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Mirror classes



  • edited May 2020
    Stine said:

    SoonTM is the slogan of Aetolia IRE game development.

    Adjusted for accuracy!
  • Can we make a class that allows me to wear oonagh as a mech suit?

  • Honestly, if we have any potential concepts hashed out....would that be something that would be shared.
    Would be super neato.
  • Any chance we get an ETA that's more than just a SoonTM? And maybe a sneaky peeky at what the first couple mirrors will be?

  • RhyotRhyot Bloodloch
    Not until Mining and the ??? from Production are complete. And Albedos storyline finishes. And the dealings of the Mhun are finished. And a bunch of other RP driven stuff are finished.

    Then you have my permission for mirror classes.

  • Escelika said:

    I want some of the mirror classes to be kind of dark still. I think of the white-court or even the red court from the Dresden novels for the mirror to Vampires, since they're both living. Not shadow or undead but still not wholly liked by the spirit tether. Of course, we can't just steal them, but Duamvi make good precedence for life spirits who require hosts, there could be more violent parasitical types out there!

    I own so many of those books...

    I'm also so down to be a Slayer...
  • TiurTiur Producer
    An ETA is tough.. they're not HARD to make, just time consuming. I wouldn't be surprised if one of us got distracted and made one by the end of the year, just to? That unbalances the tethers though.
  • One of us players could get bored and write messages for the other one....
    Just saying.

    I imagine theres some "concepts" floating around we could make fancy/tangible.
    Based on IC lore information or like, opportunities, I have been mulling over NPC's and their classes to come up with ideas.
  • Could easily call a contest to let people go through the skills of one class, or one skillset and write up flavor text and such, design an NPC or something. It could help to lessen the load on the volunteers. The community wants this bad enough I bet people step up -hard- over this.
  • PhoeneciaPhoenecia The Merchant of Esterport Somewhere in Attica
    If people really want it, toss it to Builders. It's, y'know, kind of their job, and there's precedent of builders working on class skill redskins (like shifters, for example). Would leave Celani to work on whatever projects need working on, and it'd give builders work, and the game might have mirror classes ready to go sooner than expected. Just saying. 
  • the shadow version of sentinel will use a sentient bobsled as an ent. Mostly so I can shout FEEL THE RHYTHM! FEEL THE RHYME! GET ON UP, IT'S BOBSLED TIME!

  • HavenHaven World Burner Flight School
    Mirror class releases are more than just reskinning abilities or coming up with storyboard elements. As fun as the concept is, I'd want a well executed and balanced release. I also believe there are more pressing concerns for the game that need resolution first.
    ¤ Si vis pacem, para bellum. ¤
    Someone powerful says, "We're going to have to delete you."
  • RijettaRijetta Nowhere Important
    just make sure when you get bored, your attention turns to shadow templar first.
    A low, sultry voice resounds within the depths of your mind, "I look forward to seeing your descent."
  • edited June 2020
    IDEA: The souls of Grook seek to reclaim their ancestral homeland and Sapience as a whole in the name of the Cycle


    Under the guiding watch of the Underking, the Grook Death Knights are bestowed a Runeblade of great power. The order of Death Knights seek to reclaim Order in the name of the Underking, oathbound to upend the torment upon souls wrought by the Carnifex, and with their efforts in Runeblades, Soul Lore, and Entomology, they hone their blade, their mastery of souls, and fierce insectoid minions trained in battle against their foes.

    Example Weaponry:

    Croakfury, Blighted Blade of the Grookseeker

    A fey-touched bastard sword is illuminating the surroundings from its discarded place here.

    Ferocious in appearance, the legend of Croakfury has been foretold for eons in Grook folklore. A mighty blade to be wielded by the fabled Ulangian guard, this blade glows with a verdant light that illuminates the surroundings like the gas of the marshlands. A finely honed blade, one can discern that the immense size of this imposing blade would be quite the feat for one weak to bear the weight of, even in both hands. Tanned leather has been wrapped up the hilt and partially up the blade, from which numerous fetishes dangle and rattle, some resembling charms, others resembling a shamans tools of the trade. Glyphs glow in bright fey light upon the surface of the blade, an ancient Grook prayer of mourning as its slices through it's foes and passes them to the Underhalls for judgement.

    Just one of the many options my creative (ridiculous) mind has created.
  • TiurTiur Producer
  • MacavityMacavity Chicago, Il
    Death Knight?? what is this World of Warcraft??
    “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
    Nothing is going to get better. It's not.” 
    ― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

    Veritas says, "Sorry for breaking your system Macavity."
    Veritas says, "My boss fights crash Macavity's computer now."
  • LinLin Blackbird The Moonglade
    That's-- that's literally the joke
  • Did somebody say [Croakfury, Blighted Blade of the Grookseeker]?
  • Can we turn the Ashtani Resistance into Barrens chat??

