Cake? Yes, please.



  • I have a ravenous appetite. I had tilapia and a salad for dinner last night, and my stomach was rumbling an hour later. I decided to make myself run a mile instead of eat something. I had an apple afterwards, but it was closer to bedtime at that point and I don't eat before bed.

    Not sure if this is the way to go, but it worked! In line with what you said @Riluo I feel like when I push myself to run faster, shorter bursts, it seems to be working a lot better than just monotonous jogging. I know once your body gets used to jogging regularly it slows down on the weight loss, so I'm sticking to this for now myself.
  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia

    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • @Nola is my hero. <3 You are wonderful and beautiful.

    Thanks for helping me get motivated again.
  • See, we knew you could do it @Nola. Proud of you!

  • TeaniTeani Shadow Mistress Sweden
    First, well done @Nola!

    Now that that's done... I'm feeling utterly miserable due to some form of fever thing. It's had me knocked out for days and I have ZERO energy. I can't even be bothered to log in for long in the game, which is sad as I had so much fun planned with painting sessions and whatnot.

    What's even more annoying is that I haven't moved at all when it comes to weight. I'm standing completely still where I am, in spite of barely eating because miserable illness has removed much of my appetite. However, I'm barely moving either, so could be that. Managed to drag myself to the store earlier today and came back home only to realize the fever I had gently nursed down to a reasonable leve shot straight back up above 38 C again. I'm a low temp by nature, meaning when I reach up towards 39 I start getting sort of delirious, which is kind of scary.

    So... right now I'm trying to boost my vitamin C levels with rose hip soup. Very Swedish, can be had both hot and cold, good for the throat and more than just water. I just really want to get better now and for the snow to disappear so I can get out and try my new super-shoes.

  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    Teani said:

    First, well done @Nola!

    Now that that's done... I'm feeling utterly miserable due to some form of fever thing. It's had me knocked out for days and I have ZERO energy. I can't even be bothered to log in for long in the game, which is sad as I had so much fun planned with painting sessions and whatnot.

    What's even more annoying is that I haven't moved at all when it comes to weight. I'm standing completely still where I am, in spite of barely eating because miserable illness has removed much of my appetite. However, I'm barely moving either, so could be that. Managed to drag myself to the store earlier today and came back home only to realize the fever I had gently nursed down to a reasonable leve shot straight back up above 38 C again. I'm a low temp by nature, meaning when I reach up towards 39 I start getting sort of delirious, which is kind of scary.

    So... right now I'm trying to boost my vitamin C levels with rose hip soup. Very Swedish, can be had both hot and cold, good for the throat and more than just water. I just really want to get better now and for the snow to disappear so I can get out and try my new super-shoes.

    You're standing still weight-wise because when you -don't- eat, your body goes into conservation mode, saving and storing everything it can. Which it does in fat-cells. You could consider your fat cells as little energy/nutrition savings-accounts at the bank, which your body will(quite wisely) not touch until it absolutely has to.

    That's why you see people who eat all the time can stay super skinny, etc. It's also why I put on more weight when I was poor as dirt and couldn't eat but once or twice a day and was active, compared to staying around the same weight I have been for a while now, despite NOT being active. Because my body is like 'I'll get fed soon. /burns fat when he does something'.
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • MarienaMariena By a lake.

    For the Week of:

    Feb 1, 2015 - Feb. 8, 2015

    Current Weight (lbs):


    Where I started (lbs):

    Where I want to end up (lbs):


    Slowly return to exercising


    I got past that 240 stall I was in.


    Fucking Stomach flu. Still unicorns stomach flu. Symptoms came on severe like last Sunday, they have managed to last until this Sunday. Anyone have any suggestions for a belly that feels like it's been punched and punched and punched? At the moment, I feel a lot better, but when I move I get queasy because my midsection just -hurts-.

    I like #THIS# about Myself This Week:

    I've had a lot of time to sew recently (it's a quiet activity, don't move much for it, doesn't disturb belly). My stitchery is refining itself and I'm pleased by this.

    @Teani - I hope you feel better soon and kick that fever!

  • ArbreArbre Arbrelina Jolie Braavos
    For the Week of:
    Feb 1, 2015 - Feb. 8, 2015

    Current Weight (lbs):


    Where I started (lbs):

    Where I want to end up (lbs):


    Eat breakfast. That's gonna be the hardest part of the Nutrisystem is getting up and eating breakfast every morning.


    I lost like 6 pounds. Don't know where they went or why, but no complaints!


    Wonky sleep schedule. Even had me miss dog training, which is a bad thing.

    I like #THIS# about Myself This Week:

    I've made it a good portion of the week, if not all of it, without having a manic episode like were becoming common.
  • My week:

    Where I started: 245
    Where I am now: 157
    Where I want to end up: 135

    Highlights of the week: Made 4 workouts, each an hour long. I feel more confident and I think I can see a change in my skin clarity.

    Lowlights of the week: Showed no losses, probably due to the day that I tried all the wedding cake options... >_> More likely that I didn't drink enough water.

    Goals for next week: Work out at least 4 days, an hour each day, and drink more water!!

  • You can do it @Colette!

