Web client discussion and help

ArbreArbre Arbrelina JolieBraavos
This discussion was created from comments split from: Ankyrean Anguish - Aetolia-based RAGE.


  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    Oh god, rage at the (lack of) help files for the new web client. Trying to help a newb make settings is rough. I notice that there are some default packages pre-loaded - any chance Aetolia could maybe crowdsource out some basic helpful settings that could be added to that library for new players? I bet people would be happy to do it for some credits >_>
  • OleisOleis Producer Emeritus Administrator, Immortal
    Moirean said:
    Oh god, rage at the (lack of) help files for the new web client. Trying to help a newb make settings is rough. I notice that there are some default packages pre-loaded - any chance Aetolia could maybe crowdsource out some basic helpful settings that could be added to that library for new players? I bet people would be happy to do it for some credits >_>
    Something I forgot to mention in our conversation: The scripting setup of the HTML5 client is not even close to complete. Further revisions of the client are likely to feature huge improvements to the scripting capabilities and especially the user interface for those aspects of the client.
    You say to Slyphe, "You're so freaking smart."
    "^," Slyphe agrees with you.
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    That would be really useful. I am not a super coder and only took a semester of javascript - the stuff I learned there really wasn't helpful for trying to figure out coding on the new client, so I was just like omg ack as I read the help files/frantically googled and ended up having to qq before the newb and I could figure out the one (one!) trigger we were working on. It was hard to tell if the errors were from our end, the client not recognizing certain js functions or just that stuff gets used a bit differently when coded specifically for use in a mud - I popped snippets into eclipse to check errors and it looked fine from that end, so I ended up giving up for a while. >_>
  • Can we have a new thread for web client discussion and help?

    (And is that really java-script? Is 'unstringify' really a java function, or something you did, Areka?).
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    edited November 2013
    I know part of my struggle to get stuff to work was that my javascript knowledge is pretty rudimentary, so trying to figure out basic stuff like how to just send commands to the game was surprisingly confusing since it's client specific stuff and google doesn't help (answer: it's an in-built function).

    On the bright side, I finally got the code sorted for Sejast. I think.

  • OleisOleis Producer Emeritus Administrator, Immortal
    You'll find that those aspects of the client manual (built-in function reference, etc.) are still quite valid. The issues lie primarily in references to user interface organization.
    You say to Slyphe, "You're so freaking smart."
    "^," Slyphe agrees with you.
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    I had trouble finding them in the manual itself. I ended up going to make a function and saw the nice reference table there and was like OHHH. >_<

    One question - it seems like settings are saved based on your character, so you have to be logged in to load them? Is there any way to fiddle with stuff while offline or on another character, aside from importing the whole thing?

    Also, a useful pre-loaded script might be an echo command to just display text patterns, so people could force triggers to fire for testing. Another useful feature might be error checking without having to go test in-game. I'm not sure how hard that would be, but the client seems to recognize errors when they happen - if you could just check that from the editor, it'd save a ton of time.

    Not trying to complain at all, please don't think I am! I am just being newbish and poking around trying to help citymates. 
  • She called me a newb.  *sad panda*
    Sejast - Feral Prowler of the Atabahi
  • Actually, what would be useful is if the Errors would tell you what line the error occurred at for debugging as well.
    Sejast - Feral Prowler of the Atabahi
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    It'd also let you see multiple errors, ideally. Atm, if there is an error, it'll just stop at the first one and say something's wrong and usually give some info why, but if you have 2 problems or more, you have to catch those in separate passes.
  • I really like the HTML5 client myself.  Everyone keeps questioning me over it.  I started with it, I'm stubborn and I enjoy learning javascript to mess with it.

    That being said, I'm trying to determine if there are implemented commands that I see in use in other clients.  A reference I have found but have been unable to determine how I would go about using the same functionality:


    I've seen people using it to reset for perpetually keeping from being disconnected while AFK.  I'm less interested in the exact function of this code and more interested in the general concept of sending GMCP data back to the server.

    I haven't found a particular reference for it but I am interested in if it is possible to set a client variable with an array via set_variable().