    I mean technically those who do agriculture are just gold farmers...
  • edited June 2020
    Oonagh said:

    Can we turn the Ashtani Resistance into Barrens chat??

    I mean technically those who do agriculture are just gold farmers...

    (Resistance): Newb says, "(insert comment about new MUD killing Aetolia)."
    Cue an hour of arguing that new MUD sucks.

    (Resistance): Oonagh says, "Does anyone know where Mankrik's Golgotha's wife is?"

    (Resistance): Benedicto says, "She's Chuck Norris' wife, now."

    Cue 4 hours of Chuck Norris jokes.

    (Resistance): Illidan says, "Dhar is so dumb. Why did he call his horse 'Invincible' when everyone can see it?"
  • I'm very curious to see what the spirit vamp theme is going to be like. Will they still be draining blood from their opponent or would some other resource be used? I'd assume blood still so that the mirror doesn't require anything new to be created for it.
  • RhyotRhyot Bloodloch
    You already have a spirit vamp. It's version is called Luminary.

  • Drystin said:

    Will they still be draining blood from their opponent or would some other resource be used?

    ;):p :*
  • Logically I have been considering the prospect of what would be an appropriate mirror class to start.

    Indorani Oneiromancer

    Necromancy Oneiromancy
    Tarot Tarot
    Domination Pacts

    Lore-wise - We already have two sides to Chaos, one belonging to Chakrasul the other to Omei.
    It would not be difficult to create fey/beast-type chaos entities to create pacts with in a similar vein, that behave the same as Domination entities. Tarot could remain the same, perhaps with some differentiations in a couple cards that fit within the standard Arcana deck but elicit the same effect. Necromancy/Oneiromancy, same skills, reskinned to be more Omeiian chaos, manipulation. So on and so forth.

    The following abilities can be found in Oneiromancy:
    Deathsight Attune yourself to the Underworld.
    DreamEssence Seek out the chaos power that lingers in your mind's recesses.
    Bolt Lash your opponent with a bolt of prismatic light.
    Harvest Gather dream essence from a corpse.
    Chill Elicit the air around an opponent to frigid temperatures.
    Nightsight See through the veil of the Night.
    Sense Attune to the presence of another being.
    Midnight Engulf your surroundings in the darkness of night.
    Shroud Hide your intentions.
    Howl The predatorial howl of the Beast-Queen
    Mist Fill the air with a nauseating colourful mist.
    Affect The deeper the night, the more dangerous you are.
    Sap Sap the living aura from the body.
    Chaosbow Draw forth a bow of chaos to fire at your foes.
    Lifevision Allows you to see many hidden beings.
    Frailty Cause your opponent's limbs become frail and break.
    Mask Conceal yourself in chaotic light from prying eyes.
    Consumption Rip out their heart and claim their power.
    Impress Impress your mark upon an object.
    Deathwatch Sense those that are near death.
    Alter Your form turns soft and malleable.
    Siphon Siphon your dream essence into another Oneiromancer.
    Instability Your form thrums with chaotic instability.

    So on and so forth....

    I mean you can imagine the creativity that can be done to make this happen, and since its already -not- tied to a guild, it could be an earned faction type thing for Spirit-Players as well, which honestly could be horribly fun to roleplay out and imagine.

    Just spitballing ideas, but yeah...
  • I like.
  • @Oonagh do vamp now! 
  • edited June 2020
    Drystin said:

    @Oonagh do vamp now! 

    Vampire - Lightbound

    Corpus - Eminence
    Mentis - Oration
    Sanguis - Infusion

    The lightbound have created themselves through the closely guarded secrets of the Akkari. Through their bond with the Duamvi, these beings have ascended their form with the glorious presence of Spirit within their bodies. Having embraced wholly the symbiosis, their form has undergone a grander fusion than originally anticipated, granting a hospitable home for the beings of Rewh'va and gaining unfathomable strength in Eminence, presence of body and ascendance. Oration, in utilising the words of the Light's gift to confound and perplex the non-believers, and Infusion, utilising the spirit within to bleed out the heretics.

    The following abilities can be found in Infusion:
    Infuse The latent power of the Light.
    Seek Search out the heretics.
    Lightbrand Brand a defeated undead foe to fight in the Light's name.
    Lightspawn Bring a lightspawn into existence.
    Track Track those lashed by the Light's power around you.
    Command The Lightbranded follow your command.
    Consume Coat your weapon in Light to make foes bleed for their sins.
    Bestow Share latent Light unto an ally.
    Darken Let your light be the only beacon.
    Level Determine the blood reserves of the heretics.
    Drain Drain the impure blood of the heretic.
    Gift Gift your lightspawn with a second chance at redemption.
    Lightforming Remove a lightspawn from the corporeal.
    Improve Improve the potential of your lightspawn.
    Pulse A rush of pulsating spirit within.
    Blur The illumination of your form is difficult to discern.
    Disquiet Induce anxiety in your enemies.
    Concentration Focus and refine your Light's gift.
    Bind Binding threads of Light will hold you.

