this."
Probably listening to this.
And less than two weeks later they added a 'Quit Dominion' button. And I felt trapped, like I couldn't jsut go back, because I'd already cured, quit the class, and RPed about curing. And now I miss my favorite PK class horribly, and TONS of Shadow's group utility keeps getting locked up in Praenomen, which no one wants to play because of the subrace and the RP surrounding becoming one and being one.
Separate Praenomen from vampire 2020. Please.
I'm a fan though.
That being said, I guess the roleplay consequences to becoming a vampire is more or less the reason why I personally veered so hard away from it. The only time I ever considered going vampire was probably when Ashmer was one, because it logically made roleplay sense. From a character who cherishes power and autonomy, giving someone else control over the blood that flows in your veins feels wrong. I mean I guess there is Vinessa as an option there... But then you do have to go through the Dominion. There's also relationships to cities to look at, and while it does open different roleplay opportunities, it closes certain others (like entry to cities). Mechanics wise: sunlight damage, status change, blood reliance, none of those really bother me I suppose.
I spent a good portion of my day yesterday wrapping presents and baking a cake for my husband's birthday. Cut to today.
Husband starts feeling some intense abdominal pain after trying to go out and do stuff for his birthday, so we go to the hospital. Ten. Hours. We're there ten hours. Waiting. Getting tests done. Talking to nurses. Talking to doctors. And at the end of it all? Nothing. They can't find anything wrong. And they only comment they make? 'Oh, you're blood sugar is a little high'.
Presents go unopened. Cake isn't touched.
So much for giving my husband a happy birthday.
Posting to clear up this confusion because, honestly, it was kinda unknown information for a long time and the source of some acrimony.
Kinda hilariously, sun damage has been nerfed so tremendously hard that it's pretty much not an issue hahaha.
To add to my rage: the doctors gave no prescription for any pain meds. I don't know how they can say nothing is wrong when he's practically in tears from the amount of pain he feels. While we were at the hospital? They gave him MORPHINE. And when we left, they didn't prescribe anything. And now I have no idea what to do.
This thread was made, but intended for OOC rants and not in-game ones, since we as a playerbase can't help ourselves. Like - it's in the OOC section even...
@Tetchta - I'm actually well aware, because you know I do have a vampire alt hidden away somewhere.
Tell me how I'm doing!
I have been unemployed since just before the pandemic, and that kind of idleness is something that doesn't sit right with me. I've been working hard trying to find a job ever since, but without success. Meanwhile, I've been helping out at different schools through the county substitute pool. It's not yielded much, but at least I've had a few shifts.
In the beginning of September I suddenly felt extremely tired. Not the "oh darn, I am not used to working after so much idleness"-kind of tired, but rather a deep exhaustion that ended up with me sleeping 16 hours straight. I got tested for Covid-19, but it was negative. National policy means it's alright to be home for up to 21 days if you feel sick without a doctor's note (during this pandemic), and I was advised to try to sleep it off, since that's obviously what my body seemed to need.
That was almost 4 weeks ago now, and I am still sleeping around 10-12 hours a day, which is very unusual when it comes to me. 6-7 hours is more normal here. Maybe 8 if I know I can and feel like I want to. I went to the doctor for testing last week. Test results came back this week: I have some kind of inflammation in my body (they don't know what), and they needed to run more tests (which I left earlier today).
Now back to that whole unemployment thing. Since my 3 weeks were up, I had forgotten to remove myself from the databank for substitute work, so they booked me for work at the end of last week. I figured I'd at least give it a try and see if it would be possible, mostly because I was going insane staying home. They even called me up and asked me to come in for an interview about a long-term thing rather than just a few day substitute gig. That felt great! If only I wasn't so damn tired...
I'm straight with them about the fatigue and the bloodworks I've given, but they're still interested in having me. The same day (!) another employer contacts me about an application I had sent in, asking me to come to an interview for an even longer substitute gig. That interview was today, and I'm up against two other applicants with them deciding before this week is up. Man, all of the sudden I'm -really- popular! If only I wasn't so damn tired...
Last week, I worked full days Wednesday and Thursday. Each day I got home, had some food, let the cats play outdoors for a bit, tried to watch some tv or checked in on stuff, and then dropped dead, sleeping through the night. I still don't quite remember what I did. Friday was a shorter day at work, but since I knew I wanted to be there for Resonance in the middle of the night, I basically slept the afternoon and evening away, got up for the event, and then dropped dead again. I woke rested for the first time in 3,5 weeks this Saturday! It lasted for... 4 hours before I was back to be tired enough to feel like I could sleep for weeks.
I -need- a job. Desperately. I can't function without some kind of routine, some social contact, something meaningful to do, because that would push me into a depression (been there, done that, don't want to go back, thanks!).
I -need- this exhaustion to be figured out so I can function. Tomorrow is going to be another full day with a lot of lessons, and I'm likely just going to come home afterwards, possibly eat something, and then drop dead. It's not healthy.
Now I'm going to sleep. Today was only a half-day because of the interview, so I could actually stay up until past 9pm. Yesterday I went to bed at 7:45.
/end rant
(Cursed): A splinter says, "Ahem hem."
(Cursed): A splinter says, "Booooo! Put the comedians back on!"
(Cursed): A splinter says, "Get a day job!"
(Cursed): A splinter says, "Please stop..."
(Cursed): A splinter says, "I'll be taking records if you go further. Stop."
(Cursed): A splinter says, "My feelings are really hurt."
(Cursed): A splinter says, "Taking records? What does that even mean?"
(Cursed): A splinter says, "Means you'll get in trouble. Stop while you're not in trouble."
(Cursed): A splinter says, "In trouble with who?"
(Cursed): A splinter says, "Think about it."
(Cursed): A splinter says, "On whomst's authority? WHO ARE YOU TO COMMANDETH ME?!"
(Cursed): A splinter says, "This communication is not without observation."
(Cursed): A splinter says, "In favor of stopping this: Tiur."
(Cursed): A splinter says, "Whomst is that."
(Cursed): A splinter says, "Is it really worth risking the ire of those that could make you stop?"
(Cursed): You say, "... this, yet another reason this event is "Regrettable swears" stupid."
(Cursed): A splinter says, "Okay... That's enough. Let's use this for it's purpose."
(Cursed): A splinter says, "Alright, that's enough. Swearing on here is absolutely a no-go."
(Cursed): A splinter says, "I agree."
(Cursed): A splinter says, "Can always optout if you dont' want to per help CURSE."
(Cursed): A splinter says, "AYE! BEGONE THOSE WHO WOULD NOT SERVE!"
(Tells): The Divine voice of Someone powerful echoes in your head, "Just wanted to give you a heads
up: You've been opted out of the curse event by force for violation of HELP LANGUAGE RULES. Please
try to be more conscientious of this sort of behavior in the future."
While I'm sorry for doing swears, I'd have happily opted out if you hadn't opened with "If you opt out, you will get no prizes!".
Edit: Actually in recent memory I can think of ONE, and only ONE instance of someone dropping the F-Bomb in CT, and they weren't punished to my knowledge. Not all punishments are public zappings though.