  • Late on this week, oopsies.

    Where I started: 131

    Where I am: 128

    Goal: 120

    Goods: Eh, this was a slacker week. I did run quite a bit, and I managed to drop a pound so not all was lost

    Bads: Fell off that wagon and drank way more than I have been the last few weeks >_> Had a one night stand with whiskey too. Also pigged out a few days, but I guess not all was lost.

    Time to hit 127 and get my drinking back to a glass (if any) a night.
  • @nola - WOOOO!
    I also have a curiosity question, which I understand if you don't want to answer. How long were you near your starting weight? Was it a "I've been about this size since I hit puberty and I need a change" or more of a peaking "I've never been this unhealthy, I need to stop this progression and change" or something totally different in-between?

    @teani / @Mariena - Take care of yourselves, you guys :( Hope you drink lots of water and all those other things everyone is advising ad nauseam and feel good soon!

    The rest of you - also obviously still rocking it!

    Current weight 176
    Where I want to end up (lbs): 150

    Work out every day, progress to 15 minutes every day

    HIGHLIGHTS of last week: Ate breakfast every day! Worked out 3:7 days!

    LOWLIGHTS OF THE WEEK: Did not work out every day OR quite every other. Getting to sleep early enough to wake up early enough to workout is hard for me. Even though I really have tons of free time in the evenings I could work out, I am far more likely to have other things to do last-minute(shopping, errands, work running late, friends wanting to see me, family wanting to see me, etc.) that will interfere with workout plans. As such, morning SEEM to be a more reliable time to schedule exercise.
    However, this means instead of my ingrained morning routine of:
    Wake up, maybe shower, put on clothes, grab some food to eat in transit has to be:
    Wake up, grab and eat breakfast, get dressed, exercise, definitely shower, get dressed again, go to work.

    I like #THIS# about Myself This Week:
    Despite not being a morning person and initially being resistant to it, I have overcome my gut-reaction of "Oh hell no" to a morning workout and am actually actively trying to make that work for me.
    Even if I eventually change the system for something else, I'm glad I've been able to work past my mental "I DON'T WANNA!" and sincerely try.

  • edited February 2015
    Question: I know that every person is different but I'm curious what you guys think- do self-affs work? Saying them to yourself, hanging them around your house etc.

    Edit: I have issues with shifting away from meat as the main focus of a meal. I'm a type O and I'm always craving meat.

    Another question: Anyone here on the paleo diet? Or something close to it? Does it work for you?

    "To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman

  • @valenae - My diet is very similar to a paleo diet. For me, it is working excellently in terms of something I can and will stick to in perpetuity and that I have been losing weight. The primary difference between my diet and a paleo diet is that I eat less fruit and do eat dairy. I have no sensitivities to dairy at all, so there is no benefit for me to go dairy-free. And since I looove dairy products, there is no chance I would actually stick with the diet if I tried to go dairy free.

    I guess another difference between my diet and paleo is that my diet encourages fatty meats over lean meats.

    I'm not sure what you mean by self-affs, to be honest. Do you mean, like, hanging up things telling myself "I'm awesome" and "I can do it" all over the place to see and absorb? I've never... ACTIVELY done this... However, for the last 8ish years, my shower curtain has been
    And My self-confidence HAS improved dramatically in the last 8ish years, but it is likely a coincidence.
    I mean, the shower curtain just rocks anyway, cause it's adorable and it's fun to shower while reading and hum "Naked and happy! I'm cute! Aren't I gorgeous! I'm so clean! Me me me...!"

  • On my way home from zumba and then store so you'll both be hearing from me shortly.
  • wish I could have made it tonight @nola :c but I'm also glad to be home before midnight for once
  • @Colette - I understand bb!

    @Aryanne - I actually maintained the same weight through most of school but afterwards when I started working, and then wasn't as much, didn't watch what I ate enough (yay working with food), I started gaining and I was already unhappy with my body enough as it was so I finally made a firm decision about what I wanted to change and pursued it full on. You could say it very much was a 'I'm not happy with this and it's getting worse, time to change now'. Something that helped a lot in the beginning was the mentality 'If I start right now, then a year from now I'll be happier than I am. But it can't and won't happen if I never start.' Even though it was a far off goal that reality made the time in between not seem nearly as bad.

    @Valenae - I eat very close to Paleo. The only difference for me is that I eat cheese. That's pretty much it. I love having a paleo diet. It's worked great for me and it's true what they say I think - what you put into your body is reflected from the inside out. I think of it as just another investment into myself. I know these things are good for my body so there's my motivation. Food I can trust.

    As for the self-aff.. Definitely. For a lot of people the difficulty in reaching goals like this is all in the mental outlook on the situation. You have to believe in your ability and the person you will be! Appreciating yourself makes you more committed to taking care of yourself. You'll want to do good things for your body and a great one of the best approaches is to also do good things for your spirits.
  • MarienaMariena By a lake.

    For the Week of:

    Feb 8, 2015 - Feb. 15, 2015

    Current Weight (lbs):


    Where I started (lbs):

    Where I want to end up (lbs):


    Oh my god, actually behave.