    You possess these abilities for furthering the Lightbound line:
    Same vein of siring...so on and so forth, but by bestowing the gift of a bolstered Duamvi.
    An addition to the existing ritual that bolsters you with greater Spirit/Light at Dawn involving another bestowing the knowledge of the Lightbound and giving you a taste of the gift, allowing you to accept and culture your own experience as the progenitor to your ascendance.

    Your path specialization grants the following:
    Different paths...depending on the type in the same vein as the Vampire paths...

    I dont know, this one seems to have potential, and would expand upon the already present
    Duamvi/Undead presence, being a simile of sorts, present off the vampire model, as an improved, not just symbiote relationship, but outside the standard realm having embraced Spirit in a greater capacity to achieve greater mortal form. Can also play on the arrogance of a person who is Lightbound, finding themselves the superior representative to the Light.

    Anyways, you asked for it, so I kinda gave it a shot.
  • Sentinel - Dragonhunters

    Dhuriv - Windlances
    Woodlore - Dragonlore
    Tracking - Strategies

    Hailing from the Dehkay Plateau, the Grecht brought with them to the flatlands the teachings of the great hunters of the Northern continent. Equipped with air imbued spears, known as windlances, a blessing of the Sun Drinker, these explorers know the lands as well as they do the skies above. Able to strike out at their enemies with great force, these hunters utilise dragonlore to make pacts with the Dragonkin to call allies in whelps, wyrms and wyverns in the name of battle. Also with their many strategies in battle, utlising traps, the surroundings and otherwise around them to their advantage, honing crossbows and plant based resins in battle.

    ((Windlances created with a stone purchased in Dehkay, instead of obsidian, but collect a staff and have it crafted and blessed by a priest of Tanixalthas))

    You wouldnt have to really change much aside from attack messages in Dhuriv or in Tracking honestly.
    Just making them more thematic...and honestly even woodlore, but you could add some flavour.

    The following abilities can be found in Dragonlore:
    Hide Conceal yourself in the shadows.
    Signal Call across an area to your kin with the echoes of the Plateau.
    Climbing Clamber up to a higher perch with ease.
    Hardiness Your time in the wilds has hardened both spirit and body.
    Stoneskin Make your skin tough like the magma hardened lands.
    Coagulation Use your knowledge of healing to reduce bleeding.
    Stealth Find stealth amidst your environment.
    Marking Mark the paths less travelled.
    Mountaineering Traverse the peaks with ease.
    Refresh Rouse your wearied body with a surge of strength.
    Tent Protect yourself from the elements.
    Campfire Build a campfire to soothe the body and soul.
    Fitness Controlling your breathing.
    Sandspray Blind them with a painful flurry of stone and sand.
    Lifesap Leech from the spilled blood of others.
    Instinct The domain is yours to claim.
    Track Order a loyal companion to track down your prey.
    Might Cure yourself of an affliction through might.
    Rejuvenate Return life to blighted land.
    Vitality An adrenaline rush to heal your body.
    Campsite Expand your hunting ground into a fortified campsite.
    Camouflage Hide your companions from the watchful gaze of others.

    You have the following companion abilities:
    Calling Call to the beasts of the plateau to aid you in battle.
    Spirit A draconic spirit that will distract your enemies.
    BlackWhelp Call an obsidian whelp to your aid, capable of shredding defenses.
    WhiteWhelp A beautiful alabaster whelp to protect you and your companions.
    GoldWhelp Throw your foes off balance with this metallic whelps swoop.
    BlackWyvern Call upon the great black wyvern to tear apart your victim.
    RedWhelp A crimson whelp that will pluck curatives from your foe's grasp.
    WhiteWyvern The massive white wyvern will block all passage at your call.
    GoldWyvern Summon an enormous golden wyvern to rip your foes to pieces.
    RedWyvern An ancient, red wyvern that will shatter their bones.
    Entourage Lead up to three dragonkin at a time.
    Mount Great dragonkin will bear your weight in the hunt.
    Daunt The daunting cry of a dragonkin will rattle their senses.
    Swoop Harry your foes from the heavens.
    BlackWyrm Summon a powerful spiked wyrm to tear their body apart.
    BlueWyrm A legendary blue wyrm will freeze your enemies in place.
    VioletWyrm A mythical wyrm inspiring insanity in your foes.
    Icebreath A chilling gout from the jaws of the BlueWyrm.
    Company Surround yourself with draconic allies.
    Opportunity The watchful hunter strikes at the first sign of weakness.
  • I'm mad at you for making something so cool and making me want a class I'd otherwise never pick up, Oonagh. >:|
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