Installing a plugin is a very simple process, and is probably the most easiest and safest way to insert another persons code into your own system.
Plugins come in the form of an .xml file, which will be supplied by the user passing along the script. You will need to first of all download this file and place it within the plugins folder of your MUSHclient installation directory.
The default location of this is:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MUSHclient\worlds\plugins
However if you are using a 32-bit version of Windows, then you will find it in the non x86 folder for Program Files (you won't even have a x86 folder).
Once you have placed the .xml file in your plugins folder, you need to start up MUSHclient and crack open your world to install the plugin.
Inside MUSHclient, first click on File, and then click on Plugins... to bring up the Plugins manager window.
For this example, I'm going to use an alias I created that allows you to send a command multiple times.
The alias/trigger will be presented in an XML format, as shown below:
match="#* *"
<send>local i
for i = 1, %1 do
All you need to do for this step is highlight the above text, and copy it to clipboard, either by right clicking and selecting Copy or by pressing Ctrl + C on your keyboard.
/walks out
It looks something like this:
I know someone asked for something like this some time earlier on, but hey, better late then never. Additionally I imagine it'll work with any IRE game as they all use the same format for their map display.
The results have been mighty impressive thus far, and it looks something like this:
If you happen to be a rare one of the few that use MUSHclient and have a G15 keyboard, then I highly suggest looking at this thread. Or perhaps you're from another game and want to modify the code for your own needs!
I'm going to include my own plugin which I'm using to generate the above, but it won't work as a stand alone. You'll need to modify it to get it working for your own needs.