    I had whatever the hell I wanted for a week, because the week prior it had all been coming up. This was not good for losing anything.


    I gained 4 pounds and I am two days away from my shark week ;-;. I really want Taco Bell, but I've been slacking so severely this week on the diet front that it's a no go.

    I like #THIS# about Myself This Week:

    Convictions. For better or worse, I got them.

  • ArbreArbre Arbrelina Jolie Braavos

    For the Week of:

    Feb 8, 2015 - Feb. 15, 2015

    Current Weight (lbs):


    Where I started (lbs):

    Where I want to end up (lbs):


    Survive Nutrisystem.


    I did really, really well in keeping to the Nutrisystem diet, considering how hungry I was.


    We went out to eat on Wednesday night and I did not even PRETEND to eat healthy.

    I like #THIS# about Myself This Week:

    I haven't cheated and eaten mac and cheese or anything else with the Nutrisystem diet. Makes me feel good about my strength of will.

  • Started: 131
    Current: 127

    Goods: Been in a great mood, picked up extra work and made a ton of money, great time even while at work, have tons of extra energy and am bouncing around all the time, and dropped the pound for this weekend without really trying. Pair of skinny-me jeans are fitting way better today woohoo! :D

    Bads: Drank a lot this weekend >_> but it was all outings and I needed it to kick the seasonal winter depression away for a bit. Didn't run for the last 3 days, but I worked long days which is on my feet skurrying like a maniac and carrying stuff, so I was active at least.

    Goal: Ass back on treadmill, unless the weather wants to be nice for once. Buy more yogurt, I ran out. Buy more BANANERS!
  • I think I wanna get in on this. I've been slowly putting on the pounds and it needs to stop. Not only is it unhealthy but I need to stay in standards for what I do. Anyway!

    Starting/Current: 160
    Goal: 145

    My problem? Wine. I love it. Since coming to Italy it's been even worse. I'm talking a bottle a night. Drinking makes me get the munchies, then I just eat more and it's no good. I say I'll work out but after work I'm tired so I don't. In the mornings I'm tired so I don't. Gotta get going here so gonna start working on this naow.
  • @aren mine was whiskey. I stopped drinking whiskey and now wine is my problem as well. Talking BOTTLES!
  • @aren Yay! Welcome!

    I totally feel you on both the wine and the working out :(

    Through just very slowly reducing my consumption, and making sure I have wine that keeps well so that I don't feel OBLIGATED to drink to all at once, I've gone from 2-3 bigass glasses a night to maybe a glass a week. This keto thing also makes wine hit me hella hard, so that helps. That was supposed to be helpful or something... but I'm not sure why I thought it would be now that I've typed it.

    I'm struggling like mad with the working out :/ I can't wake up early enough and rested to work out without being exhausted all day, and after I get home, I'm tired/hungry/busy... Oi!

    Over the weekends, I do fine with working out, cause I have all day to find time for it! I'm trying to regularly schedule the working out, but it seems like every time I try to plan it in the evenings, SOMETHING manages to come up and get in the way -_-

  • What is the keto thing?? I need it. I have such a high tolerance for booze. Thanks mommy and daddy for passing on the alcohol love >_>. My roomie has a treadmill and elliptical so that makes it easier for me. She was supposed to start with me but won't do anything, I do best with competition. I've started trying to read on the elliptical rather then all running because knees. I can get easily into the book and not pay attention to the time and it is great. I was doing great for a few weeks but man my mind is so all over this past week!
  • edited February 2015
    It's pushing yourself into a carbohydrate negative. In other words you eat typically less then 100 carbs in a day and usually less then 50. This causes you to burn fat for energy (Ketones, produced by your liver) instead of the easy carbs you're eating.

    This sort of diet typically includes, fatty meats, full fat dairy, minimal fruit/sugar/practically no bread and specific vegetables, especially if you're trying to maintain a very low carb intake.

    It's something I've considered on and off, but I don't think I can stick with such low carbs. I'm more considering slowly switching my favourite foods over to Paleo(+dairy) versions and my husband is on board for this.
  • Ohh, hmm. I could live off steak, but I couldn't go without fruit and veggies. (fruit = wine. jk)
  • My week:

    Where I started: 245
    Where I am now: 156
    Where I want to end up: 135

    Highlights of the week: 1 lb lost! Woohoo, but I only worked out 3 days. It's been a rough week. Forgot to post last night. Also I got two pieces in the Student show, one will likely take up an entire wall (that's a lot of real estate). the show is also juried so fingers crossed...I may win rent money.

    Lowlights of the week: A lot more low points than usual
    , mostly due to my own laziness when it comes to school. I put off working on a project until a week before my critique and I skipped my critique out of my father-figure prof texted me all his disappointed stuff and I'm just mad at myself. Too much aetolia, not enough art.

    Goals for next week: be productive in real life.

    @Nola - looking forward to another week of jump squats to Pharrell's Happy? Lmao. At least we try.
  • Man those unexpected jump squats

    Were both fun and yet made me feel really vulnerable >.> I only get in that one position on a very specific occasion!
  • Lucky for me I'm squat master flex. My ass is the only developed part of my body...I only ever liked leg day haha
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