    As Moirean mentioned, is the GMCP data at http://www.ironrealms.com/gmcp-doc up to date in reference to the HTML5 client?

    I found the following information useful when attempting to setup triggers as the in-client documentation was a bit sparse on the subject of regex: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions

    Is there any way to call from the server your current defences (i.e. what shows up when typing def) via GMCP or some other function much like Char.Vitals?

    Is there a preview of any of the potential features to be added for the client as noted previously in this thread?
    Sejast - Feral Prowler of the Atabahi
  • @sejast
    For regex, I find these two sites to be particularly helpful.

    Tutorials and reference

    To test your patterns:

  • @Irruel - Thanks!  Bookmarked for later perusal.
    Sejast - Feral Prowler of the Atabahi
  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    It would be great if it didn't clear your command line when processing triggers. >> Really annoying sending something to a clan/gt and it clears it mid-type because a trigger fired. 
  • @Areka It doesn't do that for me.
    Sejast - Feral Prowler of the Atabahi
  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    It does for me when I have my autobasher on, I'll be typing to a clan and it'll just delete it when the trigger procs. 
  • SetneSetne The Grand Tyrant
    Areka said:
    It does for me when I have my autobasher on, I'll be typing to a clan and it'll just delete it when the trigger procs. 

    There may be a setting that fixes the issue, but I can't recall since I haven't had to use it in a while.

    Ingram said:
    "Oh my arms are suddenly lubed"
  • OleisOleis Producer Emeritus Administrator, Immortal
    If you're using send_as_normal, you may want to switch to send_direct. Send_as_normal will process everything exactly as if you had typed it. In this case, to a fault.
    You say to Slyphe, "You're so freaking smart."
    "^," Slyphe agrees with you.
  • I have an issue with the built in Basic Targeting Reflex package (IRE_Targeting).  Despite the checkbox being enabled whenever I load the client, it does not actually load unless I uncheck the box and reload it again.  I know I could fix this by potentially loading the package with the onLoad function but figured this was possibly a bug and figured I'd mention it.
    Sejast - Feral Prowler of the Atabahi
  • Any feedback on if there is a way to send a command to the client for things like Core.KeepAlive and other functions listed as "Sent by Client" on www.ironrealms.com/gmcp-doc?
    Sejast - Feral Prowler of the Atabahi
  • OleisOleis Producer Emeritus Administrator, Immortal
    I asked Garryn. The function is send_GMCP()


    The function typically takes a second argument. In the event that it's required:

    send_GMCP("Core.KeepAlive", "")
    You say to Slyphe, "You're so freaking smart."
    "^," Slyphe agrees with you.
  • One thing I'm encountering a lot, which is probably a due to my code;

    Error in Trigger Script [counter]:
    ReferenceError: ratting is not defined

    What have I done wrong here?

    I'll admit to being a complete newb with the new client. I played around 6 years ago and could code that client to a passable level but this new one is proving to be a whole new beast...
  • your function isnt defined, or the variable, you need to call it with 
    If your calling a function you have created; you have to do something like:

    "You can call functions in scripts using run_function(name, args, package)."

    see this page for more help; I havn't gotten it to work yet, but if you place the function in onLoad it works smoothly, i know its not good solution, but its a workaround until you can get it to wrok properly by calling run_function if you call it from script.

    (I am in the proccess of learning too, so if you figure it out, let me know.. All I know is your calling the wrong function name the client names the functions you make with a prefix thats all i know)
  • The script works if I put the trigger in the main section. If I place it in another "package" it will not work. Still trying to work out why.
  • edited April 2014
    // Easier to understand syntax like this I think; ( i had to study the code to understand it)
    run_function("<name>", args, '<package>')

    run_function("defup", "", 'defense')
    run_function("onGMCP", {"gmcp_method":gmcp_method, "gmcp_args":gmcp_args}, 'ALL');

    ( havn't figured out how to use the onGMCP with run_function but; yeah there you go. )
    //    if (pkg == 'ALL') {   // run from all packages
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